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Orthopedic Specialists of New York
Orthopedic Specialists of New York
New York
A condition that is characterized by a decrease in bone mass and density, causing bones to become fragile.
Convulsions; sudden, involuntary movements of the muscles.
* A disorder characterized by muscle twitches, cramps, and carpopedal spasm, and when severe, laryngospasm and seizures. This condition is associated with unstable depolarization of axonal membranes, primarily in the peripheral nervous system. Tetany usually results from HYPOCALCEMIA or reduced serum levels of MAGNESIUM that may be associated with HYPERVENTILATION; HYPOPARATHYROIDISM; RICKETS; UREMIA; or other conditions.
* A fibromatosis of the palmar fascia characterized by thickening and contracture of the fibrous bands on the palmar surfaces of the hand and fingers. It arises most commonly in men between the ages of 30 and 50.
* A form of panniculitis characterized by recurrent episodes of fever accompanied by the eruption of single or multiple erythematous subcutaneous nodules on the lower extremities. They normally resolve, but tend to leave depressions in the skin. The condition is most often seen in women, alone or in association with other disorders.
* A fracture in which union fails to occur, the ends of the bone becoming rounded and eburnated, and a false joint occurs.
* A fulminating group A streptococcal infection beginning with severe or extensive cellulitis that spreads to involve the superficial and deep fascia, producing thrombosis of the subcutaneous vessels and gangrene of the underlying tissues. A cutaneous lesion usually serves as a portal of entry for the infection, but sometimes no such lesion is found.
* A hallucination is a false sensory perception in the absence of an external stimulus, as distinct from an illusion which is a misperception of an external stimulus.
* A heterogeneous group of inherited COLLAGEN DISEASES. The most common manifestations of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome are hyperextensible skin and joints, skin fragility and reduced wound healing capability.
* A lesion with cytological characteristics associated with invasive carcinoma but the tumor cells are confined to the epithelium of origin, without invasion of the basement membrane.
* A particular type of FEMUR HEAD NECROSIS occurring in children, mainly male, with a course of four years or so.
* A profound state of unconsciousness associated with depressed cerebral activity from which the individual cannot be aroused. Coma generally occurs when there is dysfunction or injury involving both cerebral hemispheres or the brain stem RETICULAR FORMATION.
* A rare autosomal dominant condition in which there is defective ossification of the cranial bones with large fontanels and delayed closing of the sutures, complete or partial absence of the clavicles, wide pubic symphysis, short middle phalanges of the fifth fingers, and dental and vertebral anomalies.
* A rise in body temperature above the normal, often as a response to infection. Reference(s): GO:jl
* A sensation of cold that often marks the start of an infection and the development of a fever.
* A spontaneous loss of consciousness caused by insufficient blood to the brain.
* A state of unresponsiveness from which the subject can be aroused only by vigorous and repeated stimuli.
* A syndrome characterized by abdominal wall musculature deficiency, cryptorchism, and urinary tract abnormalities. The syndrome derives its name from its characteristic distended abdomen with wrinkled skin.
* A syndrome characterized by persistent or recurrent fatigue, diffuse musculoskeletal pain, sleep disturbances,
* A syndrome characterized by severe burning pain in an extremity accompanied by sudomotor, vasomotor, and trophic changes in bone without an associated specific nerve injury. This condition is most often precipitated by trauma to soft tissue or nerve complexes. The skin over the affected region is usually erythematous and demonstrates hypersensitivity to tactile stimuli and erythema.
* A syndrome of hypoplasia or aplasia of the abdominal muscle, presenting a thin, loose, wrinkled and shriveled (prunelike) abdominal wall, with furrowlike umbilicus, and other anomalies, including persistent urachus, pigeon breast deformity, and a variety of gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, urogenital, and skeletal abnormalities. Prune belly syndrome may occur with or without pulmonic stenosis, deafness, and mental retardation. Distention of the bladder and urethra in utero is considered as a possible cause of abdominal overdistention.
* A SYNOVIAL CYST located in the back of the knee, in the popliteal space arising from the semimembranous bursa or the knee joint.
* A transient loss of consciousness and postural tone caused by diminished blood flow to the brain (i.e., BRAIN ISCHEMIA). Presyncope refers to the sensation of lightheadedness and loss of strength that precedes a syncopal event or accompanies an incomplete syncope.
* A type of osteochondritis in which articular cartilage and associated bone becomes partially or totally detached to form joint loose bodies. Affects mainly the knee, ankle, and elbow joints.
* A vague complaint of debility, fatigue, or exhaustion attributable to weakness of various muscles. The weakness can be characterized as subacute or chronic, often progressive, and is a manifestation of many muscle and neuromuscular diseases.
* Abnormal appreciation of the taste of foodstuffs, can be related to decreased sense of smell.
* Abnormal high body temperature.
* Abnormal increase in the interorbital distance due to overdevelopment of the lesser wings of the sphenoid.
* Abnormally increased convexity in the curvature of the thoracic spine as viewed from the side.
* Absence of the sense of smell.
* Alterations or deviations from normal shape or size which result in a disfigurement of the foot occurring at or before birth.
* An abnormal elevation of body temperature, usually as a result of a pathologic process.
* An acquired disease of unknown etiology, chronic course, and tendency to recur. It is characterized by inflammation and degeneration of cartilage and can result in deformities such as floppy ear and saddle nose. Loss of cartilage in the respiratory tract can lead to respiratory obstruction.
* An asymptomatic, autosomal dominant trait in which pea-sized sclerotic spots, prominent in the metaphyseal area, are accompanied by unique cutaneous lesions. These are yellowish papules or plaques with increased elastin content.
* An autosomal dominant disorder characterized by acrocephaly, exophthalmos, hypertelorism, strabismus, parrot-beaked nose, and hypoplastic maxilla with relative mandibular prognathism.
* An autosomal dominant disorder that is the most frequent form of short-limb dwarfism. Affected individuals exhibit short stature caused by rhizomelic shortening of the limbs, characteristic facies with frontal bossing and mid-face hypoplasia, exaggerated lumbar lordosis, limitation of elbow extension, genu varum, and trident hand.
* An illusion of movement, either of the external world revolving around the individual or of the individual revolving in space. Vertigo may be associated with disorders of the inner ear (LABYRINTH); VESTIBULAR NERVE; BRAINSTEM; or CEREBRAL CORTEX. Lesions in the TEMPORAL LOBE and PARIETAL LOBE may be associated with FOCAL SEIZURES that may feature vertigo as an ictal manifestation.
* An involuntary contraction of a muscle or group of muscles. Spasms may involve skeletal muscle (MUSCLE, SKELETAL) or smooth muscle (MUSCLE, SMOOTH).
A bad taste in the mouth.
A benign cystic tumor occurring on an aponeurosis or tendon, as in the wrist or dorsum of the foot; it consists of a thin fibrous capsule enclosing a clear mucinous fluid.- Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary
A bony outgrowth on the lower surface of the CALCANEUS. Though often presenting along with plantar fasciitis (FASCIITIS, PLANTAR), they are not considered causally related.
A broken bone caused by disease, often by the spread of cancer to the bone.
A change from the patient's baseline sleeping pattern, either an increase or a decrease in the number of hours slept. This can also refer to alterations in the stages of sleep.
A chronic, relapsing, inflammatory, and often febrile multisystemic disorder of connective tissue, characterized principally by involvement of the skin, joints, kidneys, and serosal membranes. It is of unknown etiology, but is thought to represent a failure of the regulatory mechanisms of the autoimmune system. The disease is marked by a wide range of system dysfunctions, an elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and the formation of LE cells in the blood or bone marrow.
A common congenital midline defect of fusion of the vertebral arch without protrusion of the spinal cord or meninges. The lesion is also covered by skin. L5 and S1 are the most common vertebrae involved. The condition may be associated with an overlying area of hyperpigmented skin, a dermal sinus, or an abnormal patch of hair. The majority of individuals with this malformation are asymptomatic although there is an increased incidence of tethered cord syndrome and lumbar SPONDYLOSIS.
A complex systemic syndrome with inflammatory and autoimmune components that affect the skin, fascia, muscle, nerve, blood vessels, lung, and heart. Diagnostic features generally include EOSPINOPHILIA, myalgia
A complication of multiple rib fractures, rib and sternum fractures, or thoracic surgery. A portion of the chest wall becomes isolated from the thoracic cage and exhibits paradoxical respiration.
A condition caused by degenerative arthritis (see OSTEOARTHRITIS) of the METATARSOPHALANGEAL JOINT of the great toe and characterized by pain and limited dorsiflexion, but relatively unrestricted plantar flexion.
A condition characterized by alterations of the sense of taste which may range from mild to severe, including gross distortions of taste quality.
A condition characterized by neck stiffness, headache, and other symptoms suggestive of meningeal irritation, but without actual inflammation of the meninges (MENINGITIS). Spinal fluid pressure may be elevated but spinal fluid is normal.
A condition characterized by pain in or near the lateral humeral epicondyle or in the forearm extensor muscle mass as a result of unusual strain. It occurs in tennis players as well as housewives, artisans, and violinists.
A condition characterized by pain radiating from the back into the buttock and posterior/lateral aspects of the leg. Sciatica may be a manifestation of SCIATIC NEUROPATHY; RADICULOPATHY (involving the L4, L5, S1 or S2 SPINAL NERVE ROOTS; often associated with INTERVERTEBRAL DISK DISPLACEMENT); or lesions of the CAUDA EQUINA.
A condition characterized by shortness of the neck resulting from reduction in the number of vertebrae or the fusion of multiple hemivertebrae into one osseous mass. The hairline is low and the motion of the neck is limited.
A condition of reduced bone mass, with decreased cortical thickness and a decrease in the number and size of the trabeculae of cancellous bone (but normal chemical composition), resulting in increased fracture incidence. Osteoporosis is classified as primary (Type 1, postmenopausal osteoporosis; Type 2, age-associated osteoporosis; and idiopathic, which can affect juveniles, premenopausal women, and middle-aged men) and secondary osteoporosis (which results from an identifiable cause of bone mass loss).
A condition that is characterized by a decrease in bone mass and density, causing bones to become fragile.
A congenital abnormality characterized by the elevation of the DIAPHRAGM dome. It is the result of a thinned diaphragmatic muscle and injured PHRENIC NERVE, allowing the intra-abdominal viscera to push the diaphragm upward against the LUNG.
A congenital anomaly of the hand or foot, marked by the presence of supernumerary digits.
A congenital anomaly of the hand or foot, marked by the webbing between adjacent fingers or toes. Syndactylies are classified as complete or incomplete by the degree of joining. Syndactylies can also be simple or complex. Simple syndactyly indicates joining of only skin or soft tissue; complex syndactyly marks joining of bony elements.
A congenital defect with major fissure in the ABDOMINAL WALL lateral to, but not at, the UMBILICUS. This results in the extrusion of VISCERA. Unlike OMPHALOCELE, herniated structures in gastroschisis are not covered by a sac or PERITONEUM.
A deformed foot in which the foot is plantarflexed, inverted and adducted.
A developmental anomaly in which the lower sternum is posteriorly dislocated and concavely deformed, resulting in a funnel-shaped thorax.
A developmental deformity of the occipital bone and upper end of the cervical spine, in which the latter appears to have pushed the floor of the occipital bone upward.
A disease characterized by bony deposits or the ossification of muscle tissue.
A disease marked by repeated episodes of increased bone resorption followed by excessive attempts at repair, resulting in weakened, deformed bones of increased mass. The resultant architecture of the bone assumes a mosaic pattern in which the fibers take on a haphazard pattern instead of the normal parallel symmetry.
A disease of elderly men characterized by large osteophytes that bridge vertebrae and ossification of ligaments and tendon insertions.
A dulled or reduced level of alertness or consciousness.
A subacute or chronic inflammatory disease of muscle and skin, marked by proximal muscle weakness and a characteristic skin rash. The illness occurs with approximately equal frequency in children and adults. The skin lesions usually take the form of a purplish rash (or less often an exfoliative dermatitis) involving the nose, cheeks, forehead, upper trunk, and arms. The disease is associated with a complement mediated intramuscular microangiopathy, leading to loss of capillaries, muscle ischemia, muscle-fiber necrosis, and perifascicular atrophy. The childhood form of this disease tends to evolve into a systemic vasculitis. Dermatomyositis may occur in association with malignant neoplasms.
A symptom, not a disease, of a twisted neck. In most instances, the head is tipped toward one side and the chin rotated toward the other. The involuntary muscle contractions in the neck region of patients with torticollis can be due to congenital defects, trauma, inflammation, tumors, and neurological or other factors.
A syndrome in the elderly characterized by proximal joint and muscle pain, high erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and a self-limiting course. Pain is usually accompanied by evidence of an inflammatory reaction. Women are affected twice as commonly as men and Caucasians more frequently than other groups. The condition is frequently associated with TEMPORAL ARTERITIS and some theories pose the possibility that the two diseases arise from a single etiology or even that they are the same entity.
Abnormal involuntary movements
Abnormal posture
Abnormality of gait
Abrasion or friction burn of fingers infected
Abrasion or friction burn of fingers without infection
Abrasion or friction burn of shoulder and upper arm infected
Abrasion or friction burn of shoulder and upper arm without infection
Absence of vertebra congenital
Accessory carpal bones
Accessory muscle
Accident to watercraft causing submersion
Achilles bursitis or tendinitis
Acquired deformities
Acquired musculoskeletal deformity of other specified site
Acquired spondylolisthesis
Acromioclavicular (joint) (ligament) sprain
Acute or chronic pain located in the posterior regions of the THORAX; LUMBOSACRAL REGION; or the adjacent regions.
Acute osteomyelitis
Adhesive capsulitis of shoulder
Adolescent postural kyphosis
Allergic arthritis
Alteration of consciousness
Alteration of consciousness other
Aneurysmal bone cyst
ankle and foot
Ankle sprain
Ankylosing spondylitis
Ankylosing spondylitis and other inflammatory spondylopathies
Ankylosing vertebral hyperostosis
Ankylosis of joint
Anomaly of abdominal wall unspecified
anterior cruciate ligament
Anterior dislocation of tibia proximal end closed
Anterior dislocation of tibia proximal end open
Arrest of bone development or growth
Arthritis caused by bacteria, rickettsiae, mycoplasmas, viruses, fungi, or parasites. Bacterial arthritis is frequently caused by Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, and Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Viral arthritis is less common than bacterial arthritis and may be a manifestation of such viral diseases as mumps, rubella, hepatitis, etc.
Arthritis of the spine, specifically involving the intervertebral articulations.
Arthropathy associated with helminthiasis
Arthropathy associated with mycoses
Arthropathy associated with other bacterial diseases
Arthropathy associated with other disorders classified elsewhere
Arthropathy associated with other infectious and parasitic diseases
Arthropathy associated with other viral diseases
Arthropathy associated with reiter's disease and nonspecific urethritis
Arthropathy in behcet's syndrome
Articular cartilage disorder
Aseptic necrosis of bone
Aseptic necrosis of bone site unspecified
Aseptic necrosis of head and neck of femur
Aseptic necrosis of head of humerus
Aseptic necrosis of medial femoral condyle
Aseptic necrosis of other bone sites
Aseptic necrosis of talus
Autosomal dominant COLLAGEN DISEASES resulting from defective biosynthesis of COLLAGEN TYPE I and characterized by brittle, osteoporotic, and easily fractured bones. It may also present with blue sclerae, loose joints, and imperfect dentin formation. There are four major types, I-IV.
Awkward, uncoordinated walking.
Backache unspecified
Benign growths of cartilage in the metaphyses of several bones.
Benign hypertrophy that projects outward from the surface of bone, often containing a cartilaginous component.
Benign neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage
Benign unilocular lytic areas in the proximal end of a long bone with well defined and narrow endosteal margins. The cysts contain fluid and the cyst walls may contain some giant cells. Bone cysts usually occur in males between the ages 3-15 years.
Bicipital tenosynovitis
Bimalleolar fracture closed
Bimalleolar fracture open
Bleeding into the joints. It may arise from trauma or spontaneously in patients with hemophilia.
Blister of fingers infected
Blister of fingers without infection
Blister of shoulder and upper arm infected
Blister of shoulder and upper arm without infection
Boutonniere deformity
Brachial neuritis or radiculitis nos
Calcaneal spur
Calcaneofibular (ligament) ankle sprain
Calcification and ossification unspecified
calcification of the posterior longitudinal ligament of the spinal column, usually at the level of the cervical spine. It is often associated with anterior ankylosing hyperostosis.
Calcifying tendinitis of shoulder
Calcium deposits in tendon and bursa
carcinoma in situ site unspecified
Cauliflower ear
Cavovarus deformity of foot acquired
Cavus deformity of foot acquired
Certain congenital musculoskeletal deformities
Cervical rib
Cervical spondylosis with myelopathy
Cervical spondylosis without myelopathy
Cervicocranial syndrome
Chondrocalcinosis due to dicalcium phosphate crystals
Chondrocalcinosis due to pyrophosphate crystals
Chondrodysplasia of long bones affecting mainly the distal ends of extremities and resulting in short-limb dwarfism, hexadactyly of the fingers and less frequently the toes; ectodermal dysplasia with nail and hair abnormalities, and congenital heart defects. Associated abnormalities may include cryptorchidism, epispadias, talipes equinovalgus, and Dandy-Walker syndrome (absence of cerebellar vermis, hydrocephalus, and posterior fossa cyst continuous with the fourth ventricle). Some patients are retarded. The largest pedigree was observed in Old Order Amish in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania and some cases were reported in Australian Aborigines.
Chondroectodermal dysplasia
Chondromalacia of patella
Chondrosternal (joint) sprain
chronic disorder marked by hardening and thickening of the skin. Scleroderma can be localized or it can affect the entire body (systemic).
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)
Chronic inflammatory and autoimmune disease in which the salivary and lacrimal glands undergo progressive destruction by lymphocytes and plasma cells resulting in decreased production of saliva and tears. The primary form, often called sicca syndrome, involves both KERATOCONJUNCTIVITIS SICCA and XEROSTOMIA. The secondary form includes, in addition, the presence of a connective tissue disease, usually rheumatoid arthritis.
chronic inflammatory connective tissue disease marked by skin rashes, joint pain and swelling, inflammation of the kidneys, inflammation of the fibrous tissue surrounding the heart (i.e., the pericardium), as well as other problems. Not all affected individuals display all of these problems.
chronic multi-system disorder of CONNECTIVE TISSUE. It is characterized by SCLEROSIS in the SKIN, the LUNGS, the HEART, the GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT, the KIDNEYS, and the MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM. Other important features include diseased small BLOOD VESSELS and AUTOANTIBODIES. The disorder is named for its most prominent feature (hard skin), and classified into subsets by the extent of skin thickening: LIMITED SCLERODERMA and DIFFUSE SCLERODERMA.
Chronic osteomyelitis
clavicular hypoplasia or agenesis with a narrow thorax, allowing approximation the shoulders in front of the chest occurring with delayed ossification of the skull, excessively large fontanelles, and delayed closing of the sutures. The fontanelles may remain open until adulthood, but the sutures often close with interposition of wormian bones. Bosses of the frontal, parietal, and occipital regions give the skull a large globular shape with small face. "Arnold head"
Claw foot acquired
Claw hand (acquired)
Claw toe (acquired)
Cleft hand congenital
Climacteric arthritis
Clinical or subclinical disturbances of cortical function due to a sudden, abnormal, excessive, and disorganized discharge of brain cells. Clinical manifestations include abnormal motor, sensory and psychic phenomena. Recurrent seizures are usually referred to as EPILEPSY or "seizure disorder."
Clinical sign or symptom manifested as debility, or lack or loss of strength and energy.
Closed anterior dislocation of elbow
Closed anterior dislocation of humerus
Closed dislocation
Closed fracture
Closed inferior dislocation of humerus
Closed lateral dislocation of elbow
Closed medial dislocation of elbow
Closed obturator dislocation of hip
Closed posterior dislocation of elbow
Closed posterior dislocation of hip
Closed posterior dislocation of humerus
Club hand acquired
Clubbing of fingers
Colles' fracture closed
Colles' fracture open
Complete rupture of rotator cuff
Conditions characterized by disturbances of usual sleep patterns or behaviors. Sleep disorders may be divided into three major categories: DYSSOMNIAS (i.e. disorders characterized by insomnia or hypersomnia), PARASOMNIAS (abnormal sleep behaviors), and sleep disorders secondary to medical or psychiatric disorders.
Congenital absence of muscle and tendon
Congenital anomalies of abdominal wall
Congenital anomalies of diaphragm
Congenital anomalies of foot not elsewhere classified
Congenital anomalies of skull and face bones
Congenital anomalies of spine
Congenital anomaly of spine unspecified
Congenital bowing of femur
Congenital bowing of tibia and fibula
Congenital bowing of unspecified long bones of leg
Congenital defects of closure of one or more vertebral arches, which may be associated with malformations of the spinal cord, nerve roots, congenital fibrous bands, lipomas, and congenital cysts. These malformations range from mild (e.g., SPINA BIFIDA OCCULTA) to severe, including rachischisis where there is complete failure of neural tube and spinal cord fusion, resulting in exposure of the spinal cord at the surface. Spinal dysraphism includes all forms of spina bifida. The open form is called SPINA BIFIDA CYSTICA and the closed form is SPINA BIFIDA OCCULTA.
Congenital deformity of clavicle
Congenital deformity of knee (joint)
Congenital dislocation of hip
Congenital dislocation of hip bilateral
Congenital dislocation of hip unilateral
Congenital dislocation of knee (with genu recurvatum)
Congenital dislocation of one hip with subluxation of other hip
Congenital dislocation of the hip generally includes subluxation of the femoral head, acetabular dysplasia, and complete dislocation of the femoral head from the true acetabulum. This condition occurs in approximately 1 in 1000 live births and is more common in females than in males.
Congenital elevation of scapula
Congenital genu recurvatum and bowing of long bones of leg
Congenital metatarsus primus varus
Congenital metatarsus varus
Congenital musculoskeletal deformities of skull face and jaw
Congenital musculoskeletal deformities of spine
Congenital musculoskeletal deformities of sternocleidomastoid muscle
Congenital osteodystrophies
Congenital osteodystrophy unspecified
Congenital pes planus
Congenital reduction deformities of lower limb
Congenital reduction deformities unspecified limb
Congenital spondylolysis lumbosacral region
Congenital structural abnormalities of the LOWER EXTREMITY.
Congenital structural abnormalities of the UPPER EXTREMITY.
Congenital structural deformities of the upper and lower extremities collectively or unspecified.
Congenital subluxation of hip bilateral
Congenital subluxation of hip unilateral
Congenital talipes equinovarus
Congenital talipes valgus
Congenital talipes varus
Congenital valgus deformities of feet
Congenital varus deformities of feet
Contracture of joint
Contracture of palmar fascia
Contracture of tendon (sheath)
Contusion of upper limb
Coracoclavicular (ligament) sprain
Coracohumeral (ligament) sprain
Coxa valga (acquired)
Coxa valga congenital
Coxa vara (acquired)
Coxa vara congenital
Cramp of limb
Craniostenosis characterized by acrocephaly and syndactyly, probably occurring as an autosomal dominant trait and usually as a new mutation.
Crushing injury of upper limb
Cubitus valgus (acquired)
Cubitus varus (acquired)
Curvature of spine
Curvature of spine associated with other conditions
Cyclical movement of a body part that can represent either a physiologic process or a manifestation of disease. Intention or action tremor, a common manifestation of CEREBELLAR DISEASES, is aggravated by movement. In contrast, resting tremor is maximal when there is no attempt at voluntary movement, and occurs as a relatively frequent manifestation of PARKINSON DISEASE.
Cyst of bone
Cyst of bone (localized) unspecified
Death of a bone or part of a bone, either atraumatic or posttraumatic.
Death of bone tissue due to traumatic or nontraumatic causes. --2004
Deformities of the nose acquired after birth from injury or disease.
Degeneration of cervical intervertebral disc
degeneration of the ARTICULAR CARTILAGE of the PATELLA, caused by a decrease in sulfated MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDES in the ground substance. When accompanied by pain, it is sometimes considered part of or confused with PATELLOFEMORAL PAIN SYNDROME.
Deltoid (ligament) ankle sprain
Derangement in size and number of muscle fibers occurring with aging, reduction in blood supply, or following immobilization, prolonged weightlessness, malnutrition, and particularly in denervation.
Derangement of anterior horn of medial meniscus
Derangement of lateral meniscus
Derangement of posterior horn of medial meniscus
Developmental dislocation of joint
Deviations of the spine from its normal direction or position.
Diastasis of muscle
Difficulty in going to sleep or getting enough sleep.
Difficulty in walking
Diminished ability to smell.
Diminished ability to taste.
Discomfort or more intense forms of pain that are localized to the cervical region. This term generally refers to pain in the posterior or lateral regions of the neck.
Diseases characterized by inflammation involving multiple muscles. This may occur as an acute or chronic condition associated with medication toxicity (DRUG TOXICITY, NERVOUS SYSTEM); CONNECTIVE TISSUE DISEASES; infections; malignant NEOPLASMS; and other disorders. The term polymyositis is frequently used to refer to a specific clinical entity characterized by subacute or slowly progressing symmetrical weakness primarily affecting the proximal limb and trunk muscles. The illness may occur at any age, but is most frequent in the fourth to sixth decade of life. Weakness of pharyngeal and laryngeal muscles, interstitial lung disease, and inflammation of the myocardium may also occur. Muscle biopsy reveals widespread destruction of segments of muscle fibers and an inflammatory cellular response.
Disorder of bone and cartilage unspecified
Disorders of bursae and tendons in shoulder region unspecified
Disorders of coccyx
Disorders of muscle ligament and fascia
Disorders of sacrum
Displacement of cervical intervertebral disc without myelopathy
Displacement of the femur bone from its normal position at the HIP JOINT.
Displacement of thoracic or lumbar intervertebral disc without myelopathy
Disruption of 24 hour sleep wake cycle, unspecified
disruption of posterior cruciate ligament
Disturbances of sensation of smell and taste
Disuse osteoporosis
Dizziness and giddiness
Drying and inflammation of the conjunctiva as a result of insufficient lacrimal secretion. When found in association with XEROSTOMIA and polyarthritis, it is called SJOGREN'S SYNDROME.
Dwarfism occurring in association with defective development of skin, hair, and teeth, polydactyly, and defect of the cardiac septum.
Dysfunctions associated with sleep stages or arousal from sleep
Early satiety
Effusion of joint
Ehlers-danlos syndrome
Elevation of body temperature above the normal; pyrexia. It may be due to such physiological stress as ovulation, excess thyroid hormone secretions, vigorous exercise, central nervous system lesions, or to infection by microorganisms, or to a host of noninfectious processes, as that accompanying inflammation or resulting from release of pyrogenic materials, as in leukemia.
Enthesopathy of ankle and tarsus
Enthesopathy of ankle and tarsus unspecified
Enthesopathy of elbow region
Enthesopathy of elbow unspecified
Enthesopathy of hip region
Enthesopathy of knee
Enthesopathy of knee unspecified
Enthesopathy of unspecified site
Enthesopathy of wrist and carpus
Eosinophilia myalgia syndrome
Equinus deformity of foot acquired
Excessive crying of infant (baby)
Excessive formation of dense trabecular bone leading to pathological fractures, OSTEITIS, SPLENOMEGALY with infarct, ANEMIA, and extramedullary hemopoiesis
Excessive periodic leg movements during sleep that cause micro-arousals and interfere with the maintenance of sleep. This condition induces a state of relative sleep deprivation which manifests as excessive daytime hypersomnolence. The movements are characterized by repetitive contractions of the tibialis anterior muscle, extension of the toe, and intermittent flexion of the hip, knee and ankle.
Exhaustion that interferes with physical and mental activities.
Exostosis of unspecified site
Facial weakness
Fasciitis unspecified
Fatigue is that state, following a period of mental or bodily activity, characterized by a lessened capacity for work and reduced efficiency of accomplishment, usually accompanied by a feeling of weariness, sleepiness, or irritability.
Febrile convulsions
Fever in which the etiology cannot be ascertained.
Fibrous, bony, cartilaginous and osteocartilaginous fragments in a synovial joint. Major causes are osteochondritis dissecans, synovial chondromatosis, osteophytes, fractured articular surfaces and damaged menisci.
Fibular collateral ligament bursitis
Flail chest
Flat foot
Foot sprain
Foreign body granuloma of muscle
Fracture of anatomical neck of humerus closed
Fracture of anatomical neck of humerus open
Fracture of ankle
Fracture of astragalus closed
Fracture of astragalus open
Fracture of base of neck of femur closed
Fracture of base of neck of femur open
Fracture of calcaneus closed
Fracture of calcaneus open
Fracture of carpal bone(s)
Fracture of clavicle
Fracture of coronoid process of ulna closed
Fracture of coronoid process of ulna open
Fracture of cuboid bone closed
Fracture of cuboid bone open
Fracture of cuneiform bone of foot closed
Fracture of cuneiform bone of foot open
Fracture of distal end of ulna (alone) closed
Fracture of distal end of ulna (alone) open
Fracture of epiphysis (separation) (upper) of neck of femur closed
Fracture of epiphysis (separation) (upper) of neck of femur open
Fracture of femoral condyle closed
Fracture of femoral condyle open
Fracture of greater tuberosity of humerus closed
Fracture of greater tuberosity of humerus open
Fracture of head of radius closed
Fracture of head of radius open
Fracture of humerus
Fracture of intertrochanteric section of femur closed
Fracture of intertrochanteric section of femur open
Fracture of lateral condyle of humerus closed
Fracture of lateral condyle of humerus open
Fracture of lateral malleolus closed
Fracture of lateral malleolus open
Fracture of lower end of femur closed
Fracture of lower end of femur open
Fracture of lower end of femur unspecified part closed
Fracture of lower end of femur unspecified part open
Fracture of lower end of humerus closed
Fracture of lower end of humerus open
Fracture of lower end of radius and ulna closed
Fracture of lower end of radius and ulna open
Fracture of lower end of radius with ulna closed
Fracture of lower end of radius with ulna open
Fracture of lower epiphysis of femur closed
Fracture of lower epiphysis of femur open
Fracture of medial condyle of humerus closed
Fracture of medial condyle of humerus open
Fracture of medial malleolus closed
Fracture of medial malleolus open
Fracture of metacarpal bone(s)
Fracture of metatarsal bone(s) closed
Fracture of metatarsal bone(s) open
Fracture of midcervical section of femur closed
Fracture of midcervical section of femur open
Fracture of navicular (scaphoid) bone of foot closed
Fracture of navicular (scaphoid) bone of foot open
Fracture of neck of femur
Fracture of neck of radius closed
Fracture of neck of radius open
Fracture of olecranon process of ulna closed
Fracture of olecranon process of ulna open
Fracture of one or more phalanges of hand
Fracture of one or more tarsal and metatarsal bones
Fracture of other and unspecified parts of femur
Fracture of other tarsal and metatarsal bones closed
Fracture of other tarsal and metatarsal bones open
Fracture of patella
Fracture of pelvis
Fracture of radius and ulna
Fracture of radius with ulna upper end (any part) closed
Fracture of radius with ulna upper end (any part) open
Fracture of rib(s) sternum larynx and trachea
Fracture of scapula
Fracture of shaft of femur closed
Fracture of shaft of femur open
Fracture of shaft of humerus closed
Fracture of shaft of humerus open
Fracture of shaft of radius (alone) closed
Fracture of shaft of radius (alone) open
Fracture of shaft of radius and ulna closed
Fracture of shaft of radius and ulna open
Fracture of shaft of radius or ulna unspecified closed
Fracture of shaft of radius or ulna unspecified open
Fracture of shaft of radius with ulna closed
Fracture of shaft of radius with ulna open
Fracture of shaft of tibia and fibula closed
Fracture of shaft of tibia and fibula open
Fracture of shaft of ulna (alone) closed
Fracture of shaft of ulna (alone) open
Fracture of shaft or unspecified part of femur closed
Fracture of shaft or unspecified part of femur open
Fracture of shaft or unspecified part of humerus open
Fracture of skull
Fracture of subtrochanteric section of femur closed
Fracture of subtrochanteric section of femur open
Fracture of surgical neck of humerus closed
Fracture of surgical neck of humerus open
Fracture of tibia and fibula
Fracture of unspecified bone(s) of foot (except toes) closed
Fracture of unspecified bone(s) of foot (except toes) open
Fracture of unspecified condyle(s) of humerus closed
Fracture of unspecified condyle(s) of humerus open
Fracture of unspecified intracapsular section of neck of femur closed
Fracture of unspecified intracapsular section of neck of femur open
Fracture of unspecified part of femur closed
Fracture of unspecified part of femur open
Fracture of unspecified part of forearm open
Fracture of unspecified part of humerus closed
Fracture of unspecified part of humerus open
Fracture of unspecified part of lower end of humerus closed
Fracture of unspecified part of lower end of humerus open
Fracture of unspecified part of neck of femur closed
Fracture of unspecified part of neck of femur open
Fracture of unspecified part of radius (alone) closed
Fracture of unspecified part of radius (alone) open
Fracture of unspecified part of radius with ulna closed
Fracture of unspecified part of radius with ulna open
Fracture of unspecified part of tibia and fibula closed
Fracture of unspecified part of tibia and fibula open
Fracture of unspecified part of ulna (alone) closed
Fracture of unspecified part of ulna (alone) open
Fracture of unspecified part of upper end of humerus closed
Fracture of unspecified part of upper end of humerus open
Fracture of unspecified trochanteric section of femur closed
Fracture of unspecified trochanteric section of femur open
Fracture of upper end of humerus closed
Fracture of upper end of humerus open
Fracture of upper end of radius and ulna closed
Fracture of upper end of radius and ulna open
Fracture of upper end of tibia and fibula closed
Fracture of upper end of tibia and fibula open
Fracture of vertebral column with spinal cord injury
Fracture of vertebral column without mention of spinal cord injury
Fractures occurring as a result of disease of a bone or from some undiscoverable cause, and not due to trauma.
Fractures occurring as a result of disease of a bone or from some undiscoverable cause, and not due to trauma.
Fractures of the short, constricted portion of the thigh bone between the femur head and the trochanters. It excludes intertrochanteric fractures which are HIP FRACTURES.
Fusion of spine (vertebra) congenital
Fussy infant (baby)
Ganglion and cyst of synovium tendon and bursa
Ganglion of joint
Ganglion of tendon sheath
Ganglion unspecified
General symptoms
General term for inflammation of adipose tissue, usually of the skin, characterized by reddened subcutaneous nodules.
Generalized hyperhidrosis
generalized or localized
Genu recurvatum
Genu recurvatum (acquired)
Genu valgum (acquired)
Genu valgum or varum (acquired)
Genu varum (acquired)
Giant cell tumor of tendon sheath
Gross hypo- or aplasia of one or more long bones of one or more limbs. The concept includes amelia, hemimelia, and phocomelia.
Hallux malleus
Hallux rigidus
Hallux valgus (acquired)
Hallux varus (acquired)
Hand sprain
Historically, a heterogeneous group of acute and chronic diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, progressive systemic sclerosis, dermatomyositis, etc. This classification was based on the notion that "collagen" was equivalent to "connective tissue", but with the present recognition of the different types of collagen and the aggregates derived from them as distinct entities, the term "collagen diseases" now pertains exclusively to those inherited conditions in which the primary defect is at the gene level and affects collagen biosynthesis, post-translational modification, or extracellular processing directly.
Hyperextension injury to the neck, often the result of being struck from behind by a fast-moving vehicle, in an automobile accident.
Hypermobility of coccyx
Hypermobility syndrome
Hyperostosis of skull
Hypersomnia with sleep apnea, unspecified
Hypersomnia, unspecified
Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy
Hypertrophy of fat pad knee
ICD-9 Diagnosis
Idiopathic osteoporosis
Idiopathic painful nonsuppurative swellings of one or more costal cartilages, especially of the second rib. The anterior chest pain may mimic that of coronary artery disease.
Iliofemoral (ligament) sprain
Ill-defined fractures of bones of trunk
Impairment of the ability to perform smoothly coordinated voluntary movements. This condition may affect the limbs, trunk, eyes, pharynx, larynx, and other structures. Ataxia may result from impaired sensory or motor function. Sensory ataxia may result from posterior column injury or PERIPHERAL NERVE DISEASES. Motor ataxia may be associated with CEREBELLAR DISEASES; CEREBRAL CORTEX diseases; THALAMIC DISEASES; BASAL GANGLIA DISEASES; injury to the RED NUCLEUS; and other conditions.
Increase in the mass of bone per unit volume.
Infective myositis
Inflammation of a bursa, occasionally accompanied by a calcific deposit in the underlying supraspinatus tendon. The most common site is the subdeltoid bursa.
Inflammation of a synovial membrane. It is usually painful, particularly on motion, and is characterized by a fluctuating swelling due to effusion within a synovial sac.
Inflammation of a tendon sheath. Causes include trauma, tendon stress, bacterial disease (gonorrhea, tuberculosis), rheumatic disease, and gout. Common sites are the shoulder capsule, hip capsule, hamstring muscles, and Achilles tendon. The tendon sheaths become inflamed and painful, and accumulate fluid. Joint mobility is usually reduced. Friction rubs may be felt or heard (with a stethoscope) on movement. Calcium deposits may occur in the tendon and its sheath, leading to opacities on radiographs of the affected area.
Inflammation of bone and cartilage.
Inflammation of tendons and of tendon-muscle attachments.
Inflammation of the fascia. There are three major types: 1, Eosinophilic fasciitis, an inflammatory reaction with eosinophilia, producing hard thickened skin with an orange-peel configuration suggestive of scleroderma and considered by some a variant of scleroderma; 2, Necrotizing fasciitis (FASCIITIS, NECROTIZING), a serious fulminating infection (usually by a beta hemolytic streptococcus) causing extensive necrosis of superficial fascia; 3, Nodular/Pseudosarcomatous /Proliferative fasciitis, characterized by a rapid growth of fibroblasts with mononuclear inflammatory cells and proliferating capillaries in soft tissue, often the forearm; it is not malignant but is sometimes mistaken for fibrosarcoma.
Inflammation of the thick tissue on the bottom of the foot (plantar fascia) causing HEEL pain. The plantar fascia (also called plantar aponeurosis) are bands of fibrous tissue extending from the calcaneal tuberosity to the TOES. The HEEL SPUR
Inflammation of the tissues around a joint.
Infraspinatus (muscle) (tendon) sprain
Injury to anterior tibial artery
Injury to anterior tibial vein
Injury to axillary artery
Injury to axillary blood vessels
Injury to axillary vein
Injury to axillary vessel(s) unspecified
Injury to bladder and urethra with open wound into cavity
Injury to bladder and urethra without open wound into cavity
Injury to blood vessels of lower extremity and unspecified sites
Injury to blood vessels of unspecified site
Injury to blood vessels of upper extremity
Injury to brachial blood vessels
Injury to common femoral artery
Injury to deep plantar blood vessels
Injury to digital blood vessels
Injury to femoral veins
Injury to other specified blood vessels of lower extremity
Injury to other specified blood vessels of upper extremity
Injury to other specified pelvic organs with open wound into cavity
Injury to other specified pelvic organs without open wound into cavity
Injury to palmar artery
Injury to pelvic organs
Injury to popliteal artery
Injury to popliteal blood vessels
Injury to popliteal vein
Injury to popliteal vessel(s) unspecified
Injury to posterior tibial artery
Injury to posterior tibial vein
Injury to radial blood vessels
Injury to saphenous veins
Injury to superficial femoral artery
Injury to tibial blood vessels
Injury to tibial vessel(s) unspecified
Injury to ulnar blood vessels
Injury to unspecified blood vessel of lower extremity
Injury to unspecified blood vessel of upper extremity
Injury to unspecified pelvic organ with open wound into cavity
Injury to unspecified pelvic organ without open wound into cavity
Injury to ureter with open wound into cavity
Injury to ureter without open wound into cavity
Injury to uterus with open wound into cavity
Injury to uterus without open wound into cavity
Insect bite nonvenomous of fingers infected
Insect bite nonvenomous of fingers without infection
Insect bite nonvenomous of shoulder and upper arm infected
Insect bite nonvenomous of shoulder and upper arm without infection
Insomnia with sleep apnea, unspecified
Insomnia, unspecified
Internal derangement of knee
Interphalangeal (joint) toe sprain
Interstitial myositis
Intervertebral disc disorder with myelopathy
Intervertebral disc disorders
Involuntary contraction of the muscle fibers innervated by a motor unit. Fasciculations can often by visualized and take the form of a muscle twitch or dimpling under the skin, but usually do not generate sufficient force to move a limb. They may represent a benign condition or occur as a manifestation of MOTOR NEURON DISEASE or PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM DISEASES.
Ischiocapsular (ligament) sprain
Jaw sprain
juvenile chronic polyarthritis
Juvenile osteochondrosis of foot
Juvenile osteochondrosis of hip and pelvis
Juvenile osteochondrosis of lower extremity excluding foot
Juvenile osteochondrosis of spine
Juvenile osteochondrosis of upper extremity
Kaschin-beck disease
Kissing spine
Klippel-feil syndrome
Kyphoscoliosis and scoliosis
Kyphosis (acquired)
Kyphosis (acquired) (postural)
Kyphosis associated with other conditions
Kyphosis due to radiation
Kyphosis postlaminectomy
Lack of coordination
lateral collateral ligament
Lateral dislocation of tibia proximal end closed
Lateral dislocation of tibia proximal end open
Lateral epicondylitis
Laxity of ligament
Longitudinal deficiency carpals or metacarpals complete or partial (with or without incomplete phalangeal deficiency)
Longitudinal deficiency combined involving femur tibia and fibula (complete or incomplete)
Longitudinal deficiency combined involving humerus radius and ulna (complete or incomplete)
Longitudinal deficiency femoral complete or partial (with or without distal deficiencies incomplete)
Longitudinal deficiency fibular complete or partial (with or without distal deficiencies incomplete)
Longitudinal deficiency humeral complete or partial (with or without distal deficiencies incomplete)
Longitudinal deficiency of lower limb not elsewhere classified
Longitudinal deficiency of upper limb not elsewhere classified
Longitudinal deficiency phalanges complete or partial
Longitudinal deficiency radial complete or partial (with or without distal deficiencies incomplete)
Longitudinal deficiency radioulnar complete or partial (with or without distal deficiencies incomplete)
Longitudinal deficiency tarsals or metatarsals complete or partial (with or without incomplete phalangeal deficiency)
Longitudinal deficiency tibia complete or partial (with or without distal deficiencies incomplete)
Longitudinal deficiency tibiofibular complete or partial (with or without distal deficiencies incomplete)
Longitudinal deficiency ulnar complete or partial (with or without distal deficiencies incomplete)
Loose body in joint
Loose body in knee
Lordosis (acquired)
Lordosis (acquired) (postural)
Lordosis associated with other conditions
Lordosis postlaminectomy
Loss of height
Loss of muscle coordination.
lower leg
Lumbar sprain
Lumbosacral (joint) (ligament) sprain
Lumbosacral spondylosis without myelopathy
Macrodactylia (fingers)
Macrodactylia of toes
Madelung's deformity
Malaise and fatigue
Malignant melanoma of skin
Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage
Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage site unspecified
Malignant neoplasm of bones of skull and face except mandible
Malignant neoplasm of connective and other soft tissue
Malignant neoplasm of long bones of lower limb
Malignant neoplasm of mandible
Malignant neoplasm of pelvic bones sacrum and coccyx
Malignant neoplasm of ribs sternum and clavicle
Malignant neoplasm of scapula and long bones of upper limb
Malignant neoplasm of short bones of lower limb
Malignant neoplasm of short bones of upper limb
Malignant neoplasm of vertebral column excluding sacrum and coccyx
Mallet finger
Malunion and nonunion of fracture
Malunion of fracture
medial collateral ligament
Medial dislocation of tibia proximal end closed
Medial dislocation of tibia proximal end open
Medial epicondylitis
Memory loss
Metabolic disorder associated with fractures of the femoral neck, vertebrae, and distal forearm. It occurs commonly in women within 15-20 years after menopause, and is caused by factors associated with menopause including estrogen deficiency.
Metatarsaophalangeal (joint) sprain
mild form of LIMITED SCLERODERMA, a multi-system disorder. Its features include symptoms of CALCINOSIS; RAYNAUD DISEASE; ESOPHAGEAL MOTILITY DISORDERS; sclerodactyly, and TELANGIECTASIS. When the defect in esophageal function is not prominent, it is known as CRST syndrome.
Monteggia's fracture closed
Monteggia's fracture open
motor vehicle traffic accident
Motor vehicle traffic accident involving collision with train
Multiple and unspecified open wound of lower limb
Multiple and unspecified open wound of upper limb
Multiple and unspecified open wound of upper limb complicated
Multiple and unspecified open wound of upper limb with tendon involvement
Multiple and unspecified open wound of upper limb without complication
Multiple closed fractures of hand bones
Multiple closed pelvic fractures with disruption of pelvic circle
Multiple epiphyseal dysplasia
Multiple fractures of hand bones
Multiple open fractures of hand bones
Multiple open pelvic fractures with disruption of pelvic circle
multiple sites
Muscle weakness (generalized)
Muscular calcification and ossification
Muscular wasting and disuse atrophy not elsewhere classified
Myalgia and myositis unspecified
Neck sprain
Necrosis or disintegration of skeletal muscle often followed by myoglobinuria.
Necrotizing fasciitis
Neuralgia neuritis and radiculitis unspecified
Neurological neglect syndrome
Nodular tumor-like lesions or mucoid flesh, arising from tendon sheaths, LIGAMENTS, or JOINT CAPSULE, especially of the hands, wrists, or feet. They are not true cysts as they lack epithelial wall. They are distinguished from SYNOVIAL CYSTS by the lack of communication with a joint cavity or the SYNOVIAL MEMBRANE.
Nonallopathic lesions not elsewhere classified
Nonallopathic lesions of abdomen and other sites not elsewhere classified
Nonspecific abnormal findings on radiological and other examination of musculoskeletal system
Nontraumatic rupture of achilles tendon
Nontraumatic rupture of extensor tendons of hand and wrist
Nontraumatic rupture of flexor tendons of hand and wrist
Nontraumatic rupture of other tendon
Nontraumatic rupture of other tendons of foot and ankle
Nontraumatic rupture of patellar tendon
Nontraumatic rupture of quadriceps tendon
Nontraumatic rupture of tendons of biceps (long head)
Nontraumatic rupture of unspecified tendon
Nontraumatic slipped upper femoral epiphysis
Nonunion of fracture
Ocular torticollis
Olecranon bursitis
Open anterior dislocation of elbow
Open anterior dislocation of humerus
Open dislocation
Open dislocation cervical vertebra
Open dislocation cervical vertebra unspecified
Open dislocation vertebra unspecified site
Open fracture
Open fracture of acromial end of clavicle
Open fracture of acromial process of scapula
Open fracture of base of other metacarpal bone(s)
Open fracture of base of thumb (first) metacarpal
Open fracture of c1-c4 level with anterior cord syndrome
Open fracture of c1-c4 level with central cord syndrome
Open fracture of c1-c4 level with complete lesion of cord
Open fracture of c1-c4 level with other specified spinal cord injury
Open fracture of c1-c4 level with unspecified spinal cord injury
Open fracture of c5-c7 level with anterior cord syndrome
Open fracture of c5-c7 level with central cord syndrome
Open fracture of c5-c7 level with complete lesion of cord
Open fracture of c5-c7 level with other specified spinal cord injury
Open fracture of c5-c7 level with unspecified spinal cord injury
Open fracture of capitate bone (os magnum) of wrist
Open fracture of carpal bone unspecified
Open inferior dislocation of humerus
Open lateral dislocation of elbow
Open medial dislocation of elbow
Open obturator dislocation of hip
Open posterior dislocation of elbow
Open posterior dislocation of hip
Open posterior dislocation of humerus
Open wound of axillary region complicated
Open wound of axillary region with tendon involvement
Open wound of axillary region without complication
Open wound of back
Open wound of elbow complicated
Open wound of elbow forearm and wrist
Ossification of posterior longitudinal ligament in cervical region
Osteitis condensans
Osteitis deformans and osteopathies associated with other disorders classified elsewhere
Osteitis deformans in diseases classified elsewhere
Osteitis deformans without bone tumor
Osteoarthrosis and allied disorders
Osteoarthrosis localized secondary
Osteochondritis dissecans
Osteochondrosis of the vertebral epiphyses in children.
Osteogenesis imperfecta
Osteomyelitis periostitis and other infections involving bone
Osteonecrosis of the lunate.
Osteopathy resulting from poliomyelitis
Osteopathy resulting from poliomyelitis involving ankle and foot
Osteopathy resulting from poliomyelitis involving forearm
Osteopathy resulting from poliomyelitis involving hand
Osteopathy resulting from poliomyelitis involving lower leg
Osteopathy resulting from poliomyelitis involving multiple sites
Osteopathy resulting from poliomyelitis involving other specified sites
Osteopathy resulting from poliomyelitis involving pelvic region and thigh
Osteopathy resulting from poliomyelitis involving shoulder region
Osteopathy resulting from poliomyelitis involving unspecified site
Osteopathy resulting from poliomyelitis involving upper arm
Osteoporosis unspecified
Other acquired calcaneus deformity
Other acquired deformities of ankle and foot
Other acquired deformities of finger
Other acquired deformities of forearm excluding fingers
Other acquired deformities of hip
Other acquired deformities of knee
Other acquired deformities of limbs
Other acquired deformities of toe
Other acquired deformity of back or spine
Other acquired deformity of head
Other acquired deformity of head other specified deformity
Other acquired deformity of head unspecified deformity
Other acquired deformity of head zygomatic hyperplasia
Other acquired deformity of head zygomatic hypoplasia
Other acquired deformity of other parts of limb
Other acquired musculoskeletal deformity
Other affections of shoulder region not elsewhere classified
Other allied disorders of spine
Other and ill-defined sprains and strains
Other and unspecified closed fractures of proximal end of radius (alone)
Other and unspecified closed fractures of proximal end of ulna (alone)
Other and unspecified congenital anomalies of musculoskeletal system
Other and unspecified disorders of bone and cartilage
Other and unspecified open fractures of proximal end of radius (alone)
Other and unspecified open fractures of proximal end of ulna (alone)
Other ankle sprain
Other bone cyst
Other bursitis disorders
Other closed anterior dislocation of hip
Other closed fractures of distal end of radius (alone)
Other closed fractures of lower end of humerus
Other closed fractures of upper end of humerus
Other congenital anomalies of abdominal wall
Other congenital anomalies of limbs
Other congenital anomalies of lower limb including pelvic girdle
Other congenital anomalies of ribs and sternum
Other congenital anomalies of spine
Other congenital anomalies of toes
Other congenital anomalies of upper limb including shoulder girdle
Other congenital deformities of feet
Other congenital deformity of hip (joint)
Other congenital musculoskeletal anomalies
Other congenital osteodystrophies
Other congenital valgus deformities of feet
Other congenital varus deformities of feet
Other convulsions
Other curvatures of spine associated with other conditions
Other dislocation of knee closed
Other dislocation of knee open
Other disorders of bone and cartilage
Other disorders of cervical region
Other disorders of muscle ligament and fascia
Other disorders of soft tissues
Other disorders of synovium tendon and bursa
Other enthesopathy of ankle and tarsus
Other enthesopathy of elbow region
Other enthesopathy of knee
Other excessive crying
Other fibromatoses of muscle ligament and fascia
Other foot sprain
Other fracture of lower end of femur closed
Other fracture of lower end of femur open
Other fracture of lower end of humerus open
Other fracture of tarsal and metatarsal bones closed
Other fractures of tarsal and metatarsal bones open
Other ganglion and cyst of synovium tendon and bursa
Other general symptoms
Other hammer toe (acquired)
Other hand sprain
Other infections involving ankle and foot bone in diseases classified elsewhere
Other infections involving bone in diseases classified elsewhere
Other infections involving bone in diseases classified elsewhere site unspecified
Other infections involving bone of multiple sites in diseases classified elsewhere
Other infections involving bone of other specified sites in diseases classified elsewhere
Other infections involving bone of pelvic region and thigh in diseases classified elsewhere
Other infections involving bone of shoulder region in diseases classified elsewhere
Other infections involving forearm bone in diseases classified elsewhere
Other infections involving hand bone in diseases classified elsewhere
Other infections involving lower leg bone in diseases classified elsewhere
Other infections involving upper arm bone in diseases classified elsewhere
Other inflammatory spondylopathies
Other juvenile osteochondrosis
Other kyphoscoliosis and scoliosis
Other kyphosis acquired
Other lordosis acquired
Other malaise and fatigue
Other multiple and ill-defined dislocations
Other muscular calcification and ossification
Other musculoskeletal symptoms referable to limbs
Other open anterior dislocation of hip
Other open fracture of upper end of humerus
Other open fractures of distal end of radius (alone)
Other osteoporosis
Other peripheral enthesopathies
Other postsurgical lordosis
Other rupture of synovium
Other sleep disturbances
Other specific muscle disorders
Other specified congenital anomalies of muscle tendon fascia and connective tissue
Other specified congenital anomalies of unspecified limb
Other specified disorders of bursae and tendons in shoulder region
Other specified forms of osteochondropathy
Other specified nonteratogenic anomalies
Other specified sites of sacroiliac region sprain
Other specified sites of sprains and strains
Other sprain of sternum
Other symptoms involving nervous and musculoskeletal systems
Other synovitis and tenosynovitis
Other tear of cartilage or meniscus of knee current
Other tenosynovitis of hand and wrist
Other transcervical fracture of femur closed
Other transcervical fracture of femur open
Other wrist sprain
Paget's Disease is a disease of bone that initially results in the excessive resorption of bone (by osteoclasts) followed by the replacement of normal bone marrow with vascular and fibrous tissue.
Pain in joint
Pain in limb
Pain in the region of the METATARSUS. It can include pain in the METATARSAL BONES, METATARSOPHALANGEAL JOINT, and/or intermetatarsal joints (TARSAL JOINTS).
Palindromic rheumatism
Panniculitis affecting other sites
Panniculitis specified as affecting neck
Panniculitis unspecified
Panniculitis unspecified site
Patellar tendinitis
Pathologic fracture
Pathologic partial or complete loss of the ability to recall past experiences (AMNESIA, RETROGRADE) or to form new memories (AMNESIA, ANTEROGRADE). This condition may be of organic or psychologic origin. Organic forms of amnesia are usually associated with dysfunction of the DIENCEPHALON or HIPPOCAMPUS.
Pathological dislocation
Pathological fracture of distal radius and ulna
Pathological fracture of humerus
Pathological fracture of neck of femur
Pathological fracture of other specified part of femur
Pathological fracture of other specified site
Pathological fracture of tibia or fibula
Pathological fracture of vertebrae
Pathological fracture unspecified site
Pauciarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
Pectus carinatum
Pectus excavatum
Pelvic sprain
Periostitis without mention of osteomyelitis
Periostitis without osteomyelitis involving ankle and foot
Periostitis without osteomyelitis involving forearm
Peripheral enthesopathies and allied syndromes
Persistent flexure or contracture of a joint.
Persistent vegetative state
Pertrochanteric fracture of femur closed
Pertrochanteric fracture of femur open
Pes anserinus tendinitis or bursitis
pevlic area
Plantar fascial fibromatosis
Plica syndrome
Polydactyly of fingers
Polydactyly of toes
Polydactyly unspecified digits
Polymyalgia rheumatica
Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia of bone
Postdysenteric arthropathy
Posterior dislocation of tibia proximal end closed
Posterior dislocation of tibia proximal end open
Postlaminectomy syndrome
Postoperative heterotopic calcification
Premature closure of one or more sutures of the skull.
Prepatellar bursitis
Progressive infantile idiopathic scoliosis
Progressive myositis ossificans
Prune belly syndrome
Pyogenic arthritis
Radial collateral ligament sprain
Radial styloid tenosynovitis
Radiohumeral (joint) sprain
Radioulnar synostosis
Recurrent dislocation of joint
Reduction deformities of upper limb congenital
Reduction of bone mass without alteration in the composition of bone, leading to fractures. Primary osteoporosis can be of two major types: postmenopausal osteoporosis (OSTEOPOROSIS, POSTMENOPAUSAL) and age-related or senile osteoporosis.
Residual foreign body in soft tissue
Resolving infantile idiopathic scoliosis
Rheumatism unspecified and fibrositis
Rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory polyarthropathies
Rotator cuff (capsule) sprain
Rotator cuff syndrome of shoulder and allied disorders
Rupture of muscle nontraumatic
Rupture of synovium
Rupture of synovium unspecified
Rupture of tendon nontraumatic
Sacroiliac (ligament) sprain
Sacroiliitis not elsewhere classified
Sacrospinatus (ligament) sprain
Sacrotuberous (ligament) sprain
Schmorl's nodes
Scoliosis (and kyphoscoliosis) idiopathic
Scoliosis associated with other conditions
Scoliosis due to radiation
Seizures that occur during a febrile episode. It is a common condition, affecting 2-5% of children aged 3 months to five years. An autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance has been identified in some families. The majority are simple febrile seizures (generally defined as generalized onset, single seizures with a duration of less than 30 minutes). Complex febrile seizures are characterized by focal onset, duration greater than 30 minutes, and/or more than one seizure in a 24 hour period. The likelihood of developing epilepsy (i.e., a nonfebrile seizure disorder) following simple febrile seizures is low. Complex febrile seizures are associated with a moderately increased incidence of epilepsy.
Senile osteoporosis
Sicca syndrome
Sleep disturbances
Sleep related movement disorder, unspecified
Slippage of the FEMUR off the TIBIA.
Solitary bone cyst
Solitary lesions of bone that typically cause a bulging of the overlying cortex bearing some resemblance to the saccular protrusion of the aortic wall in aortic aneurysm, hence the name.
Spasm of muscle
Specific bursitides often of occupational origin
Spina bifida
Spina bifida occulta
Spinal enthesopathy
Spinal stenosis in cervical region
Spinal stenosis other than cervical
spine and trunk
Spondylolisthesis congenital
Spondylosis and allied disorders
Spondylosis of unspecified site
Spondylosis of unspecified site with myelopathy
Spondylosis of unspecified site without myelopathy
Spondylosis with myelopathy lumbar region
Spondylosis with myelopathy thoracic region
Sprain of carpal (joint) of wrist
Sprain of carpometacarpal (joint) of hand
Sprain of coccyx
Sprain of cruciate ligament of knee
Sprain of interphalangeal (joint) of hand
Sprain of lateral collateral ligament of knee
Sprain of medial collateral ligament of knee
Sprain of metacarpophalangeal (joint) of hand
Sprain of other specified sites of elbow and forearm
Sprain of other specified sites of hip and thigh
Sprain of other specified sites of knee and leg
Sprain of other specified sites of shoulder and upper arm
Sprain of radiocarpal (joint) (ligament) of wrist
Sprain of ribs
Sprain of sacrum
Sprain of septal cartilage of nose
Sprain of tibiofibular (joint) (ligament) superior of knee
Sprain of unspecified site of back
Sprain of unspecified site of elbow and forearm
Sprain of unspecified site of hand
Sprain of unspecified site of hip and thigh
Sprain of unspecified site of knee and leg
Sprain of unspecified site of shoulder and upper arm
Sprain of unspecified site of wrist
Sprains and strains
Sternoclavicular (joint) (ligament) sprain
Sternum sprain
Sternum sprain unspecified part
Stiffness of joint
Stress fracture of other bone
Stress fracture of the metatarsals
Stress fracture of tibia or fibula
Subjectively experienced sensations in the absence of an appropriate stimulus, but which are regarded by the individual as real. They may be of organic origin or associated with MENTAL DISORDERS.
Subscapularis (muscle) sprain
Sudden, involuntary skeletal muscular contractions of cerebral or brain stem origin.--2004
Superficial foreign body (splinter) of fingers without major open wound and without infection
Superficial foreign body (splinter) of fingers without major open wound infected
Superficial foreign body (splinter) of shoulder and upper arm without major open wound and without infection
Superficial injury of finger(s)
Superficial injury of shoulder and upper arm
Superior glenoid labrum lesion
Supracondylar fracture of femur closed
Supracondylar fracture of femur open
Supracondylar fracture of humerus closed
Supracondylar fracture of humerus open
Supraspinatus (muscle) (tendon) sprain
Swan-neck deformity
Swelling of limb
Symmetrical osteitis of the four limbs, chiefly localized to the phalanges and the terminal epiphyses of the long bones of the forearm and leg, sometimes extending to the proximal ends of the limbs and the flat bones, and accompanied by dorsal kyphosis and joint involvement. It is often secondary to chronic conditions of the lungs and heart.
Symptoms involving nervous and musculoskeletal systems
Syncope and collapse
Syndactyly of fingers with fusion of bone
Syndactyly of fingers without fusion of bone
Syndactyly of multiple and unspecified sites
Syndactyly of toes with fusion of bone
Syndactyly of toes without fusion of bone
Synovial cyst of popliteal space
Synovial cyst unspecified
Synovitis and tenosynovitis
Synovitis and tenosynovitis in diseases classified elsewhere
Synovitis and tenosynovitis unspecified
Systematic and extensive loss of memory caused by organic or psychological factors. The loss may be temporary or permanent, and may involve old or recent memories.
systemic involvement
Systemic lupus erythematosus
Systemic sclerosis
Talipes calcaneovalgus
Talipes cavus
Talipes unspecified
Tarsometatarsal (joint) (ligament) sprain
Tear of lateral cartilage or meniscus of knee current
Tear of medial cartilage or meniscus of knee current
Tenosynovitis of foot and ankle
The anterior concavity in the curvature of the lumbar and cervical spine as viewed from the side. The term usually refers to abnormally increased curvature (hollow back, saddle back, swayback). It does not include lordosis as normal mating posture in certain animals ( = POSTURE + SEX BEHAVIOR, ANIMAL).
The elevation of the body's temperature above the upper limit of normal, usually taken as 37.7 degrees C.
The form of rheumatoid arthritis affecting the spine. It occurs predominantly in young males and produces pain and stiffness as a result of inflammation of the sacroiliac, intervertebral, and costovertebral joints. Etiology is unknown.
The state of weariness following a period of exertion, mental or physical, characterized by a decreased capacity for work and reduced efficiency to respond to stimuli.
The sudden sensation of being cold. It may be accompanied by SHIVERING.
Thickening of the inner table of the frontal bone, which may be associated with hypertrichosis and obesity. It most commonly affects women near menopause.
Thoracic or lumbar spondylosis with myelopathy
Thoracic or lumbosacral neuritis or radiculitis unspecified
Thoracic spondylosis without myelopathy
Thoracic sprain
Thoracogenic scoliosis
Thyroid region sprain
Tibial collateral ligament bursitis
Tibialis tendinitis
Tibiofibular (ligament) sprain distal
Tietze's disease
Torticollis unspecified
Torus fracture of tibia and fibula
Transcervical fracture closed
Transcervical fracture open
Transient alteration of awareness
Transient arthropathy
Transient paralysis of limb
Transverse deficiency of lower limb
Transverse deficiency of upper limb
Traumatic amputation of arm and hand (complete) (partial)
Traumatic arthropathy
Traumatic myositis ossificans
Traumatic spondylopathy
Tremor is the shaking movement of the whole body or just a certain part of it, often caused by problems of the neurons responsible for muscle action.
Trigger finger (acquired)
Trimalleolar fracture closed
Trimalleolar fracture open
Ulnar collateral ligament sprain
Ulnohumeral (joint) sprain
Unequal leg length (acquired)
Union of the fragments of a fractured bone in a faulty or abnormal position. If two bones parallel to one another unite by osseous tissue, the result is a crossunion.
upper arm
Valgus deformity of wrist (acquired)
Varus deformity of wrist (acquired)
Vegetative state
Vertigo is a feeling of movement, a sensation as if the external world were revolving around the patient (objective vertigo) or as if he himself were revolving in space (subjective vertigo). Vertigo is medically distinct from dizziness, lightheadedness, and unsteadiness.
Villonodular synovitis
Weakness; lack of energy and strength.
Wrist drop (acquired)
Wrist sprain
Back Pain in the Adult
Caffey's Syndrome
Haglund's Deformity
Ulna / Ulnar Shaft Fracture
Ulnar drift
Ulnar Translocation
Ulnar Variance
Ulnocarpal Impaction Syndrome:
Ultimate Tensile Strength:
Unicameral Bone Cyst
Van Nes Rotational Plasty
Veins of Leg
Visoelastic Materials
Vit D Dependent Rickets: Type I and II
Vitamin D / Vit D Abnormalities
Vitamin D-resistant Rickets
Vitamin-D Deficiet Rickets:
Volar Ganglion:
Volar Intercalated Segment Instability
Volkmann's contracture
Waddel Criteria
Wallerian Degeneration
Wartenberg's Sign:
Watson Jones Approach to the Hip
Windlass Mechanism
Wound Healing
Wound Vac
Yield Strength
Young Modulus
Z plasty
Excursion, of Tendons:
Extensor Tendon Injuries:
Flexor Tendon Repair
Post Operative Care:
Primary Flexor Tendon Grafting:
Staged Flexor Tendon Repair:
Tendon Repair Techniques:
Tendon Transfers
Tendons of Hand
External Rotators
Abductor Digiti Minimi Brevis Abductor Digiti Minimi (hand)
Abductor Hallucis
Abductor Pollicis Brevis
Abductor Pollicis Longus
Absent Thumb
Accessory Bones of the Foot
Accessory Navicular
Achilles Tendon Rupture
Achilles Tendonitis
Acromioclavicular Joint
Acute Rheumatic Fever
Adductor Brevis
Adductor Hallucis
Adductor Longus
Adductor Magnus
Adductor Pollicis
Adult: Differential Diagnosis
Albright's syndrome
Alk Phos
Amputation Menu
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis;
Anastomosis of Lower Limb Arteries
and Innervation
and Keratan Sulfate
and Lubrication of Joint
and Osteochondral Injuries of the Knee
Aneurysmal Bone Cyst
Ankle Arthrodesis
Ankle Equinus Deformity
Ankle Fractures
Ankle Fractures
Ankle Joint
Ankle Menu
Ankle Sprain
Ankylosing Spondylitis
Annular Band Syndrome
Anterior Compartment of the Leg
Anterior Cord Syndrome
Anterior Cruciate Ligament
Anterior Cruciate Ligament
Anterior Horn Dz
Anterior Humeral Circumflex Artery
Anterior Interosseous Branch
Anterior Talofibular Ligament:
Anterior Tibial Artery
Anterolateral Tibial Bowing
Antibiotic Prophylaxis
Antibiotic Prophylaxis
Arachidonic Acid
Arcuate Ligament
Arterial Trauma
Arteriovenous Malformations
Arterio-venous malformations
Artery Menu
Arthritic Conditions
Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita
Articular Cartilage
Axillary Artery
Axillary nerve
Axonal Neuropathies
Back Pain in the Child:
Bacterial Menu
Baker's Cyst
Bankart Lesion:
Barlow's Test
Barton's Fracture:
Basal Joint Arthritis:
Becker Muscular Dystrophy
Becker Muscular Dystrophy
Becker Muscular Dystrophy
Below Knee Amputation;
Bennet's Fracture
Biceps Brachii
Biceps Femoris
Bier Block Anesthesia
Bilateral InterFacet Dislocation
Bioabsorbable Implants
Biochemistry of Skeletal Muscle Contraction:
Biopsy of Tumors
Bipartite Patella
Bipolar Hip Arthroplasty
Bite Wounds
Blair Fusion:
Blood Transfusion
Blount Fracture
Blounts Disease
bone graft harvest menu:
Bone Graft Menu
Bone Morphogenic Proteins
Bone Scanning
Bone Topics
Bone Tumors
Both Bone Forearm Frx
Boutonnere Injuries
Bower's Procedure:
Boxer's Frx
Brachial Artery
Brachial Neuritis
Brachial Plexus
Brachial Plexus
Brown Sequard Syndrome
Bucket Handle Meniscal Tear
Bulbocavernosus Reflex
Burn Injuries
Bursae of the knee
Burst Fractures (of spine)
Calcaneofibular Ligament:
Calcaneus, Frx
Calcific Tendinitis
Calcification of Soft Tissue and Periosteum:
Calcium Pyrophosphate Dihydrate Crystal Arthritis
Calcium Regulation of Muscle Contraction
Calcium Regulation of Muscle Contraction
Calcium Supplementation:
Caldwell cast
Capitulum Fractures
Carpal Tunnel Release
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Cartilage Topics
Cat Scratch Disease
Cauda Equina Syndrome
Cavovarus Foot
Cell Sarcoma
Central Cord Syndrome
Cerebral Palsy
Cervical Spine
Cervical Spine
Chance Fracture
Charcot Arthropathy (diabetes)
Charcot Marie Tooth
Charcot Marie Tooth
Chauffeur's Fracture
Chemistry of Skeletal Muscle
Chemistry of Skeletal Muscle
Chevron Osteotomy
Chiari Osteotomy
Child Abuse:
Chondral Injuries of the Knee
Chondroitin and Keratan Sulfate
Chondromyxoid Fibroma
Circulation of Bone in Children
Circumflex Femoral Artery, Lateral
Circumflex Femoral Artery, Medial
Clavicle Fracture
Claw Hand
Claw Toes
Claw Toes
Cleidocranial Dysplasia (Dysostosis)
Cleland's ligament
Clenched Fist Injury:
Club Foot
Club Hand:
Cluneal nerves
CMC Joint of Thumb
Collar Button Abscess:
Colles Fracture
Compartment Syndrome
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
Compression Frx (Spinal)
Condylar Fractures (of elbow)
Congenital Club Foot
Congenital Coxa Vara
Congenital Deformities of the Hands:
Congenital Hip Dislocation
Congenital Myopathies
Congenital Myopathies
Congenital Myopathies
Congenital Pseudarthrosis
Congenital Tibial Deficiency:
Congenital Vertical Talus
Congential Trigger Thumb:
Coracoid Process
Coracoid Process
Coronoid Process Frx
Craniotomy Care
Cruciate Anastomosis
Crush Syndrome
Cubital Tunnel Syndrome
Cuboid Frx
Cuff / Tear
Darrach's Procedure
Decubiti Ulceration
Deep Femoral Artery
Deep Posterior Compartment
Deep Venous Thrombosis
Defects of the Knee
Deformities of the Limbs
Delta Phalanx:
Deltoid Ligament
Demyelinating Disorders
Demyelo Neuropathies
Den's Fracture
DeQuervain's Disease
Dermatomyositis and Polymyositis
Dermatomyositis and Polymyositis
Dermatomyositis and Polymyositis
Descending br. of LCFA
Descending Genicular Br of SFA
Desmoplastic Fibroma
Diabetic Foot
Diastrophic Dwarfism
Diff Dx of Myopathic Disorders:
Diff Dx of Myopathic Disorders:
Diff Dx of Neuropathic Dz:
Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis:
Discoid Meniscus
Disease: effects on bone
Disorders of Nerves
Disorders of the Neruomuscular Junction
Distal Femoral Physeal Fractures
Distal Humeral Physeal Separation
Distal Radius Fx:
Dorsal Barton's Fracture
Dorsal Intercalated Segment Instability
Dorsal Interossei of Feet
Dorsal Interossei of Hands:
Dorsal Scapular Nerve
Dorsalis Pedis:
Down's Syndrome
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Dupuytren's Contracture
Elbow Joint
EMG of Myopathic Disorders:
EMG of Myopathic Disorders:
Energy Sources
Epiphyseal Artery
Epiphyseal Fractures
Essex Lopresti Fracture:
Extension Teardrop Fracture of C2
Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis
Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris
Extensor Digiti Minimi
Extensor Digitorum Externsor Digitorum Brevis
Extensor Digitorum Longus
Extensor Hallucis Brevis
Extensor Hallucis Longus
Extensor Indicis
Extensor Pollicis Brevis
Extensor Pollicis Longus
Extensors of Wrist
External Rotators of the Hip
Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy
Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy
Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy
Fat Embolism Syndrome
Femoral Anteversion:
Femoral Artery
Femoral Head Fractures
Femoral Neck Fractures
Femoral Nerve
Femoral Shaft Fracture (Menu)
Femoral Skeletal Traction
Fibrodysplasia Ossificans
Fibromyalgia Syndrome
Fibrosarcoma of Bone
Fibrous Cortical Defect
Fibrous Dysplasia
Fibrous Histiocytoma
Fibular hemimelia
Finger Tip Injuries
First MTP Joint
Flaps, Reconstructive Surgery:
Flat Foot
Flexion Tear Drop Fracture
Flexor Carpi Radialis
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
Flexor Digiti Minimi
Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis
Flexor Digitorum Brevis
Flexor Digitorum Longus
Flexor Digitorum Profundus
Flexor Digitorum Superficialis
Flexor Hallucis Brevis
Flexor Hallucis Longus
Flexor Pollicis Brevis
Flexor Pollicis Longus
Flexor Tendon Injuries of the Hand
Fluid Management in the Trauma Patient
Foot Fractures
Foot Muscles
Foot Ulceration
Foramen, Greater Sciatic
Forearm Extensors
Forearm Flexors
Fracture Blisters
Fractures associated with Arterial Injuries
Freiberg's Disease
Friction and Lubrication
Friedreich's Ataxia
Friedreich's Ataxia
Frost Bite
Frozen Shoulder
Frx of the Lesser and Greater Trochanter:
Fulkerson Osteotomy
Full Thickness Skin Grafts
Galeazzi's Frx
Gamekeeper's thumb
Ganglion cyst of wrist
Gastrocnemius Gemellus Inferior
Gaucher's disease
Gemellus Superior
Genicular arteries
Genu Valgum
Genu Varum
Giant Cell Tumor of Bone
Giant Cell Tumor of Tendon Sheath
Girdlestone Taylor Resection Arthroplasty (hip)
Girdlestone-Taylor Procedure (foot)
Glasgow Coma Scale
Glenohumeral Ligaments
Glomus Tumor
Gluteus Maximus
Gluteus Medius
Gluteus Minimus
Grafts, bone
Grayson's Ligament
Grayson's Ligament
Greater Tuberosity Frx
Greenstick Fracture
Greenstick Fracture
Grice Arthrodesis
Grisel's Syndrome
Growth Abnormalities of the Limbs:
Growth Plate
Gun Shot Wounds
Gustilo Classification
Guyon's Tunnel
Hallux Rigidus
Hallux Valgus
Halo Collar
Hamate Frx
Hammer Toes
Hammer Toes
Hand Infections
Hand Intrinsic Muscles
Hand Menu
Hangman's Frx
Head Fractures
Head Injury
Head Subluxation
Head, Excision of
Heel Pain
Heel Strike
Hemangioma of Bone
Hemangioma of Soft Tissue
Hemarthrosis of Knee
Hemiarthroplasty of Hip
Hemiarthroplasty of Shoulder
Henoch Schonlein Purpura
Hereditary Motor Sensory Neuropathy
Hereditary Multiple Exosotoses
Herniated Nucleated Propulsus:
Herpes Simplex Infection
Heterotopic Ossification
High Pressure Injection\ Injuries
High Tibial Osteotomy
Hill Sachs Lesion
Hip Frx Dislocation
Hip Fx
Hip Joint
Hip Joint
Histological Features of Myopathy
Histological Features of Myopathy
Histology of Skeletal Muscle
Histology of Skeletal Muscle
History of Orthopaedics World Ortho
Hoffman procedure
Hoffman sign
Humeral Fractures (menu)
Humeral Physeal Injuries
Hurler's syndrome
Hyaluronic acid
Hydroxyapatite crystals
Hyperextension Neck Injuries
Hyperflexion Injuries
Hypophosphatemic Vitamin D-resistant rickets
Hypoplastic Thumb:
Hypothenar Hand Syndrome
Iliocostalis Cervicis
Iliocostalis Lumborum
Iliocostalis thoracis
Ilioinguinal Approach
Ilioinguinal Nerve
Iliotibial Band Syndrome
Ilizarov Technique
Impingement Syndrome
in the child
Index O:
Index R:
Index: I
Index: K
Index: L
Index: V
Index: W
Index: Y:
Index: Z:
Infantile Cortical Hyperostosis
Infectious Tenosynovitis:
Inferior Gluteal Artery
Inferior Gluteal Nerve
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Ingrown Toe Nail
Ingrown Toe Nail
Intercondylar Eminence Fracture
Interdigital Neuroma
Internal Jugular Approach
Internal Tibial Torsion
Interossei, Dorsal (of foot)
Interossei, Dorsal (of hand)
Interossei, Palmar (of hand)
Interosseous Membrane of Forearm
Intertrochanteric Fractures
Intervertebral Discs
Intimal Injuries:
Intrinsic Muscles of Hand
Ischiadic artery
Jefferson Fracture
Joint Topics:
Jones Fracture
Jugular Vein central venous catheter approach
Jumper's Knee
Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis
Juxtacortical Chondroma
Keinbock's disease:
Keller Procedure
Keratan Sulfate
Klippel Feil Syndrome
Knee Joint
Knee Joint
Kniest Dysplasia
Kocher Langenbach
Kohler's Disease I
Lag Screw
Lapidus Procedure
Lateral Antebrachial Cutaneous Nerve
Lateral Compartment
Lateral Condyle Frx, Pediatric
Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve
Lateral Retinacular Release
Lateral Talar Process Frx:
Latissimus Dorsi
LCL of Knee
Ledderhose disease
Leg and Foot, Innervation of
Leg and Foot, Innervation of
Leg Length Descrepancy
Leg Muscles
Legg Calve Perthes Disease
Levator Scapula
Ligament Healing Characteristics
Ligament Reconstructin Tendon Interposition
Limb Development
Limb Lengthening
Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy
Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy.
Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy.
Limbs, Growth Deformities
liohypogastric Nerve
Lisfranc's Fracture
Lister's tubercle
Lister's tubercle
Lobster Hand:
Long Thoracic Nerve
Longissimus Capitis
Longissimus Cervicis
Longissimus Thoracis
Longus Capitis
Longus Colli
Lumbar Plexus
Lumbar Stenosis:
Lumbricals, Foot
Lumbricals, Hand
LumbroSacral Plexus
Lunotriquetral dissociation
Lyme Disease
Madelung's Deformity
Maisonneuve Fracture
Malgaigne Fracture
Malignant Fibrous histiocytoma
Malignant Hyperthermia
Malignant Melanoma
Mallet Finger
Mallet Frx
Mallet Toe
Mallet Toe
Marfan's Syndrome
Martin Gruber Anastomosis
McBride Procedure
MCL of Elbow
MCL of Knee
Mechanism of Digits
Medial Antebrachial Cutaneous
Medial Epicondyle Frx of the Humerus
Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome
Median Artery
Median Nerve
Meniscii / Meniscal Injury
Menisco-Femoral Ligaments
Meralgia Paresthetica
Merchant technique
Metabolic Bone Diseases
Metabolic Myopathies
Metabolic Myopathies
Metabolic Sequence
Metabolic Sequence
Metacarpal Frx / Disloc
Metals Characteristics
Metaphyseal Artery
Metaphyseal Chondrodysplasia
Metastasis to Bone
Metastatic Carcinoma:
Metatarsus Adductus
Microgeodic Disease
Mitchell Bunion Procedure
Moberg Flap;
Monteggia's Fracture
Morquio's Syndrome
Morton's Neuroma
Mosely Straight Line Graph
MP joint
MP Joint Arthroplasty
MP joint dislocation:
MP Joint Menu
MRI Discussion
Mucous Cyst
Multiple Cartilaginous Exostoses
Multiple Enchondromatosis
Multiple Epiphyseal Dysplasia
Multiple Myeloma
Multiple Sclerosis
Mumford Procedure:
Muscle Contraction
Muscle Contraction:
Muscle Fiber Types
Muscle Index:
Musculocutaneous Nerve
Myasthenia Gravis
Myasthenia Gravis
Myasthenic Syndrome (Eaton-Lambert Syndrome)
Myasthenic Syndrome (Eaton-Lambert Syndrome)
Myobacterium marium
Myobacterium tuberculosis
Myopathic Disorders
Myopathic Disorders
Myopathic Disorders
Myositis Ossificans
Myotonic Muscular Dystrophy
Myotonic Muscular Dystrophy
Myotonic Muscular Dystrophy
Nail Bed Injuries
Natatory Ligament
Nerve Injury (neuroma);
Neuro Exam Menu:
Neurogenic joint
Neuropathic Disorders:
Neuropathic Disorders:
Nutrient Artery
Obliquus Capitis Inferior
Obliquus Capitis Superior
Obturator Artery
Obturator Externus
Obturator Internus
Obturator Nerve
OCD of Patella
OCD of the Elbow
OCD of the Knee
OCD of the Talus
Odontoid Fracture
of Bone from a Cartilage Model
of Cartilage
of Soft Tissue
of the Hip
of the Knee
of the Musculoskeletal System
Olecranon Fractures
Open Joint Injuries
Opponens Digiti Minimi
Opponens Pollicis
Overlapping Toes
Pagets Disease
Palmaris Longus
Panner's Disease
Parathyroid hormone
Parosteal Osteosarcoma
Parsonage-Turner Syndrome
Patella / Patello-Femoral Function
Patella Infera
Patella Syndrome
Patellar Dislocation:;
Patellar Frx:
Patellar Subluxation
Patellar Tendon Avulsion
Pathologic Fracture: Diff dx
Pathologic Fracture: Diff dx
Pauciarticular JRA
Pavlik Harness
Pectineus Pectoralis Major
Pediatric Critical Care
Pediatric Spine
Pelvic Fracture
Perforating Vessels of the Femur
Perilunate Instability
Periosteal Artery
Periosteal Chondroma
Periosteal Osteosarcoma
Peripheral Neuropathies
Peripheral Neuropathies
Peripheral Neuropathies
Peroneal Artery
Peroneal Nerve
Peroneal Tendon Dislocation
Peroneus Brevis Peroneus Longus
Peroneus Tertius Piriformis
Perthes Disease
Pes anserinus
Pes Cavus
Phalangeal Fractures
Phalangeal Joints
Pharmocological Agents in Vascular Surgery:
Physeal Anatomy
Physeal Bar Formation
Physiologic Calcium Homeostasis
Pigmented Villonodular synovitis
PIP dislocation:
Pivot Shift
Pivot Shift Test
Plafond Fractures Tibia
Plantar Fascia:
Plantar Fasciitis
Plantar Interossei
Plantar Keratosis
Plantar Muscles of the Foot
Plantar Warts
Plantaris Popliteus Pronator Quadratus
Polyarticular JRA
Polydactyly of Foot
Polydactyly of Hand
Polymyalgia Rhematica
Polymyositis and Dermatomyositis
Popliteal Artery
Popliteal Cysts
Posterior Cruciate Ligament
Posterior Femoral Cutaneous Nerve
Posterior Humeral Circumflex Artery
Posterior Interosseous Nerve
Posterior Oblique Ligament
Posterior Process Talus Frx:
Posterior Talofibular Ligament
Posterior Tibial Artery
Posterolateral Instability of the Knee
Posteromedial Tibial Bowing
Postmenopausal Osteoporosis
Potts Disease
Pregnancy Considerations:
Profunda Brachi Artery
Profunda Femoris
Proliferative Myositis
Pronator Teres
Pronator Teres Syndrome:
Prophylaxis, Antibiotic
Prosthetic Grafts:
Prosthetics for the Foot
Proximal Focal Femoral Deficiecy
Proximal Humeral Fracture
Proximal MT Osteotomy:
Proximal Row Carpectomy:
Pseudoarthrosis of the Tibia
Psoriasic Arthritis
Pulmonary Embolism:
Pyoderma Gangrenosum
Pyogenic Granuloma
Quadrangular Space
Quadratus Femoris
Quadratus Lumborum
Quadratus Plantae
Radial Artery
Radial Head Subluxation
Radial Nerve
Radial Ulnar Joints
Radius Fracture
Rectus Abdominus Muscle
Rectus Capitis Anterior
Rectus Capitis Lateralis
Rectus Capitis Posterior Major
Rectus Capitis Posterior Minor
Rectus Femoris Rhomboids
Repair of Nerves:
Retinacular Vessels
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rolando's Fracture
Rotators Brevis Rotators Longus
Sacral Fractures
Sacro-iliac Joint
Salter Harris Classification
Salter Osteotomy
Saphenous Nerve
Scalenus Anterior
Scalenus Medius
Scalenus Posterior
Scaphoid Fracture
Scaphoid frx
Scapholunate Advanced Collapsed
Scapholunate Dissociation
Scapholunate Dissociation
Scapular Dyskinesis
Scapular Fractures
Scheuermann's Kyphosis
Schlatter Lesion
Sciatic Nerve
Sedimentation Rate (ESR)
Seever's Disease:
Segmental Innerv. Lower Limb
Semispinalis Capitis
Semispinalis Cervicis
Semispinalis Thoracis
Septic Arthritis
Septic Joint
Serratus Anterior
Sesamoid Bones
Sesamoid Bones (Foot)
Sesamoid Bones (Hand);
Sesamoid Bones of the Foot:
Shin Splints
Shoulder joint
Sickle Cell Anemia
Simple Bone Cyst/(Unicameral)
Sindig-Larsen-Johanssen disease
Skew Foot:
Skin Prep
SLAP Lesion
Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis
Slipped Vertebral Apophysis
Smith's Fracture
Soft Tissue Infections
Soft Tissue Reconstructive Procedures:
Soft Tissue Tumors
Soft Tissue Tumors
Space of Poirier
Specific Joints / Regions:
Spina Bifida
Spinal Cord and Meninges
Spinal Muscular Atrophy
Spinal Muscular Atrophy;
Spinal Shock
Spinalis Cervicis
Spinalis Thoracis
Spine Menu
Spine: T/L/S Fractures
Spinous Process Fracture
Splenius Capitis
Splenius Cervicis
Split Thickness Skin Grafts
Spondyloepiphyseal Dysplasia:
Sprengel's Deformity
Sternoclavicular Joint Dislocation
Sternoclavicular Joint:
Steroid induced bone dz
Steroid Myopathy
Steroid Myopathy
Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Agents
Stinger (Transient Brachial Plexopathy and Cervical Cord Neuropraxia in Athletes)
Stress Fractures
Stress Fractures
Stroke Orthopaedic Manifestations
STT Fusion
Sub Talar Dislocation
Subacromial Impingement Syndrome
Subclavian Artery
Subclavian Vein Approach for central line placement
Subluxation of the Patella
Subscapular Nerve
Subtalar Arthrodesis:
Sub-talar Arthrodesis:
Sub-Talar Joint
Subtrochanteric frx
Superfical Posterior Compartment
Superior Gluteal Artery
Superior Gluteal Nerve
Supracondylar Femoral Fractures (adult)
Supracondylar Femoral Fractures (children)
Supracondylar Frx of Humerus (pediatric)
Supracondylar Humeral Fractures (adult)
Suprascapular Nerve
Sural Artery
Sural Nerve
Surgery / Flaps / Grafts
Surgical Risk
Swan Neck Deformity
Sympathetic Dystrophy
Syndesmotic Injury
Syndesmotic Injury
Synovial Chondromatosis:
Synovial Fluid
Synovial Plica
Synovial Sarcoma
Synovium of the Knee
Systemic JRA
Systemic Lupus
Talipes Equinovarus
Talocalcaneal Coalition:
Talus Frx
Tarsal Coaliltion
Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
Temporal Arteritis
Tendon Injury & Repair
Tendon Lacerations
Tendon Rupture
Tendon Transfers
Tendon Transfers in the Upper Extremity
Tendon, Achilles
Tendons Injuries of the Hand
Tennis Elbow
Tensor Fascia Lata
Teres Major
Teres Minor
Tetanus Prophylaxis
Tethered Cord Syndrome
Thenar Space Infection
Thompson Approach
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Thoracoacromial Artery
Thrombolytic Therapy
Throwing Injuries
Thumb CMC and MP Joints
Thumb Fractures
Tibial Bowing
Tibial Frx
Tibial Hemimelia
Tibial Nerve
Tibial Osteotomy
Tibial Plafond Fractures
Tibial Plateau Fractures
Tibial Torsion
Tibial Tubercle Frx:
Tibialis Anterior
Tibialis Posterior
Tillaux Fracture
Toe Deformities:
Torus Fracture
Torus Fracture
Total Elbow Arthroplasty
Total Elbow Arthroplasty
Total Hip Arthroplasty
Total Hip Arthroplasty
Total Joint Arthroplasty:
Total Knee Arthroplasty
Total Knee Arthroplasty
Total Shoulder Arthroplasty
Total Shoulder Arthroplasty
Toxic Shock Syndrome
Toxic Synovitis of the Hip
Transfusion Therapy
Transient Osteoporosis of the Hip
Transient Phalangeal Osteolysis
Transient Synovitis of Hip
Transverse Carpal Ligament
Transverse Carpal Ligament
Trauma Care and Management:
Triangular Fibrocartilage
Triceps Brachii
Trigger Finger
Trimalleolar Fracture
Triplane Fracture
Triple Arthrodesis
Triquetrolunate Dissociation
Triquetrolunate Dissociation
Tuberculous Spondylitis
Tuberous Sclerosis
Tumoral Calcinosis
Tumors of Bone
Tumors of Soft Tissue:
Turf Toe
Turf Toe
Ulnar Artery
Ulnar Nerve
Ulnar Shaft Fracture
Ulnar Styloid Process Frx
Upper Limb
Vascular Problems of the Wrist and Hand:
Vascular Shunts
Vastus Intermedius
Vastus Lateralis
Vastus Medialis
Venous Repair
Volar Barton's Fracture
Wrist Arthrodesis
Wrist Joint
Wrist Ligaments
Zone I Injuries
Zone II injuries
Zone III injuries
Zone IV and Zone V:
New York State Counties

New York City Counties
St Lawrence
New York
Arthur C. Jimenez, MD
Aaron M. Levine, MD
Arjang Abbasi, DO
Earl T. Abel, MD
Abiola Familusi, MD
Abu Taher, MD
Annette Chmielewski, DO
Amy Weiss-Citrome, MD
Andrea S. Coladner, DO
Adam P. Cugalj, DO
Adam B. Stein, MD
Andrei N. Dokukin, MD
Adolph B. Meyer, MD
Aerie Rim, MD
Orsuville G. Cabatu, MD
Anne F. Ambrose, MD
Alexander Gimpelevich, DO
David G. Welch, MD
Adam C. Isaacson, MD
Andrea Jno Charles, MD
Akifa F. Samdani, MD
Amit Bansal, DO
Alan P. Wolf, MD
Anna M. Lasak, MD
Augusta S. Alba, MD
Alan S. Anschel, MD
Alexander J. Lee, MD
Ruth E. Alejandro, MD
Alena Polesin, MD
Alex Moroz, MD
Alfredo R. Davila-Rivera, MD
Alita Gonsalves, MD
Hao Ye, MD
Adriana Manta, MD
Anatoly Pisman, MD
Angela L. Aldam, MD
Angela H. Ryan, MD
Arthur N. Hryhorowych, MD
Ann L. Pedersen, MD
Annemarie E. Gallagher, BA
Annie L. Davidson, DO
Annie G. Philip, MD
Andre Panagos, MD
Adaku U. Nwachuku, DO
Sung J. Pahng, MD
Ashok Poluri, MD
Amrit P. Singh, MD
Russell H. Silver, MD
Aron M. Jeffrey, DO
Audrey Sofair, MD
Avital Fast, MD
Avniel N. Shetreat-Klein, MD PhD
Anjum Iqbal, MD
Bita Badakhshan
David L. Bagnall, MD
Bradley S. Cash, MD
Bernard R. Beaupin, MD
Melissa E. Bednar, MD
Jeffrey C. Berliner, DO
Binod P. Shah, MD
Bryan T. Kumiga, MS
George P. Boucher, MD
Ben L. Laplante, DO
Leonard Bleicher, MD
Blessen C. Eapen, MD
Brenda S. Mallory, MD
Waqaas A. Quraishi, MD
Bojun Chen, MD PhD
Bryan J. O'Young, MD
Ana Bracilovic, MD
Bradlley A. Jones, BS
Dean S. Mozeleski, MD
Brett A. Gerstman, MD
Brian D. Greenwald, MD
Brian C. Liem, BA
Brian A Bast, DO
Peter Chiu, MD
Barry C. Root, MD
Barry M. Scheinfeld, MD
David M. Kanter, MD
Christopher N. Burrei, DO
Maria Cabodevilla-Conn, MD
Candice A. Burnette, MD
Carol Sonatore, DO
Kevin B. Dunn, MD
Samantha P. Mendelson, DO
Chaim B. Eliav, MD
Chi-Chang David Lin, MD
Celine Mathew, DO
Corine S. Kaufman, MD
Charles J. Gibson, MD
Carl V. Granger, MD
Charles Scioscia, MD
Cheng-An Kang, MD
Chenzhong Fu, MD
Yong Chi, MD PhD
Chi Ho Chang, MD
Ching Chen, DO
Christine E. Hinke, MD
Christina M. Gonzaga, DO
Charles J. Buttaci, DO PT
Charles Kim, MD
Carol L. Kuusisto, DO
Claudia L. Lampel, MD
Clifford R. Everett, MD MPH
Christopher M. Perez, MD
Jeffrey M. Cohen, MD
Grant Cooper, MD
Lourdes M. Figueroa-Corser, MD
Harris S. Hausen, MD
Cenk R. Pekis, MD
Craig H Rosenberg, MD
Carolyn R. Schiff, MD
Christopher B. Szeles, MD
Christian M. Custodio, MD
Ignatius Cyriac, MD
James J. Czyrny, MD
Valapet Sridaran, MD
Dennis DJ Kim, MD
Gale N. Pugliese, MD
Daniel H. Cheng, MD
Lauren E. Elson, MD
Daniel C. Fechtner, MD
Danielle L. Inwald
David L. Tung, MD MPH
David P. Speach, MD
Deborah A. Bergfeld, MD
Polly A. Cator, MD
Tat S. Fung, MD
Dev Sen, MD
Deborah A. Fry, MD
David S. Moorthi, MD
Amit Dholakia, DO
Dina K. Miller, MD
Daniel Leung, DO
Donald S. Macron, MD
David D. Manevitz, DO
Dmitriy Fuzaylov, MD
Darius N. Clarke, MD
Isaac J. Kreizman, MD
Stephen M. Nadler, MD
Emma Benjamin, MD
Ketan D. Vora, DO
Clifford J. Ameduri, MD
Donna M. White, MD
Douglas R. Fetkenhour, MD
Moshe Ben-Roohi, MD
Dmitry K. Nesen, MD
Erica N. David, MD
Vikas K. Pilly, MD
Lam C. Quan, MD
Abdalla I. Adam, MD
Denny J. Battista, DO
Celeste D. Zaffuto-Sforza, DO
Carol V. DeCosta, MD
David A. Reich, MD
Mark V. Ragucci, DO
Elsayed A. Hassan, MD
Marlene P. Hassenfratz, DO
Jonah S. Green, MD
Jeffrey M. North, MD
Chayapathy M. Jollu, MD
Brooke K. Kelly, DO
Larisa N Likver, MD
Matthew H. Kalter, MD
Joy L. Meyer, MD
Jonathan R. Moldover, MD
Nadya G. Swedan, MD
Michael J. Neely, DO
Naheed A. Van De Walle, MD
Richard M. McGraw, DO
Robert B. Goldberg, DO
Ryul Kim, DO
Scott D. Sherman, MD DC
Seung K. Kim, MD
Paul J. Sorell, III, MD
Timur Hanan, MD
Vladimir H. Salomon, DO
Zoraida Navarro, MD
Daniel M. Salcedo, MD
Andrew H. Dubin, MD
David R. Greenberg, MD
Xiao Fang, MD
Joseph C. Cole, MD
Valerie J. Vullo, MD
Eva P. Bartalos, MD
Edbert Morales, MD
Eduardo Lopez, MD
Erwin G. Gonzalez, MD
Ehab M. Kodsi, MD PhD
Myung Jae Yoo, MD
Lisa Daley Clark, MD
Elise H. Weiss, MD
Ellen Y. Babinsky, DO
Douglas Elwood, MD
Elizabeth Efthimiou, MD
Edward J. Mendelsohn, MD
Elizabeth M. Love, MD
Enrique J. Sanz, MD
Edna J. Ohebshalom, MD
Eun H. Lee, MD PhD
Joseph H. Feinberg, MD
Daniel Feldman, MD
Patrick M. Corcoran, MD
Frederick B. McAdam, MD
George Forrest, MD
Francis J. Lopez, MD
Francine G. Moshkovski, MD
Damean W Freas, DO
Francis M. Unson, DO
Gabriela Jano, DO
Gary N. Inwald, DO
Svetlana Gavrilova, MD
George Del Villar, MD
Andrew I. Gitkind, MD
Gautam K. Khakhar, MD
Gautam Kothari, DO
Judith Glaser, DO
Glenn J. Jakobsen, DO
Kwan-Iong L. Jakobsen, DO
Germaine N. Rowe, MD
Joan Trudy Gold, MD
Vadim Goldshteyn, MD
Olga Golubovskaya, MD
Carol S. Gonyo, MD
Graham L. Hill, DO
Guorong Dai, MD
Gary S. Friedman, MD
Gene A. Slocum, MD
George T. Shelton, MD
Mary Guarracini, MD
Gary Wang, MD PhD
Hui Han, MD
Heather M. Chiricolo, MD
Hannah H. Cho, MD
Nunzio Saulle, MD
Nassef F. Hassan, MD
Harold Avella, MD
Hsueh-Chih Chin, MD
Mohamed H. Elessawy, MD
Henry Sardar, DO
Harvey Goldberg, MD
Hana Ilan, MD
Eileen S. Debbi, MD
Herbert L. Thornhill, MD
Harold March, MD
Margaret H. Mei, MD
Hoon Jae Park, MD
Howard G. Thistle, MD
Howard Choi, MD MPH
Huma H. Naqvi, MD
Larisa Tsaur, MD
Shernaz K. Hurlong, DO
Inocencia Carrano, MD
Anna Dunevsky, MD
Imelda M. Cruz Banting, MD
Svetlana Ilizarov, MD
William B. Jones, MD
Ali I. Khawaja, MD
Chul Jo Yang, MD
Areta D. Podhorodecki, MD
Ivan Chen, MD
Jason A. Melnick, MD
Jack Miletic, MD
Jaclyn H. Bonder, MD
Parul Jajoo, DO
Jason S. Loizides
Jeffry R. Beer, MD
Joseph Carfi, MD
Jeffrey L. Cole, MD
Jack B. D'Angelo, MD
Jean L. Nickels, MD
Jeffrey Radecki, MD
Jeffrey S. Fine, MD
Jennifer J. Semel-Concepcion, MD
Jason S. Lipetz, MD
Judith M. Frank, MD
Jeffrey M. Gross, MD
John W. Hume, MD
Nicholas M. Jones, DO
Jing Ling Tang, MD
John J. McGee, DO
Joseph Taverni, MD
Jay M. Weiss, MD
Joanne Wu, MD
John A. Orsini, MD
Todd Jorgensen, MD
Joseph E. Herrera, DO
Joseph Herbert, MD
Youssef Josephson, DO
Stephanie Joseph, DO
Joshua S. Lehman, DO
Jonathan L. Raanan, MD
Jonas M. Sokolof, DO
John D. Thomas, II, MD
Juan L. Ledon, MD
Judith E. Kahn, MD
Demetrio A. Aguila, Jr., MD
Junnong Tang, MD MA
Jeffrey B. Weinberg, MD
John W. Sharpless, MD
Jafar W. Siddiqui, MD
Wichae Im, MD
Jeffrey Kahn, MD
Vijayasekhara R. Kalakata, MD
Kalvin C. Chinyere, MD
Kan Liu, MD
Kristen E. Cardamone, DO
Carolyn E. Keeler, DO
Kemesha L. Delisser, BSE MD
Kerry Tobias, DO
Ernest K. Mar, MD
Elisabeth A. Lachmann, MD
Andranik V. Khatchatrian, MD PhD
Sangbock Kim, MD
Kimberly Washington, MD DC
Kioomars Moosazadeh, MD
Eric S. Lippman, MD
Karen Morice, MD
Jason S. Kong, DO
Kanakadurg R. Poduri, MD
Suman Brahmbhatt, MD
Kristjan T. Ragnarsson, MD
Jennifer L. Kurz, MD
Kevin Wang, MD
Kevin H. Weiner, MD
Lakshmi Murali, MD
James Lawrence, MD
Lisa M. Bartoli, DO
Leonard Kaplan, DO
Aruna L. Thyagaraj, MD
Lourdes Publico, MD
Lisa S. Ren, MD
Xiaoguang Liu, MD
Angela Liu, MD
Lyudmila Konon, MD
Jerry Lin, DO
Lyle Posecion, MD
Chao Lu, MD
Lulenesh Belayneh, MD
Gregory E. Lutz, MD
Lyn D. Weiss, MD
Mariya Tsinis, MD
Mohammad S. Islam, MD
Mansoor A. Khan, MD
Oleg I. Maksimov, MD
Marc S. Effron, MD
Mark A. LiVecchi, DMD MD
Maria J. G. Reyes, MD
Maria P. De Araujo, MD
Marina Isakova, MD
Chris Marker, DO
Marek Kurowski, MD
Martin A. Schaeffer, MD
Michael J. McNulty, MD
Mathew H.M. Lee, MD
Mathew J. Abraham, MD
Anne Mathews, MD
Mark A. Thomas, MD
Mayank Gupta, MD
Melissa A. Azaula, MD
Marina Babiy, MD
Maria A. Boiano
Mi-Hyon Cho, MD
Michael C. Wainberg, MD
Mary L. Dombovy, MD
Malcolm D. Reid, MD MPP
Joseph R. Mejia, DO
Shikha Sethi, MD
Michael C. Geraci, Jr., MD
Mahender R. Goriganti, MD
Michelle E. Zavage, MD
Michelle R. Mina, MD
Demetrios M. Mikelis, MD
Michael W. O'Dell, MD
Manoj Mithal, MD PhD
Michael Y. Mizhiritsky, MD
Joseph T. Sanelli, DO
Meg A. Krilov, MD
Mahesh R. Kuthuru, MD
Melody Kim, MD
Marc M. Levinson, MD
Michelle M. Cooper, MD
Muhammad M. Khan, MD
Matthew N. Bartels, MD
Mario Nelson, MD
Steven S. Moalemi, MD
Mark P. Bodack, MD
Matthew J. Perkowski
Daniel Perri, MD
Mohammad A. Rahman, MD
Michael D. Robinson, MD
Michelle A. Stern, MD
Mohammad A. Iqbal, MD
Mikhail Y. Strutsovskiy, MD
Milovan T. Rakic, MD
Michael Trimba, MD
Monte A. Haber, MD
Rahma M. Mustapha, MD
Muthu M. Ramasamy, MD FRCS
Mark D. Watson, MD
Mitchell Ehrlich, MD
Mark R. Weigle, MD
Melissa W. Thibault, MD
Naomi B. Betesh, DO
Natalya Bulaeva, MD
Neil Chatterjee, MD
Necolle Morgado, DO
Michael Nicolosi, DO
Nini Tin, MD
Antonio Cocchiarella, MD
Nithya Namassivaya, MD
Nizarali Visram, MBBS
Neal A. Mesnick, MD
Nicholas R. Panaro, MD
Muhammad Arif, MD
Ofra Blonder, MD
Henry P. Birnbaum, MD
Ifeoma M. Okoronkwo, MD
Oleg Fuzaylov, MD
Kristeen R. Ortega, MD
Asim S. Otey, MD
Paul Paily, MD
Edgar L. Marin, MD
Parag Sheth, MD
Neil P. Patel, MD
Patricia Hart, DO
Pierre C. Jean Felix, MD
Pearl S. Kim, MD
Pericles S. Hadjiyane, MD
Robert Petrucelli, MD
Peter B. Flemister, MD
Eric S. Roth, MD
Narin Chandswang, MD
Pinella A. Holder, DO
Joyce F. Pines, DO
Paul A. Pipia, MD
Perry J. Stein, MD
Philip T. Kuruvilla, MD
Joseph G. Gregorace, DO
Jennifer J. Halstead-Kenny, MD
Ferne R. Pomerantz, MD
Matthew D. Pouliot, DO
Paulinder S. Rai, DO MPH
Pramila K. Kolisetty, MD
Preeti Raghavan, MD
Priya Sreedharan, MD
Peter Boutros Saadeh, MD
Patricia T. Tan, MD
Joseph P. Purcell, DO
Priti Vohra, DO
Qiang Fang, MD
Quentin Phung, MD
Indu Garg, MD
Cynthia L. Racine, MD
Rajeev K. Patel, MD
Sunita M. Rajput, DO
Rao K. Ali, MD
Ira G. Rashbaum, MD
Sandeep Rathi, MD
Rachel E. Bergang, MD
Rochelle H Brief, MD PhD
Richard Dauhajre, MD
Rina C. Davis, MD
Richard A. Dentico, Sr., MD
Asha Dua, MD
Rebecca C. Brown, MD
Regina M. Asaro, DO
Carri A. Jones, MD
Miguel A. Vargas, MD
Renat R. Sukhov, MD
Reuben S. Ingber, MD
Reuben Leass, MD
Robert E. White, MD
Robert S. Gotlin, DO
Luke V. Rigolosi, MD
Rinoo V. Shah, MD
Ghislain Rivet, MD
Ryszard K. Sapinski, MD
Rusty A. Moore, DO
Roberta F. Shapiro, DO
Robert A. Florio, MD
Daniel Shapiro, MD
Roger J. Brick, MD MS
Bindu Pathrose, DO
Roy H. Brown, MD
Richard B. Rho, MD
Randolph Rosarion, MD
Rosanna C. Sabini, DO
Robert G. Sheu, MD
Renee S. Melfi, MD
Ruby E. Kim, MD
Sylvia Fernandes, MD
Shailaja R. Kalva, MD
Sawey A. Harhash, MD
Spencer A Colden, MD
Marie-Mich I. Guobadia, MD
Ching-Sum Leung, MBBS
Sam S. Wu, MD
Neelwant Sandhu, MD
Gene Sankin
Saroj Gupta, MD
Stephen B. Lewis, MD
Sean P. Butler
Bill R. Carstens, DO
Sajan K. Cherian, MD
Sunil D. Albert, MD
Dorina A. Drukman, DO
Seema V. Nambiar, MD
Subhi K.B. Eldeiry, MD
Seth A. Schran, MD
Silvia G. Geraci, DO
Sal Girardi, MD
Saad A.G. Sobhy, MD
Shaheda A. Quraishi, MD
Shalabh Gupta, MD
Shawn P. Jorgensen, MD
Shailesh S. Pathare, MD
Sheila S. Tanenbaum, MD
Grigory Shtender, MD
Faisal Siddiqui, MD
Adam H. Silver, DO
Brett R. Silverman, DO
Sireen M. Gopal, MD
Stacey Jaff, MD
Stanley J. Myers, MD
Stanley J. Mathew, MD
Sylvia T. John, MD
Steven M. Adler, MD
Stephen D. Kornfeld, DO
Kathleen K. Mandy, MD
Sathish R. Modugu, MD
Mitchell L. Weisman, MD
Sobhana Narayanan, MD
Ajendra S. Sohal, MD
Jennifer L. Solomon, MD
Patrick R. Sonser, MD
Sonya M. Kuhar, BA
Andre Taylor, MD
Robert M. Simon, MD
Samuel P. Thampi, MD
Nameer R. Haider, MD
Stacey Franz, DO MSPT
Stella M.P. Mansukhani, MD
Hilary B. Kern, MD
Sridevi Mukkamala, MD
Sridhar Pinnamaneni, MD
Simonetta Sambataro, MD
Stephanie S. Kemper, MD
Nicolas G. El-Khoury, MD
Stephen Wade, MD
Peter Hans Stern, MD
Steven R. Flanagan, MD
Steven C. Weinstein, MD
Susan M. Stickevers, MD
Sirisha R. Tikko, MD
Jordan Sudberg, MD
Jennifer L. Sayanlar, DO
Sladjana Trifunovic, MD
Svetlana Trounina, MD
Michael D. Stubblefield, MD
Philip Ceraulo, DO
Subhadra L. Nori, MD
Sudha Akkapeddi, MD
Sunil Butani, MD
Su Zhan, MD
Han Ki Sim, MD
Stanley F. Wainapel, MD
Susan L. Wiepert, MD
Sam J. Yee, MD
Jaime Sznajder, MD
Nelson Tang
Tapan N. Joshi, MD
Cayetano C. Co, MD
Thomas N. Bryce, MD
Thomas J. Cesarz, MD
Thomas T. Forschner, MD
Timur Yasin, MD
Ildiko Eva Soskuti, MD
Tracy L. Allen, MD MA
Todd R. Lefkowitz, DO
Tao Li, MD
Fredrick S. Phillips, MD
Thomas D. Polisoto, MD
Thomas R. Saullo, MD
Tsai Chung Chao, MD
Tony Tsai, MD
Thirumoorthi V. Seshan, MD
Margaret A. Turk, MD
Vladimir Alhov, MD
Gerard P. Varlotta, DO
Venus S. Calla-Gampong, MD
Victoria Chan Harrison, MD
Huikang D. Lai, MD
Victor M. Ibrahim, MD
Vijay S. Sidhwani, DO
Kenneth C. Vitale, MD
Vincenzo Vitto, DO
Vincent J. Gulfo, MD
Vladimir Gressel, MD
Viktor Gribenko, MD
John S. Vlattas, MD
Viktoria Lemberikman, MD
Vicki L. Seidenberg, MD
Vincent M. Somaio, MD
Claudine A.T. Ward, MD
Richard R. Wayne, MD
Robert J. Weber, MD
William C. Wang, MD
William J. Gibbs, MD
Wolfgang G. Gilliar, DO
Jonathan H. Whiteson, MD
William W. Chang, MD
Woo-Choong Yoon, MD
Xin Quan, MD
Xin Zhou, MD
Xavier Aviles, MD
Xiang N. Luo, MD
Sung J. Liao, MD
Jennifer H. Yanow, MD
Yasha Magyar, DO
Yinggang Zheng, MD
Steve Yoon, MD
Jeffrey L. Young, MD
Yuanze Hong, MD
Yuxi Chen, MD
Yining Zheng, MD
Marc K. Ross, MD
Mohammed S. Adeel, MD
Jun Zhang, MD
Ronglan (rhoda) Zheng, MD PhD
Zinovy Meyler, DO
Zhaoming Huang, MD
Wei Xu, MD
Jeannie K. Koenig, MD
Gerald F. Gaughan, MD
Birgit L. Haglund, MD
Marla L. Sukoff, MD
David R. Adin, DO
Christopher Kyriakides, DO
Jin Bai Kim, MD
Jean M. Muller-Rohland, MD
Jonathan K. Arad, MD
Lata Bhansali, MD
Joel E. Braun, MD
Marcia R. Brown, MD
Jeffrey K. Chacko, MD
Suzanne H. Chun, DO
Lenore Z. Gladstone, MD
Murray Andrew Greenwood, MD MPH
Sikha Guha, MD
Peter Kaganowicz, MD
D.R.C. Kathirithamby, MD
Eun Jong Kim, MD
Sanjay Kumar, MD
Paul C. Lee
Kurt G. Leichtentritt, MD
Matei S. Roussan, MD
Francisco H. Santiago, MD
Flora Tabaddor, MD
Meena N. Tamhankar, MD
John M. Ventrudo, MD
Sayed E. Wahezi, MD
Svetlana Zaydman, DO
Peng Zhao, MD
Bozena Basewicz Sokol, MD
Olivera Pekovic, MD
Philip F. Alexandre, MD
Ismail A. Alhamrawy, MD
Viktoriya Brener, MD
Aleksandria Gashinskaya, MD
Masudul Hasan, MD
Laurian Jacoby, MD
Edward K. Kang, MD
Michael D. Leibowitz, MD
Konstantin Lipelis, MD
Thresiamma Mathew, MD
Colleen S. Maxcy, MD MPH
Matt B. Medwick, MD
Elliot Meisenberg, MD
Zhanna Nudelman, MD
Eric N. Pasia, MD
Rashel Potashnik, MD
Joseph A. Raia, MD
Roma Rajs-Nepomniashy, MD
Alexander Rozenberg, MD
Roman Sorin, MD
Ashton L. Stanton, MD
Yura Stolyarsky, MS LAc
Lyudmila Trimba, MD
Dan Dan Tu, MD
Zinaida Turovsky, MD
Mohammad I. Uddin, MD
Bohdan J. Warycha, MD
Jonathan M. Hall, DO
S. David Miller, MD
Judith Ann Sutin, MD
William P. Walsh, MD
Hooja Cho Kim, MD
Thomas B. Cowan, MD
John J. Vasile, MD
Michael F. Fernando, MD
Marcia Griffin-Hansraj, DO
Naghmeh Rajaee, MD
Maria A. J. Castro, MD
Kendell Kessler, MD
Carlos A. Montorfano, MD
Anupam N. Sinha, DO
Lijun Song, MD
Limeng Wang, MD
Robert B. Lanter, DO
Barry Rubin, MD
Saleela Suresh, MD
David N. Bressler, MD
Yong Suk Tak, MD
Fred H. Frieden, MD
Irvin L. Kotkin, MD
Stephen H. Huish, DO
Orawan Rongkapan, MD
Mila Sankin, MD
Barbara Schwartz, MD
Marie G. Sortino, MD
Shalva Adar, MD
Mery Elashvili, MD DO
Richard A. Gasalberti, MD
Sydney Goldman, MD
Paul E. Roa, MD
Marsha Shvets, MD
Samuel H. Kelman, DO
Kurt Raab, MD
Radana S. Dooley, MD
Elena Belkin, MD
Kim Tam Vaugeois
Hadassah L. Orenstein, MD
S Farhan Zaidi, MD
Robert L. Hecht, MD
Kamla S. Iyer, MD
Vidyasagar Mokureddy, MD
Benjamin Bieber, MD
Gina A. Penzi-Luxemberg, DO
Jennifer Choi, MD
Kyu Won Sohn, MD
Andrew J. Morpurgo, MD
Philip Harris, MD
Jonathan W. Phillips
David H. Zelefsky, MD
Sheryl R. Levin, MD
Pete-Baye V.E. Nation, MD
Jeffrey Kornreich, MD
Johan De Beer, DO
Philip Burns, DO
James F. Wyss, MD MPT
Beatrice Kaplan, MD
Marjorie Scheiber, MD
Samuel A. Levine, MD
Arun K. Bhattacharyya, MD
Sunkyung J. Hong, MD
Cindy X. Chen, MD
Anthony A. Oreste, MD
Jerome A. Gristina, MD
Lucille C. Gunning, MD
Dora A. Sorell, MD
Divya Agrawal, MD
Adeel Ahmad, MD
Jung Hwan Ahn, MD
Rodica Alexandrescu, MD
Nycaine A. Anderson, MD
Jean M. Barber, MD
Bertrand J. Bensam, MD
Wanda Brodzka, MD
Andrew D. Brown, MD
Adam C. Carter, MD
Sergio D. Chacin, MD
Chin Ting Chiu, MD
Michael D. Dambeck, DO
Leonard Davis, MD
Michael G. Dempsey, DO
Foad Elahi, MD
Richard A. Frieden, MD
Lori E. Garjian, MD
Joyce Goldenberg, MD
Joseph Goodgold, MD
William Green, MD
Nilufer A. Guleyupoglu, MD
Judith S. Hertanu, MD
Joyce Ho, MD
Josephine Huang, MD PLLC
Su-Ying Huang, MD
Ida Hutmacher, MD
Roseanna L. Jackson-Parekh, MD
Danuta W. Janiszewski, MD PhD
Stuart B. Kahn, MD
Hui Chon Kim, MD
Sie Hyon Kim, MD
Bobbi L. Krause, MD
Herbert Kwasnik, MD
Miriam E. Lane, MD
Valery F. Lanyi, MD
Tse C. Lee, MD
Dong Myung Ma, MD
Katarzyna J. Machlarz, MD
Elizabeth M. Manejias, MD
Philip J. Melchiorre, MD
Damyanti G. Moorjani, MD
Vasantha L. Murthy, MD
Willibald Nagler, MD
Nahid Khak Nainzadeh, MD
Maria S. Navedo-Rivera, MD
Chow H. Ng, MD
Dennis N. Nutini, MD
Marykatharine Nutini, DO
Janice M. Pavis, DO
Sue Mei Qu, MD
Dae Sik Rho, MD
Joseph A. Rothenberg, MD
Joji Sakuma, MD
Nicole L. Sasson, MD
Hyon K. Schneider, MD
Joyti Sharma, MD
Stephen C. Sirota, MD
Nancy E. Strauss, MD
Yelena Suler, MD
Roxana Todirascu, MD
Vijay B. Vad, MD
Jerry Weissman, MD
Mark C. Wilner, MD
Chandra Yoganathan, MD
Sunitha Polepalle, MD
Jennifer M. Gray, DO
James M. Inzerillo, MD
Anuja Korlipara, MD
Amit H. Patel, MD
Davinder Modgil
Seong K. Kang, MD
Yogini Mavani, DO
Nandini P. Joshi, MD
Cecilia L. Ransom, MD
Honorio T. Dispo, MD
Stefan J. Cenkner, MD
Michelle E. Antiles, DO
Raoul C. Psaki, MD
Uma Aggarwal, MD
Donna G. Ferrero, MD
Sarah J. Preiss-Farzanegan, MD
Jed A. Bell, DO
Angeles Badell, MD
Marion E. Murphy, MD
Lynne T. Nicolson, MD
Kenneth L. Shapiro, MD
Syed S. Rahman, MD
Irene D. Patrylo, MD
Scott A. Jones, DO
Perry D. Drucker, MD
Margarita M. Nunez-Reilly, DO
Ene Ojile, MD
Lon J. Satnick, MD
Hany M. Nasr, MD
Irfan A. Alladin, MD
Stephen R. Lebduska, MD
Raul Llinas, MD
John J. Iazzetti, MD
Howard Hau-wei Huang, MD
Chetan Malik, MD
Eric D. Shapiro, MD
Karen M. Pechman, MD
Maria A.B. Pici, MD
Ralph A. Pici, MD
Gabriel Rinzler, MD
Jau Shiung Huang, MD
Hilary B. Berlin, MD
Jessie Simantov, MD
Tin T. Wynn, MD
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83rd Street MRI
A.L. Lee Memorial Hospital
Adirondack Medical Center
Adriondack Professional Commons
Advanced Imaging & Radiology
Advanced Imaging Associates
Advanced Medical Imaging
Advanced Radiological Imaging Associates P.C.
Advanced Radiological Imaging Astoria
Advanced Womens Imaging of Lenox Hill
Agata Stancato-Pasik
Albany Advanced Imaging
Albany Medical Center - Radiology
Albany Open MRI
Alejandro RAD
Alice M. Gorman Imaging
All Borough Imaging
All County Open MRI
All County Open MRI and Diagnostic Radiology
Allen Rothpearl MDPC dba Jericho Specialty Imaging
American Medical Imaging
Amherst Diagnostic Imaging PC
Amherst Magnetic Imaging Assoc. PC Adv. Imaging of Kenmore
ARCE Medical & Diagnostic Services PC
Ardsley Radiology, P.C.
Arnot Ogden Medical Center
Arthur Avenue Radiology
Associates in Radiology-Imaging Center
Atlantic Radiologic Imaging
BAB Nuclear Radiology, P.C.
BAB Radiology
BAB Radiology at Commack
Baskin Barbara Dr
Bassett Healthcare
Bates Vernice E MD
Bay Ridge Medical Imaging PC
Bay Ridge Medical Imaging, P.C.
Bayside Radiology
Bellevue Hospital Center
Belt Parkway Imaging
Beranbaum Khilnani Neistadt
Bernstein, Karen E Md
Beth Israel Medical Center
Bethpage MRI
Bethpage Open MRI
Better Medical Health PC
BIMC Radiology
Bon Secours Community Hospital
Borg Imaging Group, LLP
BR Imaging PC & Genesee MRI Associates LLC
Brady James W MD
Braunstein, David Md
Breast Examination Center of Harlem
Bronx Lebanon Hospital
Bronx Park Radiology
Brookhaven Memorial Medical Center
Brookhaven MRI
Brooklyn Medical Imaging
Brooklyn Medical Imaging Center
Brooks Memorial Hospital
Buchbinder Shalom
Buffalo Medical Group
Buffalo MRI and CT
C.P. Advanced Imaging, PLLC
Canal Radiology
Canarsie Radiology Associates
Canton-Potsdam Hospital
Capital Imaging Associates PC
Capital Imaging Associates, P.C.
Capote Horacio MD
Carnegie Hill Radiology
Cayuga Medical Center at Ithaca
Cayuga Medical Center at Ithaca East Campus
Central Diagnostic Imaging
Central Imaging
Central New York Pet Llc
Central Park Women's Imaging
Central Queens Imaging
Champlain Valley Open MRI
Champlain Valley Physicians Hospital Radiology Department
Chang, Victoria
Chautauqua MRI
Chinatown Medical Imaging Center
Clifton Park Advanced Imaging
Clifton Park Advanced Imaging PLLC
CMI Professional Services
CNY Diagnostic Imaging
Columbia Magnetic Imaging
Columbia Magnetic Imaging, P.C.
Columbia Presbyterian Center of NY Presbyterian
Columbia Presbyterian Eastside Radiologists
Columbia Presbyterian Eastside Radiology
Columbia Radiologists
Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center
Columbus Circle Imaging
Columbus Circle MRI and PET
Community Care Physicians - Imagecare Latham
Community Care Physicians - Imagecare Saratoga
Comprehensive Medical Imaging
Comprehensive MRI of New York, P.C.
Comprehensive MRI of New York, P.C. dba Stand-Up MRI of Islandia
Comprehensive MRI of NY, P.C.- Stand-Up MRI of East Setauket
Computerized Diagnostic Associates
Constant Constantin MD
Cooporative Magnetic Imaging
Corinthian Diagnostic Radiology
Corinthian Diagnostic Rdlgy
Cornell MRI
Cornell Radiology Associates
Cortland Memorial Hospital
Craig H Sherman MD
Cross Bay Open Imaging
Crossbay Open Imaging
Crystal Run Healthcare
Crystal Run Healthcare, LLP
Czarnecki Donna MD
Damadian MRI in Canarsie PC
Damadian MRI in Garden City, P.C.
David L. Milbauer, M.D. - Regency MRI, P.C.
Deck Michael D PC
DeGraff Memorial Hospital
Dent Institute
Dent Neurologic Group LLP
DIA Medical
Diagnostic Imaging
Diagnostic Imaging Associates
Diagnostic Radiology Associates
Diagnostic Radiology Associates
Diagnostic Radiology Associates, P.C.
Dia-Tribeca Radiology
Donovan Carmel MD
Doshi Diagnostic Imaging Services
Douglas E Hertford MD
Dove Open MRI
DRA Imaging P.C.
DRA Imaging, P.C.
DRA Imaging, PC
Drucker, Genuth & Augenstein, MDs, P.C.
Dynamic Medical Imaging P.C.
East Manhattan Diagnostic Imaging PC dba: Dove Open MRI
East River Imaging
East River Medical at Sutton Place
East River Medical Imaging Associates, PC
East Westchester Radiology Associates, P.C.
Eastside Radiology
Einstein Radiology
Ellis Hospital
Elmont Open MRI
EMDI PC dba: Union Square Diagnostic Imaging
Empire Imaging
Faculty Practice Radiology
Faculty Practice Radiology NYU School of Medicine
Feld Leslie MD
Finger Lakes Radiology LLC
Fisher, David A Md
Flushing Imaging Center
FONAR - MR Scanning
Fordham Radiology
Franklin Hospital Medical Center
Genesee Radiology Associates LLC
Gengo Fran MD
Good Samaritan Hospital Medical Center MRI Imaging Center
Gramercy MRI and Diagnostic Radiology PC
Gramercy Radiology Group
Grappell P & Walker J Md PC
Great Neck Imaging, P.C.
Great Neck Radiologists
Great Neck Women's Medical
Greene Medical Imaging
Greene Medical Imaging, P.C.
Greenwich Hospital Radiology Dept.
Gun Hill MRI
Guttman Diagnostic Center
Hadar Orna Dr
Hampton Radiology
Hartsdale Imaging
Heimowitz Howard MD
Hekler E Mark MD
Herbert Irving Cancer Center at NYPH - Columbia Campus
HIA Bensonhurst Imaging
Highland Hospital MRI Center
Highway Imaging Associates
Hillcrest Radiology Associates
Hillcrest Radiology Associates PC
Holmlund Tomas
Hospital for Joint Diseases Orthopaedic Institute - Radiology-Mri
Hospital For Special Surgery
Hourihane J Maurice MD
Hudson Valley Imaging
Huntington Medical Group, P.C.
Imaging Center of Staten Island
INNER IMAGING(EBT-calcium scans)
Inter-Community Memorial Hospital
Interfaith Medical Center
IRA Davenport Memorial Hospital
Irwin Schlossberg
Island Diagnostic Imaging Associates
Islandia MRI Associates, P.C.
Islandwide Medical Imaging
J Y Professional Radiology
Jacobi Medical Center
Jamaica Hospital
Jamestown Open MRI and CT
K & G Ultrasound Diag Medical Lab
Kaleida Health Buffalo General Hospital
Kaleida Health Millard Fillmore Hospital Gates
Kaleida Health Millard Fillmore Suburban Hospital
Kang Minsoo MD
Kim's Diagnostic Radiology
King Plaza Radiology
Kingston Diagnostic
Lakeville Magnetic Imaging
Lenox Hill Hospital Radiology
Lenox Hill Hospital Radiology Department
Lenox Hill Radiology & Medical Imaging Associates P.C.
Lenox Hill Radiology and Medical Imaging Associates PC NYPMI
Lerman Diagnostic Imaging
Lhcmg - Pisani, Joseph MD
Lockport MRI
Long Beach Medical Center
Long Island College Hospital Radiology Catscan Dept.
Long Island Diagnostic Imaging
Long Island Diagnostic Imaging - East Setauket
Long Island Diagnostic Imaging at Syosset
Long Island Jewish Medical Center
Long Island MRI, P.C.
Long Island Radiology Assoc at St. Johns Episcopal Hospital
Long Island Radiology Assoc dba Plainview MRI
Long Island Radiology Associates, PC
Long Island Radiology Associates, PC - Long Island NMR
Lucille P. Taverna, MD Radiological Associates of L. I., PC
M Tartell & S Harisiadis LLP
M.R.I. Associates of Buffalo, P.C.
Magnetic Diagnostic Resources of CNY
Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Manhattan, P.C.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging, P.C.
Maimonides Medical Center Radiology Dept
Maimonides Radiology Associates
Main Street Radiology-Bayside
Maklansky, Grunther, Kurzban, Cohen, Zimmer , Hyman, Be
Manetto Hill MRI Associates, LLP
Manhasset Diagnostic Imaging, P.C.
Manhattan Consolidated Imaging
Manhattan Diagnostic Radiology
Marc Brown
Marine Park Radiology
Marine Park Radiology, P.C.
Massena Memorial Hospital
Mather Memorial Hospital Port Jefferson MRI
MDI PC dba: Kingsway Diagnostic Imaging
Meadow Diagnostic Imaging
Meadows Mid-Queens Radiology
Mechlin Michael MD
Mechtler Laszlo MD
Medical Arts Radiology - Commack
Medical Arts Radiology Group, P.C.
Medical Arts Radiology of Patchogue
Medical Diagnostic Imaging PLLC
Medical Imaging Of Manhattan
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center - Diagnostic Imaging Center
Mercy Medical Center
Mercycare Medical Campus Center
Metropolitan Diagnostic Imaging
Metropolitan Diagnostic Imaging PC
Metropolitan Diagnostic Radiology
Metropolitan Radiological
Mid Rockland Imaging
Middle Village Radiology Incorporated
Mid-Hudson Medical Group
Midtown Medical Pavilion
Milbauer David MD
Miletich Robert MD
Milstein Hospital
Mineola Open MRI
Mitnick J MD
Modern Medical Imaging
Mohawk Glen Imaging PC
Mohawk Valley Imaging
Mohawk Valley Open MRI
Montclair Radiology
Montefiore Medical Center - Moses Division
Montefiore Medical Center Weiler Hospital
Montefiore Medical Park
Morgan Stanley Children's Hospital of New York Presbyterian
Mount Sinai Hospital
Mount Sinai Radiological Associates
Mount St Mary's Hospital Of Niagara Falls
Mount St. Marys Hospital and Health Center
MRI Associates of Queens
MRI Associates of Queens, P.C.
MRI Center University Of Rochester
MRI of Huntington, P.C.
MRI of Manhattan
MRI Specialists at St. Josephs Medical Center
Mri-CT Scanning of Manhattan
MRSI Management Inc
Mt. Kisco Imaging
Murray Hill Radiology & Mammography
Myers Bennett MD
Narrows Magnetic Resonance
Narrows MRI & Diagnostic Radiology, P.C.
Nassau Health Care Corporation
Nassau Radiologic Group, PC D/b/a Lakeville Imaging
Nassau Suffolk Radiological Assoc. Lindenhurst X-Ray Center
Nathan Littauer Hospital and Nursing Home - MOBILE
Naturo Medical Health Care PC
Neurological Specialties of LI LLP
New Paltz Imaging
New Rochelle Radiology Assoc PC
New Rochelle Radiology Associates, P.C.
New York Imaging
New York Medical Center of Queens
New York Partnership For Hlth
New York Private Medical Imaging, LLP
New York Radiology Associates
New York University Faculty Practice MRI
New York University Medical Center
Next Generation Radiology
Niagara Falls Memorial Medical Center
Niagara's Premier Health Network
Nomikas George MD Radiology
Norman Alex MD
North Central Bronx Hospital
North Country Imaging Center
North Fork Radiology
North Shore Medical Group - Mt. Sinai School of Medicine
North Shore Radiology at Glen Cove
North Shore University Hospital
Northeast Bronx Radiology
Northeast Radiology - Brewster
Northeast Radiology - Mount Kisco
Northern Blvd Radiation Onclgy
Northern Dutchess Hospital
Northern Radiology Imaging, PLLC
Northern Westchester Hospital
Northtowns Imaging
Nyack Magnetic Resonance
Nydic Open MRI of America
Olean General Hospital
Olean Open MRI
OLM MRI Center
Omega Diagnostic Imaging PC
Omega Diagnostic Imaging PC
Oneida Medical Imaging Center
Open High-Field MRI Institute of Westchester
Open Medical Diagnostics Of Islip
Open MRI at Ryegreenwich
Open MRI at Smith Haven d/b/a North Shore Regional MRI
Open MRI of Amsterdam
Open MRI of Brewster
Open MRI of Dewitt
Open MRI Of Eastchester
Open MRI of Elmira
Open MRI of Elmira LLC
Open MRI of Fishkill
Open MRI of Glens Falls
Open MRI of Ithaca
Open MRI of Middletown
Open MRI of Tarrytown
Open MRI of Utica
Open MRI of Yorktown
Orange Radiology - MRI of Newburgh
Orange Radiology - MRI of Wallkill
Orange Radiology Associates /MRI of Orange
Orange Radiology Associates, P.C.
Orange Regional Medical Center, Hatfield Campus
Orange Regional Medical Center, Horton Campus
Orchard Park Medical MRI
Ostrovsky Paul MD
Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital
Park Avenue Radiologists PC
Park Avenue Radiologists, PC
Parkland Diagnostic Imaging
Parkside Court Radiology Service
Parkway Hospital
Pasricha, Vijay P Md
Patchogue Open MRI LLC, Open MRI of Patchogue
Patel Malti MD
Peninsula Hospital Center
Pet CT Imaging Radiology of Ramapo
Phelps MRI Center
Philips White Plains MRI Center
Physicians Imaging Center of Amherst
Physicians Imaging Center of Western NY
Physicians MRI LLP
Physicians' Open MRI
Pinnacle Diagnostic Radiology
Practice Of Manhattan Women's Imaging
Professional Health Imaging
Professional Health Imaging PC
Professional Health Imaging PC
Professional Radiology Services, P.C.
Pro-Health Care LLP
Proscan Imaging Buffalo
Purnell Frank D
Putnam Hospital Center
Queens Medical Imaging PC
Queens Medical Imaging, PC
Queens Open MRI
Queens Open MRI Diagnostic
Radiology Associates of Brooklyn, LLP
Radiology Associates Of Ithaca
Radiology Associates of Poughkeepsie PLLC
Radiology on 11th
Radiology Services of New York P.C.
Raffi Mahvash MD
Ramapo Diagnostics Imaging
Ramapo Radiology Associates PC
Raytel Medical Imaging
Regency M R I PC
Regional Radiology
Regional Radiology Outerbridge
Regional Radiology South
Richmond Radiology Associates, LLP
Richmond Radiology P.C.
River Radiology
Riverhouse Womens Imaging
Riverhouse Women's Imaging east 81 side
Riverhouse Women's Imaging east 83 side
Riverhouse Women's Imaging west side
Rivermed Imaging
RiverMed Imaging at St. John's Riverside Hospital
Rochester Diagnostic Imaging Associates
Rochester Radiology Associates
Rockaway Open MRI and Diagnostic Imaging
Rockefeller Outpatient Pavillion-Memorial Sloan Kettering
Rockland Diagnostic Imaging
Rosenberg Zehava MD
Rye Radiology Associates
Rye Radiology Associates, LLP
Samaritan Medical Center
Saratoga Care - Wilton Medical Arts
Saratoga Imaging Center
Schaffer & Schonholz
Schaffer, Schonholz & Drossman, LLP
Schuyler Hospital
Schweitzer Mark MD Radiology
Seaview Radiology PC
Seaway Orthopedics PC
Seton Imaging
Sharon, Steve M.D.
Shore Road Radiology Associates
Silberzweig James MD
Sinai Diagnostics & Interventional Radiology PC
Sitron-Hammel Radiology Group P C
Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Smiles Steven Dr MD
South Nassau Communities Hospital
South Shore Neurologic Associates
South Shore Open MRI M.D.'s P.C.
Southern Tier Imaging
Southgate Physicians Imaging Center
Southside Hospital
Southtowns Catholic MRI
Southtowns Radiology Associates LLP
Southtowns Radiology Associates, LLC
St Luke's Roosevelt
St. Barnabas Hospital
St. Catherine of Siena Medical Center
St. Francis Hospital Physicians Diagnostic Imaging, P.C.
St. John's Queens Hospital
St. Josephs Hospital
St. Luke's Roosevelt Hospital - Roosevelt Site
St. Luke's Roosevelt Hospital (St. Lukes Division)
St. Mary's Hospital
St. Peter's Hospital
Stand - Up MRI of E. Elmhurst, P.C.
Stand - Up MRI of Melville PC
Stand - Up MRI on 11th
Stand Up MRI of Staten Island
Stand Up MRI on 11th
Stand-Up MRI in Bensonhurst P.C.
Stand-Up MRI of Bensonhurst, PC
Stand-Up MRI of Brooklyn, P.C.
Stand-Up MRI of Carle Place PC
Stand-Up MRI of Deer Park, P.C.
Stand-Up MRI of Lynbrook, PC
Stand-Up MRI of Manhattan, PC
Stand-Up MRI of Queens, PC
Stand-Up MRI of Riverhead
Stand-Up MRI of Staten Island, P.C
Stand-Up MRI of Staten Island, PC
Stand-Up MRI of the Bronx, P.C.
Stand-Up MRI On 11th
Stand-Up of East Elmhurst, P.C
Staten Island Medical Imaging
Staten Island University Hospital - North Division
Staten University Hospital
Sterling Radiology Associates LLC
Stony Brook Medical Imaging
Stony Brook Radiologic Services, P.C.
Suffolk Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Suffolk MRI PC
Suffolk MRI, P.C.
Summit MRI
Sunrise Medical Imaging, P.C.
SUNY Upstate Medical University
Syracuse Orthopedic Specialists
Teaneck Radiology Center
The Brooklyn Hospital Center
The Central Orthopedic Group
The Ide Group P.C.
The Kingston Hospital
The Spine and Joint Center
Third Avenue Open MRI
Thornhill Beverly MD
Universal Imaging Diagnostic Group LLC
Universal MRI & Diagnostic
University Diagnostic Medical Imaging, P.C.
University Hospital and Medical Center-SUNYSBNY
University Hospital Of Brooklyn
University Medical Imaging, PC
University Place MRI
Upright Imaging of Westchester
Urban Radiology
Valcour Imaging
Vassar Brothers Medical Center - Dept. of Imaging
Veraview LLC
Verrazano Radiology Associates, P.C.
Via Health - Newark Wayne Community Hospital
Vitello Stacey Dr
WCA Hospital
Welber Adam MD, Michael Michlin
West 81st Street Open MRI
West End MRI Medical Associates PC
West Side Radiology Assoc. PC 59 st
West Side Radiology Associates PC B'dway
Westchester Medical Center
Westchester Medical Group
Westchester Medical Imaging Services
Westchester Square Imaging
Western New York MRI Center
White Plains Hospital Center
White Plains MRI Center
White Plains Radiology Assoc.
Windsong Radiology Group
Winthrop Radiology Associates
Winthrop University Hospital
Woodhull Medical Associates
Wyckoff Heights Medical Center
Wyckoff Radiological PC
Wyoming County Community Hospital
X-Ray Technology of Bay Ridge
XXI Century Radiology and Imaging P.C.
Yorktown Imaging
Zalasin Stefanie Dr
Zhang Lixin MD
Zwanger Pesiri Radiology Group
Orthopedic Products
3-Point Products Inc
A4 Health Systems
Abbott Spine
AcerMed Inc
Acumed LLC
Addison Health Systems Inc
Advantis Medical Inc
Aesculap Inc
Agfa Corp
Aircast LLC
AliMed Inc
Allen Medical Systems
Alliance Imaging Inc
AllPro Imaging
Allscripts Healthcare Solutions
Allsport Dynamics Inc
Alteer Corp
American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons
American Medical Software
American Society of Orthopedic Professionals
Amfit Inc.
Amicore Inc
Arimed Orthotics, Prosthetics, Pedorthics
Arthrex Inc
ArthroCare Corporation
Aspine USA
ASSI-Accurate Surgical Scientific Instruments
Avanta Orthopaedics
Axiom Worldwide Inc
Bauerfeind USA
Biodex Medical Systems
Biofreeze/Performance Health
Bio-Medical Devices Intl (BMDI)
Biomet Inc
BioSkin/Cropper Medical Inc
Blackstone Medical Inc
Bledsoe Brace Systems
Boehringer Laboratories Inc
Boston Brace International
Brasseler USA
Breg Inc
Brown Medical Industries
BSN Medical Inc
Camp Healthcare
Care-Tech Laboratories, Inc.
Carl Zeiss Surgical Inc
Cascade Orthopedic Supply
CDM Sport
Cedaron Medical Inc
Cert Health Sciences LLC
ChartLogic Inc
Chattanooga Group
Christie Communications
Companion Technologies
Core Spine Fitness
Corflex Inc
Corin Group PLC
CryoLife Inc
Darco International Inc
Del Medical Imaging
DePuy Mitek
DePuy Orthopaedics Inc
DePuy Spine
Diagnostic Instruments Inc / Toshiba
dj Orthopedics LLC
DM Systems Inc
Dodge Communications
DSM Dyneema
Eastman Kodak Co
E-Clinical Works
efi Sports Medicine/Total Gym
Elite Medical Equipment
Ellingsen Brady Advertising
Emdeon Practice Services
Endius Inc
Endo Pharmaceuticals
EON Systems Inc
Euro International Inc
Exactech Inc
Exscribe Inc
FastStart Orthopedic Products
Ferno Performance Pools
Fillauer Companies:
Fillauer LLC,
Motion Control,
Center for Orthotics Design,
FLA Orthopedics Inc
Forest Laboratories Inc
Franklin & Seidelmann Subspecialty Radiology
Fuji Medical - Electronic Imaging
Fuji Medical - FujiFilm
Gauthier Biomedical Inc
GE Healthcare, Surgery
GE Medical Systems Orthopedics
Gebauer Company
Genzyme Biosurgery
Hand Biomechanics Lab
Hand Innovations
Hapad Inc
HealthTronics Inc
Hely & Weber
Hitachi Medical Systems America
Hitchi Medical Systems America
Hoggan Health Industries Inc
Hologic Inc
i.t. Communications (Ortho PACS Division)
IDC (Imaging Dynamics Company)
IMAK Products Corporation
IncreMedical LLC
Innovative Healthcare Solutions
Innovative Medical Products
Instratek Inc
Interpore Cross International
Inudstrial Pharmacy Management
IsoTis OrthoBiologics US
Jerome Medical
Karl Storz Endoscopy-America Inc
Kinamed Inc
KMI-Kinetkos Medical Inc
Kodak's Health Group
Kyphon Inc
Locum Tenens
Maramed Orthopedic Systems
MD Imaging
Med Spec
MedEvolve Inc
MedFit Systems Inc
Medi Notes Corporation
MediNiche Pharmaceuticals
MedModule Inc.
Medtronic Sofamor Danek
Misys Healthcare Systems
Motion Analysis Corp
M-PACT Worldwide LLC
Musculoskeletal Transplant Foundation
National Association of Orthopaedic Technologists
Neurocom International Inc
NewMedical Technology
Newwave Medical LLC
NextGen Healthcare Information Systems, Inc.
Night Hawk
North American Medical
Northpedic Cast Room Systems
Novel Electronics Inc
O&P Digital Technologies
Ohio Willow Wood
Olympic Medical
OMNI Life Science
Omni-Tract Surgical
ONI Medical Systems Inc
Orex Computed Radiography
Orfit Industries America
Organon Sanofi-Synthelabs LLC
Ortho Development Corporate
Orthofix Inc
Orthomerica Products Inc
Orthopedic Designs Inc
Orthopedic Technology Review
OrthoSpot Inc
Orthovita Inc
Osteoimplant Technology Inc
Osteotech Inc
Otto Bock HealthCare
Pacific Research Laboratories Inc
PEL Supply Co
Performance Health Technologies
Pfizer Inc
PhDx Systems Inc.
Philips Medical Systems NA
Pillet Hand Prostheses Ltd
Pinnacle III
Plus Orthopedics
PMT Corporation
Portland Orthopedics Inc
Practice Builders
Pro Band Sports Industries Inc
Professional Products Inc
ProScan Imaging
ProVation Medical Inc
ProVox Technologies Corp
Pyron Medical
RADinfo Systems
Radsource LLC
Regeneration Technologies Inc
Rich-Mar Corporation
Riecken's Orthotic Lab
Rockit Products Inc
Roll-A-Bour Corp
Sammons Prestons Rolyan
Scott Sabolich Prosthetics & Research
Seattle Systems Inc
Sensor Products LLC
Sequel Systems, Inc
Sgarlato Labs Inc
Shapin Medical Transcription
Siemens Medical Solutions USA Inc.
Small Bone Innovations
Smith & Nephew
Smith & Nephew Endoscopy
Sorenson Medical
Sorna Corporation
Southwest Technologies Inc
Spina Systems International Inc
Spire Corporation
Sroufe Healthcare Products LLC
St John Companies
Stellar Orthopedics, Inc.
Sterling Medical Products Inc
STJ Orthotic Services Inc
Stryker Biotech
Stryker Howmedica Osteonics
Stryker Imaging
Swede-O Inc
Swissray International Inc
Synthes Spine
Tekscan Inc
TeleVox Software
Thaemert Inc
Thera-Band Products/Hygenic Corporation
TissueLink Medical
Tornier Inc
Townsend Design
USS Sports Medicine
VIDAR Systems Corporation
W.L. Gore & Associates Inc
Whittemore Enterprises Inc
Wright Medical Technology Inc
Wyeth Pharmaceuticals
X-cell C-ray Corp
Ziehm imaging
Zimmer Inc ?? ?
A & B Prosthetics & Orthotics Inc
Advanced Orthotics & Prosthetics
Advanced Prosthetic and Orthotic Care
Advanced Prosthetics & Orthotics
All Island Orthotics & Prosthetics Inc
Altwerger Warren
American Orthotic Laboratory Inc
Amken Prosthetic Orthotic Laboratory Inc
Arimed Orthotics Prosthetics Pedorthics
Artificial Limb and Brace Repair
A-Step Ahead Prosthetics And Orthotics
Bay Orthopedic & Rehabilitation Supply CO Inc
Bergman Orthotics And Prosthetics Llc
Bio-Craft Orthotic Laboratory Inc
Bio-Fit Orthotics
Cairn Allied Health Services
Campanella Orthotics & Prosthetic
Campanella Orthotics & Prosthetics
Capital District Orthotic Group Inc
Capital Orthotic Prosthetic Associates
Care Crafters Inc
Catania Shoe Shop
Cayuga Orthotics And Prosthetics Inc
Center for Prosthetics & Orthotics
Clinical Prosthetics & Orthotics LLC
Clinical Prosthetics And Orthotics LLC
Com-Fit Shoes Inc
Complete Treatment for Your Medical Needs
Creative Orthotics & Prosthetics
Creative Orthotics & Prosthetics Inc
Creative Orthotics and Prosthetics
Custom Care Orthotics & Prosthetics Inc
Custom Foot Orthotics
Custom Made Artificial Limbs & Braces
Custom Orthotic & Prosthetic Devices
Custom Sports Laboratory
Darby Orthotics
Diversified Orthotic Inc
Dorsch Prosthetics & Orthotics Inc
Eastside Orthotics & Prosthetics Inc
Empire Orthopedic Laboratories
Empire Prosthetics And Orthotics Llc
Eschen Prosthetic & Orthotic Laboratory Inc
Fairchild Pedorthic Orthotic Services
Finger Lakes Prosthetics & Orthotics
Floral Park, NY 11001
Flo-Tech Orthotic & Prosthetic Systems
Gibraltar Orthotics Inc
Great Lakes Orthopedic Laboratory
Great Lakes Orthopedic Laboratory - Orthotics & Prosthetics
Greater Rochester Prosthetics And Orthotics Inc
Green Prosthetics & Orthotics LLC
Hanger Prosthetics & Orthotics
Hanger Prosthetics & Orthotics Inc
Helen Hayes Hospital - Prosthetics Orthotics
Helen Hayes Hospital Prosthetic Orthotic Center
Hersco Orthotic Laboratory
Highland Podiatry
Howard Orthotics and Prosthetics
Hudson Valley Foot Associates
Huysman Orthotics Limited - Cpo
Innovative Orthotics & Prosthetics Inc
Island Orthotic & Prosthetic Associate Inc
Island Orthotic & Prosthetic Associates Inc
J & G Orthotic & Prosthetic Corporation
J & H Orthotics
J-K Prosthetics & Orthotics
Kelly Road, Neversink, NY 12765
LA Salle Shoe Repair & Amble Orthotic Systems
Lake Limb & Brace
Lake Limb and Brace
Lehneis Orthotics & Prosthetics Associates Ltd.
Lehneis Orthotics & Prosthetics Associates Ltd.
Lehneis Orthotics And Prosthetics Associates Limited
Lenox Hill Orthotics Inc
Liberty Orthotics
Liberty Orthotics Inc
Lorelei Orthotics & Prosthetics
Mandelbaum M H Orthotic & Prosthetic Svces Inc
Manhasset Orthotics-Prosthetics Ltd
Mark Goldberg Prosthetics & Orthotics Laboratory Inc
Mayfair Orthotics And Prostetics
Mayfair Orthotics And Prostetics
Mayfari Orthotics And Prosthetics
Mayflower Santo Medical Supply
Myobility Prosthetic & Orthotic Services
N B B Orthotics
N J R Orthotic Laboratory Inc
National Prosthetic Orthotic Associates Inc
Nat'L Prosthetic Orthotic Associates
Nelson Prosthetic & Orthotic Laboratory
New England Orthotic & Prosthetic Services LLC
New England Orthotic & Prosthetic Systems
New England Orthotic & Prosthetic Systems LLC
New England Orthotic Prosthetic System Llc
New England Orthotics & Prosthetics
NJR Orthotic Laboratory
North Shore Orthotics
North Shore Orthotics-Prosthetics Limited
Novacare Orthotics & Prosthetics
Ortho-Aid Custom Molded Shoes, Inc./ Surgical Supply
Ortho-Bionics Labs Inc
Orthopedic Medical Products Inc
Orthopedic Works
Orthotics & Prosthetics Department Of
Orthotics & Prosthetics Technologies Corporation
Orthotics Limited
Park Avenue Orthotics
Piluso Laura J DPM
Precision Orthotics & Prosthetics
Precision Orthotics Prosthetics
Progressive Orthotics
Progressive Orthotics & Prosthetics Inc
Progressive Orthotics Limited
Prosthetic & Orthotic Associates
Prosthetic & Orthotic Associates Inc
Prosthetic & Orthotic Assocs Inc
Prothotic Laboratories Inc
Ram Orthotic and Prosthetic Laboratory
Rochester Orthopedic Laboratories Inc
S P Prosthetic & Orthotics
S T J Orthotic Services Inc
Sampson's Prosthetic & Orthotic Laboratory
Stafford Laboratory Orthotics & Prosthetics Inc
Strong Memorial Hospital - Orthotics and Prosthetics
T M R Orthotic Prosthetic Service Inc
Toback Podiatry
U S Orthotic Center
Yankee Medical
American Shoe Corporation
Arnold's Shoe Repair
Austrailian Outfitters
Bay Orthopedic & Rehabilitation Spl Co Inc
Birkenstock Footwear & Repair
Blossom Footwear
Brooklyn's Largest Selection Of Shoes For Men - Women - Children
Buffalo Chips Boot Company
Calvin Express
Calvin Express Inc
Cantilever Ground Gripper Shoe Shop
Catskill Mountain Moccasins
Chapman Ellie
Classic Custom Shoes
E & G Foot Center
E Vogel
Elige Shoe Repair
Eneslow Foot Comfort Centers
Eric Shoes
Express Shoe & Leather
Femme Fetiche Shoes & Boots
Foot Molds Inc
General Orthopedic
Giannino Frank
Girls Love Shoes
Guttman Comfort Shoe & Arch Support CO
High Fashion Shoes For Problem Feet.
Hook's Shoe Stores Inc
Howard Schwartz Pharmacist
I C B International
Intershoe Inc
J C Theatrical & Custom Footwear
Jimlar Corporation
Joseph's Shoes & Orthopedic Applnces
Kim's Orthopedic Shoes
Kingston Shoes
Knee Jonathan M DPM
LA Salle Shoe Repair & Amble Orthotic Systems
LA Torre Orthopedic Laboratory
Label By Laura Whitcomb
Lace-Shoe Boutique
LaDuca Shoes
Long Island Comfort Shoes & Pedorthic Services Inc
Lord Custom Molded Shoes Inc
Lulu Guinness Shoes
Magic Shoe Repair
Manuel Muicela Owner
Mathias Boot Makers
McCreedy & Schreiber
Mele Boot Makers
Menkes Theatrical Shoes
Michael's Shoe Repair & Orthopedic Care
Money Savers Shoes Inc
Monsey Shoes Inc
Montana Leatherworks Limited
Mopro Professionally Fitted Footwear
Mount Vernon Footcare
Mountain Moccasins Catskill
Northern Orthopedic Laboratory Inc
Oliver Moore Custom Made Shoes
Ortho-Aid Custom Molded Shoes Inc
Orthopedic Medical Products Inc
Orthopedic Shoe Clinic
Payless ShoeSource
Pearl Orthopedic Footwear
Podiatry Services Of Cny Pc
Prothotic Laboratories Inc
Ruslan Custom Shoes Boutique Inc
Salina Shoes
Shaftan Bernice Designs
Shaheen Brothers
Sole Solutions
Stride Rite Bootery
Stride-Rite Bootery
T O Dey Custom Made Shoes
T R I Center Inc
The Foot Performance Center
The Shoe Store For Problem Feet
Torry Bootmakers
Tri-State Footwear Center
Tru Mold Shoes Inc
Tru-Fit Shoes
Turnpike Comfort Footwear Inc
Turnpike Orthopedic Shoes Inc
Via Spiga
Vincent & Edgar
Vogel Boots
Weylan's Army Navy
Winterkorn Orthopedic Applnce Co
Yorke Dynamold Shoes Inc
Yorke Fashion Comfort Center
Advanced Pain Management
Arnot Ogden Medical Center-Member Arnothelth System - Pain Management Center
Brookhaven Memorial Hospital Medical Center - Pain Management
Center For Pain Relief
Central New York Physiatry PC
Columbia Memorial Pain Management
Comprehensive Pain Management
Comprehensive Pain Management Associates
East Coast Pain Management Pc
F F Thompson Health System - Pain Management
Finger Lakes Pain Management
Flushing Pain Management Center
Hillside Medical & Pain Management PC
Integrated Management Inc
J R Medical & Pain Management
Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center - Pain Management Center
Koritz H MD Pain Management
Metro Pain Management
Mid-Hudson Pain Management & Physical Therapy
Multi-Specialty Pain Management PC
Nassau County Pain Management &hblttn Mdcl Offcs P
New York Pain Management
Northeastern Pain Management
Nyack Hospital - Pain Management Center
Nyu Medical Center Pain Management
Osteopathic Pain Management Services
Pain Management & Rehabilitation Physical Medicine
Pain Management And Headache Medicine
Pain Management Center
Pain Management Center of Wilton Medical Arts
Pain Management Central
Pain Management Consultants
Pain Management Of Long Island
Pain Management Of Upstate New York
Pain Management Service Of Schenectdy Ansthsa Assc
Rome Memorial Hospital - Pain Management Clinic
Seton Health - Pain Management
Southern Tier Pain Management Center
St Luke's Cornwall Hospital - Pain Management Program
Tadoori Pandu R Dr Pain Management
The Albany Center For Pain Management
The Pain Management Center at Memorial Hospital
Thompson Health - Pain Management
Tomkins Robert E Pain Management
Active Day Seniors Program
Amken Orthopedics Inc
Assisted Living at the Osborn
Auburn Memorial Hospital
Aurora Concept Inc
Baptist Health Nursing Rehabilitation Center
Barnwell Health Facilities
Barnwell Nursing And Rehabilitation Center
Barrier Free Living Inc
Bartholomew Health Care Group
Birchwood Health Center
Boyd's of Madison Ave
Bridge Plaza Clinic
Bridgewater Center for Rehabilitation Nursing
Brookhaven Health Care Facility
Buena Vida Continuing Care and Rehabilitation Center
Burke Rehabilitation Hospital
Capital Living and Rehabilitation Centres
Carillon Adult Day Health Care Services
Carillon Nursing & Rehabilitation Center
Catskill Regional Medical Center
Center for Specialty Care Inc
Central Island Healthcare
Central Park Physical Therapy
Cliffside Rehabilitation & Residentil Health Cre Center
Clove Lakes Health Care & Rehabilitation Center Inc
CMR Residential Facilities
Community General Hospital of Sullivan County
Community Vocational Rehabilitation Center
Cortlandt Healthcare
Crest Manor Living & Rehabilitation Center
Crestwood Health Care Center
Crown Nursing & Rehabilitation Center
Daytop Village Inc
Ditmas Park Care Center
Dolsky Alexander PT
Doris L Patrick Campus
Eden Park Health Care Center
Elcor Health Services
ElderWood Senior Care
Elite Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation LLC
Elm Manor Nursing Home
Episcopal Church Home & Affiliates
Erie County Medical Center Healthcare Network, Health Services
Evergreen Commons
Fahey Rehabilitation Center At Loretto
Fairport Baptist Homes
Ff Thompson Continuing Care Center
Finger Lakes Physical Therapy
Fitzpatrick Anne Dr.
Flushing Manor Geriatric Center
Forest Hills Care Center
Franklin Nursing Home
Garden Gate Health Care Facility
Glens Falls Hospital
Greenfield Health & Rehabilitation Center
Guilderland Center Nursing Home
Hand In Hand Rehabilitation Center
Harris Anesthesia Associates
Health Related Care
Heritage Group
Highland Healthcare Center
Hillcrest Nursing & Rehabilitation Center
Hillcrest Nursing Home
Hollis Park Manor Nursing Home
Horizon Center Inc
Horizon Village
Hudson Valley Hospital Center
Ira Davenport Memorial Hospital
James Square Health & Rehabilitation Centre
Jefferson Rehabilitation Center
Jewish Home of Rochester
Kessler / Ditmas Park Care Center
Kingsbridge Heights Rehabilitation Center
Kingsway Arms Nursing Center
Kirkhaven Alzheimer's Special Care
Lakeside Beikirch Care Center
Lakeside Health System - Comprehensive Rehabilitation Services
Leroy Village Green Residentialealth Care Facility
Livingston County Offices - Campus Skilled Nursing Facility
Long Island Center For Recovery
Long Island Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy PC
Loretto Health & Rehabilitation Center
Loretto Utica Center
Mancuso D A Counseling Services
Manor At Seneca Hill
Margaret Tietz Nursing & Rehabilitation Center
Marquis Care Center
Mercy Health & Rehabilitation Center
Mid-Hudson Managed Home Care, Inc
Millbrook Rehabilitation Center
Mm Ewing Continuing Care Center
Mohawk Valley Nursing Home
Mosholu Diagnostic & Rehabilitation Services PC
Nesconset Nursing Center LLC
Neuro Rehabilitation & Neuropsychological Services
Newark Manor Nursing Home
Newfane Rehabilitation & Health Care Center
Niagara Frontier Vocational Rehabilitation Center Inc
Nir Jacob Md
Northeast Center For Special Care
Norwegian Christian Home & Health Center
Nyack Manor Nursing Home
Ny-Conn Orthopedic And Rehabilitation
Nyconn Orthopedic And Rehabilitation Pllc
Oakwood Health Care Center
Oneonta Nursing & Rehabilitation Center
Orchard Manor Inc
Osborn Pavilion
Palatine Nursing Home
Park Manor Rehabilitation & Health Care Center
Park Terrace Care Center
Penfield Place
Port Chester Nursing And Rehabilitation Centre
Presbyterian Nursing Center
Prosthetic Rehabilitation Center
Ramapo Manor Center For Rehabilitation & Nursing
Regency Extended Care Center Inc
Robert Warner Rehabilitation Center - Orthopedic Rehabilitation Outpatient
Saint Vincent Catholic Medical Center Of New York
Sea View Hospital Rehabilitation Center & Home
Seneca Nursing & Rehabilitation Center
Shore Winds Nursing Home
Somers Manor Nursing Home Rehabilitation
Soundview Apartments
South Shore Healthcare
Sullivan Park Health Care Center Inc
Sun Harbor Inc
The Dutch Manor Nursing and Rehabilitation Centre
The Mountain View Nursing Home And Itation Center
The Orchard Nursing and Rehabilitation Centre
The Stanton Nursing and Rehabilitation Centre
The Waters Of Aurora Park
The Waters Of Eden
The Waters Of Orchard Park
The Wesley Community
Thompson Health - Senior Living Services
Ulster Home Care
United Hebrew Geriatric Center
United Methodist Homes
Upstate Rehabilitation Medicine At Catskill Regional
Valley Health Svcs Inc
Van Allen Nursing Home
Vida Family Service Inc
Wartburg the Adult Care Community
Waters of Endicott
Waters of Westfield
Waterview Hills
Wedgewood Nursing Home
Wesley Health Care Center Inc
Wesley Rehabilitation Center
Westledge Healthcare Facility
Braces Orthotic Prosthetics
A & B Prosthetics & Orthotics Inc
Advanced Orthotics & Prosthetics
Advanced Prosthetic and Orthotic Care
Advanced Prosthetics & Orthotics
All Island Orthotics & Prosthetics Inc
Altwerger Warren
American Orthotic Laboratory Inc
Amken Prosthetic Orthotic Laboratory Inc
Arimed Orthotics Prosthetics Pedorthics
Artificial Limb and Brace Repair
A-Step Ahead Prosthetics And Orthotics
Bay Orthopedic & Rehabilitation Supply CO Inc
Bergman Orthotics And Prosthetics Llc
Bio-Craft Orthotic Laboratory Inc
Bio-Fit Orthotics
Cairn Allied Health Services
Campanella Orthotics & Prosthetic
Campanella Orthotics & Prosthetics
Capital District Orthotic Group Inc
Capital Orthotic Prosthetic Associates
Care Crafters Inc
Catania Shoe Shop
Cayuga Orthotics And Prosthetics Inc
Center for Prosthetics & Orthotics
Clinical Prosthetics & Orthotics LLC
Clinical Prosthetics And Orthotics LLC
Com-Fit Shoes Inc
Complete Treatment for Your Medical Needs
Creative Orthotics & Prosthetics
Creative Orthotics & Prosthetics Inc
Creative Orthotics and Prosthetics
Cross County Shopping Center, Yonkers, NY 10704
Custom Care Orthotics & Prosthetics Inc
Custom Foot Orthotics
Custom Made Artificial Limbs & Braces
Custom Orthotic & Prosthetic Devices
Custom Sports Laboratory
Darby Orthotics
Diversified Orthotic Inc
Dorsch Prosthetics & Orthotics Inc
Eastside Orthotics & Prosthetics Inc
Empire Orthopedic Laboratories
Empire Prosthetics And Orthotics Llc
Eschen Prosthetic & Orthotic Laboratory Inc
Fairchild Pedorthic Orthotic Services
Finger Lakes Prosthetics & Orthotics
Floral Park, NY 11001
Flo-Tech Orthotic & Prosthetic Systems
Gibraltar Orthotics Inc
Great Lakes Orthopedic Laboratory
Great Lakes Orthopedic Laboratory - Orthotics & Prosthetics
Greater Rochester Prosthetics And Orthotics Inc
Green Prosthetics & Orthotics LLC
Hanger Prosthetics & Orthotics
Hanger Prosthetics & Orthotics Inc
Helen Hayes Hospital - Prosthetics Orthotics
Helen Hayes Hospital Prosthetic Orthotic Center
Hersco Orthotic Laboratory
Highland Podiatry
Howard Orthotics and Prosthetics
Hudson Valley Foot Associates
Huysman Orthotics Limited - Cpo
Innovative Orthotics & Prosthetics Inc
Island Orthotic & Prosthetic Associate Inc
Island Orthotic & Prosthetic Associates Inc
J & G Orthotic & Prosthetic Corporation
J & H Orthotics
J-K Prosthetics & Orthotics
Kelly Road, Neversink, NY 12765
LA Salle Shoe Repair & Amble Orthotic Systems
Lake Limb & Brace
Lake Limb and Brace
Lehneis Orthotics & Prosthetics Associates Ltd.
Lehneis Orthotics & Prosthetics Associates Ltd.
Lehneis Orthotics And Prosthetics Associates Limited
Lenox Hill Orthotics Inc
Liberty Orthotics
Liberty Orthotics Inc
Lorelei Orthotics & Prosthetics
Mandelbaum M H Orthotic & Prosthetic Svces Inc
Manhasset Orthotics-Prosthetics Ltd
Mark Goldberg Prosthetics & Orthotics Laboratory Inc
Mayfair Orthotics And Prostetics
Mayfair Orthotics And Prostetics
Mayfari Orthotics And Prosthetics
Mayflower Santo Medical Supply
Myobility Prosthetic & Orthotic Services
N B B Orthotics
N J R Orthotic Laboratory Inc
National Prosthetic Orthotic Associates Inc
Nat'L Prosthetic Orthotic Associates
Nelson Prosthetic & Orthotic Laboratory
New England Orthotic & Prosthetic Services LLC
New England Orthotic & Prosthetic Systems
New England Orthotic & Prosthetic Systems LLC
New England Orthotic Prosthetic System Llc
New England Orthotics & Prosthetics
NJR Orthotic Laboratory
North Shore Orthotics
North Shore Orthotics-Prosthetics Limited
Novacare Orthotics & Prosthetics
Ortho-Aid Custom Molded Shoes, Inc./ Surgical Supply
Ortho-Bionics Labs Inc
Orthopedic Medical Products Inc
Orthopedic Works
Orthotics & Prosthetics Department Of
Orthotics & Prosthetics Technologies Corporation
Orthotics Limited
Park Avenue Orthotics
Piluso Laura J DPM
Precision Orthotics & Prosthetics
Precision Orthotics Prosthetics
Progressive Orthotics
Progressive Orthotics & Prosthetics Inc
Progressive Orthotics Limited
Prosthetic & Orthotic Associates
Prosthetic & Orthotic Associates Inc
Prosthetic & Orthotic Assocs Inc
Prothotic Laboratories Inc
Ram Orthotic and Prosthetic Laboratory
Rochester Orthopedic Laboratories Inc
S P Prosthetic & Orthotics
S T J Orthotic Services Inc
Sampson's Prosthetic & Orthotic Laboratory
Stafford Laboratory Orthotics & Prosthetics Inc
Strong Memorial Hospital - Orthotics and Prosthetics
T M R Orthotic Prosthetic Service Inc
Toback Podiatry
U S Orthotic Center
Yankee Medical
Advanced Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation
Australian Physiotherapy Centers
Elite Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation LLC
Feldman Physical Therapy
James Fowler Physical Therapy
Jane's New York Massage & Physical Therapy Day Spa
Maspeth Physical Therapy Center
Movements Afoot Inc
Myofascial Release Treatment Centers & Seminars
Northern Arizona Massage Therapy Institute
Physical Therapy Doctor
Physiofitness Physical Therapy
Sports Therapy Of Yorktown, PLLC
Academic Health Care Center
Achieve Physical Therapy & Wellness
Action Sports & Physical Therapy
Acupuncture Healthcare Pllc
Advanced Medical Care & Diagnostic Center
Advantage Acupuncture Therapy Pc
All Care Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Services
Allied Medical & Rehabilitation
American Foot Care
Anderson Suzanne La Csw
Associated Therapies Inc
Axman Wayne R Facfo
Back To Health Physical Therapy Pc
Baldwin Harbor Physical Therapy
Baxter & Walsh Physical Therapy Pc
Bellmore Physical Therapy
Bi-County Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation
Bodner Ellen C
Bongiorno Philip A Therapist
Bridge Rehabilitation and Musculoskeletal Care
Caldarera William Physthrpst
Carle Place Orthopedic & Sports Physical Therapy
Cassis Karine DC
Central Physical Therapy
Cicio Susan Matis Pt
Complete Care Long Beach
Complete Care Physical Therapy
Comprehensive Healthcare Group
Comprehensive Medical Orthopedic Sports Rhbltn Services PC
Conforti Adrianne Ms Lmt
Daly Lisa Md Faapmr
David Lipetz Physical Therapy
Derosa Patrick J MD
Donald G Russ Pt Department Pc
Dynamic Physical Therapy
Eneman Jay W Pc
Feldenkrais Center Of Long Island
Feldman Larry Pt Pc
Fernando Tan Physical Therapist
Five Towns Neurology & Physical Medicine
Five Towns Physical Therapy & Athletic Trainng Center
Five Towns Total Medical Care PC
Floral Park Physical Fitness Inc
Flowers Physical Therapy
Flynn Christine PT NCS
Franklin Hospital Medical Center - Physical Therapy
Franklin Square Physical Therapy Pc
Garden City Physical Therapy
Glasser Sherrie
Glenn Gallo Dc
Gottlieb Dennis Csw Pc
Hadjiyane Michael PT
Hand In Hand Rehabilitation Center
Healing Touch Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation PC
Health & Wellness Physical Therapy
Ingber Linda Ms PT
Ira Grushack Dr
Island Musculosketal Care
Island Orthopedic & Physical Therapy
Island Physical Therapy
Island Rehabilitation Associates
Island Sports Physical Therapy
Jamahill Medical Pc
Janet Ottaiano PT PC
John W Krupa III PC
Kadletz Richard PT
Kotkin Irvin L PC
Krupa John W Pt Pc Iii
Lawrence Eric Physical Therapist
Lawrence Physical Therapy
Lichtenstein Eileen Ms Ed Cpt
Lifespan Neurological Physical Therapy
Lincoln Physical Therapy PC
Long Beach Medical Center
Long Island Pediatric Physical Therapy
Long Island Physical Therapy
Long Island Sports & Rehabilition Center
Martorella W Physical Therapist
McKee Robert Physical Therapist
Mercy Medical Center - Physical Therapy
Metro Comprehensive Physical & Aquatic Therapy
Metropolitan Physical Therapy & Aquatic Therapy
Mid Island Multi Medicine Group
Middle Village Pain Rehabilitation
Miller Michael Pt
Mind And Body Power Inc
Nassau Queens Physical Medicine & Rehabilttn Services
Nassau Sports Care
Nassau Sports Physical Therapy And Rehabilitation Pc
New Alternatives Physical Therapy & Massage Center
New York Physical Therapy & Wellness
New York Sports & Physical Therapy Institute
Next Step Physical Therapy
NY Spine Physical Therapy P C
Optimum Function
Orlin & Cohen Orthopedic Assoc LLP
Peak Performance Physical Therapy/Wellness & Fitness
Performance Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation
Physical Therapy Associates Of Lake Success PC
Physical Therapy Associates Of Long Island
Physical Therapy Options Pc
Pineau Denise PT
Professional Orthopedic & Sports Pt
Professional Physical Therapy
Progressive Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Queens Village Physical Therapy
Rehabpro Physical Therapy Pc
Rockaway Rehabilitation
Rogers James W DC
Salonga Mario PT
Santamaria Anthony PT
Saulle Nunzio MD
Settanni Michael Physical Therapist
Smith John P PT
South Island Rehabilitation
South Nassau Communities Hospital - Physical Therapy
South Shore Medical & Rehabilitation
South Shore Pediatric Physical Therapy Llp
Sports Medicine Associates
Sports Physical Therapy of New York PC
Sports Physical Therapy Of New York Pc
St Mark's Physical Therapy Pc
Sullivan Joseph Physical Therapy
Suydam Physical Therapy
Terris Rita Physical Therapist
Therapeutic Solutions Physical Therapy
Ultimate Physical Therapy
Walker C
Weintraub Linda Physical Therapist
William J Pt
Wirth Stephen Physical Therapist
Zimmerman Stephen I Phd Pt Pc
83rd Street MRI
Adriondack Professional Commons
Advanced Imaging & Radiology
Advanced Medical Imaging
Advanced Radiological Imaging
Advanced Radiological Imaging
Advanced Womens Imaging of Lenox Hill
Agata Stancato-Pasik
Albany Advanced Imaging
Alejandro RAD
All Borough Imaging
All Borough Imaging
All County Open MRI
American Medical Imaging
Amherst Diagnostic Imaging PC
ARCE Medical & Diagnostic Services PC
Arthur Avenue Radiology
Associates in Radiology-Imaging Center
BAB Radiology
Baskin Barbara Dr
Bates Vernice E MD
Bay Ridge Medical Imaging PC
Bayside Radiology
Bellevue Hospital Center
Beranbaum Khilnani Neistadt
Bernstein, Karen E Md
Bethpage MRI
Bimc Radiology
Brady James W MD
Braunstein, David Md
Breast Examination Center of Harlem
Bronx Lebanon Hospital
Brooklyn Medical Imaging
Buchbinder Shalom
C NY Diagnostic Imaging PC
Canal Radiology
Capital Imaging Associates PC
Capote Horacio MD
Central New York Pet Llc
Central Park Women's Imaging
Chang, Victoria
Children's Hospital-New York
Chinatown Medical Imaging Center
Clifton Park Advanced Imaging PLLC
Columbia Presbyterian Eastside Radiologists
Columbia Presbyterian Rdlgsts
Columbia Radiologists
Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center
Columbus Circle Imaging
Comprehensive Medical Imaging
Comprehensive MRI of New York, P.C.
Comprehensive MRI of New York, P.C. dba Stand-Up MRI of Islandia
Computerized Diagnostic Associates
Constant Constantin MD
Cooporative Magnetic Imaging
Corinthian Diagnostic Rdlgy
Cornell MRI
Cornell Radiology Associates
Craig H Sherman MD
Crossbay Open Imaging
Czarnecki Donna MD
Deck Michael D PC
Dent Institute
DIA Medical
Diagnostic Imaging
Diagnostic Radiology Associates
Diagnostic Radiology Associates
Dia-Tribeca Radiology
Donovan Carmel MD
Douglas E Hertford MD
Dove Open MRI
DRA Imaging, PC
East Manhattan Diagnostic Imaging P C
East River Imaging
Einstein Radiology
Faculty Practice Radiology
Faculty Practice Radiology
Feld Leslie MD
Fisher, David A Md
Flushing Imaging Center
Gengo Fran MD
Gramercy MRI and Diagnostic Radiology PC
Gramercy MRI and Diagnostic Radiology PC
Gramercy Radiology Group
Grappell P & Walker J Md PC
Great Neck Women's Medical
Greene Medical Imaging
Guttman Diagnostic Center
Hadar Orna Dr
Hartsdale Imaging
Heimowitz Howard MD
Hekler E Mark MD
Highway Imaging Associates
Hillcrest Radiology Associates PC
Holmlund Tomas
Hospital for Joint Diseases Orthopaedic Institute - Radiology-Mri
Hospital For Special Surgery
Hourihane J Maurice MD
Inter-Community Memorial Hospital
Interfaith Medical Center
Interfaith Medical Center
Irwin Schlossberg
J Y Professional Radiology
Jacobi Medical Center
K & G Ultrasound Diag Medical Lab
Kang Minsoo MD
Kim's Diagnostic Radiology
King Plaza Radiology
Lakeville Magnetic Imaging
Lenox Hill Hospital Radiology
Lenox Hill Radiology & Medical Imaging Associates P.C.
Lerman Diagnostic Imaging
Lhcmg - Pisani, Joseph MD
M Tartell & S Harisiadis LLP
Maimonides Radiology Associates
Manhattan Consolidated Imaging
Manhattan Diagnostic Radiology
Marc Brown
Marine Park Radiology
Meadows Mid-Queens Radiology
Mechlin Michael MD
Mechtler Laszlo MD
Medical Diagnostic Imaging PLLC
Medical Imaging Of Manhattan
Memorial Sloan Kettering
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center - Breast Center & Diagnostic
Imaging Center
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center - Integrative Medicine Center
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center - Patient Information
Metropolitan Diagnostic Imaging PC
Metropolitan Radiological
Mid Rockland Imaging
Middle Village Radiology Incorporated
Milbauer David MD
Miletich Robert MD
Milstein Hospital
Mitnick J MD
Modern Medical Imaging
Mohawk Glen Imaging PC
Mohawk Valley Imaging
Mohawk Valley Open MRI
Montclair Radiology
Mount Sinai Hospital
Mount Sinai Radiological Associates
Mount St Mary's Hospital Of Niagara Falls
MRI Associates of Queens
MRI of Manhattan
Mri-Ct Scanning of Manhattan
Murray Hill Radiology & Mammography
Myers Bennett MD
Narrows Magnetic Resonance
Naturo Medical Health Care PC
New Rochelle Radiology Assoc PC
New York Imaging
New York Partnership For Hlth
New York Radiology Associates
New York University Medical Center
Niagara Falls Memorial Medical Center
Niagara's Premier Health Network
Nomikas George MD Radiology
Norman Alex MD
North Central Bronx Hospital
North Country Imaging Center
North Shore University Hospital
Northeast Bronx Radiology
Nydic Open MRI of America
Olean General Hospital
Omega Diagnostic Imaging PC
Omega Diagnostic Imaging PC
Open Medical Diagnostics Of Islip
Open MRI of Elmira LLC
Orange Radiology Associates /MRI of Orange
Ostrovsky Paul MD
Park Avenue Radiologists PC
Parkland Diagnostic Imaging
Parkside Court Radiology Service
Parkway Hospital
Pasricha, Vijay P Md
Patel Malti MD
Pet CT Imaging Radiology of Ramapo
Pinnacle Diagnostic Radiology
Practice Of Manhattan Women's Imaging
Professional Health Imaging PC
Professional Health Imaging PC
Purnell Frank D
Queens Medical Imaging PC
Queens Open MRI Diagnostic
Radiology on 11th
Radiology Associates Of Ithaca
Radiology Associates of Poughkeepsie PLLC
Raffi Mahvash MD
Ramapo Radiology Associates PC
Raytel Medical Imaging
Regency M R I PC
Regional Radiology
River Radiology
Riverhouse Womens Imaging
Riverhouse Women's Imaging east 81 side
Riverhouse Women's Imaging east 83 side
Riverhouse Women's Imaging west side
Rosenberg Zehava MD
Rye Radiology Associates
Schaffer & Schonholz
Schaffer, Schonholz & Drossman, LLP
Schweitzer Mark MD Radiology
Seaview Radiology PC
Sheinbrot Singer & Storch
Shore Road Radiology Associates
Silberzweig James MD
Sitron-Hammel Radiology Group P C
Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Smiles Steven Dr MD
South Shore Neurologic Associates
Southtowns Radiology Associates LLP
St Luke's Roosevelt
Stand Up MRI of Staten Island
Stand-Up MRI in Bensonhurst P.C.
Stand-Up MRI of Riverhead
Stand-Up MRI of Staten Island, P.C
Stand-Up MRI On 11th
Stand-Up of East Elmhurst, P.C
Staten Island Medical Imaging
Staten University Hospital
Stony Brook Medical Imaging
Suffolk Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Teaneck Radiology Center
Thornhill Beverly MD
Universal Imaging Diagnostic Group LLC
Universal MRI & Diagnostic
University Place MRI
Valcour Imaging
Veraview LLC
Vitello Stacey Dr
Welber Adam MD, Michael Michlin
West 81st Street Open MRI
West End MRI Medical Associates PC
West Side Radiology Assoc. PC 59 st
West Side Radiology Associates PC B'dway
Western New York MRI Center
White Plains Hospital Center
Windsong Radiology Group
Woodhull Medical Associates
Wyckoff Radiological PC
X-Ray Technology of Bay Ridge
Zalasin Stefanie Dr
Zhang Lixin MD
Zwanger Pesiri Radiology Group
A Benja-Athon Md Pc
A L Lee Memorial Hospital - Laboratory
A M P Diagnostic & Fall Prevention Service
A Park Avenue Trauma Associates
A-Academy & Accredited Associat Therapist Rfrrl Srvce
Abdoo David Pt
Able Physical Therapy
Aboshama Yousef M Rpt
Abrams David C Chiropractor
Abramson Physical Therapy
Abramson Sandra V
Absolute Care Physical Therapy
Academic Health Care Center
Academy Physical Therapy
Accardi Lisa Physical Therapist
Access Physical Therapy
Ace Physical Therapy
Ace Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation PC
Achieve Physical Therapy & Aquatics
Achievements Pllc
Achieving optimum results through experienced, personalized care.
Action Sports & Physical Therapy
Action Sports & Physical Therapy Pc
Active Motion Physical Therapy PC
Adelsberg Stanley
Adex Physical Therapy Pc Inc
Adirondack Physical & Occupational Therapy
Adirondack Physical Therapy & Sports Rehabilitatin
Adirondack Sports Medicine & Physical Therapy
Advance Physical Therapy
Advanced Back & Sports Rehabilitatnmddltwn Mdcl PC
Advanced Care Physical Therapy
Advanced Center for Physical Therapy
Advanced Medical Care & Diagnostic Center
Advanced Multi-Medicine and Rehabilitation
Advanced Orthopedics & Sports Medicine
Advanced Pain Management & Rehabilitaion
Advanced Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Advanced Physical Therapy
Advanced Physical Therapy Of Albany - Sports & Orthopaedic Therapy
Advanced Rehabilitation
Advanced Rehabilitation Center
Advanced Sports Physical Therapy
Advancedmedical Care & Diagnostics
Advantage Acupuncture Therapy Pc
Advantage Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation LLC
Advantage Physical Therapy
Advantage Riccelli Physical Therapy
Advantage Sports Performance
AEGIS Therapies
Agape Physical Therapy Services
Agewell Physical Therapy & Wellness
Aging Gracefully Physical Therapy Service Pc
Ahmed Niaz Md
Ahn Chang-Hoon Do
Al Correa Neurologist P C
Alavanja Cali Selina Mspt
Alavanja Holly Ma Ccc-Slp
Albano Patrick M MD
Albany Acupuncture
Albany Massage Therapy Associates
Albany Memorial Hospital - Physical Rehabilitation Center, Outpatient Services, Heart Program
Albany Physical Therapy
Albert Graziosa
Albert Steven W Chiropractic
Alejandro T Mariano PT
Alexandr Safarov Md
Alfonse Coppola PT
Alinement Studio
All About Rehab Mgmnt Inc
All Care Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Services
All County Physical Therapy P C
Allcare Physical Therapy Associates
Allen Melissa
Alleyne Michael MD
Alliance Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Alliance Physical Therapy
Allied Medical & Rehabilitation Pc
Allison Ferrarese Lmt
Allyson Winick PT
Alma Marilla Physical Therapy
Alpha Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Pc
Alpine Physical Therapy
Altamont Physical Therapy
Altheus The Advanced Health And Performance Center
Altman Physical Therapy
Altwerger Carol H Pt PC
Alvarez Maxcita OTR Certified Hand Therapist
Always A Leader In Health Care
Ambrosio Philip D Md
American Foot Care
American Medical Management of NY Inc
Amherst Orthopedic Physical Therapy PC
Amherst Physical Therapy
Amma Therapy
Amy Rose Physical Therapy
Anderson Suzanne La Csw
Anello Peter PT
Ann RUGH Physical Therapist
Ann Taylor Physical Therapy
Annie Black Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation
Anstett Roberta Physthrpst
AO Fox Memorial Hospital - Physical Therapy
Apicella Edward Dr
Applied Physical Therapy
Appollo Physical Therapy
ARCE Medical & Diagnostic Services PC
Arce Medical Diagnostic Service PC
Ardsley Medical Building
Argo Management
Ari Levine's Sports Community Physical Therapy
Arm Brian J
Armonk Physical Therapy & Sports Training
ARNO Physical Therapy
Arnold Gregory Ambulatory Services
Arnold Gregory Ambulatory Services - Physical Therapy
Arnold H Kip Md
Aronowitz Eric R MD
Arrow Physical Therapy
Art Therapy Associates Elyse Ca Atr Cgp And Kte
Artandi John Md
Aspen Medical & Diagnostics
Aspire Of Wny - Formerly United Cerebral Palsy, Adult Health Care
Associated Physical & Occupational Therapists PLLC
Associated Therapies Inc
Associated Therapies Of Bayside
Astoria Physical Therapy Associates
Athalon Physical Therapy P C
Atlantic Express Inc
Atlas Medical
Auburn Memorial Hospital - Outpatient Physical Therapy, Physical Therapy
Augustin Jacques Physical Therapist
Austin Kenneth
Austin Physical Therapy
Australian Physiotherapy Centers
Avanessov Valentin Dr
Avella Harold Md
Avella Howard MD
Avenue Physical Therapy & Chiropractic Care
Avgerinos Fokion - DC
Avon Physical Therapy & Sports Rehabilitation
Axman Wayne R Facfo
Azab Malak Pt
Babylon Physical Therapy Associates
Back In The Game Therapy
Back To Health Physical Therapy Pc
Back To Sports Physical Therapy
Baker Elizabeth MD
Bakirtzian Bedros Md
Balacki John - MD
Baldwin Harbor Physical Therapy
Balnis Richard
Bank Road, Jefferson Valley, NY 10535
Bannon Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine
Barclay Heights Physical Therapy Pt
Barnett Brigitte Physical Therapy
Barnwell Health Facilities
Barnwell Nursing And Rehabilitation Center
Barry & Van Beveren
Bassin Stephen W Pt PC
Battista Denny J Do
Bautista Melody Rpt
Baxter & Walsh Physical Therapy Pc
Bay Physical Therapy
Bay Plaza Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Center
Bayport Sangha Pilates Studio
Bayridge Physical Therapy P C
Bayshore Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Bayshore Physical Therapy
Bayside Rehabilitation
Bazos Anthony N Chiropractor
Beach & Foster Physical Thera Ph Pc
Beach Physical Therapy Pc
Bear Mountain Physical Therapy PC
Bedson Scott
Begell Suzanne DC
Bell And Medical Care Pc
Bell Barbara PT
Bell Dental Care Pc
Bell Michael MD
Bell Pamela Dc
Bell Plaza Health Club
Bell Plaza Physical Therapy & Srts Rehabilitation
Belle Harbor Physical Therapy
Bellmore Physical Therapy
Benatar David MD
Bender Rehabilitation Center
Benedictine Hospital
Bennett Peter Md
Berger Alan Dc Pc
Berger David L PT
Berger Edward M PT
Bergfeld Deborah
Berkley Robert Physical Therapy Pc
Berman Linda Rae CSW
Berman Mark Dds
Bertelsen Kristine Therapist
Beth Paris Pt Hands On Physical Therapy
Bethlehem Physical Therapy
Bethpage Physical Therapy Associates
Bewley Building, Lockport, NY 14094
Bhanti Pramod PTPC
Bicknell Connie Pt
Bi-County Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation
Bihari Linda
Bilingual SEIT Inc
Birzon Lawrence R Dr
Bistrong Allen L PT
Bizzoco Drew F Chrprctr
Black Annie Pt & Rehabilitation PC
Bloch M M
Blum Edward J PT
Blum Edward PT
BMS Pain Management & Physical Therapy
Bock-Wagner Gail
Bodack Mark P Md Dutchess Physical Medicine Asscts
Bodhi Zone
Bodhizone Human Performance & Sports Physicl Therapy
Bodner Ellen PT
Bodner, Inc.
Body in Balance Physical Therapy
Body Mechanics Massage Health
Body Repair Physical Therapy
Body Shop Physical Therapy
Boillat Suzanne Pt
BOME Michael P Physical Therapist
Bon Secours Community Hospital - Physical Therapy
Bone and Joint Therapy
Bone Joint & Spine Care of Westchester
Bongiorno Philip A Therapist
Bonnett Robert Dr
Bono Nancy DO
Boulevard Physical Thereapy
Bounce Back Physical Therapy, PC
Bouton Physical Therapy
Bove Richard A Dc
Bowery Center
Bowman John J Phd
Brace Carrie L Lmt
Bradley & Monson Physical Therapy
Bradley Maggie Ms Pt Ocs
Brahmbhatt Suman MD
Brain And Spine Center
Brasch Robert C
Braun John L PT PC
Braverman Steven L Pt Pc
Brenner Arlene Therapist
Brewerton, NY 13029
Brewster Street Therapy
Brian K. Glover, PT: Specializing in the treatment of chronic pain syndromes.
Briarcliff Physical Therapy & Sports Rehabilitatin
Bridge Club Llc
Bridge Rehabilitation and Musculoskeletal Care
Bridgeview Physical Therapy PC
Bright Bay Physical Therapy
Brill Physical Therapy
Brisman Michael MD
Brittonfield Physical & Aquatic Therapy PLLC
Broadway Diagnostic & Rehabilitation
Broadway Physical Therapy
Brockport Physical Therapy
Brodsky Laura F Aud
Brogna Joseph Dc
Bromwyn Helene
Bronson & Monson Physical Therapy
Bronx Massage Therapy
Bronx Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Bronx Physical Therapy LLP
Bronx Rehabilitation Medicine & Physical Therapy
Brookhaven Orthopedic Physical Therapy
Brooklyn Body Works Physical Therapy Pc
Brooklyn Heights Physical Therapy Group
Brooklyn Medcare
Brooklyn Physical Therapy Services PC
Brooks Hospital Sports Physical Therapy
Broome Orthopedic Sport & Physical Therapy
BROS Olivier Physical Therapy
Broughton Edward Pt
Brown Jeffrey MD
Browne Dierdre Ms Pt
Browning Butler Physical Therapy Assocs PC
Brownstone Physical Therapy
Brubaker Edward Ms Pt
Buffalo Back & Neck Physical Therapy PC
Buffalo General Hospital - Physical Therapy
Buffalo Medical Group Physical Therapy
Buffalo Rehabilitation Group Physical Therapy
Buffalo Spine & Sports Institute
Buffalo Spine & Sports Institute Pc
Buffalo Therapy Services
Buffalo-Niagara Physical Therapy
Buher Denise D PT
Bureau Physical Therapy Associates of Troy PC
Burke Physical Therapy
Burke Rehabilitation Hospital
Burnett Wendy R
Burretto Bill PT
Burstein Stephen MD
Butani Sunil Md
Butters Robert Accupunturist
Buzzanell Charles A MD
Buzzell Christine R Ms PT
B-Well Physical Therapy & Massage Therapy
C & V Physical Rehabilitation Center
C B C Center For Sports Medicine Physical Therapy
C M S Health Service Inc
C O A S T Physical Therapy
C.P. Physical Therapy
Cabatu Orsuville Md
Cacciatore Louis G Physical Therapist
Caddauan Solomon Pt
Calabrese Michael D Md
Caldarera William Physthrpst
Callan-Harris Physical Therapy
Camp Carole J Therapist
Campilli Christian Physical Therapist
Canarsie Physical Therapy
Canton-Potsdam Hospital
Capital District & Occupational Therapy Srvce Pllc
Capone Dominic J Ms PT
Capriotti Phillip Do
Carcamo Jaime Dr Phsiologist
Cardenas Gladys Md
Carey & Daley Physical
Carey & Daley Physical Therapy
Caring Hands Physical Therapy
Carle Place Orthopedic & Sports Physical Therapy
Carnesecchi P John
Carole Lapidus Lcsw
Carracino Marian
Carrillo Mario Do
Carter Shannon Nutritionist
Carthage Area Hospital
Casler Pat Ot Cht
Cassis Karine DC
Catalusci Linda M PT
Catalusci Louis RPT
Catapano Christoper MPT
Catherine E Anastasio RPT
Catskill Mountain Physical Therapy
Catskill Orange Orthopaedics PC
Catskill Physical Therapy
Catskill Regional Medical Center
Catskill Rehabilitation & Sports Medicine
Cavaliere Marcia Mspt Pc
Cayuga Medical Center
Cayuga Medical Center at Ithaca
CBC Center for Sports & Physical Therapy
Cecora Raymond Ppt
Ceglio Robert P DC
Celestial Occupational Therapy Of Great Neck P C
Celotto Steven J Dc
Center for Holistic Physical Health
Center For Neuromuscular & Orthopedic Care
Center for Pain Relief
Center For Physical Rehabilitatof Albny Mmrl Hsptl
Center for Physical Therapy
Center For Sports Rehabilitation Medicine
Center for the Arts
Center Island Sports Inc
Center Pilates
Central Medical Pc
Central Park Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Central Park Therapy
Central Physical Therapy
Central Suffolk Hospital - Physical Therapy Department
Central Suffolk Physical Therapy & Rehabilittn Center
Cerone Samuel PT
Certified Physical Therapy Associates
Certo Russell A
Chakote Vaijinath Md
Chamberlain Physical Therapy
Champlin Todd A PT
Chang Edwin M MD
Chappaqua Chiropractic Care
Chasnov Marc RPT
Chatham Physical Therapy
Chaudhary Farzana MD
Chaudhry Humayun Do
Chaves-Loeffler Elena PT
Chelsea Physical Therapy And Rehabilitation Llc
Chenango Bridge Physical Therapy
Chenango Therapeutics
Chestnut Commons Physical Therapy Center
Chew Ming
Chiapetta Timothy J Pc
Chiappetta Donald A Dc
Chidichimo Peter A PT
Childrens Therapy Network
Children's Therapy Network
Chinese Bodywork
Chintz Lori Pt La
Chiu P MD
Choice Care Medical Associates Pc
Choices Women's Medical Center Inc
Chopra Sanjeev
Chopra Sanjiv
Christie Maury
Christine Premmereur
Churchville Physical Therapy
Ciani & Morris Physical Therapy
Ciccone Joseph A DC
Cicio Susan Matis Pt
Ciervo Michael Dc
Claire Henry Pt Pc
Clarence Physical Therapy
Clark Donald Pt
Clarkstown Physical Therapy & Sports Associates
Classic Medical Management LLC
Claxton-Hepburn Medical Center - Information & Assistance
Click Below On Our Business Profile Link For More Information.
Clifton Park Physical Therapy
Clifton Springs Hospital & Clinic - Physical Therapy, Information, Speech Therapy
Clinical Associates of the Finger Lakes
Clove Lakes Health Care & Rehabilitation Center Inc
CMH Outpatient Service Center Physical Therapy
Cmh Outpatient Service Physical Therapy
CMS Health Services, Inc.
CNY Physical Therapy & Aquatic Centers
Cny Physical Therapy & Aquaticcenters
Coffey Physical Therapy
Cohen Benjamin MD
Cohen Gary RPT
Cohen Jonathan R DC
Cohoes, NY 12047
Cohoes-Waterford-Vliet P T
Colarusso Frank J Do
Colbert Beth CHT
Colden Spencer Md
Coleman Mette Pt
Collaborative Healing Physical Therapy
Collins Diane Pt Cht
Collins Occupational Therapy Pc
Collura Physical Therapy
Colon Jose F Md
Columbia Memorial Hospital Rehabilitation Services
Columbia Physical Therapy, PC
Commack Physical & Occupational Therapy
Community Care Physical Therapy
Community General Hospital of Sullivan County
Competitive Edge Physical Therapy PC
Complete Body Personal Training
Complete Care Long Beach
Complete Care Physical Therapy
Complete Family Medicine
Complete Physical Therarpy
Complete Rehabilitation & Sport
Complete Rehabilitation Services!
Comprehensive Health Care Associates Of Greater Ny
Comprehensive Healthcare Group
Comprehensive Medical Orthopedic Sports Rhbltn Services PC
Comprehensive Physical & Occupational Therpy Asscs
Comprehensive Physical Therapy Associates Pc
Comprehensive Physical Therapy Pc
Comprehensive Therapeutics
Compreshensive Physical Therapy
Comstock John Dr PT
Concept Medical
Concepts In Fitness
Concord Neurological Associates PC
Conforti Adrianne Ms Lmt
Contemporary Rehabilitation Services
Cook Mark PT
Cook Physical Therapy P C
Cooley G Robert MD
Cooney Thomas
Cooper Matthew Dr
Coppola Alfonse Pt
Corcoran Mary Lou Physical Aquatic Therapy
Core Physical Therapy
Corey Anne MD
Corinthian Physical Therapy
Corso Physical Therapy
Corso Sports & Rehabilitation Of Northport
Cortland Memorial Hospital Outpatient Service Center
Cortland Physical Therapy & Sports Rehabilitation
Cortlandt Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation
Costa Stephen J D C
Coughlin Scott
Coulton Lillian Pt
Country Club Road, Norwich, NY 13815
County Physical Therapy
County Route 64, Mexico, NY 13114
Coven Barbara Md
Cowan Richard J Director
Cox Chiropractic & Therapy
Coxsackie Physical Therapy Associates
Cp Rochester - Individual Health Services
Cp Rochester - Pediatric Therapy Services
CPT Rehabilitation Services & Wellness
Crane Co
Credit Union Andrew MD
Creekside Physical Therapy
Crescent Physical Therapy
Croce Donna J PT
Croton Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Crouse Hospital - Information
Crouse Hospital - Physical Therapy, Outpatient-Cny Medical Center
Crown Commodities
Cruz-Banting Imelda MD PT
Crystal City Physical Therapy
Crystal Run Accident & Injury Center
Cudahy Michael J Physical Therapist
Cullen James M Phd Phsical Therapist
Curtis Paul S PC
Cutting Edge Fitness Center
Cv Stratton Center For Therapies
CVPH Rehabilitation & Sports Medicine
Cynergy Physical Therapy
Czujko Scott MA
D C Andrews
Dac Medical Pc
Daly Lisa Md Faapmr
Danna Rahn Victoria MA
D'Ascoli Richard J MD
Dasugan Lyonell RPT
Datahr Rehabilitation Inst Ny
David Lipetz Physical Therapy
Davidson David M Dpm
Davidson Lorelei MD
Davidson Paul G Md
Davis William L Jr
Dayton Orrin Physical Therapist
De Cesare Jay Dr Chiropractor
De Matteo Anthony Physical Therapist
De Matteo, Anthony
De Rosa Anthony PT
De Vita-Becker Physical Therapy Pc
Dedicated To Maximizing A Child's Full Potential
Deer Park Medical Office
Defour-Wren Rebecca Pt
Degraff Memorial Hospital - Rehabilitation Office, Occupational Therapy, A Kaleida Health Facility
Del Villar George Md
Delasobrea Octavio
Delia Frank Ms PT
Delmar Physical Therapy Associates
Depetro Linda M Pt
Derosa Patrick J MD
Desrouleaux Jean-Robert MD
Developmental Therapy Associates
Di Caprio Matthew R
Di Caprio Matthew R MD
Di Lorenzo Christine E
Diamant Steven E Dr Chiropractor
Diamond Lee Chiropractor
Diaz Oscar
Digirolamo Patrick Lcsw Therapist
Dimino Physical Therapy
Dionne Pierre E MD
Dispirito Patricia A Pt
Distefano Mary Ann Pt PC
Ditommaso Guy Dc
Diversified Hearing Services
Dix Hills Sports Therapy & Spine Care
Doctors Hospital of Staten Island - Massage Therapy, Physical Therapy
Dodd Jo Anne Physical Therapy
Dohyung Kim Physical Therapy
Dolsky Alexander PT
Dolsky Vadim E Licensed Acupuncturist
Dominick Certified Behavioral Therapist
Domkowski Donald E Physthrpst
Dona Smith Inc
Donald G Russ Pt Department Pc
Donin Roberta Md
Donna P Johnson Physical Therapy PC
Donohue-Lawson Carey LPT
Dooley Kevin - Md
Dooley Kevin Md
Dos Physical Therapy
Douglas John Pta
Downtown Therapy Clinic
Doyle Tracy PT CHT
Drake Sheryl
DRC Physical Therapy & Sports Care
DRS Abrams & Piazza
Drs. Tehrany, Jayaram, Bhupathi, Urs
Du Pont Joseph F Physical Therapist
Dubin Susan
Duboff Judith Art Therapist
Dubois Curtis B & Associates
Dubois Physical Therapy Pc
Duff Thomas Md
Duffy & Bracken Physical Therapy PC
Duffy Thomas S Inc
Duffy-Rath Physical Therapy
Dunkelman Neal Dr
Dunleavy Physical Therapy Pc
Dutchess Medical Pc
Dutchess Orthopedic & Sports Physical Therapy
Dynamic Health Services Inc
Dynamic Healthcare
Dynamic Physical Therapy
Dynamic Sports Physical Therapy
Early AM & Evening Appointment Available
East Aurora Physical Therapy
East Coast Physical Therapy
East End Physical Therapy
East Gate Physical Therapy
East Northport Physical Therapy
East Park Chiropractic
East Physical Therapy
East Side West Side Therapy for Children
Eastern Island Medical
Eastern Long Island Hospital
Eastern Management & Marketng Inc
Eastside Dance Physical Therapy
Eastside Physical Therapy
Eastside Sports Physical Therapy PC
Eastwood Catherine M
Eby Susan Ms Pt Ocs
Eclipse Physical Therapy & Wellness Center
Edward Blum PT
Edward John (e J ) Noble Hospital
Eglauf Douglas R Chiropractor
Ehrlich Joan RPT
Ehrlich Mitchell MD
Einstein Elizabeth Ma Mft
Elander Kurt S PT
Elander Kurt S Pt - Residence
Elih Physical Therapy And Fitness
Elite Care Rehabilitation
Elite Physical Therapy PC
Elite Sports Medicine And Rehabilitation
Elkoush Ithabaha Physical Therapist
Ellenville Regional Hospital
Ellis Hospital - Outpatient Services, Physical Therapy
Ellis Jim
Elm Medical PC
Emory Rehabilitation Service
Empire Drive Physical Therapy
Empire Health And Wellness
Empire Physical Medicine & Pain Management
Empire Physical Therapy
Empire State Hands-On Physical Therapy & Pain Center
Empire State Occupational Thera Pc Mngd By Hlthsth
Empire State Physical Therapy
Encompass Care Physical Therapy
Eneman Jay W Pc
Equilibrium Physical Therapy
ERNI E Physical Therapy
Esposito Russell Do
Esser Ferdinand Dc
Eubanks Charles Pt
Euro Physical Therapy PC
Everett Road Physical Therapy
Evergreen Family Medical
Evergreen Health Center
Evergreen Health Center-Glens F Hsptl Physical Therapy
Eversharp Physical Therapy
Excel Physical Therapy
Excellence Rehab And Physical Therapy Pc
Excellent Choice P T P C
Excelsior Physical Therapy
Exercise Fitness Programming Center Inc
Experienced, Hands-On Care, In Suffolks Finest Facilities
Experienced, Professional Physical And Mental Health Care
Expert Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Pc
Extra Care Inc & Universal Therapy
Fabbri Catherine P T
Fadden & Associates Physical Therapy P L L C
Fagan Justin D
Fahey Rehabilitation Center At Loretto - Cunningham Fahey Rhcf
Fairway Physical Therapy
Fairway Physical Therapy - Central Square
Fairway Physical Therapy - E Syracuse
Family Health Center Network Oftheran Medical Center - Family Health Center Network
Farber Hall, Buffalo, NY 14214
Farber Hallsunyab, Buffalo, NY 14214
Farmingdale Physical Therapy Associates P C
Farmington Occupational & Physical Therapy
Farnham Physical Therapy
Farooque Mustafa Md
Farrago Allan Physical Therapist
Fast & Affordable
Feather Samuel Physical Therapists
Featherstone Wendy M PT
Federbushc Shari
Feldenkrais Center Of Long Island
Feldenkrais Method
Feldenkrais SOHO Center Inc
Feldman Larry Pt Pc
Feldman Ludmila Md
Feldman Physical Therapy
Feldman Robert MD
Fernandez Jose Dc
Fernando Tan Physical Therapist
Ferrante F PT
Ferrara J RPT
Ferrara Joann Pt
Ferri Debra Pt
Fetell Jill Dm
Ff Thompson Continuing Care Center
Fineberg Marc S Md
Finger Heather MD
Finger Lakes Health
Finger Lakes Physical Therapy & Sports Care
Finish Line Physical Therapy
Finnerty Bernard Physical Therapist
First Health Physical Therapy
First Priority Healthcare
Fischer Andrew Md Phd
Fischer David MA
Fish Susan L Physthrpst
Fishman Daniel J Rpt
Fishman Loren MD
Fishman Rebecca DO
Fit Kids Nyc
Fitness Forum
Fitness Forum Health & Wellness Center
Fitness Forum Physical & Aquatic Therapy
Fitness Source of Long Island Inc
Fitzgibbons Sinead Ms Pt
Five Towns Physical Therapy & Athletic Trainng Center
Five Towns Total Medical Care PC
Flanagan Myrita K MD
Flatbush Medical & Diagnostic
Fleming Alicia D Therapist
Fletcher Gil Lic Pt
Flex Physical
Floral Park Physical Fitness Inc
Flowers Physical Therapy
Flynn Christine PT NCS
Foigelman-Holland Dorothy E
Fontana Charles Family Therapist
For Orthopedic, Sports, Automobile & Work Related Injuries
Forest Hills Physical Therapy
Forest Hills Therapeutic & Medical Massage Therapy
Forever Young Natural Health Care Center
Forever Young Natural Health Care Center Inc
Forman Ellen S
Forman Physical Therapy
Forme Health & Fitness Inc
Forsberg P Scott Therapist
Foss Jeffrey J
Fox Michael Pt
Fradet Brian D DC
Franco Julie PT
Frank Doreen K Physical Therapist
Frank Matthew A
Frank Mulder
Frank Robert J Physical Therapist
Franklin Hospital
Franklin Hospital Medical Center - Physical Therapy
Franklin Square Physical Therapy Pc
Fredonia Physical Therapy PLLC
Freedman Marilyn PT
Freedom Therapy
Fresh Pond Physical Therapy
Frey Jennifer Road
Frey Kenneth I
Friedman Mark H Dentist
Frisch Jay
Fromm Stephen R Md
Function Better Pt - Corporation Ofc
Function First Physical Therapy Pc
G F H Physical Therapy At Evergreen Health Center
Gales Alfonso Pt
Galindo Jose Md
Gallo Patricia A Pt
Gallub Psychological Service
Gananda Walworth Physical Therapy PC
Garden City Chiropractic Center
Garden City Physical Therapy
Gardiner Physical Therapy Svces
Gargiulo E & Sons Painters & Decorators Inc
Gary Donna Sue RPT
Garzione John E
Gayles Kenneth MD
Gelfand Benjamin Pt
Gell Well Sooner
Genaway Charlene Pt
Generations Physical Therapy
Genesee Valley Physical Therapy & Sports Rehabilitation
Geneva General Hospital
Genious Physical Therapy LLC
Geraci Michael C Md Jr
Gerard Medical PC
Geri Lagrua Physical Therapy Plus
Geronemus Gail Ot
Gerow Richard J
Gersch Jeffrey M Pt
Gessner Tara Pediatric Therapist
Giancola Marianne
Gibbs William MD
Gilberti Lisa M PT
Giovanelli Frederick Pc
Giovannone George Physical
Gismondi Thomas D Therapist
Gjelston Joanne Dr
Glasser Sherrie
Glasser Sherrie Pt
Glatter Martin MD
Glen Cove Physical Therapy
Glenn Gallo Dc
Glick Physical Therapy PC
Glory Physical Therapy And Rehabilitation Services
Glover Robert H & Associates Inc
Glover Therapy and Pain Rehabilitation Center
Godson Susan C Physical Therapist
Goetz Deborah
Gold Coast Physical Therapy
Goldberg Roy A Pt
Goldberg Susan R CHT
Goldblatt Robert Do
Goldenberg Joyce Md
Goldfinger Glenn H Pt
Goldman Todd R
Goldstein Myron W Physthrpst
Goldwyn & Boyland Physical Therapy P C
Goldwyn Boyland Physical Therapy PC Regd PHYS Therapist
Golka Keith
Good Care Medical Rehabilitation
Good Samaritan Hospital Medical Center - Physical Therapy
Goodbody John W PT
Goodbody Physical Rehabilitation
Gordon Brian M MD
Gorman Robert PT
Gormley Michael C
Gott James Pt Pc
Gottlieb Dennis Csw Pc
GR Management Services
Grace Physical Therapy
Gramercy Park Physical Therapy Associates
Gramercy Park Sports Medicine
Grand Central Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Grand Central Physical Therapy
Grand Island Physical Th
Grandes Judith Lcsw-R BCD
Grandview Medical Leasing Inc
Grant Valerie Pt
Great Lakes Physical Therapy of Buffalo
Great Neck Stand Up Mri
Great South Bay Physical Therapsports Rehabilitation
Greater Buffalo Physical Therapy PC
Greater Rochester Physical Therapy Pc
Greco Physical Therapy & Sports Performance Pllc
Green Acupuncture and Herbs
Greenberg Carol Physical Therapist
Greenbush P T Associates
Greene Physical Therapy
Greenhaus Physical Therapy
Grochowski Grace
Gross Cora OTR 1 CHT
Gross Jeffrey M Md
Gross Marite Acunpuncture
Grucela Richard P RPT
Guardino Leonard C Physical Therapist
Guerriero Marisa MD
GUHL Meralee
Guilderland Physical Therapy
Gymnastics at Tumbletown
H & D Physical Therapy
Haber Monte A MD
Habif Marc L Chiropractor
Haddad S MD
Hadjiyane Michael PT
Hadley Jane Danish Therapist
Haerbor Health Medical Pc
Hagstrand Charles
Haider Nameer R Md
Haight Daryl Dr Chiropractor
Halpern Audrey L MD
Hamburg Dorothy Ms Physiologist
Hamburg Physical Therapy PC
Hamm Judith
Hammer Patricia A Pt
Hampton Bays, NY 11946
Hampton Cares
Hampton Cares Holistic Physical Therapy Center
Hampton Medical Wellness P C
Hand & Upper Extremities Rehabilitation
Hand In Hand Rehabilitation Center
Hand Rehabilitation & Physical Therapy Group LLP
Hand Therapy Associates
Hand Therapy Center
Hand Therapy Center of Rockland
Hand Therapy of GTR Bingh
Handler Lawrence L Dpm
Handley Johanna MD
Hands On Physical Therapy
Hanington Physical Therapy
Harb George F Mspt
Harbor Physical Therapy
Harlem Healthcare Mgnmt
Harper Street, Stamford, NY 12167
Harris Anesthesia Associates
Harris Linda Physical Therapist
Harrison Physical Therapy P C
Hartman Hand & Occupational Therapy
Hartman John Otrl CHT
Hayes Physical Therapy PC
Healing Hands Physical Therapy, Acupuncture & Wellness
Healing Hands Therapeutic Massage
Healing Quest Physical Therapy Pc
Healing Touch Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation PC
Health & Wellness Physical Therapy
Health 1 Diagnostic & Treatment Ctrs
Health Enhancement
Health Fitness & Rehabilitation
Health Focus Medical
Health One Physical Therapy
Health- Point Physical Therapy PC
Health Professional Medical
Health Related Facilities & Nurg Hme Co Of Rme Inc
Health South Corporation
Healthcare Associates in Medicine
Healthsouth Rehabilitation Center
Healthsouth Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation Center
Healthsouth White Plains New York
Healthsouth-Madison Park Physical Therapy
Healthworks of Staten Island
Heath Robert
Hedrych Gideon Md
Heffron Nancy Physical Therapist
Heinzelman Linda
Helen Hayes Hospital - Outpatient Appointments
Heller Charles H Phd
Helping Hands Physical Therapy
Helping To Heal Physical Therapy Pllc
Hens Dennis C RPT
Herard Pierre R Md
Herbowy Roger W Pt
Here Physical Therapy
Heritage Group
Heritage Health Care Center
Herrmann Debora
Heyman Norman M Dr Md PA
Hicksville Physical Therapy
High Peaks Rehabilitation & Development Center
Highland Hospital - Physical Therapy
Highland Physical Therapy
Hill Cathy Pt
Hillside Family Chiropractic
Hillside Medical Plaza
Hilton Chiropractic
Hilton Physical Therapy
Hines Lloyd
Hines Lloyd R PT
Hitsous Angela RPT
Hlywa MIC - Physical Therapist
Hodge Katherine Pt
Hoffert Eugene Md
Holbrook Chiropractic PC
Holbrook Heating
Holistic Health Force
Holland Michael G MD
Hollis Family Care PC
Holmblad James E MD
Holt & Flowers Physical Therapy Associates LLP
Home Physical Therapy & Wellness Pc
Home Therapy Solutions
Homecrest Medical & Rehabilitation
Hoon J Park MD
Hoose & Associates
Hoovis Matthew D C
Hope Physical Therapy
Horizon Physical Therapy Pc
Horizon Psychological SVCS Inc
Horovitz Ellen
Hospital For Joint Diseases Orthopaedic Institute
Houghtalen Thomas
Hryhorowych Arthur Md
Hudson Doors LLC
Hudson Falls Physical Therapy A Rehabilitation Center
Hudson Headwaters Dental & Physical Therapy
Hudson Headwaters Health Network - Warrensburg Health Center
Hudson Valley Hospital Center
Hudson Valley Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy
Hudson Valley Physical Therapy and Lymphedema
Hudson Valley Sports & Physicalaining Service Inc
Hudson Valley Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation PC
Hullstrung & Dillillo Physical Therapy
Human Performance Physical Therapy
Human Quest Physical Therapy
Humphreys Gutstein Hal Md PC
Huntington Hospital - Physical Therapy
Huppert Aaron Pt
Huson Physical Therapy
Hyer Physical Therapy PLLC
Ibrahim Wagdi Md
Illuminations Early Intervention Servcs Llc Therapist
Imaging Center of Staten Island
In Motion Physical Therapy
Infantino Anthony G MD
Ingber Linda Ms PT
Innovative Approach Physical Therapy
Innovative Physical Therapy
Innovative Physical Therapy Solutions
Innovative Rehabilitation Inc
Innovative Sports Physical Therapy
Inspire Physical Therapy & Fitness
Institute For Human Performance
Institute for Spine and Neuromur Injrs DVSN of HLT
Institute Of Physical Rehabilitation
Institute Of Physical Therapy
Integral Health Chiropractic
Integrated Management Inc
Integrated Medical Care
Integrative Physical Therapy
Inter-Community Memorial Hospital
Interim Healthcare
International Spine & Sport Practice
Intregrative Physical Therapy Solutions
Ira Davenport Memorial Hospital
Ira Grushack Dr
Iris Avishai Cohen
Island Medical Pain Mgmt PC
Island Musculoskeletal Care
Island Orthopedic & Physical Therapy
Island Physical Therapy
Island Rehabilitation Associates
Island Shore Physical Therapy
Island Sports Physiotherapy
Ispahani Abbas Md Psychiatrist
Ithaca College Academic Program in Physical Therpy
Itskowitch Mickey
Ivy Rehabilitation Babylon LLC
J M S Sports Medicine & Physical Therapy
J P N Management
J R Medical & Pain Management
J R W Physical Therapy
J Scott Gould Lac L M T Acupuncsge Therapy Hrbl Thra
Jabagat Dale Physical Therapist
Jabob Robert Physical Therapist
Jackson WM L PT
Jacobsen Hall, Syracuse, NY 13210
Jain Rajiv
Jamahill Medical Pc
Jamaica Physical Therapy Pc
James Fowler Physical Therapy
Jamestown Physical Therapy Service Pc
Janet Ottaiano PT PC
Jano Gabriella Md Do
Jaramillo Marty Pt Pc
Jcc Center For The Arts
Jefferson Rehabilitation Center - Main Facility & Administration
Jefferson Sports & Orthopaedic Physical Therpy Center
Jeffrey Perry Do
Jennan Comprehensive Medical
Jennifer White
Jerome Ortega PT
Jewish Community Center Of Greater Rochester Inc
Jocson Strength & Conditioning
John W Krupa III PC
Johnson Richard W PT
Joint Effort Physical Therapy
Jolly Donna PT
Jones Pamela PhD
Jones Richard Md
Jordan Karen Speech Therapist
Joseph T Hogan DPM
Joshi Anita
Juhl John Do
Jungels Georgiana Therapist
Jwg Physical Therapy PC
Kadletz Richard PT
Kaiser Seth DC PT
Kamilar George J
Kane Peggy Lcsw
Kanter Miriam - Md
Kaplan Leonard MD
Kare Therapeutics
Katonah Physical Therapy PC Physical Therpist PT
Katz Lawrence
Kayla Cynamon Pt Pc
Kayume Raymond Dc
KEBE Cares Inc
Keegan Christy PT
Keegan Dianne Physical Therapist
Keidong Chris Pt
Keith Kurtz Physical Therapy
Keness Nancy S
Kenmore Mercy Hospital
Ken-Ton Physical Therapy
Kern Hilary B
Kerner Paul J
Kerr James Physical Therapist
Kessler Howard DC
Khanan David Md PhD
Kid's Care Thomas Nicolla P T Associates
Kids In Shape Physical Therapy
Kielbasa Chris Do
Kim Kay Md
Kinetic Sports Physical Therapy Pc
King Gail
King-Hall Pamela Np
Kings Park Physical Therapy PC
Kings Plaza Physical Therapy
Kingsbridge Chiropractic
Kingston Hand Therapy Center
Kingston Hospital Sports & Physical Medicine Center
Kingston Physical Therapy Sports Rehabilitation P C
Kingston Plz, Kingston, NY 12401
Kinneary Dennis PT
Kipp M Pt
Kiwi Physical Therapy
Klein Physical Therapy
Knowles Allen MD
Koennecke Scott Physical Therapist
Kohler William Pa
Kolenda Nicole Speech Therapist
Kopelman Larry J Phd Pc
Kordas Russell J
Korman Samuel V MD
KORN Mitchell - Physical Therapy
Korpiel Physical Therapy P C
Korpiel Tammy PT
Koss Lawrence MD
Kotkin Irvin L PC
Koyen Yury MD
Kramberg Robert D Md
Kramer Ellen Pt
Kranz Dale Rpt
Krebaum Howard G PhD
Krier Lynn M PT
Kronick Gary Md
Krupa John W Pt Pc Iii
Krushner Roslyn Speech Therapist
Kryer Sanford Md
Kulick Alexander Md
Kulick Steven A MD
KULP Physical Therapy
Kurtz Keith D PC
Kurtz Marshall B Do
Kurtz Physical Therapy Services PC
Kuss Physical Therapy
L & B Medical Pc
La Fayette, NY 13084
La Grange Physical Therapy LLC
La Sala Vincent R MD
Lackowitz Jeffery Ms PT
Lafayette Physical Therapy
Lagunda Joel Pt
LAHA Ranjit K Ms Neurosurgeon
Lake Shore Health Care Center-Tlc Health Network - Rehabilitation
Lakeshore Physical Therapy and Sports Rehablttn PC
Lakeside Health System Occupational Therapy
Lally Jeffrey Chiropractor
Lamarco Physical Therapy PC
Lancaster Depew Cheektowaga Physical Therapy PC
Lancaster Physical Therapy
Landa Albert Pt Pc
Landau Deborah
Landi Michael K Md
Lane-Seyfarth Anne PT
Lapierre Michael Pt
Laser Billing
Laszczyk Bozena Physical Therapy
Lathrop Brian A Physthrpst
Lattimore Of Geneseo Physical Therapy
Lattimore Of Mendon Physical Therapy
Lattimore Physical Therapy And Sports Rehabilitation
Laufer Nicole Dpt Vestibular Reprts Rhb Phys Therapy
Laura M Stevens Ms Atc
Laurence Steve MPA PT
Lawrence Eric Physical Therapist
Lawrence Hospital Center - Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine
Lawrence James Md
Lawrence Physical Therapy
Lawton Pamela Occupational Therapist
Learn the 4 Key Questions Patients Regret not Asking
Leatherbee Leah Csw
Leddy John J Md
Lee A L Memorial Hospital
Lee Peter K MD
Lee Staebler P T D P T P C
Lefcort Lawrence J DC
Legend Rehabilitation Aucpuncture & Physical Therapy PC
Leisure Physical Therapy Rehabilitation
Lenox Hill Hospital - Physical Therapy
Leonard Cathleen C PT
Lesch Chiropractic
Leupold Robert G MD
Leventhal Harvey R MD
Leveston Stephen A
Levin Aaron Md
Lewisboro Physical Therapy
Li Physical Therapy & Wellness
Liberty Advanced Medical Pc
Liberty Arms Chiropractic Center
Liberty Medical Practice P C
Liberty Medical Practice Plaza
Lichtenstein Eileen Ms Ed Cpt
Lieberman Joshua M
Lieberman Joshua M Otr L
Lieberman Sheldon G Director
Liebesman Laura Physical Therapist
Liebhaber Paul PC
Life Physical Therapy PT DPT
Lifeline Hygienics Colon Rejuvntn Center
Lifespan Neurological Physical Therapy
Lifestyle Physical Therapy Pc R P T
Lifetime Health - Central Square Health Center
Lifetime Health Medical Group
Light Ronald A MD
Lim Byung S Surgeon
Lincoln Physical Therapy PC
Linden Oaks Physical Therapy Pllc
Linnin Thomas Pt
Lisa Primich Physical Therapy
Liss Donald MD
Liss Howard MD
Livonia, NY 14487
Locastro Angelo Physical
Lockport Physical Therapy
Lockport Rehabilitation And Pain Management Center
Locust PT Civic Association
Loh Frank MD
Lombardo Gaetano
Long Beach Medical Center
Long Island Hand Rehabilitation Center
Long Island Integrated Medical
Long Island Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy PC
Long Island Pediatric Physical Therapy
Long Island Physical Therapy
Long Island Physical Therapy Services PC
Long Island Spine & Orthopedics PC
Long Island Sports & Rehabilitation Center
Long Island Sports & Rehabilition Center
Long Life Pain & Rehabilitation PC
Longwood Sports Therapy
Lord John Physical Therapist
Lorenzo Gonzalez PT PC
Lourdes Rehabilitation Services
Lower Hudson Valley Physical Therapy PC
LRB Nurses Registry Inc
Luban Henry Md
Lubart William D - Phd
Lubin Lester Physical Therapist
Lucchi-Caponigro Lori
Luchsinger Jack PT
LUFT Millicent RPT
Luna Management
Lutz Edward W Physical Therapist
Lymphedema Therapy
Lynn Bassini CHT
Lynn Thomas Physical Therapy
Lyons Caroline Lac
Macbeth Laura Md
Maccio Joseph G MA PT
Maccio Physical Therapy
Mack Joan M Physical Therapist
Mackey Joan PT
Macri William S
Madden Timothy J Pt Dpt
Madden Zegarelli Gschwind Physical Therapy Pc
Madison Av Physical Therapy
Madison Avenue Spine & Sports Medicine
Madison Park Psychotherapy
Madison Physical Therapy
Magic Hands
Magin Angela
Magnetic Solutions
Mahopac Physical Therapy
Main Chiropractic & Rehabilitation Center
Main Road, Cutchogue, NY 11935
Main Street Medical Care P C
MAIO Carmela A Therapist
Makarachi Ahad Md
Malloy June MD
Maloney Daniel Physiotherapy Service
Maloney Shirley A
Malys Physical Therapy
Mamaroneck Chiropractic
Mamaroneck Foot Care
Mammales Dean Dc
Mandel Therapy Group
Mandy Kathleen Md
Manes Harvey Md PC
Mangold George
Manhasset Physical Therapy Associates
Manhattan Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Manhattan Physical Therapy Center
Manhattan Rehabilitation Management Group Llc
Manhattan Sports & Manual Physical Therapy
Manhattan Sports Medicine
Manhattan Total Health
Manlius, NY 13104
Mansfield Todd Physical Therapist
Manual & Sports Physical Therapy
Manual Therapy Center
Marabella Samuel
Maranatha Fit For Life Health & Fitness Center
Maranatha Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation
Marathon Physical Therapy
Marcus Ester S
Margulies Andrew Dc
Marianne Ryan One On One Physical Therapy
Marinello Robert P & Associates
Marino & Piltz Physical Therapy
Mariski Laura PT
Mariski Stephen PT
Martin Joe Pt
Martin Joe Pt-Function Better
Martir Alma Mspt
Martone Nancy Physical Therapist
Martorella W Physical Therapist
Marvin Family Chiropractic
Maryann C Russo Ms Pt And Associates
Masarech Martin C
Masefield Physical Therapy PC
Masino Michael
Maspeth Physical Therapy Center
Massage Acupuncture
Massage At Saratoga
Massapequa Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Massapequa Spine & Sport Rehabilitation
Massena Memorial Hospital
Mathis Kim Agency Incorporated
Matthew Pullano Physical Therapist
Mattia Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation LLC
Mattle Andrew Pt
Mattson D J Physical Therapist
Matychak Samuel Pt
Mauro-Bertolo Therapy Services Pt PC
Max Christopher C Md
Max Health Chiropractic Pc
Maximum Performance Physical Therapy
May Keith A
May Keith A Physical Therapist
Mazurkiewicz Cynthia A Physical Therapist
Mc Clellan Family Health Center - Physical Therapy
Mc Crea Donald Pt
Mc Kee Robert Physical Therapist
McAdam Frederick B MD
McCarthy Christopher Pt
McCrain Physical Therapy
McFarlane Jessica Pt
McGinley Toni Physical Therapy
McKenna Patricia Massage Therapist
McNerney Bernard Physical Therapist
Meador Ron Physical Therapy
Med Drs & Phyl Therapists Working Together
Med Physical Therapy PC
Medford Physical Therapy
Medical Health Office Of Stony Brook
Medical Rehabilitation Inc
Medical Rehabilitative Services of Long Island PC
Medicare Health And Rehabilitaion Services P.C.
Medina Memorial Health Care System - Lake Plains Occupational Therapy
Medlif Inc
Medphych Ny Llc
Melcer B Christopher MD
Melegrito Marte Pt
Melin Albert DC Crystal Run Chiropractic
Memorial Physical Therapy
Mendoza Amelia Rpt
Menduni Rosalie
Menis Stuart PC
Mercy Diagnostic & Treatment Center West Seneca - Physical Therapy
Mercy Medical Center - Physical Therapy
Meridian Acupuncture Care Pc
Merrihew Robert E DC
Messina Louis J Family Therapist
Messina Marianne Dc
Metro Comprehensive Physical & Aquatic Therapy
Metro Orthopedic
Metro Physical Therapy
Metro Sports Physical TherapyPc
Metropolitan Comprehensive Care
Metropolitan Physical Therapy
Metropolitan Physical Therapy East
Metropolitan Sports Physical Therapy
Meyer Adolph Md
Mezzomo Angela Therapist
Mian Shahid MD
Michael D Trifaro Ms Pt
Michael Vargas Chirop
Mickle Diane L PT
Mid Island Multi Medicine Group
Mid Island Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine
Mid Island Therapy
Mid Manhattan Medical Pc
Middle Village Pain Rehabilitation
Middleport Physical Therapy
Middletown Medical Pain Management
Midtown Rehabilitation
Midtown Therapy
Midwood Occupational Therapy Services
Midwood Physical Therapy
Milestones Pediatric Therapy Services
Millan & Orloski Physical Therapist PC
Millard Fillmore Gates Circle Hospital - Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy
Millard Fillmore Suburban Hospital - Physical Therapy
Millbrook Orthopedic & Sports Physical Therapy
Millennium Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation PC
Millennium Rehab Services Llc
Miller G E Inc
Miller Marcia Dcrpt
Miller Michael Pt
Miller Place Physical Therapy
Miller Robert S Physthrpst
Miller Ronald B PT
Millerman MALU Physthrpst
Milrod Lewis M MD
Mimken Michael PT
Minardo Michael A DC
Mind And Body Power Inc
Mind Plus Muscle Institute
Mindful Movement Studios
Minor Improvements Pt
Mm Ewing Continuing Care Center
Moalemi Steven Dr Md
Modera James J Therapist
Modera James PT
Modzelewski Edward Physthrpst
Mohawk Valley Nursing Home
Molino Physical Therapy
Monroe Physical Therapy Services
Montauk Highway, Hampton Bays, NY 11946
Montgomery Physical Therapy & Wellness
Moochler Physical Therapy Pc
Moone Marianne Speech Therapist
Moore Myriam C Physical
Moran Deborah Cmtpt Lmt
Morgan Physical Therapy PLLC
Moriarty Phyllis & Associates
Morone Daniela PT
Morris Park Rehabilitation and Wellness Center
Morrisville Physical Therapy
Moses Michael Ms PT
Mosomillo Timothy J Md
Most Insurance Plans Accepted!
Motion Dynamics Physical Therapy
Mount Sinai Rehabilitation Medicine Practice
Mount St Mary's Hospital and Health Center
Mount St Mary's Hospital of Niagara Falls - Physical Therapy
Mountain Physical Therapy
Movements Afoot Inc
MRPT Physical Therapy
Multisport Physical Thearpy & Fitness
Murphy Mark C Physical Therapist
Murphy Terrence EMT
Murray Hill Physical Therapy Pc - Physthrpst
Musculo Skeletal Pain Management
Musico Janus RPT
Musteata Oana LCSW
Mvp Physical Therapy Pc
Myner Medical Rehabilitation Services PC
Myofascial Pain Relief Center
Myofascial Release Treatment Centers & Seminars
Mzs Physical Therapy PLLC
N Y Physical Therapy Sport & Cardio-Rehab
Naddell Jennifer
Nadler Albert Physthrpst
Nambiar Seema V MD
Nanavati Kaushal B MD
Nancy Berk Physical Therapist
Nani Frank Physical Therapy P C
Narrows Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Associates
Nasrullah Khan MD
Nassau County Pain Management &hblttn Mdcl Offcs P
Nassau Orthopedic Surgeons P C
Nassau Queens Physical Medicine & Rehabilttn Services
Nassau Sports Care
Nassau Sports Physical Therapy And Rehabilitation Pc
Nassau Sports Physical Therapy Of Huntington
Nassau Suffolk Orthopedic Assocs Physical Therapy
Nassau Suffolk Physical Therapy
Nasshan Linda Pt
Nathan Littauer Hospital & Nursing Home
National Physical Therapy Center
Natural Health Family Chiropractic
Nead Shuren
Nee-Yuder Julie
Neiverth Douglas Chiropractor
Nellis Stephen M Pt
Nelson Howard
NERI Chiropractic
Network Rehabilitation - Medical Arts Center
Neuro Care Center
Neurological Surgery Pc
Nevola Nanda J PC
New Age Therapy Inc
New Alternatives Physical Therapy & Massage Center
New City Orthopedic Physical Therapy
New Directions Child & Family Associates LLC
New Millennium Medical Service PC
New Rochelle Physical Therapy LLP
New Windsor Sports Physical Therapy
New York College of Osteopathic Medicine - Academic Health Care Center
New York Gao Physical Therapy
New York Hand Rehabilitation PC
New York Manual Therapy Center
New York Methodist Hospital - Physical Therapy, Sports Medicine
New York Physical Therapy
New York Physical Therapy & Sports Rehabilitation
New York Physical Therapy and Wellness
New York Physical Therapy Association
New York Physical Therapy P C
New York Spine -Physical Therapy
New York Sports & Physical Therapy Institute
Newark Physical Therapy & Sport RHB Mrtha Wmtt MHS
Newark-Wayne Community Hospital
Newbridge Physical Therapy
Newburgh Physical Medicine & Rettn Services of NW YRK
New-Island Hospital - Physical Therapy
Newtown Medical Pc
Next Step Physical Therapy
Niagara Falls Memorial Medical Center
Niagara Falls, NY 14301
Niagara's Premier Health Network
Nick Roselli Occupational Therapy
Nicolleti Brian Dc
Nier Scott PC
Nistler Julianne M PT
Noel Star 2 Years O.T.;Certified Hand Therapist Specializing In Extreme Upper Injuries & Hand Services.
Normal Motor Development Corp
North Country Orthopaedic Group PC
North Country Physical Therapy
North Country Veterns Clinic
North Fork Physical Therapy
North Fork Physical Therapy P C
North Island Medical PC
North Island Physical Therapy PC
North Merrick Chiropractic
North Nassau Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation
North Queens Physical Therapy
North Shore Meilus
North Shore Physical Therapy PC
North Shore Rehabilitation & Physical Therapy
North Shore Rehabilitation Associates
North Shore Sports Institute
North Shore Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation
North Shore Wellness & Rehabilitation Center
North Star Orthopedics
Northeast Physical Therapy
Northern Arizona Massage Therapy Institute
Northern Chiropractic Associates
Northern Dutchess Hospital - Physical Therapy, Hyde Park Location
Northern New York Physical Therapy
Northern New York Regional Rehabilttn Center at Smrtn
Northern Physical Therapy
Northern Westchester Physical Medicine
Northfork Physical Therapy
Northport Physical Therapy
Northtown Physical Therapy PC
Nortmed MGMT Inc
Nothing is More Precious Than Your Health
Novick Kathleen A PT
Nowak Frank RPT
Noyes Physical & Occupational Therapy
Ny Physical Therapy & Wellness
Ny Spine Physical Therapy P C
Ny Total Medical Care Physical Therapy Center
Nyack Hospital - Home Care Services
Occupational Therapy & Hand Rehabilitatin Services PC
Occupational Therapy Associates Of New York
Occupational Therapy of Rochester New York
O'Connell Associates Inc
O'Connell Selig & Associates
of maximum performance. South Bay's Physical Therapists are key members of the... [More from]
Offer Treatment To Improve Balance And Reduce Dizziness.
Offices in Newburgh & Suffern NY. Physical Therapy Newburgh - Pain Management - Physical, Rehabitative, & Sports Medicine.
Oge Nizihe MD
Okome M Phd
Old Brookville Physical Therapy
Old Westbury, NY 11568
Olean General Hospital - Outpatient Rehabilitation Center, Physical Therapy
Oliver Lu
Oliveri Anthony Ms PT
Oliveri Physical Therapy
O'Loughlin Suzanne Pa
Olszewski Peter Np
Omni Rehabilitation And Cardiac Fitness Center
On Track Physical Therapy LLC
One on One Care
One Step Beyond
Oneida Healthcare Center Extended Care Facility - & Assistance
Oneida Healthcare Center Physictherapy Outptnt Dpt
O'Neil Matthew G Physical Therapist
One-on-One Personalized Patient Care
Only One Patient Per Therapist Per Hour
Only The Body Can Heal Itself - Let Us Tell You Why and Show You How.
Onondaga Physical Therapy
On-Point Physical Therapy
Ontario Physical Therapy
Optima Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation PC
Optimal Care Physical Therapy Pc
Optimal Therapy Associates Services
Optimum Function
Optimum Performance Physical Therapy
Optimum Physical Therapy
Optimum Physical Therapy Inc
Orange Lake Physical Therapy PLLC
Orange Physical Therapy
Orange Regional Medical Center - Rehabilitation Services Horton Outpatient Rehabilit
Orlin & Cohen Orthopedic Assoc LLP
Ornstein Bobbi Physical Therapist
Orothpedic, Neurological And Pediatric Care
Orthocare Physical Therapy & Sports Rehabilitation
OrthoFlex Physical Therapy & Rehab P C
Orthopaedic & Wellness Center
Orthopedic & Sports Physical Therapy
Orthopedic & Sports Rehabilitation
Orthopedic & Sports Therapy Associates LLP
Orthopedic Physical Therapy
Orthopedic Rehabilitation Services Pt PC
Orthopedic Sports
Orthopedic Sports Physical Therapy
Orthopedic Sports Therapy
Orthopedic Surgeons of Long Island Associates
Orthopedics Plus
Orthosport Physical Therapy P C
O'Shea Lisa QI Therapist
Ostrander Physical Therapy
Ostrow Gary L Do
Oswego Health Physical Therapy - Fulton Helath Physical Therapy
Oswego Health Physical Therapy - Parish Health Physical Therapy
Oswego Hospital
Oswego Hospital - Physical Therapy
Owen Roslyn H Physical Therapist
Owned & Operated By Physical Therapists. One-on-One Personalized Patient Care In Seperate Rooms.
P M R Products Inc
P T @ Oakdale
P T 2 Physical Therapy & Personal Training
P T And Pilates
Pak American Rehabilitation Pt PC
Palisades Physical Therapy
Pamela Morrison Physical Therapy, P.C.
Panariello Robert A PC
Panayotidis George Physical Therapist
Panetta Physical Therapy
Panetta Physical Therapy Pc
Panetta Rich Physical Therapist
Panicali John DC
Paone Jamie PT
Papalia John Rpt
Parikh Nita Md
Park Avenue Physical Therapy
Park Central Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation
Park Physical Therapy
Park Ridge Hospital - Administration, Physical Therapy & Rehab, Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation
Park Ridge Hospital - Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation
Park Slope Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation
Park South Physical Therapy
Parkchester Physical Therapy
Parker Susan C Pt
Parkinson's Disease Support Group
Parkside Physical Therapy Service PC
ParkSports Physical Therapy & Hand Rehabilitation Inc
Partners In Rehabilitation
Partridge Kreuter Belding Physical Therapy Pc
Pasha Aamir Md
Paspa Physical Therapy
Pasquale Elizabeth
Pastalan T E & Associates
Patchogue Physical Therapy
Patel Shashi D MD
Paulding Avenue, Cold Spring, NY 10516
Paulsen Carl A MD
Pavell Jeff DO
Pavia Chiropractic Offices
Pavia Ronald Dc
Pawling, NY 12564
Peak Performance Physical Therapy
Peak Physical Therapy
Pearlman Eleanor Csw-R
Pechstein Constance
Pediatric Physical & Occupational Therapy Service
Pediatric Rehabilitation Servicd's CRE Ftnss Prgrm
Pelham Physical Medicine
Pelham Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Pelham Spine Rehab
Pelvic Muscle Physical Therapy
Pemberton Associates
Pemberton Associates - Early Intervention
Perel Allan B Md
Peress Gilda
Perfect Body Health System Inc
Performance Physical Therapy
Performax Physical Therapy
Performing Arts Physical Therapy
Pericor Therapeutic Inc
Pericor Theraputics Inc
Perillo Chiropractic Llp
Perri Daniel MD
Perrone Vito Physthrpst
Perrotti John A Dr Chrprctr
Perry David I Physthrpst
Perry Sandra RPT
Perry Saundra J Pc
Peterson Craig PT
Peykar Ezat MD
Pfeiffer And Associates Llc Timeplus Payroll
Pfeiffer Geraldine BS CPT
Phelps Memorial Hospital Auxiliary - Call Pamela Cardozo
Phelps Memorial Hospital Center - Rehabilitation, Physical Occupational Rehab, Sports Medicine
Philadelphia Physical Therapy
Phillips Thomas A Ma-Marriage & Family Therapist
Phoenix Primary Care Center
Physical Therapy & Beyond
Physical Therapy & Felden Krais Center of NY
Physical Therapy & Sports Rehab Of N Y P C
Physical Therapy Accociates Of Schenectady
Physical Therapy Alternatives PC
Physical Therapy and Wellness Soloutions Inc
Physical Therapy Arts
Physical Therapy Associates
Physical Therapy Associates Of Great Neck P C
Physical Therapy Associates Of Lake Success PC
Physical Therapy Associates Of Long Island
Physical Therapy Associates of New York
Physical Therapy Associates Of Schenectdady
Physical Therapy Associates Of Smithtown
Physical Therapy Associates Of Stamford
Physical Therapy Assocs Of Schenectady
Physical Therapy at Briarcliff & Jefferson Valley PC
Physical Therapy at Hopewell Junction
Physical Therapy at Oakdale
Physical Therapy Center New Rochelle
Physical Therapy Center of Horseheads
Physical Therapy Center of Westchester
Physical Therapy Doctor
Physical Therapy Dynamics P C
Physical Therapy Group Of Westchester PC
Physical Therapy Home and Office Services PC
Physical Therapy Long Island
Physical Therapy Management
Physical Therapy Northside
Physical Therapy Of Harlem Llp
Physical Therapy of Queens PC
Physical Therapy of Valatie PC
Physical Therapy of West Sayville
Physical Therapy Options Pc
Physical Therapy Plus
Physical Therapy Professional Care
Physical Therapy Professionals
Physical Therapy Rehab Inc
Physical Therapy Rehabilitation Center For All
Physical Therapy Services
Physical Therapy Services Of Rochester Pc
Physical Therapy Services Of Westchester Llc
Physical Therapy Unlimited of Syracuse PC
Physical Therapy Works Pc
Physio Sports Center
Physiologic Physical Therapy PC
Physiotherapy Rehabilitation Organization
Piano Works Physical Therapy
Piazza John P Chiropractor
Pike Susan L Ccc
Pine Bush Physical Therapy
Pine Plains Physical Therapy
Pine Street Family Chiropractic
Pineau Denise PT
Piotr Sroka PT
Piserchia Thomas MD
Pivarnick Maureen J Cda-Mft
PKL Physical Therapy
Pkl Physical Therapy & Wellness Pc
Plainview Physical Therapy
Plainview Physical Therapy & Sports Rehab
Platz Elmer PT
Plaza Medical And Diagnostic
Plaza Physical Therapy - Greece
Plaza Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation
Pleasantville Physical Therapy & Sports Care
Pliskin Jill Physthrpst
Plus One Fitness
Podhorodecki Areta
Pollack Darren K
Pollock Douglas Pt Pc
Pomona Physical Therapy Associates
Ponchak Ronald E
Port Chester Nursing And Rehabilitation Centre
Port Jefferson Physical Therapy
Port Physical Therapy & Nutrition Consultants
Portera Vincent DC
Poulton Linda P T
Powerhouse Pilates
Powers Physio-Fit Physical Therapy
Precision Physical Theraphy Llc
Precision Sports Physical Therapy PLLC
Preferred Provider - Most Insurance Plans.
Premier Orthopedic Physical Therapy
Premier Physical Therapy
Prentiss Cindy Physthrpst
Prescription Fitness Physical Therapy
Price Jan PT, CFT, LAc, Dipl, Ac
Price Marc Dc
Priebe Tara Pt
Prime Care Physical Therapy PC
PRN Physical Therapy
Pro Motion Physicaltherapy Co Inc
ProActive Physical Therapy
Pro-Active Physical Therapy
Proactive Physical Therapy & Sports Rehablttn Pllc
Proactive Sports Rehabilitation
Procore Physical Therapy
Professional degrees, certifications in therapeutic massage. Friendly, experienced instructors in beautiful Sedona and Prescott, AZ. Click now!
Professional Medical Care on a Personal & Individualized Basis
Professional Motion Physical Therapy
Professional Motion Physical Therapy PC
Professional Orthopedic & Sports P T
Professional Orthopedic & Sports Physical Therapy
Professional Orthopedic & Sports Pt
Professional Orthopedic And Sports Physical Therapy
Professional Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therpy
Professional Orthopetic & Sport's Physical Therapy
Professional Physical Therapy
Professional Sports Care Management Inc
Professional Sports Physical Therapy of Weschester
Professional Sports Physical Therapy P C
Profitness Physical Therapy Pc
Pro-Form Sports Therapy
Programs For Special Children
Progressive Care Physical Therapy Pllc
Progressive Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Progressive Physical Therapy
Progressive Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation
Progressive Physical Therapy PC
Pro-Motion Physical Therapy, P.C.
Proskin Wendy Md
Providing quality therapy in the Port Jefferson area for 2 years.
PT PC Physical Therapy & Performance Center
Pt Plus PC
PTPN of New York Inc
Pugliese Scott J Pt
Pulmonary Wellness & Rehabilitation Center
Putnam Hand Therapy Center
Quad Village Physical Therapy
Quad Village Physical Therapy P C
Quality Care Physical Therapy
Quality Individualized Service
Quality Medical PC
Quality one-on-one care where your needs and your goals come first
Quality Physical Therapy Pc
Quasha Andrew S Ther
Quatrone & Linowski Physical Therapy
Quatrone John PT
Queen Physical Therapy PC
Queens Centers for Pain Management & Rehabilitation
Queens Hands - On Physical Therapy PC
Queens Physicial Therapy Associates
Queens Rehabilitation Center
Queens Tower Physical Therapy Center
Queens Village
Queensboro Medical
Queensboro Physical Therapy
Quinlivan Outpatient Rehabilitation Center
R Jn Physical Therapy PLLC
Rachlin Isabel Physical Therapist
Rafael Md
Rafiy Philip MD
Raia Joseph A Md Pc
Rainbow Asphalt Paving Co Inc
Rapha Medical Management
Rapid Recovery Rehabilitation
Raymond Physical Therapy & Fitness Center
Reach New Heights with a Pain Free Life
Rebound Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Services
Rebound Sports & Orthopedic Phy
Rebuilding Bodies... Rebuilding Lives.
Rebuilding Bodies....Rebuilding Lives....
Recovery Physical Therapy
Reddy Care Physical Therapy Pc
Reed Edward
Reforming Rehab Corp
Regional Therapy Center
Rego Park Medical
Rehabilitation Associates Of Riverdale Medicne Llp
Rehabilitation Industries of Long Island Inc
Rehabilitation Medicine & Sports Services
Rehabilitation Medicine Practice Of New York
Rehabilitation One Physical Therapy
Rehabilitation R Us
Rehabilitation Resources PC
Rehabpro Physical Therapy Pc
Renew Physical Therapy PC
Repsher John W Physical Therapist
Resman Allan D Physical Therapist
Resnick Michael Md
Resnick Trevor - Physical Therapist
Resource Center
Restoration Health
Restoration Sports & Spine Center
Return to a Pain Free, Active Lifestyle!
Rhema Physical Therapy
Rhinebeck Physical Therapy & Sports Clinic
Rho Da-Sek MD
Riccardi & Burton Physical Therapy PC
Riccelli Carmen D Physical Therapist
Riccelli Physical Therapy Group
Richards John C MD
Richman Brett Pc
Richmond Hill Medical
Richmond Orthopaedic Associates, P.C.
Richmond Rehabilitation Physical Therapy
Ridge Physical Therapy
Rios-Rivera Zandra Md
Rivas Sadhis Md
Riverdale Physical Therapy PC
Riverdale Sports Physical Therapy
Riverfront Physical Therapy
Riverside Physical Therapy
Rizzo Anthony Dr
Rjzm Llc
Robbins Physical & Speech Therapy
Robert Warner Rehabilitation Center - Adaptive Seating & Equipment
Roberto Christopher Dr
Roberts Heather PT
Robinson Benjamin PT
Robinson Michael Md
Rochelle Brief
Rochester General Hospital
Rochester Rehabilitation Center Inc - Medical Rehabilitation
Rochester Sports & Physical Therapy
Rockaway Beach Physical Therapy Inc
Rockaway Rehabilitation
Rockland Orthopedics & Sports Medicine
Rockland Physical Therapy
Rodrigue Raymond P A
Rodriguez Maria Md
Rofrano Susan O PT
Rogers George A Physical Therapist
Rogers James W DC
Rolland Lynne Pt
Ronin Physical Therapy
Ronkonkoma Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation
Root David R
Roppolo Peter Dc
Rosa Road Orthopedic Associates PC
Rosati Michael PT
Rosato Angelo Pt Atc
Rose Barbara Physical Therapist
Rose Dorrie Marriage & Family Therapist
Rosen Elaine RPT
Rosen Ronna Dr
Rosen Sally F Therapist
Rosenberg Donald B Attorney
Rosenberg Gail A PT
Rosenhouse Michael RPT
Rosenhouse Michael S Pt
Rosenstein Joel PT PC
Rosenthal Esther Family Therapist
Rosinski Judith M
Ross Jackie
Rossillo P
Rostein Horace M MD
Roteman Scott Md
Rotondi Nicole Lac
Route 44, Pleasant Valley, NY 12569
Rowe Germaine N MD
Roy A Goldberg PT
Royal Medical Pc
RS Kundan Physical Therapy PC
Rubin Cheryl
Rudnick Jonathan Do
Rusnak Smith Sandra RPT
Russo Maryann Physical Therapist
Ryan Angela M D
Rye Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation
S & S Physical Therapy
S E C O Physical Therapy
Saadeh Peter Md
Sacandaga Therapeutic Massage
Saccoliti Steven A Physical Therapist
Safalow Arthur N Ped
Saint Francis Hospital - Departments, The Therapy Connection
Saleem-Brodsky Laura
Salem, NY 12865
Salka Neil Dr
Sallerson Angela B Therapist
Salluzzo Darby C S W-R
Salonga Mario PT
Salonia Maria Physical Therapist
Salzmann Pamela MD
Sam & Chandra Physical Therapy
Samaritan Hospital - Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy
Samaritan Medical Center - Rehabilitation Services
Same Day Appointment Available!
Same Day Appointments
Samuel Chiropractic
Samuels Sharon B Md
Sanders Nancy F N P
Sandspoint Physical Therapy
Sanoian Jeff Physical Therapy
Santamaria Anthony PT
Santiago Cheryl DC
Sanzio Sports Physical Therapy
Sapka Christine MD
Sarandrea Helen M PT
Saraniti Anthony
Saratoga Hospital - Regional Therapy Center Main Scheduling Number
Saratoga Physical Therapy Associates
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
Sarno & Sarno Physical Therapy PC
Sarola Anthony T RPT
Sattler Lisa
Saturn Of Hempstead Sales Dpt
Saucier Murray Physical
Saulle Nunzio MD
Savitz Wayne T
Sayville Rehabilitation
Scanlon, Christopher
Scarpino Anthony P PT
Scarsdale Physical Therapy & Spts Rhblttn Services PC
Schaeffer Susan M
Scharfenberger Dennis MD
Scharfman Stewart RPT
Schaus Peter J Physical Therapist
Scheider Debra
Scheinfeld Barry MD
Schenectady Regional Orthopedic Associates
Schiliro Susan Collura Pt
Schlinger Kenneth
Schonfeld Wendy J Dc
Schultz Robert J MD
Schuman Michael H Md
Schwab Marjorie P A
Schwartz Rick RPT
Schwarzer Pam
Scotchtown Physical Therapy PC
Scott Physical Therapy
Scoyni Alfred E MD
Seaford Physical Therapy Pc
Seaway Orthopedics Pc
Seckendorf Douglas Dr
Seco Physical Therapy
Seelig Regional Diabetes Center
Segelov Leah Ma Ot
Sengstock Bernhard Dc
Seraphim Medical Management Llc
Serving Brooklyn Since 1966
Serving The Metro Area.
Serving The Syracuuse Medical & Business Community
Seton Health - Physical Rehabilitation Services, Rehabilitation Services
Settanni Michael Physical Therapist
Sforza Luanne Pt
Shahidullah Abul MD
Shankman Gregory Md Pc
Shapiro Jeffrey DC
Shapiro Lawrence Pt
Sheepshead Bay Physical Therapy
Shepard & Bergholtz
Sheridan Orthopedic Therapy
Sherwin Marjorie Pc
Sherwood & Schneider Inc
Shiau John MD
Shiloff Jennifer Dpt
Shirley R. Krstein, Physical Therapists, 20 Years Experience.
Shivack Michele Pt
Shoenfeld Michael Dc
Shons Alan R MD
Shore Road Sports Therapy & Rehabilitation
Shoreline Healing Acupuncture Group
Shulman Clifford PT
Shuster David A
Siebeneck Aaron Dpm
Siebeneck Hillary Md
Siegel Alan S DC
Silber Jeff Md Dc
Siles Alan J Physical Therapist
Siles Alan J Rpt
Silver Russell H MD
Silver Spine & Joint Rehabilitation
Silverbloom Dennis Therapist
Silverman Marc M Md
Simeone Robert V Dc Pc
Singh Amrit MD
Sirlin Bruce Dr
Sitts Lori J PT
Skaneateles Spine & Sport
Slaten Warren K
Slater Physical Therapy
Sleepy Hollow Physical Therapy
Sloan Jacki H Physical Therapist
Sloane Stecker Physical Therapy
Small Wonders
Smart Fitness Physical Therapy
Smart Speech and Language PC
Smith Don Dc
Smith John P PT
Smith Richard DO
Smith Todd D Ms Pt
Smith W James MD
Smithaven Physical Therapy
Smithtown Physical Therapy Services
Smithtown, NY 11787
Smolinski Robert J Md
Snyder Jody L Md
Snyder Marc Physthrpst
Soaring Eagle Physical Therapy
Soaring Eagle Physical Therapy PC - Robert Kavovit Mspt, Underhill Plaza
Sofo Ed Dc
Soho Physical Therapy
Sokol Bozena Md
Solano Chiropractic
Soma Physical Therapy
Somers Physical Therapy & Sport Mdcne Injry Center PC
Something Physical
Sonstein William MD
Sotelo Joseph P T
Sound Audiology Services of Suffolk PC
Sound Physical Therapy & Wellness Pc
Sound Therapeutics
Soundside Physical Therapy
South Bay Sports & Physical Therapy PC
South Buffalo Chiropractic
South Island Rehabilitation
South Jefferson Physical Therapy
South Nassau Communities Hospital - Physical Therapy Inpatient, Speech Therapy Inpatient
South Queens Medical PC
South Shore Medical & Rehabilitation
South Shore Pediatric Physical Therapy Llp
South Shore Physical Therapy Associates Of W N Y
South Shore Rehabilitation & Orthopaedics PC
South Shore Sports Physical Therapy
South Shore Wellness Center
Southampton Hospital
Southern Tier Hand Therapy
Southside Hospital - Outpatient Physical Medicine & Rehabilition
Southside Medical Care
Southtowns Physical Therapy
Southwest Physical Therapy
Spa Physical Therapy
Spagnoli Peter Ms Pt
Spagnoli Physical Therapy
Spagnoli Robert Pt
Spallone Joseph D Pt Dcs
Spear Center
Specht Deborah A
Special Steps Inc
Specialty Physical Therapy
Speech Pathology Services at Glens Falls Hospital
Spellman Edward MD
Spencerport Physical Therapy & Sports Rehabilitation
Speonk Physical Therapy Dgn Physical Therapist
Sperling Ilene Speech Pathologist
Spinal Health Center
Spine & Sports Physical Therapy
Spine and Sports Medicine
Spine, Sports & Orthopedic Rehabilitation. Home Care Available.
Spinks & Associates
Spinner Allyne
Sport Rehab Physical Therapy
Sports & Entertainmet Physical Therapy
Sports Care Coaching Clinics
Sports Community Physical Therapy
Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation Unity Helth System
Sports Medicine Associates
Sports Medicine Center Of F F Thompson Hospital
Sports Medicine Physical Therapists
Sports Medicine, Orthopedic Treatment Specialty
Sports Orthopedic & Spine Rehabilitation
Sports Performance Training Center Inc
Sports Physical Therapy Of Manhasset
Sports Rehabilation Treatment Center
Sports Rehabilitation
Sports Rehabilitation East Hampton
Sports Rehabilitation Mastic
Sports Therapy East Hampton
Sports Therapy Of Yorktown, PLLC
Sports Therapy PC
Sportscare Inc
Sportscare Institute
Sportscare Physical Therapy
Sportsplus Physical Therapy
Sprain Brook Physical Therapy
Spring John M MD
Spring Valley Chiropractic
Springville Physical Therapy
Srebnik Steven PT
Sridaran Valapet MD
St Anthony's Center for Physical Rehabilitation
St Catherine of Siena Hospital & Medical Center - Physical Therapy
St Charles Hospital & Rehabilitation Center
St Charles Rehabilitation Network
St Clare's Hospital - Physical Therapy
St Elizabeth Medical Center - Rehabilitation Services
St Elizabeth Medical Center - Rehabilitation Services, Smart Fitness Physical Therapy, Schools
St James Mercy Health - Physical Therapy
St Joseph's Hospital Health Center - Inpatient & Outpatient Physical Therapy, Physical Therapy
St Luke Health Services
St Marks Medical Associates
St Mark's Physical Therapy Pc
St Peter's Physical Therapy & Fitness
St Tereiza Physical Therapy Pc
St Vincent's Hospital - Lymphedema Center, Back And Neck Pain Program
Star Physical Therapy
Star Sports Performance
Stark Clifford Do
Starret Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation
Stars of Westchester
Stars Rehabilitation
Staten Island Physical Therapy
Staten Island Rehabilitation Medicine PC
Staten Island Spine And Joint Rehabilitation Center
Staten Island, NY 10314
Stein Gary M Dc
Steiner David G Md
Steinfeld M Judith Physthrpst
Stender Jerry
Step By Step Physical Therapy Inc
Stern David PT
Steven Parry, Do
Stewart Jefferey
Stone Adrienne R PT
Stone Dennison J
Stone Ridge Physical Therapy
Stonehedge Health And Rehabilitation Center
Stony Brook Chiropractic OFC
Streit Lois
Strong Memorial Hospital - University Sports Medicine, Sports Rehabilitation
Stu-Art Menus Inc
Stuart Yeh Physical Therapist
Stubbs Gina DO
Suffolk Center for Myofunctionahrpy & SPCH Rhblttn
Suffolk Physical Therapy P C
Sullivan Dan Therapist
Sullivan Jeanne E Physical Therapist
Sullivan Joseph Physical Therapy
Sullivan Leo P Md
Sullivan Park Health Care Center Inc
Summit Park Medical Mall Physical Therapy
Summit Physical Therapy & Sports Care Center
Summit Sports Spinal Physical Therapy
Sumner Kathleen Pt
Sunnyview Physical Therapy at Amsterdam Memorial
Sunnyview Rehabilitation At Amsterdam Memorial Hospital
Sunset Medical
Superior Medical Services Pc
Surdi Dennis Physical Therapists
Sure Step Physical Therapy Services
Susan Kantor Physical Therapy Pc
Sussman Jason DC
Sutton Place Physical Therapy PC
Suydam Michael J Pt
Suydam Physical Therapy
Svay Socheata Pt
Swanick Kathy Therapist
Swartz James M Physical Therapist
Swenson Keith P T
Syat Julie E DC
Symmetry Athletic Enhancement
Symmetry Physical Therapy
Syosset Woodbury Physical The Rapy
Syracuse Pysical Therapy PC
T L C Rehabilitation Physical Therapy Pc
Tableman Brian
Taffuri Chiropractic PC
Taffuri Vincent M Chirprtr
Talley Marina H Csw
Talma Theodore Md
Talmo Judith M PT
Taros John PT
Taverni Joseph Md
Taylor Ann Physical Therapy
Taylor Cole D
Taylor Cole D Physical
Teague Paul MD
Temple Phoenix Wellness And Rejuvenation
Tenshaw Brian
Teri K Mauler Otrl Pllc
Terris Rita Physical Therapist
The Allied Group Inc
The Center for Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
The Center for Sports Medicine
The Children Center of Hudson Valley
The CP Center
The Westchester Medical Group Pc - Appointments, Pediatrics Adolescent Medicine
Thera Ex
Thera Sports Plus Physical Therapy PC
Thera Sports Plus Physical Therapy Walter Van Cura Ptpc
Therafit Inc
Theramax Rehabilitation Sports Physical Therapy PLLC
Theramotion Physical Therapy
Therapeutic Excellence Physical Therapy P C
Therapeutic Resources Physical Therapy
Therapeutic Services Inc
Therapeutic Solutions Physical Therapy
Therapist On Call Inc
Therapists Network Inc
Therapists On Call
Therapy Connection The
Therapy in Motion
Therapy Place
Therapy Sports Rehabilitation Physical
Therapy Works PLLC
Therasport Physical Therapy
Thomas Keith J Md
Thomas Nicolla Consulting Services
Thompson Health - Industrial Rehabilitation, Farmington Rehabilitation
Thompson Medical Center - Industrial Rehabilitation, Healthworks Occupational Medicine
Three Village Physical Therapy & Fitness
Thrive Integrated Physical Therapy Pc
Tier Orthopedic Associates PC
Tina's Equine Training
Tlc Physical Therapy Associates
Toback Fern - RPT
Toker Reuven Phys Therapist
Tomatis Listening Therapy
Tonawanda, NY 14150
Tonyes Walter DC
Top Rehabilitation Inc
Toporek Paul Ms PT
Topper Pamela S Csw
Total Care Neck Back Joint Pain Center
Total Medical Management
Total Rehabilitation Care Physical Therapy Pc
Totalkare Of America
Touch Stone Chiropractic
Trac Services LLP
Track & Racquet Club Inc
Train To Attain
Tranquil Touch
Trask Sheryl L PT
Traudt John
Travis John PT
Treating The Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist, and Hand For Over 25 Years
Treatment for Pre and Post Surgical Rehabilitation
Treloar Maryjane Csw
Tri County Physical Therapy
Tri-County Physical Therapy
Trifaro Michael
Trifaro Physical Therapy
Trimarchi Joe
Trimboli David E DC
Trinity Physical Therapy PC
Trivisonno Carmen Physical Therapist
Tropical Physical Therapy Pc
Troy Conference Geriatric Foundation Inc
Troy Physical Therapy PC
True Way Physical Therapy
Trumble Christine E Physical Therapist
Try US Auto Repair
Tschinkel Sarah Berry Msw
Tully Physical Therapy Group
Twilight Medical
Twin Tier Home Health
U S Training Centers
Ultimate Physical Therapy
Ungar Stephan PT MTC
Unicorn Hippotherapy
Union Rehabilitation
Union Square Rehabilitation & Sports Medicine
United Cerebral Palsy of Ulster County
United Comprehensive Care Limited
United Comprehensive Medical Pc
United Doctors
United Medical Associates
United Memorial Medical Center
Unity Comprehensive Rehabilitation Center
Unity Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation
Universal Health And Rehabilitation
Universal Physical Therapy
Universal Therapeutic Services Of NY, Inc
University Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine
University Pain Center
University Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
University Place Orthopedics
University Rehabilitation
Upadhyayula Sekhar MD
Upstate Center for Performance Enhancement
Upstate Physical Therapy
Upstate Rehabilitation Medicine At Ctskll Rgnl Mdi
Uptown MSO
Uptown Physical Therapy
Us Athletic Training Center
Utstein & GOW
Utstein Dawn Pt Pc
Uwa Anthony Physical Therapist
V Harris Consulting SVCS
Valatie Medical Arts Bldg - Physical Therapy
Valente Frank DC
Valenze Nick PT
Valley Health Svcs Inc
Valley Physical Therapy
Van Gelder Erin OTR L Ms ATC
Van Loon Gerrit Pt Dc
VanBeveren & Yankowitz, Physical Therapy
Vance Angela
Vassar Brothers Hospital - Physical Therapy
Vassar Brothers Medical Center
Vernon Orthopedic & Sports Physical Therapy
Vicki Gayle
Victor Physical Therapy Llc
Victory Phyical Theraphy
Victory Physical Therapy P C
Village Chiropractic
Village Square Health & Wellness
Villanueva Virna Lgt
Villarica Proceso MD
Vincek Randall Pt Ocs
Virtanen Debra Q Mspt
Virtual Snow Training System
Vitoulis Joseph Do
Vogel Matthew PT
Volna Aqua Physical Therapy Center
W N Y Physical & Occupational Therapy Group PLLC
Wading River Fitness Center
Wading River Physical Therapy
Walker C
Walker Michael F
Walker Physical Therapy Pc-Phyllis D Walker Pt
Wallace Physical Therapy
Walters Verle I
Wang James Z M Pt Pc
Warner Deborah Np
Warner Physical Therapy
Warren Paley Health Center
Washingtonville, NY 10992
Wastell Mark DC
Watnik Neil MD
Watts James
Webster W R Therapist
Weidenman Darren MA
Weinberg Clara C RPT
Weinberger Michael MD
Weinstein Martin Physical Therapist
Weinstein Neal A PT
Weintraub Linda Physical Therapist
Weiss Reuven L PhD
Weiss Scott A
Well On the Way
Wellborn Kim Pt
Wellhealth Rehabilitation
Wellness & Medical Massage By Ssn M Clrk Lmt Nctmb
Wellness Center
Wells Nursing Home Inc - Wells House Physical Therapy
Wells Sandra J Physical Therapist
Wellspring Early Intervention
Wellwood Physical Therapy Sports & Rehabilitation Center
Wemett Martha MHS PT
Wenhold Thomas PT
Wesley Outpatient Therapies
West Islip Physical Therapy Andorts Rehabilitation
West Seneca, NY 14224
West Side Physical & Aquatic Therapy
West Side Physical Therapy
Westchester County Medical Center - Physical Therapy
Westchester Head & Neck Associates
Westchester Medical Group
Westchester Medical Rehabilitation
Westchester Physical Therapy Associates PC
Westchester Sports Physical Therapy PC
Westchester Square Physical Therapy PC
Western New York Orthopaedic & Spine Therapy
Western New York Physical & Occupational Therapy Grp
Westfield Memorial Hospital Inc - Physical Therapy, Cardiac Rehabilitation
Weston-Paxxon Senior Rehabilitation Service
Westside Dance Physical Therapy
Westside Physical Therapy
Westside Psychoeducational Resources
Westside Sports Physical Therapy PC
Wetsell Roger Physical Therapist
Wheatfield Physical Therapy
White Deborah Physical Therapist
White Plains Full Physical Therapy Center
White Plains Health & Wellness Center
White Plains Health Care Associates
Whitney Point Physical Therapy
Wiesner Eva Z MD
Willekens Maurice PT
William Anderson Dc
William J Pt
William Pena Physical
Williams Gary A MD
Williamsville Physical Therapy
Wind William
Windsor Physical Therapy
Windsor Physical Therapy Llp
Winget John M PT
Wirth Stephen Physical Therapist
Wiseman E Md
Women and Children's Hospital of Buffalo - Occupational & Physical Therapy Inpatient
Women's Health Omni Center
Women's Therapy Center
Wong Nelson MD
Wong Winston Md
Wood Michael D
Wood Rory D MD
Woodbine Medical
Woodhaven Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Servcs
Woodstock Physical Therapy
Work Assessment & Conditioning Center of Eastern NY
Work Assessment and Conditioning Center
Work Capacity Center of Western New York
Wyszynski Marek Pt Gcfp
Yehudian Irage
Yelena Polyakova
Yes I Can Physical Therapy
YN Physical Therapy
Yoga Flow Studio
Yorktown Health & Wellness Center - Underhill Plaza
Yorktown Physical Therapy
Youngelman Debbie Md
Zastawrny Chris Dc
Zazzali Michael Dscpt, OCS
Zebe Physical Therapy Pc
Zhang Xiaoxia
Ziegelbaum Zelik Physical Therapist
Zimmerman Stephen I Phd Pt Pc
Zins Frania Mspt
Ziska David N
Acosta Alberto M MD
Addrizo-Harris Doreen MD
Advanced Physical Medicine & Rehabiltation PC
Alliance Physical Therapy PC
Arce Medical & Diagnostic Services PC
ARCE Medical & Diagnostic Services PC
Arthur Avenue Comprehensive Medical Health Services
Avenue Medical
Batash Leo MD
Bayno Mary S DO
Bello Rey MD
Beth Israel Medical Center - Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Bleicher Leonard MD
Central Park Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation PC
Chandler Michael Phd MD
Chang Chi
Cohen Jonathan R DC
Complete Rehabiliation
Cor Care Inc
Duncan Susana G MD
East Shore Medical Inc
Empire Physical Medicine & Pain Management
Eric Jacobson, M.D.
Goldenberg Joyce MD
Goldofsky Elliot MD
Grand Central Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Halper Peter R MD
Harris Phillip MD
Hatcher Virgil A MD
Healthy Medical Body PC
Hedrych Gideon MD
Hospital for Joint Diseases Orthopaedic Institute - Rehabilitation Medicine Department
Hunter John G MD
Institute Of Physical Rehabilitation
Isaac J Kreizman MD
Jacoby Laurian
Jeulin Lucia Flores MD
Jimenez Arthur MD
Kang Cheng-An M.D.
Kantar Miriam MD
Kim Seung
Klauer Jana MD
Kostin Mark - MD
Kulick Alexander MD
Levy Miriam
Lo Kim Sing
Lyons Caroline Lac
Malpe Ravi MD
Mantell Laura Lewis MD
Marathon Medical
Masiello Domenick
McLaughlin Patricia MD
Merit Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation
Meyer Adolph MD
Mid Manhattan Medical PC
Moalemi Steven Dr MD
Moldover Jonathan R
Morrison Jeffrey MD
Nancy Joachim MD
Naturo-Medical Health Care PC
Negrea Bogvan PC
Newtown Medical PC
Nir Jacob MD
Ostrow Gary L DO
Pain Center of North Jersey
Pain Management & Rehabilitation Physical Medicine
Park Avenue Trauma Associates
Parkway Medical & Rehabilitation PC
Patients First Family Medical Care
Pelham Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Pelkey Zinaida DO
Performance Rehabilitation
Perrone Francis Doctor Of Medicine
Pirraglia Don C DO
Podhorodecki Areta
Queens Centers For Pain Management & Rehabilitation
Rehabilitation Medicine & Sports Services
Reppucci Angelo MD
Richmond Orthopedic Associates
Rodriguez Fidel
Sapka Christine MD
Schlifstein Todd DO
Scilaris Thomas A MD
Scroope John
Silver Spine & Joint Rehabilitation
Silverman Brett MD
Sleepy Hollow Physical Therapy
Slone Eric MD
Sports Medicine & Orthopaedic Rehabilitation PC
Stadetmauer Gary MD
Styler Maryanne MD
Sullivan Margaret MD
Suprun Ulana
Tapper Helene
Tranguch Anthony J
Tsai Gregory MD
Varlotta Gerald MD
Weiss Steven J DO
Wolff Douglas W
Wolk Susan MD
Zelig Irma MD
Zenetos Panagiotis MDt.
11000 - 11099 : Queens
11001 - Floral Park, Bellerose Village, South Floral Park
11002 - Floral Park (P.O. Box)
11003 - Elmont, Alden Manor, Floral Park, Meacham
11004 - Glen Oaks, Floral Park
11005 - Floral Park
11010 - Franklin Square
11020 - Great Neck, Lake Success
11021 - Great Neck
11022 - Great Neck (P.O. Box)
11023 - Great Neck
11024 - Great Neck, Kings Point
11025 - Great Neck
11026 - Great Neck (P.O. Box)
11027 - Great Neck (P.O. Box)
11030 - Manhasset, Plandome
11040 - New Hyde Park, Garden City Park, Hillside Manor, Manhasset Hills, North Hills, North New Hyde Park
11041 - New Hyde Park
11042 - New Hyde Park, North New Hyde Park
11043 - New Hyde Park
11044 - New Hyde Park
11050 - Port Washington, Sands Point
11051 - Port Washington
11052 - Port Washington
11053 - Port Washington
11054 - Port Washington
11055 - Port Washington
11096 - Inwood, Far Rockaway
11099 - New Hyde Park
11100 - 11199 : Long Island City
11101 - Long Island City, Astoria
11102 - Astoria, Long Island City
11103 - Astoria, Long Island City
11104 - Sunnyside, Astoria, Long Island City
11105 - Astoria, Long Island City
11106 - Astoria, Long Island City
11109 - Long Island City
11120 - Long Island City
11200 - 11299 : Brooklyn
11201 - Brooklyn - MAIN
11202 - Brooklyn (P.O. Box) - MAIN
11203 - Brooklyn - Rugby Sta.
11204 - Brooklyn - Parkville
11205 - Brooklyn - Pratt
11206 - Brooklyn - Metropolitan Sta.
11207 - Brooklyn - East New York
11208 - Brooklyn - New Lots Sta.
11209 - Brooklyn - Fort Hamilton
11210 - Brooklyn - Vanderveer
11211 - Brooklyn - Williamsburg
11212 - Brooklyn - Brownsville
11213 - Brooklyn - St. John's Place
11214 - Brooklyn - Bath Beach
11215 - Brooklyn - Van Brunt
11216 - Brooklyn - Brevoort
11217 - Brooklyn - Times Plaza
11218 - Brooklyn - Kensington
11219 - Brooklyn - Blythebourne
11220 - Brooklyn - Bay Ridge
11221 - Brooklyn - Bushwick
11222 - Brooklyn - Greenpoint
11223 - Brooklyn - Gravesend
11224 - Brooklyn - Coney Island
11225 - Brooklyn - Lefferts
11226 - Brooklyn - Flatbush
11228 - Brooklyn - Dyker Heights
11229 - Brooklyn - Homecrest, Sheepshead Bay
11230 - Brooklyn - Midwood
11231 - Brooklyn - Red Hook
11232 - Brooklyn - Bush Terminal Sta.
11233 - Brooklyn
11234 - Brooklyn
11235 - Brooklyn - Bay Sta.
11236 - Brooklyn - Canarsie
11237 - Brooklyn - Wyckoff Heights
11238 - Brooklyn - Adelphi Sta.
11239 - Brooklyn - Canarsie
11240 - Brooklyn (P.O. Box)
11241 - Brooklyn - Main
11242 - Brooklyn - Main
11243 - Brooklyn - Times Plaza Sta.
11244 - Brooklyn
11245 - Brooklyn - Main
11247 - Brooklyn (P.O. Box)
11248 - Brooklyn - Main
11249 - Brooklyn
11251 - Brooklyn - Pratt
11252 - Brooklyn - Fort Hamilton
11254 - Brooklyn
11255 - Brooklyn
11256 - Brooklyn
11300 - 11399 : Flushing
11351 - Flushing
11352 - Flushing (P.O. Box)
11354 - Linden Hill, Flushing
11355 - Flushing
11356 - College Point, Flushing
11357 - Whitestone, Beechhurst, Flushing, Malba
11358 - Flushing
11359 - Bayside, Flushing, Fort Totten
11360 - Bay Terrace, Bayside, Flushing
11361 - Bayside, Flushing
11362 - Horace Harding, Little Neck, Douglaston, Flushing
11363 - Little Neck, Douglaston, Flushing
11364 - Oakland Gardens, Flushing
11365 - Fresh Meadows, Flushing, Pomomok
11366 - Utopia, Fresh Meadows, Flushing
11367 - Flushing, Kew Gardens Hills
11368 - Corona, Flushing
11369 - East Elmhurst, Flushing
11370 - Trainsmeadow, East Elmhurst, Flushing
11371 - Flushing, East Elmhurst, Laguardia Airport
11372 - Jackson Heights, Flushing
11373 - Elmhurst, Flushing
11374 - Rego Park, Flushing
11375 - Forest Hills, Flushing, Parkside
11377 - Woodside, Flushing
11378 - Maspeth, Flushing
11379 - Middle Village, Flushing
11380 - Elmhurst (P.O. Box), Flushing (P.O. Box)
11381 - Flushing
11385 - Ridgewood, Flushing, Glendale
11386 - Ridgewood (P.O. Box), Flushing (P.O. Box)
11390 - Flushing
11400 - 11499 : Jamaica
11405 - Jamaica
11411 - Cambria Heights, Jamaica
11412 - St. Albans, Jamaica
11413 - Springfield Gardens, Jamaica, Laurelton
11414 - Howard Beach, Jamaica
11415 - Kew Gardens, Jamaica
11416 - Ozone Park, Jamaica
11417 - Ozone Park, Jamaica
11418 - Richmond Hill, Jamaica
11419 - South Richmond Hill, Jamaica
11420 - South Ozone Park, Jamaica
11421 - Woodhaven, Jamaica
11422 - Rosedale, Jamaica
11423 - Hollis, Jamaica
11424 - Jamaica (P.O. Box), Kew Gardens (P.O. Box)
11425 - Jamaica
11426 - Bellerose, Jamaica
11427 - Queens Village, Bellerose Manor, Jamaica
11428 - Queens Village, Bellerose Manor, Jamaica
11429 - Queens Village, Jamaica
11430 - Jamaica, John F Kennedy Airport
11431 - Jamaica (P.O. Box)
11432 - Jamaica
11433 - Jamaica, Addisleigh Park
11434 - Jamaica, Addisleigh Park, Rochdale Village
11435 - Jamaica, Briarwood
11436 - Jamaica, South Ozone Park
11439 - Jamaica
11451 - Jamaica, *York College a Senior College of CUNY.
11499 - Jamaica
11500 - 11599 : West Nassau
11501 - Mineola
11507 - Albertson
11509 - Atlantic Beach
11510 - Baldwin, North Baldwin
11514 - Carle Place
11516 - Cedarhurst
11518 - East Rockaway
11520 - Freeport
11530 - Garden City, Stewart Manor
11531 - Garden City (P.O. Box)
11535 - Garden City
11536 - Garden City
11542 - Glen Cove
11545 - Glen Head
11547 - Glenwood Landing (P.O. Box)
11548 - Greenvale
11549 - Hempstead, Hofstra University
11550 - Hempstead, South Hempstead
11551 - Hempstead (P.O. Box)
11552 - West Hempstead
11553 - Uniondale
11554 - East Meadow
11555 - Uniondale
11556 - Uniondale
11557 - Hewlett
11558 - Island Park
11559 - Lawrence
11560 - Locust Valley
11561 - Long Beach, East Atlantic Beach, Lido Beach
11563 - Lynbrook
11565 - Malverne
11566 - Merrick, North Merrick
11568 - Old Westbury, Westbury
11569 - Point Lookout (P.O. Box)
11570 - Rockville Centre
11571 - Rockville Centre (P.O. Box)
11572 - Oceanside, Rockville Centre
11575 - Roosevelt
11576 - Roslyn
11577 - Roslyn Heights
11579 - Sea Cliff
11580 - Valley Stream
11581 - Valley Stream
11582 - Valley Stream (P.O. Box)
11590 - Westbury
11592 - Rockville Centre
11594 - Westbury
11595 - Westbury
11596 - Williston Park, East Williston
11597 - Westbury
11598 - Woodmere
11599 - Garden City
11600 - 11699 : Far Rockaway
11690 - Far Rockaway (P.O. Box), Edgemere (P.O. Box), Wave Crest (P.O. Box)
11691 - Far Rockaway
11692 - Arverne, Far Rockaway
11693 - Far Rockaway, Broad Channel, Rockaway Beach
11694 - Rockaway Park, Belle Harbor, Far Rockaway, Neponsit
11695 - Far Rockaway (P.O. Box), Fort Tilden (P.O. Box)
11697 - Breezy Point, Far Rockaway, Rockaway Point
11700 - 11799 : Mid-Island (main)
11701 - Amityville, Amity Harbor
11702 - Babylon, Captree Island, Gilgo Beach, Oak Beach, Oak Island, West Gilgo Beach
11703 - North Babylon, Babylon
11704 - West Babylon, Babylon
11705 - Bayport
11706 - Bay Shore, Fair Harbor, Kismet, Point O Woods, Saltaire
11707 - West Babylon (P.O. Box), Babylon (P.O. Box)
11708 - Amityville (P.O. Box)
11709 - Bayville
11710 - Bellmore, North Bellmore
11713 - Bellport
11714 - Bethpage
11715 - Blue Point
11716 - Bohemia
11717 - Brentwood, Edgewood, West Brentwood
11718 - Brightwaters
11719 - Brookhaven
11720 - Centereach, South Setauket
11721 - Centerport
11722 - Central Islip
11724 - Cold Spring Harbor
11725 - Commack
11726 - Copiague
11727 - Coram
11729 - Deer Park
11730 - East Islip
11731 - East Northport, Elwood
11732 - East Norwich
11733 - East Setauket, Setauket
11735 - Farmingdale, South Farmingdale
11736 - Farmingdale
11737 - Farmingdale
11738 - Farmingville
11739 - Great River (P.O. Box)
11740 - Greenlawn
11741 - Holbrook
11742 - Holtsville
11743 - Huntington, Halesite, Lloyd Harbor
11746 - Huntington Station, Dix Hills
11747 - Melville, Huntington Station
11749 - Islandia, Central Islip, Hauppauge, Ronkonkoma
11750 - Huntington Station, Melville
11751 - Islip
11752 - Islip Terrace
11753 - Jericho
11754 - Kings Park
11755 - Lake Grove
11756 - Levittown
11757 - Lindenhurst
11758 - Massapequa, North Massapequa
11760 - Islandia (P.O. Box)
11762 - Massapequa Park
11763 - Medford
11764 - Miller Place
11765 - Mill Neck
11766 - Mount Sinai
11767 - Nesconset
11768 - Northport
11769 - Oakdale
11770 - Ocean Beach (P.O. Box)
11771 - Oyster Bay
11772 - Patchogue, Davis Park, East Patchogue
11773 - Syosset
11774 - Farmingdale
11775 - Melville
11776 - Port Jefferson Station
11777 - Port Jefferson, Port Jefferson Station
11778 - Rocky Point
11779 - Ronkonkoma, Lake Ronkonkoma
11780 - Saint James
11782 - Sayville, Cherry Grove, Fire Island Pines
11783 - Seaford
11784 - Selden
11786 - Shoreham
11787 - Smithtown
11788 - Hauppauge, Smithtown
11789 - Sound Beach
11790 - Stony Brook
11791 - Syosset
11792 - Wading River
11793 - Wantagh
11794 - Stony Brook
11795 - West Islip
11796 - West Sayville
11797 - Woodbury
11798 - Wyandanch, Wheatley Heights
11800 - 11899 : Hicksville
11801 - Hicksville
11802 - Hicksville (P.O. Box)
11803 - Plainview
11804 - Old Bethpage
11815 - Hicksville
11819 - Hicksville
11853 - Jericho
11854 - Hicksville
11855 - Hicksville
11900 - 11999 : Mid-Island (east)
11901 - Riverhead, Flanders
11930 - Amagansett (P.O. Box)
11931 - Aquebogue (P.O. Box)
11932 - Bridgehampton (P.O. Box)
11933 - Calverton
11934 - Center Moriches
11935 - Cutchogue
11937 - East Hampton
11939 - East Marion
11940 - East Moriches
11941 - Eastport
11942 - East Quogue
11944 - Greenport
11946 - Hampton Bays
11947 - Jamesport (P.O. Box)
11948 - Laurel
11949 - Manorville
11950 - Mastic
11951 - Mastic Beach
11952 - Mattituck
11953 - Middle Island
11954 - Montauk
11955 - Moriches
11956 - New Suffolk (P.O. Box)
11957 - Orient
11958 - Peconic
11959 - Quogue (P.O. Box)
11960 - Remsenburg (P.O. Box)
11961 - Ridge
11962 - Sagaponack (P.O. Box)
11963 - Sag Harbor
11964 - Shelter Island (P.O. Box)
11965 - Shelter Island Heights (P.o. Box)
11967 - Shirley, East Yaphank, Smith Point
11968 - Southampton
11969 - Southampton (P.O. Box)
11970 - South Jamesport (P.O. Box)
11971 - Southold
11972 - Speonk (P.O. Box)
11973 - Upton (P.O. Box)
11975 - Wainscott (P.O. Box)
11976 - Water Mill
11977 - Westhampton
11978 - Westhampton Beach
11980 - Yaphank
10300 - 10399 : Staten Island
10301 – Staten Island
10302 - Staten Island
10303 - Staten Island
10304 - Staten Island
10305 - Staten Island
10306 - Staten Island
10307 - Staten Island
10308 - Staten Island
10309 - Staten Island
10310 - Staten Island
10311 - Staten Island
10312 - Staten Island
10313 - Staten Island (P.O. Box)
10314 - Staten Island
10400 - 10499 : The Bronx
10451 - Bronx
10452 - Bronx
10453 - Bronx
10454 - Bronx
10455 - Bronx
10456 - Bronx
10457 - Bronx
10458 - Bronx
10459 - Bronx
10460 - Bronx
10461 - Bronx - Soundview
10462 - Bronx
10463 - Bronx - Riverdale below W 242nd St, Kingsbridge, and Marble Hill
10464 - Bronx - City Island and Pelham Bay Park
10465 - Bronx - Throgs Neck
10466 - Bronx - Wakefield
10467 - Bronx - Williamsbridge
10468 - Bronx
10469 - Bronx - Baychester
10470 - Bronx
10471 - Bronx - Riverdale above W 242nd St
10472 - Bronx - Soundview
10473 - Bronx - Cornell Station
10474 - Bronx
10475 - Bronx - Co-Op City
10499 - Bronx
10500 - 10599 : Westchester/Putnam
* 10501 - Amawalk
* 10502 - Ardsley
* 10503 - Ardsley On Hudson (P.O. Box)
* 10504 - Armonk, North Castle
* 10505 - Baldwin Place
* 10506 - Bedford
* 10507 - Bedford Hills
* 10509 - Brewster
* 10510 - Briarcliff Manor, Briarcliff, Scarborough
* 10511 - Buchanan
* 10512 - Carmel, Kent Lakes
* 10514 - Chappaqua
* 10516 - Cold Spring, Nelsonville
* 10517 - Crompond (P.O. Box)
* 10518 - Cross River
* 10519 - Croton Falls (P.O. Box)
* 10520 - Croton On Hudson
* 10521 - Croton On Hudson (P.O. Box), Crugers (P.O. Box)
* 10522 - Dobbs Ferry
* 10523 - Elmsford
* 10524 - Garrison
* 10526 - Golden's Bridge
* 10527 - Granite Springs
* 10528 - Harrison
* 10530 - Hartsdale
* 10532 - Hawthorne
* 10533 - Irvington
* 10535 - Jefferson Valley
* 10536 - Katonah
* 10537 - Lake Peekskill
* 10538 - Larchmont
* 10540 - Lincolndale (P.O. Box)
* 10541 - Mahopac, Lake Lincolndale
* 10542 - Mahopac Falls (P.O. Box)
* 10543 - Mamaroneck
* 10544 - omitted
* 10545 - Maryknoll (P.O. Box)
* 10546 - Millwood
* 10547 - Mohegan Lake
* 10548 - Montrose
* 10549 - Mount Kisco, Bedford Corners
* 10550 - Mount Vernon
* 10551 - Mount Vernon (P.O. Box)
* 10552 - Mount Vernon
* 10553 - Mount Vernon
* 10557 - Mount Vernon
* 10558 - Mount Vernon
* 10560 - North Salem
* 10562 - Ossining
* 10566 - Peekskill
* 10567 - Cortlandt Manor
* 10568-10569 - omitted
* 10570 - Pleasantville
* 10571 - Pleasantville
* 10572 - Pleasantville
* 10573 - Port Chester, Rye Brook
* 10576 - Pound Ridge
* 10577 - Purchase
* 10578 - Purdys
* 10579 - Putnam Valley
* 10580 - Rye
* 10583 - Scarsdale, Heathcote
* 10587 - Shenorock (P.O. Box)
* 10588 - Shrub Oak
* 10589 - Somers
* 10590 - South Salem
* 10591 - Tarrytown, North Tarrytown, Sleepy Hollow
* 10594 - Thornwood
* 10595 - Valhalla
* 10596 - Verplanck (P.O. Box)
* 10597 - Waccabuc
* 10598 - Yorktown Heights
* 10601 - White Plains
* 10602 - White Plains (P.O. Box)
* 10603 - White Plains, N White Plains
* 10604 - West Harrison, White Plains
* 10605 - White Plains
* 10606 - White Plains
* 10607 - White Plains
* 10610 - White Plains (P.O. Box)
* 10701 - Yonkers
* 10702 - Yonkers (P.O. Box)
* 10703 - Yonkers
* 10704 - Yonkers
* 10705 - Yonkers
* 10706 - Hastings On Hudson, Yonkers
* 10707 - Tuckahoe, Eastchester, Yonkers
* 10708 - Bronxville, Yonkers
* 10709 - Eastchester, Yonkers
* 10710 - Yonkers
* 10801 - New Rochelle
* 10802 - New Rochelle (P.O. Box)
* 10803 - Pelham
* 10804 - New Rochelle, Wykagyl
* 10805 - New Rochelle
* 10901 - Suffern, Airmont, Montebello
* 10902-10909 - omitted
* 10910 - Arden (P.O. Box)
* 10911 - Bear Mountain
* 10912 - Bellvale (P.O. Box)
* 10913 - Blauvelt
* 10914 - Blooming Grove (P.O. Box)
* 10915 - Bullville (P.O. Box)
* 10916 - Campbell Hall
* 10917 - Central Valley
* 10918 - Chester
* 10919 - Circleville
* 10920 - Congers
* 10921 - Florida
* 10922 - Fort Montgomery (P.O. Box)
* 10923 - Garnerville
* 10924 - Goshen
* 10925 - Greenwood Lake
* 10926 - Harriman
* 10927 - Haverstraw
* 10928 - Highland Falls
* 10929 - omitted
* 10930 - Highland Mills
* 10931 - Hillburn
* 10932 - Howells (P.O. Box)
* 10933 - Johnson (P.O. Box)
* 10934 through 10939 - omitted
* 10940 - Middletown, Scotchtown, Scotchtown Branch
* 10941 - Middletown, Scotchtown, Scotchtown Branch
* 10942 - omitted
* 10943 - Middletown
* 10944 through 10948 - omitted
* 10949 - Monroe (P.O. Box)
* 10950 - Monroe
* 10951 - omitted
* 10952 - Monsey, Airmont
* 10953 - Mountainville (P.O. Box)
* 10954 - Nanuet, Bardonia
* 10955 - omitted
* 10956 - New City
* 10957 - omitted
* 10958 - New Hampton
* 10959 - New Milford (P.O. Box)
* 10960 - Nyack
* 10961 - omitted
* 10962 - Orangeburg
* 10963 - Otisville
* 10964 - Palisades
* 10965 - Pearl River
* 10966 through 10967 - omitted
* 10968 - Piermont
* 10969 - Pine Island
* 10970 - Pomona
* 10971 through 10972 - omitted
* 10973 - Slate Hill
* 10974 - Sloatsburg
* 10975 - Southfields
* 10976 - Sparkill
* 10977 - Spring Valley, Chestnut Ridge
* 10978 - omitted
* 10979 - Sterling Forest (P.O. Box)
* 10980 - Stony Point
* 10981 - Sugar Loaf (P.O. Box)
* 10982 - Tallman (P.O. Box)
* 10983 - Tappan
* 10984 - Thiells
* 10985 - Thompson Ridge
* 10986 - Tomkins Cove
* 10987 - Tuxedo Park
* 10988 - Unionville (P.O. Box)
* 10989 - Valley Cottage
* 10990 - Warwick
* 10991 - omitted
* 10992 - Washingtonville
* 10993 - West Haverstraw
* 10994 - West Nyack
* 10995 - omitted
* 10996 - West Point
* 10997 - West Point (P.O. Box)
* 10998 - Westtown
10600 - 10699 : White Plains
10700 - 10799 : Yonkers
10800 - 10899 : New Rochelle
10900 - 10999 : Rockland
Seaport Orthopedics
Seaport Orthopedic Associates
Seaport Orthopaedics
Orthopedic Specialists
(718) 372-7666
(718) 798-1000
(516) 561-1130
(718) 372-7666
(718) 577-0500
(516) 747-8900
(718) 367-2992
212) 249-8100
(212) 758-4688
(718) 367-2992
(516) 681-8822
(718) 944-6262
(212) 598-6625
(718) 234-7054
(212) 289-0700
(212) 844-8550
(212) 870-9710
(212) 870-9710
212) 691-3535
(718) 447-6545
(212) 305-5564
212 513 7711
212) 717-7463
(212) 305-4037
(516) 897-0111
(516) 295-0111
(516) 352-0737
212) 639-8684
(718) 351-6500
(212) 427-3986
212 263 2192
212 513 7711
(718) 353-1100
(718) 326-8484
(516) 897-9000
(516) 897-9000
(516) 255-9031
(516) 478-0008
(718) 863-8695
(516) 478-0008
212) 604-6262
(516) 478-0008
212) 924-6644
(212) 289-0700
212) 844-8674
(914) 631-7777
(718) 224-2225
(718) 291-5567
(718) 224-2225
(718) 229-4878
(718) 798-6900
(718) 798-1000
(516) 681-3332
(516) 681-8822
(212) 876-5400
(516) 676-5014
(516) 741-0077
(516) 794-6202
(631) 425-2140
212 598 6211
(212) 289-0700
(516) 536-2800
(516) 676-5014
(212) 305-0403
516) 766-4325
(718) 367-2992
(718) 258-2588
(516) 364-0070
(212) 838-8895
(212) 472-1100
(212) 870-9430
:(914) 961-3437
212) 604-1361
(718) 375-0011
(516) 681-8822
(212) 213-5470
(212) 861-4275
(718) 558-7241
(516) 747-8900
(718) 271-7700
718 271 7700
(516) 541-1064
(516) 541-1064
(516) 374-6838
(631) 242-8172
212 263 1406
(212) 744-9857
(212) 744-9857
(212) 263-2192
(212) 867-1111
(516) 897-9000
(516) 681-8822
(516) 374-6838
(212) 348-3636
(516) 773-7500
(212) 263-7182
(718) 738-6223
(718) 738-6223
212) 604-1350
212 534 7758,
(516) 536-2800
212) 604-1340
(212) 598-6699
(212) 249-8144
212 263 7296
212) 988-9400
(718) 358-3838
(718) 351-6500
(212) 410-8158
(718) 464-7376
(516) 897-0111
(516) 295-0111
(516) 897-0111
212) 506-0249
(516) 741-6900
(516) 764-7100
(212) 305-1120
(212) 263-6137
(212) 289-0700
(212) 289-0700
(845) 634-7500
(845) 634-7500
212 513 7711
(516) 867-7200
(516) 256-4400
(212) 427-3986
(718) 798-1000
(516) 741-6900
(212) 627-3110
(212) 254-5350
212 598 6605
(212) 606-1631
212) 305-5604
212 535 4848
(516) 747-8900
(212) 828-9858
(718) 347-3300
(516) 358-2121
(212) 628-7772
(212) 861-9800
212) 639-7610
(516) 374-6838
(631) 242-8172
(212) 472-1717
212) 746-4500
(516) 565-1800
(516) 897-0111
212) 744-8114
(516) 466-3351
(516) 897-0111
(212) 598-6022
(212) 598-6625
(631) 423-4090
(718) 835-1600
(718) 296-0808
212) 844-6940
(631) 425-2121
(631) 425-2140
(212) 305-5475
(845) 634-8004
(516) 541-7500
(718) 627-3342
(718) 850-6577
(718) 332-3600
(516) 374-6838
(516) 794-7010
(516) 576-6114
(212) 598-7605
(212) 427-7750
(212) 496-0682
212 598 6784
(212) 427-7750
(631) 242-8172
(516) 374-6838
(516) 897-0111
212) 288-2000
212) 434-4920
(718) 358-3838
212) 684-5511
(516) 681-8822
(212) 305-5241
(516) 565-1800
212) 604-6269
(212) 427-3986
(212) 263-2192
(212) 744-1620
(718) 258-2588
(516) 897-0111
(516) 295-0111
212 283 8923
(718) 761-0024
(718) 863-8695
(718) 835-1600
(212) 988-2989
(212) 289-0700
(212) 598-6137
212 513 7711
(845) 634-7500
212) 844-8688
(516) 867-7200
(516) 256-4400
212 598 6355
(516) 466-3351
(212) 263-7186
(212) 606-1041
(212) 305-5475
212) 737-3301
(718) 229-4878
(212) 598-6403
212 529 2052
(212) 598-6258
212) 305-0762
(516) 536-2800
212) 744-8114
(516) 747-8900
(516) 536-2800
(516) 393-8996
(516) 465-8660
(516) 433-1100
(516) 466-3351
(212) 737-5540
(516) 671-4110
(212) 876-5400
212) 305-6959
(914) 631-7777
(212) 427-3986
(212) 396-3274
(631) 226-3380
(212) 289-0700
(212) 570-9600
(516) 295-0111
(516) 541-1064
(212) 737-3301
(516) 829-6260
(212) 546-9285
212 263 7198
(212) 717-1405
(208) 883-2828
(718) 590-5900
212 263 2366
(212) 598-7608
212) 340-0000
212 598 6484
(212) 628-9600
212) 924-6644
(516) 794-7010
718) 631-2184
(718) 631-2184
(718) 631-2184
(212) 932-4403
(212) 675-5814
(718) 464-7376
(914) 632-2251
(212) 838-6600
(718) 464-7376
(212) 876-5400
(718) 477-5479
(718) 768-6048
(718) 920-2060
(212) 744-8114
212) 639-2893
(516) 829-6260
(212) 598-6622
(516) 627-0065
212 263 3490
212) 932-4403
(516) 735-7778
(516) 735-4048
(516) 799-4008
(516) 773-7500
(212) 305-5486
(516) 478-0008
(212) 844-8680
(845) 634-7500
(212) 737-3301
(212) 737-3301
(516) 478-4848
(212) 570-9120
(212) 717-1285
(718) 881-0155
(212) 876-5400
(516) 933-4350
212) 249-8100
(631) 385-8181
(516) 536-2800
(516) 536-2800
212 263 7281
(516) 627-0065
(516) 773-7500
(516) 482-0302
(516) 364-0070
(718) 375-0011
(516) 609-9494
(516) 676-5014
(516) 867-7200
(516) 256-4400
212) 604-6265
(516) 681-8822
(212) 838-6600
(212) 861-9800
(212) 472-1717
(212) 362-6930
(718) 944-6262
212) 434-2710
(516) 897-0111
(718) 367-2992
(212) 427-3986
(516) 735-7778
(631) 425-2140
212 263 2611
(212) 472-5899
(212) 598-6494
(212) 876-5200
(212) 935-1777
212) 348-6644
212 867 6740
212 974 7242
(609) 924-8131
(516) 681-8822
(718) 224-2225
(631) 293-5683
(212) 249-8088
(516) 433-1100
(212) 434-4700
(212) 434-4700
212 263 4263
(212) 434-2710
(718) 692-0949
212 427 3986
(718) 667-7500
:(212) 844-6750
(718) 863-8695
212 263 4263
(516) 536-2800
(718) 830-1290
(212) 426-0414
(845) 358-8005
212 879 1292
(212) 397-3111
(212) 434-4700
(212) 598-6008
(516) 393-8996
(516) 873-8341
(212) 427-7750
(212) 838-6600
(718) 409-0500
(212) 876-5400
(212) 598-6579
(516) 465-8660
(212) 305-8036
(718) 464-7376
212) 861-2300
(516) 897-0111
(516) 295-0111
212) 305-5475
(212) 606-1415
(212) 606-1415
(866) 687-7328
212) 604-6266
(718) 375-0011
(516) 681-8822
(212) 570-9120
718 558 1975
(212) 535-6600
(718) 372-7666
(718) 274-7300
(212) 513-1097
(516) 256-4400
212) 255-8000
(718) 252-7324
(212) 737-3301
718 898 5470
516) 766-4325
(516) 482-0302
212 263 8961
212 604 1366
(516) 374-6838
(212) 645-8151
(516) 541-1064
(516) 681-8822
(718) 863-8695
212) 844-6756
(631) 321-5444
(516) 773-7500
(516) 374-6838
(631) 242-8172
(212) 717-6667
(516) 478-0008
(914) 667-1620
(516) 897-0111
(516) 825-1101
(631) 321-6005
(516) 829-6260
(212) 598-6696
(718) 274-7300
(718) 375-0011
(516) 627-0065
(516) 735-4048
(212) 861-9800
212) 305-4272
(212) 876-5400
(212) 606-1095
(212) 207-1990
212 598 6708
(516) 374-6838
(212) 289-0700
(212) 598-6599
(516) 794-7010
(516) 747-8900
(631) 242-8172
(718) 409-0500
212) 604-6268
(516) 773-7500
(631) 242-4949
(516) 785-3474
(212) 604-3990
212) 604-6267
(212) 319-6500
212 263 7278
(718) 447-6546
(718) 556-4700
516) 766-4325
212) 305-5475
(212) 289-3236
(914) 712-9800
(845) 639-4275
(212) 434-4880
(212) 263-7743
(718) 738-5555
(631) 226-3380
(212) 606-1510
(212) 606-1510
(718) 863-8695
(718) 798-1000
(212) 879-3700
(516) 747-8900
212 263 3491
(516) 681-8822
(212) 263-6392
(718) 577-0500
212) 288-1250
212) 744-8114
212) 925-2121
(516) 536-2800
(718) 224-9094
(212) 717-1285
(718) 881-0155
(516) 681-8822
212 263 6391
7 Avenue Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Abramson Sandra V
Absolute Care Physical Therapy
Academy Physical Therapy
Advanced Orthopedic Rehabilitation PC
Advanced Rehabilitation Center
Advantage Physical Therapy
Alexander Technique The Association
Allyson Winick PT
Alrod Lori L
Altman Physical Therapy
Altman, Cathy - Altman Physical Therapy Center
Apostol, Christopher - Physical Therapy
ARCE Medical & Diagnostics Services
Athalon Physical Therapy PC
Australian Physiotherapy Centers
Back In The Game Therapy
Back To Sports Physical Therapy
Backtec Orthopedic & Sport Physical Therapy
Barak, Tzvi - Madison Avenue Physical Therapy
Barclay M K MSPT, PC
Bedson Scott
Bell Barbara PT
Berger Alan DC, PC
Best Private Service
Bodhizone Human Performance & Sports Physicl Therapy
Boillat Suzanne PT
Bounce Back Physical Therapy, PC
Bowman, Kerri - Recovery Physical Therapy
Bradley & Monson Physical Therapy
Braverman Steven L PT PC
Brill Physical Therapy
Bronson & Monson Physical Therapy
Brosh William
Broughton Edward PT
Browne Dierdre Ms PT
Burnett Wendy R
Campollo Debbie
Carnesecchi P John
Carole Lapidus Lcsw
Catapano Christoper MPT
Cavaliere Marcia Mspt PC
Central Park Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation PC
Central Park Physical Therapy
Chelsea Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation LLC
Chew Ming
Christine Premmereur
Claire Henry PT PC
Comprehensive Physical & Occupational Therpy Asscs
Comprehensive Physical Therapy
Corinthian Physical Therapy
Coulton Lillian PT
Cynergy Physical Therapy, PC
David Perna, D.C.
Delasobrea Octavio
Delia Frank Ms PT
Dilorenzo Christine E PT
Diversified Ergonomics
Dorothy, Leslie - Park Avenue Trauma Associates
East Gate Physical Therapy
East West Physical Therapy
Eastside Dance Physical Therapy
Eby Susan Ms PT OCS
EMH Physical Therapy
Empire Physical Medicine & Pain Management
Empire State Hands-On Physical Therapy & Pain Center
Endres David, MS, PT
Equilibrium Physical Therapy
Erni E Physical Therapy
Ewing Jennifer - Sports Physical Therapy of NY
Excelsior Physical Therapy
Fagan Justin D
Finish Line Physical Therapy
Finn Deirdre PT OCS
First Health Physical Therapy
Fit Kids Nyc
Fleming Alicia D Therapist
Fleming Alicia D Therapist
Forman Marcus
Forman Physical Therapy
Fox Michael
Frey Kenneth I
Function First Physical Therapy PC
Fusion Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine
Gelfand Benjamin
Gibson, Lucy C., LPT, MSPT
Goldenberg Joyce Md
Goldfinger Glenn H PT
Gramercy Park Physical Therapy Associates
Grand Central Physical Therapy
Grant Valerie PT
Greenberg Carol Physical Therapist
H & D Physical Therapy
Hampton Cares Holistic Physical Therapy Center
Hands On Physical Therapy
Hanington Physical Therapy
Healthsouth Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation Center
Hecht, Evelyn - Emh Physical Therapy
Hedrych, Gideon, MD - Park Avenue Trauma Associates
Here Physical Therapy
Hines Lloyd
Hirst Financial Services
Horovitz Ellen
Hospital for Joint Diseases Orthopaedic Institute - Arthrofitness
Hospital For Special Surgery - Hand Therapy
Hullstrung & Dillillo Physical Therapy
Huppert Aaron PT
Hyman, Noah - First Health Physical Therapy
Innovative Approach Physical Therapy
Innovative Sports Physical Therapy
Institute of Physical Therapy
Iris Avishai Cohen
Itskowitch Mickey
J R W Physical Therapy
Jabagat Dale Physical Therapist
Jabob Robert Physical Therapist
James Fowler Physical Therapy
Jane's Apotherapy 57 St New York Massage, Podiatric, Chiropractic, Alternative & Physical Therapy Day Spa
Jaramillo Marty PT PC
Joint Effort Physical Therapy
Kinetic Sports Physical Therapy PC
King Gail
Kirstein, Shirley - Ortho Sports Medical Physical Therapy
Kiwi Physical Therapy
Kordas Russell J
Kouperman Inna, MS, PT
Kruth Jessica, DPT
La Rosa, Paul - New York Physical Therapy
Lathrop Brian A Physthrpst
Lenox Hill Hospital - Physical Therapy
Lester Walter A, DC
Liebesman Laura Physical Therapist
Lifshitz, Ohad - Madison Avenue Physical Therapy
Logue, Bret - Mount Sinai Sports Therapy Center
Lombardo Gaetano PT
Lorenzo Gonzalez PT PC
Lubin Lester Physical Therapist
Madison Av Physical Therapy
Madison Avenue Spine & Sports Medicine
Madison Park Physical Therapy HealthSouth
Magic Hands
Maloney Daniel Physiotherapy Service
Mangold George
Manhattan Physical Medicine
Manhattan Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Manhattan Physical Therapy Center
Manhattan Rehabilitation Management Group LLC
Manhattan Spine & Sports Medicine
Manhattan Sports & Manual Physical Therapy
Manhattan Sports Medicine
Manhattan Total Health
Manhattan Total Health
Marianne Ryan One On One Physical Therapy
Marino & Piltz Physical Therapy
Matthews, Jason W., MSPT, COMT, MAPTA
Martir Alma
McGinley Toni Physical Therapy
Meador Ron Physical Therapy
Metro Physical Therapy
Metro Sports Physical Therapy PC
Metro Sportsmed Physical Therapy
Metropolitan Sports Physical Therapy
Midtown Health And Medical PC
Midtown Physical Therapy Associates
Midtown Rehabilitation
Midtown Therapy
Millerman MALU Physthrpst
Mindful Movement Studios
Monahan Sara
Monson Lori Ms PT OCS
Mount Sinai Rehabilitation Medicine Practice
MRPT Physical Therapy
Murray Hill Physical Therapy PC
Murray Laura - Premier Physical Therapy
Naddell Jennifer
Nancy Berk Physical Therapist
Nasshan Linda PT
Nee-Yuder Julie
Nelson Howard
New Millennium Medical Service PC
New York Hand Rehabilitation PC
New York Manual Therapy Center
New York Metro Medical
New York Physical Therapy
Occupational And Industrial Orthopaedic Center & Physical Theraphy Clinic
Olivier Bros Physical Therapy
Orthopedic Sports Physical Therapy
Pamela Morrison Physical Therapy, P.C.
Panayotidis George Physical Therapist
Park Avenue Trauma Associates
Park South Physical Therapy
Park Sports Physical Therapy
Parkside Physical Therapy Service PC
Paspa Physical Therapy
Performing Arts Physical Therapy
Pericor Therapeutic Inc
Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy & Feldenkrais Center of NY
Physical Therapy Arts
Physical Therapy Associates Of New York
Physical Therapy Associates of New York, LLC
Physio Sports Center
Physio Sports Center
Physiofitness Physical Therapy
Piccarillo Robert
Plank Medical, P.C.
Pliskin Jill Physthrpst
Ponchak Ronald E
Portera Vincent DC
Premier Health Center - Phillip Kim DC
Premier Physical Therapy
Price Jan PT, CFT
Pro Fit Physical Therapy
PRO Physical Therapy
Professional Orthopedic & Sports PT
Professional Orthopedic And Sports Physical Therpy
Professional Orthopedic And Sports Physical Therpy
Profitness Physical Therapy PC
Profitness Physical Therapy PC
PT and Pilates
PT Plus PC
Puhalovic, Suzanne - Sports Physical Therapy of NY
Quality Care Physical Therapy
Recovery Physical Therapy
Rich Kimberly
Riverside Physical Therapy
Robert A, Schulman, MD
Rocco Carolyn
Rockland Physical Therapy
Ronin Physical Therapy
Rootenberg, Dan MS, PT, CSCS
Rose Barbara Physical Therapist
Rosen, Chris B., MSPT, MAPTA
Rose, Barbara - Manhattan Physical Therapy Center
Ross Jackie
Roth Jason
Roy K Yeager Therapist
Rutkowski Stash
Sanvin Physical Therapy
Saraniti Anthony J - Eastside Sports Physical
Sattler Lisa
Schlinger Ken - Profitness Physical Therapy
Schlinger Kenneth
Schoultz Andrea - Sports Physical Therapy of NY
Schwarzer Pamela PT
Segelov Leah Ma OT
Sforza Luanne PT
Shepard Physical Therapy
Shiloff Jennifer DPT
Shivack Michele PT
Showalter, Chris R., LPT, OCS, COMT, FAAOMPT, FABS
Shulman Clifford PT
Silver Spine & Joint Rehabilitation
Sloan Jacki H Physical Therapist
Smith Lance
Snyder Marc Physthrpst
Solomon, Gregg - Metro Physical Therapy
Soma Physical Therapy
Spallone Joseph D PT DCS
SPEAR Physical Therapy, LLC
Spillman Carol - Sutton Place Physical Therapy
Spinner Allyne
Sports Physical Therapy Of New PC Health South
Sports Physical Therapy Of NY, PC
Sports Therapy & Rehabilitation Center
Sports Therapy & Rehabilitation Physical Therapy
Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation - STAR Physical Therapy
Sportscare Institute
STAR Physical & Occupational Therapy
Steinfeld M Judith
Stone, Krystal, LMT
Stuart Yeh Physical Therapist
Sullivan Daniel Physical Therapists
Surdi Dennis Physical Therapists
Sutton Place Physical Therapy PC
The Allied Group Inc
The Lighthouse
The Stretch Joint Inc
Therapeutic Resources Physical Therapy
Thrive Integrated Physical Therapy PC
Tobin, Ciaran MSPT, MAPTA
Toker Reuven Phys Therapist
Treloar Maryjane CSW
Trovato, Jeanine, MS, PT
Union Square Rehabilitation & Sports Medicine
University Place Orthopedics
Uptown Physical Therapy
US Athletic Training Center
Utstein Dawn PT PC
Vecsi, Robert J. PT
Wang James Z M PT PC
Weaver Kevin PT
Weick Kenneth - Fairfax Physical Therapy
Wein Roberta - PT & Pilates
Wellness Center
West Side Physical Therapy
Weston-Paxxon Senior Rehabilitation Service
Westside Dance Physical Therapy
Westside Sports Physical Therapy PC
Wilbourn Carole C Cat Therapist
Willekens Maurice PT
Yehudian Irage
Zazzali Michael Mspt
Ziska David N
501 Surf Avenue # B, Brooklyn, NY 11224
622 W 168th St PH-11
170 Williams Street, 5th Fl
1245 Madison Ave
75 East Gun Hill Road, Bronx, NY 10467
241 Rockaway Avenue, Valley Stream, NY 11580
501 Surf Avenue # B, Brooklyn, NY 11224
8838 Woodhaven Boulevard, Woodhaven, NY 11421
120 Mineola Boulevard, Mineola, NY 11501
622 W 168th St PH 11-1114
625 East Fordham Road, Bronx, NY 10458
159 E 74th St
535 E 70th Street
1895 Walt Whitman Rd.
33 Walt Whitman Rd. Rt. 110
535 E 70th Street
161 Ft. Washington Ave
1015 Madison Avenue
10 Union Square East, Ste 3M
18 E 50th St, New York, NY 10022
625 East Fordham Road, Bronx, NY 10458
60 Riverside Dr, Apt 16G
535 E 70th Street
622 W 168th St PH-11
651 Old Country Road, Plainview, NY 11803
115 E 57th St #1540
535 E70th
663 Palisade Ave #302
729 Pelham Parkway North, Bronx, NY 10467
159 E. 69th street
301 East 17th Street, New York, NY 10003
7819 18th Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11214
124 Main St., Huntington
1065 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10128
3071 29th street
1 Avenue At Sixteen, New York, NY 10001
New York, NY 10001
New York, NY 10001
36 7th Ave Ste 502
11 Ralph Pl
19 Beekman street 5th floor
130 East 77th Street
761 Franklin Boulevard, Long Beach, NY 11561
657 Central Avenue, Cedarhurst, NY 11516
523 East 72nd Street
2500 Marcus Avenue Suite 103, New Hyde Park, NY 11042
523 East 72nd Street
1275 York Avenue
1551 Richmond Rd
1245 Madison Avenue Ofc, New York, NY 10128
530 First Avenue
535 East 70th Street
19 Beekman Street
14601 45th Avenue, Flushing, NY 11355
7907 Metropolitan Avenue, Middle Village, NY 11379
780 Long Beach Boulevard, Long Beach, NY 11561
780 Long Beach Boulevard, Long Beach, NY 11561
100 Merrick Road, Rockville Centre, NY 11570
600 Northern Boulevard, Great Neck, NY 11021
51 E. 25th Street, 6th fl
159 East 74th Street
2016 Bronxdale Avenue Suite 202, Bronx, NY 10462
36 Seventh Avenue,
600 Northern Boulevard, Great Neck, NY 11021
170 W 12th St Spellman 7th Fl
535 East 70th Street
535 East 70th Street
600 Northern Boulevard, Great Neck, NY 11021
36 7th Ave Ste 502
523 East 72nd Street
1065 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10128
110 Lockwood Ave
523 East 72nd Street
10 Union Square East
239 North Broadway
213-15 33rd Road, Bayside, NY 11361
8740 165th Street Apt 1N, Jamaica, NY 11432
21315 33rd Road, Bayside, NY 11361
21315 33rd Road, Bayside, NY 11361
600 East 233rd Street, Bronx, NY 10466
75 East Gun Hill Road, Bronx, NY 10467
875 Old Country Road, Plainview, NY 11803
651 Old Country Road, Plainview, NY 11803
170 W. 12th St. Spellman 7
111 East 88th Street, New York, NY 10128
150 Forest Avenue, Glen Cove, NY 11542
2500 Nesconset Hwy
120 Mineola Boulevard, Mineola, NY 11501
30 Merrick Av, East Meadow, NY 11554
180 East Pulaski Rd
101 Centerport Rd
180 East Pulaski Road, Huntington Station, NY 11746
301 East 17 Streeet
1065 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10128
36 Lincoln Avenue
150 Forest Avenue, Glen Cove, NY 11542
519 East 72nd Street
2856 Long Beach Road
2445 Arthur Avenue, Bronx, NY 10458
3131 Kings Highway Suite C11, Brooklyn, NY 11234
525 East 71st Street
535 East 70th Street
205 Froehlich Farm Boulevard, Woodbury, NY 11797
515 Madison Av, New York, NY 10022
525 East 71st Street
152 East 73rd Street, New York, NY 10021
East Hampton
159 East 69st
170 East End Avenue, New York, NY 10128
95 University Pl
523 East 72nd Street
1660 E. 14th St, Rm 101
1660 East 14th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11229
2171 Jericho Tpk
651 Old Country Road, Plainview, NY 11803
317 East 34th Street, New York, NY 10016
523 East 72nd Street
212 E 69th Street
88-25 153rd St
120 Mineola Boulevard, Mineola, NY 11501
535 East 70th Street
6254 97th Place Suite 2H, Rego Park, NY 11374
62-54 97th Pl, Ste 2-H
2171 Jericho Tpk
4200 Sunrise Highway, Massapequa, NY 11758
4200 Sunrise Highway, Massapequa, NY 11758
1512 Broadway, Hewlett, NY 11557
1993 Deer Park Avenue, Deer Park, NY 11729
530 First Avenue
6161 Woodhaven Blvd
420 East 72nd Street Suite 1J, New York, NY 10021
420 East 72nd Street Apt 10C, New York, NY 10021
301 East 17th Street, New York, NY 10003
247 Third Ave #402
523 East 72nd Street
166 Main St
551 5th Avenue # 525, New York, NY 10017
780 Long Beach Boulevard, Long Beach, NY 11561
651 Old Country Road, Plainview, NY 11803
1512 Broadway, Hewlett, NY 11557
1056 5th Avenue, New York, NY 10028
825 Northern Boulevard, Great Neck, NY 11021
530 1st Avenue, New York, NY 10016
15748 85th Street, Howard Beach, NY 11414
157-48 St
95 University Place 8t
37-47 77th St
303 Second Avenue
535 East 70th Street
222 Westchester Ave ste 101
523 East 72nd Street
36 Lincoln Avenue
95 University Pl 8th Fl
301 East 17th Street, New York, NY 10003
PO BOX 20743
215 E 73rd St
1160 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10128
530 First Avenue
535 East 70th Street
205 Main St
5 East 98th Street, 9th
901 fifth ave
14653 Delaware Avenue, Flushing, NY 11355
1551 Richmond Rd
53 E 124th St, New York, NY 10035
23825 Hillside Avenue, Bellerose, NY 11426
519 East 72nd Street
761 Franklin Boulevard, Long Beach, NY 11561
657 Central Avenue Suite 1, Cedarhurst, NY 11516
761 Franklin Boulevard, Long Beach, NY 11561
343 West 58th St
181 East Jericho Turnpike, Mineola, NY 11501
64 North Long Beach Road
530 1st Avenue, New York, NY 10016
1065 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10128
1065 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10128
535 East 70th Street
350 South Main Street
350 South Main Street
19 Beekman Street
131 West Merrick Road, Freeport, NY 11581
70 East Sunrise Highway, Valley Stream, NY 11581
1245 Madison Avenue Ofc, New York, NY 10128
75 East Gun Hill Road, Bronx, NY 10467
520 E 72nd Street
181 East Jericho Turnpike, Mineola, NY 11501
22 West 21 Street, New York, NY 10010
67 Irving Place, New York, NY 10003
301 East 17 Streeet
535 East 70th Street
535 East 70th Street, New York, NY 10021
2 East 88th Street New
554 Larkfield Rd
303 2nd Avenue
120 Mineola Boulevard, Mineola, NY 11501
1133 5 Av, New York, NY 10128
110 Main St.
535 East 70th Street
36 Seventh Ave
523 East 72nd Street
444 Lakeville Road, New Hyde Park, NY 11042
800 Community Drive, Manhasset, NY 11030
215 East 73rd Street, New York, NY 10021
910 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10021
5 East 98th Street, 9th
1275 York Avenue
196 East Main St
5 East 98th Street
1512 Broadway, Hewlett, NY 11557
1993 Deer Park Avenue, Deer Park, NY 11729
240 East 69th Street, New York, NY 10021
36 7th Ave Ste 401
535 East 70th Street
230 Hilton Avenue Suite 114, Hempstead, NY 11550
761 Franklin Boulevard, Long Beach, NY 11561
130 E 77 St
333 East Shore Road, Manhasset, NY 11030
761 Franklin Boulevard, Long Beach, NY 11561
166 East Main St
New York, NY 10001
New York, NY 10001
33 Walt Whitman Road, Huntington Station, NY 11746
523 East 72nd Street
15112 82nd Street, Howard Beach, NY 11414
87-02 80street
8702 80th Street, Jamaica, NY 11421
523 East 72nd Street
10 Union Square East
180 East Pulaski Road, Huntington Station, NY 11746
Huntington, NY 11743
510 Route 304,
4180 Sunrise Highway, Massapequa, NY 11758
343 West 58th St
1512 Broadway, Hewlett, NY 11557
11212 Jamaica Avenue, Richmond Hill, NY 11418
2817 Avenue U, Brooklyn, NY 11229
2260 Hewlett Avenue, Merrick, NY 11566
30 Merrick Avenue Suite 100, East Meadow, NY 11554
88 Sunnyside Boulevard, Plainview, NY 11803
194-02 Northern Blvd Ste. 205, Flushing, NY 11358
301 East 17th Street, New York, NY 10003
1095 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10128
115 W 86, New York, NY 10024
301 East 17th St
1095 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10128
523 East 72nd Street
1993 Deer Park Avenue, Deer Park, NY 11729
1512 Broadway, Hewlett, NY 11557
550 Park Ave
325 Park Ave
523 East 72nd Street
761 Franklin Boulevard, Long Beach, NY 11561
159 East 69th St
10 Union Square East
130 E 77 St
155 Sullivan Ave
14653 Delaware Avenue, Flushing, NY 11355
525 East 71st Street
525 East 71st Street
317 E 34th St
523 East 72nd Street
651 Old Country Road, Plainview, NY 11803
230 Hilton Avenue Suite STE, Garden City, NY 11530
170 West 12th St
1245 Madison Avenue Ofc, New York, NY 10128
301 East 17th Street, New York, NY 10003
159 East 74th Street Ofc 2, New York, NY 10021
3131 Kings Highway Suite C11, Brooklyn, NY 11234
761 Franklin Boulevard, Long Beach, NY 11561
657 Central Avenue, Cedarhurst, NY 11516
345 East 37th Street
2655 Richmond Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10314
2016 Bronxdale Avenue, Bronx, NY 10462
15112 82nd Street, Howard Beach, NY 11414
12 E 86 St
1065 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10128
159 East 69th St
301 East 17th Street, New York, NY 10003
19 Beekman Place
350 South Main Street
10 Union Square East
131 Merrick Road, Merrick, NY 11566
70 East Sunrise Highway, Valley Stream, NY 11581
301 E. 17th Street
333 East Shore Road, Great Neck, NY 11023
530 1st Avenue, New York, NY 10016
535 East 70th Street
435 E 57th St, #1B
535 East 70th Street, New York, NY 10021
130 E 77th St 5th Fl
21315 33rd Road, Bayside, NY 11361
301 East 17th Street, New York, NY 10003
200 West Carver St
207 East 16 Street
301 East 17th Street, New York, NY 10003
523 East 72nd Street
36 Lincoln Avenue
5 East 98th Street, 9th Floor
130 E 77 St
120 Mineola Boulevard, Mineola, NY 11501
5 East 98th Street, 9th Floor
36 Lincoln Avenue
50 East 42st #70
109 E 36 St
60-51 Fresh Pond Rd
635 Belle Terre Rd
65 Austin Blvd
801 Merrick Avenue, East Meadow, NY 11554
825 Northern Boulevard, Great Neck, NY 11021
87 West Old Country Road, Hicksville, NY 11801
333 East Shore Road, Manhasset, NY 11030
212 East 69th Street
10 Medical Plaza, Glen Cove, NY 11542
535 East 70th Street
215 E 73rd St
111 East 88th Street, New York, NY 10128
535 East 70th Street
523 East 72nd Street
239 North Broadway
1245 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10128
876 Park Ave
256 North Wellwood Avenue, Lindenhurst, NY 11757
1065 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10128
607 Park Avenue
657 Central Avenue, Cedarhurst, NY 11516
519 East 72nd Street
4200 Sunrise Highway, Massapequa, NY 11758
130 East 77th Street, New York, NY 10021
1000 Northern Boulevard, Great Neck, NY 11021
523 East 72nd Street
420 E. 72nd Street
121 E 61 St
550 First Avenue
876 Park Ave
65 Beacon Hill Road, Port Washington, NY 11050
334 Grand Concourse, Bronx, NY 10451
530 First Avenue
301 East 17th Street, New York, NY 10003
321 East 34th Street, 1st floor
900 Walt Whitman Rd. Rt. 110
800A Fifth Avenue
159 E 74 St
2171 Jericho Tpk
36 7th Ave Ste 502
728 Montauk Hwy
30 Merrick Avenue, East Meadow, NY 11554
170 W 12th St, Spellman 7th Floor
893 Park Ave
120 Mineola Boulevard
120 Mineola Boulevard, Mineola, NY 11501
120 Mineola Boulevard, Mineola, NY 11501
119 West 11th Street, New York, NY 10011
23825 Hillside Avenue, Bellerose, NY 11426
175 Memorial Highway Suite 1, New Rochelle, NY 10801
580 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10021
23825 Hillside Avenue, Bellerose, NY 11426
111 East 88th Street, New York, NY 10128
450 Clarkson Ave
1050 5th Avenue, New York, NY 10028
182 8th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11215
Bronx, NY 10451
130 E 77th St 7th Fl
775 Park Ave., Suite350
1275 York Avenue
1000 Northern Boulevard, Great Neck, NY 11021
301 East 17th Street, New York, NY 10003
800 Community Drive, Manhasset, NY 11030
Second Avenue
1095 Park Avenue
325 Park Ave
275 Seventh Ave UHCr
2991 Hempstead Turnpike, Levittown, NY 11756
2920 Hempstead Turnpike, Levittown, NY 11756
4180 Sunrise Hwy, Massapequa, NY 11758
825 Northern Boulevard, Great Neck, NY 11021
535 East 70th Street
51 E. 25th Street, 6th Floor
600 Northern Boulevard Suite 118, Great Neck, NY 11021
10 Union Square East, New York, NY 10003
350 South Main Street Suite 2
130 E 77 St
130 E 77 St
1103 Stewart Ave, Garden City, NY 11530
130 E 77 St
910 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10021
3555 Bainbridge Avenue Ofc, Bronx, NY 10467
111 East 88th Street Suite 1A, New York, NY 10128
100 Manetto Hill Road, Plainview, NY 11803
517 East 71st Street
90-02 Queens Blvd
523 East 72nd Street
175 East Main Street, Huntington, NY 11743
175 East Main St
36 Lincoln Av
36 Lincoln Avenue, Rockville Centre, NY 11570
530 First Avenue
800 Community Drive, Manhasset, NY 11030
825 Northern Boulevard, Great Neck, NY 11021
900 Northern Boulevard Suite 140, Great Neck, NY 11021
205 Froehlich Farm Boulevard, Woodbury, NY 11797
205 Froehlich Farm Blvd
1660 East 14th Street Suite 101, Brooklyn, NY 11229
10 Medical Dr
10 Medical Plz
10 Medical Plz, Glen Cove, NY 11542
150 Forest Avenue, Glen Cove, NY 11542
150 Forest Ave
1895 Walt Whitman Rd. Rt. 110
131 Merrick Road, Merrick, NY 11566
70 East Sunrise Highway Suite 606, Valley Stream, NY 11581
535 East 70th Street
170 W 12th St
651 Old Country Road, Plainview, NY 11803
580 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10021
910 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10021
240 East 69th Street, New York, NY 10021
5 East 98th Street, 9th Floor
1 West 85th Street, New York, NY 10024
729 Pelham Parkway North, Bronx, NY 10467
5 East 98th Street, 9th Floor
130 E 77th Street
761 Franklin Boulevard, Long Beach, NY 11561
535 East 70th Street
535 East 70th Street
625 East Fordham Road, Bronx, NY 10458
1245 Madison Avenue Ofc, New York, NY 10128
2991 Hempstead Turnpike, Levittown, NY 11756
180 East Pulaski Road, Huntington Station, NY 11746
180 East Pulaski Rd
20 W 13th St
550 First Avenue
159 E 74 St
301 East 17th Street, New York, NY 10003
1160 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10128
800a Fifth Ave Ste 101
2 E 88 St
310 Lexington Avenue
200 West 57th Street
975 Park Avenue
651 Old Country Road, Plainview, NY 11803
21315 33rd Road, Bayside, NY 11361
560 Broadhollow Road, Melville, NY 11747
130 East 77th Street
87 West Old Country Road, Hicksville, NY 11801
333 Earle Ovington Blvd
130 E 77 St
130 E 77 St
317 East 34 Street
130 E 77th Street
4013 Avenue U, Brooklyn, NY 11234
523 East 72nd Street
3311 Hylan Blvd
10 Union Square East, 3M
2016 Bronxdale Avenue, Bronx, NY 10462
317 East 34 Street
36 Lincoln Avenue, Rockville Centre, NY 11570
102-01 66th Rd, Forest Hills, NY 11375
70 East 90th Street, New York, NY 10128
510 Route 304
970 Park Avenue
523 East 72nd Street
119 West 57th Street Suite 717, New York, NY 10019
525 East 71st Street
130 E 77 St
301 East 17th Street, New York, NY 10003
801 Merrick Avenue, East Meadow, NY 11554
120 Mineola Blvd Suite 320, Mineola, NY 11501
1095 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10128
1010 Northern Boulevard
580 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10021
3058 East Tremont Avenue, Bronx, NY 10461
1421 3rd Avenue, New York, NY 10028
301 East 17th Street, New York, NY 10003
1554 Northern Boulevard, Manhasset, NY 11030
23825 Hillside Avenue, Bellerose, NY 11426
130 East 77th Street
761 Franklin Boulevard, Long Beach, NY 11561
657 Central Avenue, Cedarhurst, NY 11516
5 East 98th Street
535 East 70th Street, New York, NY 10021
535 East 70th Street, New York, NY 10021
130 West 12th St., New York, NY 10011
525 East 71st Street
143 Sound Beach Avenue
523 East 72nd Street
170 W 12th St., Spellman 7th Fl
1660 E 14th St
1660 East 14th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11229
651 Old Country Road, Plainview, NY 11803
535 East 70th Street
130 E 77th St 7th Fl
90-02 Qeens Blvs 1st fl
1895 Walt Whitman Rd. Rt. 110
73 E 71 St
501 Surf Avenue # B, Brooklyn, NY 11224
3825 Astoria Boulevard, Astoria, NY 11103
525 East 71st Street
19 Beekman, New York, NY 10038
133 East 73rd Street
70 East Sunrise Highway, Valley Stream, NY 11581
20 W 13th St
3156 Kings Highway, Brooklyn, NY 11234
130 East 77th Street, New York, NY 10021
40-33 76th Street
2856 Long Beach Road
900 Northern Boulevard Suite 140, Great Neck, NY 11021
530 First Avenue
955 Fifth Avenue
95 University Place
1512 Broadway, Hewlett, NY 11557
10 Downing Street
4200 Sunrise Highway, Massapequa, NY 11758
651 Old Country Road, Plainview, NY 11803
2016 Bronxdale Avenue, Bronx, NY 10462
10 Union Square East, 3M
6 Shore Road, Babylon, NY 11702
825 Northern Boulevard, Great Neck, NY 11021
1512 Broadway, Hewlett, NY 11557
1993 Deer Park Avenue, Deer Park, NY 11729
133 East 73rd Street
434 1/2 E 75th st
434 East 75th Street, New York, NY 10021
600 Northern Boulevard, Great Neck, NY 11021
2371 Victory Blvd
153 Stevens Avenue, Mount Vernon, NY 10550
761 Franklin Boulevard, Long Beach, NY 11561
64 South Central Avenue, Valley Stream, NY 11580
73 Deer Park Avenue, Babylon, NY 11702
180 East Pulaski Rd
1000 Northern Boulevard, Great Neck, NY 11021
301 East 17th Street, New York, NY 10003
3825 Astoria Boulevard, Astoria, NY 11103
1660 East 14th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11229
523 East 72nd Street
800 Community Drive, Manhasset, NY 11030
2920 Hempstead Turnpike, Levittown, NY 11756
910 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10021
5 East 98th Street, 9th Floor
111 East 88th Street, New York, NY 10128
519 East 72nd Street Suite 201, New York, NY 10021
57 West 57th Street, New York, NY 10019
301 East 17th Street
519 East 72nd Street
1512 Broadway, Hewlett, NY 11557
149-30 88th St
1065 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10128
515 Madison Avenue
301 East 17th Street, New York, NY 10003
30 Merrick Avenue, East Meadow, NY 11554
120 Mineola Boulevard, Mineola, NY 11501
1993 Deer Park Avenue, Deer Park, NY 11729
3058 East Tremont Avenue, Bronx, NY 10461
170 West 12th St
825 Northern Boulevard, Great Neck, NY 11021
1993 Deer Park Avenue, Deer Park, NY 11729
78-15 Eliot Ave
1061 N Broadway N, Massapequa, NY 11710
36 Seventh Ave Ste 502
170 W 12th St Spellman 7th Fl
333 East 56 St
530 First Avenue
1095 Park Avenue
11 Ralph Pl
565 Jewett Ave SI
2856 Long Beach Road
5 Franklin Ave Suite 109
1050 Fifth Avenue
525 East 71st Street
175 Memorial Highway
175 Memorial Highway, New Rochelle, NY 10801
350 South Main Street
525 East 71st Street
130 E 77 St
5 East 98th Street, 9th Floor
530 1st Avenue, New York, NY 10016
175 East Main St
15132 82nd Street, Howard Beach, NY 11414
256 North Wellwood Avenue, Lindenhurst, NY 11757
535 East 70th Street, New York, NY 10021
519 East 72nd Street, New York, NY 10021
525 East 71st Street
535 East 70th Street
525 East 71st Street
2016 Bronxdale Avenue Suite 202, Bronx, NY 10462
75 East Gunhill Rd, Bronx, NY 10467
535 East 70th Street
315 East 83rd Street, New York, NY 10028
120 Mineola Boulevard, Mineola, NY 11501
550 First Avenue
651 Old Country Road, Plainview, NY 11803
523 East 72nd Street
301 East 17th Street, New York, NY 10003
8838 Woodhaven Boulevard, Woodhaven, NY 11421
135 E 83 St
5 East 98th Street, 9th Floor
130 E 77 St
254 Canal St Ste 5001
36 Lincoln Av, Rockbille Centre NY 11570
134 East 93rd Street
134 East 93rd Street
39 East 78th Street
3270 31st Street, Astoria, NY 11106
910 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10021
3555 Bainbridge Avenue Ofc, Bronx, NY 10467
651 Old Country Road, Plainview, NY 11803
530 First Avenue
Abbot Amy E
Abdeen Ayesha MD
Ablove Robert H
Abraham David J
Abulencia Armand
Accettola Albert B. Jr.
Adirondack Ortho Physicians & Surg
Adler Edward M
Adler Melvin L MD
Advanced Orthopedics & Spts Med
Advantage Orthopaedics
Afalonis Alexander
Affiliated Albany Orthopedic Surgeons
Afsar-Keshmiri, MD
Agulnick Marc A
Ahmad Christopher S MD
Aierstok, Mark MD
Albanese Margaret Md
Albanese Stephen A, MD
Albano Patrick M MD
Alexander Daniel, MD
Alexander Steven MD
Alexandraki Irene Md
Alexiades Michael MD
Alfandre James
Alfred Richard H
Al-Khalidi Farouq
Allen Answorth A MD
Alongi Paul
Alpert Scott W
Al-Sinjari Ibrahim, MD
Altavas Valerie C MD
Altchek David W MD
Altieri Frank P Md
Altner Peter MD
Ameduri Clifford MD
Amherst Orthopedics
Amico Russel A Md
Amsterdam Orthopedics
Anders, MD
Anderson Eldridge T MD
Andrews Lawrence J Jr
Antoine Roger, MD
Antonacci Darryl M
Appel Marc H MD
Aprin Hormozan, MD
Ariosta Frank A, MD
Aronowitz Eric R MD
Aroona Zaeem
Arsht Steven J MD
Artandi John MD
Arvan Glen Douglas , MD
Asnis Stanley E , MD
Asprinio David E , MD
Astion Donna J MD
Athanasian Edward A MD
Auburn Orthopaedic Specialists
Austin David Kenneth , MD
Austin Kenneth
Aviles Steven A.
Axelrod Glenn B MD
Axman, Wayne
Babus Glenn D.
Baez Jorge MD
Bai Feng MD
Baird Bruce L MD
Baker Bruce E MD
Baker Ronald W , MD
Bakirtzian Bedros Md
Ballantine Edward J MD
Bannon J David , MD
Bansal Sanjiv , MD
Banwar Nitin S MD
Barbera Carl MD
Barkin Douglas E , MD
Barrick William MD
Barron O. Alton
Barschi Martin J , MD
Bartel Donald L , PhD
Bartenhagen Nicholas MD
Baruch Howard M.
Barzideh Omid S , MD
Bauer Robert M , MD
Bauman Phillip A
Baumhauer Judith F , MD
Bavaro Nicholas MD
Bax Joseph MD
Beemer Howard R , MD
Beldner Steven
Bello Rey MD
Benaroya Azriel , MD
Benatar Benzion , MD
Benatar David A
Bendo John A MD
Bennett Matthew T MD
Bensonhurst Family Foot Care
Berard Marco , MD
Berezin Marc A
Bergeron Marc Andre
Bernstein Michael L MD - Carmel
Bertuch Jr Charles J , MD
Besser Walter
Bessette Gary C , MD
Bevilacqua David S MD
Bhanusali Govindlal MD PC
Bharam Srino
Bhatt Shiv S MD
Bhupathi C. Srinivasa
Bigliani Louis U.
Bilfield Bryan S Md Pc
Birnbaum Allan MD
Bishop William C , MD
Bishow Harvey S.
Bisson Leslie J MD
Bitan Fabien D
Black Jr Howard Monroe , MD
Blaine Theodore A.
Blecha Richard Michael , MD
Bleday Raymond MD
Bleifeld, Charles J.
Bleifer Stanley W MD - Cedarhurst
Blum Craig Edward , MD
Blum Dwight C , MD
Blyznak Nestor D.
Boachie-Adjei Oheneba
Boccio Richard , MD
Bochner Richard M MD
Bohne Walther H.O.
Boland Patrick J.
Boler James R - MD
Boman Thomas E , MD
Bonamo Joel R.
Bonamo John J , MD
Bondi Natale MD
Bone Lawrence B , MD
Boothe Robert Lee , MD
Borenstein David MD PC
Borkow Stephen E , MD
Bosco Joseph
Boskey Adele L , PhD
Bostrom Mathias P
Botwinick Nelson G.
Bowles Raymond E
Bowman Daniel , MD
Boyd Jr Allen D , MD
Brady Brendan C MD
Brahmabhatt Vikram MD
Brand Matthew R , MD
Bregman Alvin M MD - Flushing
Brennan John J Md
Briarcliff Ortho and Sports Med
Brief L Paul Md PC
Brisman Michael MD
Brisman W H PC
Brisson Paul-Marie J.
Bronk William S , MD
Bronson Michael J.
Bronstein Robert D , MD
Bronx Park Orthopaedic Group
Bronxville Bone Joint Surgeons
Brosnan John MD
Brothman Melvin M , MD
Brown Andrew D., MD
Brown Charles B , MD
Brown J A MD
Brown Robert K , MD
Brunetti, Michael J.
Bryk Eli
Buchalter Joel S
Buckley Rudolph A MD
Buckner John H , MD
Buerkle August R Jr MD
Buffalo Orthopaedic Group LLP
Bukata Susan V , MD
Buly Robert L
Burak Corey
Burak George - Hudson Valley
Buran Joseph E MD
Burdett Orthopedics PC
Burke Stephen W
Burstein S D PC
Bursztyn Mark , MD
Burton Richard I , MD
Buschmann William R , MD
Butera Frank DO
Byrne Eugene Md Pc
Byrne Richard M Md
Byrt William T , MD
Caldwell Samuel S. , MD
Caligiuri Daniel A.
Callahan John J Md Pc
Cambareri John J , MD
Camillo Francis X MD
Cammisa Frank P Jr
Campagna Kristine
Campbell Dwight D , MD
Canandaigua Ortho Assoc
Cannizzaro John P
Canton-Potsdam Hospital
Cantwell Catherine C MD
Capecci Robert
Capicotto Peter , MD
Capicotto William MD PC
Capitol Orthopedic Consultants
Capitol Region Orthopedic Group
Capozzi James MD
Cappellino Anthony , MD
Cardamone Joseph G MD
Carella Anthony V
Carl Allen L , MD
Carlson Michelle G
Carmody, John W.
Carr Daniel L , MD
Carrier David Md
Carrion Wesley V , MD
Carroll Michael P , MD
Carter Fred Md
Carter Robert F , MD
Carton Paul S , MD
Casden Andrew M.
Catalano Louis W III
Cataletto Mauro M , MD
Catskill Orange Orthopaedics
Cavaliere Gregg MD
Cavallo Russell Joseph , MD
Cea Richard J , MD
Cecil Russell
Center for Hip & Knee Replacement
Center for Neuromusc & Ortho
Center for Pain Relief
Center for Sports Medicine
Central Bronx Orthopedic Group PC
Central Orthopedic Associates
Central Orthopedic Group
Cerabona Franco P.
Cerruti Jorge S , MD
Chang Edwin M.
Chang Winshih MD
Charles J Bartuch Jr Md PC
Chaudhri Tahir S A , MD
Chenango Memorial Hospital
Cheney Robert A
Cherney Stuart Bruce , MD
Chernoff Ira
Chernoff Marc
Chertack Craig S
Chewaproug Ruangsak , MD
Chiaramonte Gregory Md PC
Chio Paul
Chisena Ernest
Choi Mihye
Choi Paul MD
Chorney Gail S
Choueka Jack , MD
Chrabuszcz John Z MD
Cicoria Anthony MD
Cincotta Armand - MD
Ciszewski William A MD
Clader Timothy Md
Clarke Michael T , MD
Cleeman Edmond MD
Cleve-Hill Family Health Center
CNY Orthopedic Sports Medicine PC
Cobelli Neil , MD
Cohen Adam B
Cohen Isaac
Colarusso Frank J Do
Cole James M , MD
Coleman Struan H. MD PhD
Collard Timothy J
Colman Neil D Md
Colman William Md
Colucci Michael A MD
Community Ortho Associates PC
Community Orthopedics P C
Compito Catherine A.
Comprehensive Hand Surgery, PC
Congiusta Frank , MD
Coniglio Gerald A MD
Constantine Barry Md
Continuum Ortho And Sports Med
Cooke C Perry MD
Cooley G Robert MD
Cooley Leroy H Md
Copulsky Robert H MD
Cordasco Frank A
Cornell Charles N.
Corso Salvatore Dr
Costenbader John M MD
Coster Gerard C
Coughlin Kevin M , MD
Craig Edward V.
Crane Edward S
Creighton Mark
Crider Russell J , MD
Cristofaro Robert Louis , MD
Crystal Alan MD
Cuomo Frances MD
Curtis Paul S Md Pc
Cushner Fred D , MD
Cushner Michael A.
Cywinski David
Czajka John , MD
D'Agostino Richard , MD
Daino Terrance M MD
Dalavagas Basil
Daluiski Aaron , MD
D'Ambrosio Philip
Damron Timothy A , MD
D'Angelo Joseph P
D'Ariano Gerard
Das Shankar P
D'Ascoli Richard J MD
Dassa Gabriel L , DO
Davis William L Jr
Dayan Alan J , MD
Daye Lisa A
De Marchi John J , MD
De Moura Alexandre B MD
DeBerardino Thomas M , MD
Decamp Christopher D Md
Defeo Joseph F MD Orthopaedic
DeHaven Kenneth E MD
DeLaMora Sergai , MD
Deland Jonathan T.
Delaney, Richard L
DelBello Damon , MD
Dellaporta Richard J Md
DelSavio Gina C , MD
DelSignore Jeanne L , MD
DeMarco Charles Albert , MD
Dennison James
Denton John R.
Depew Allan D , MD
Dermksian Jeffrey
Desai Kamlesh MD
DeThomas Ronald S , MD
Deutsch Joseph Eli , MD
DeWal Hargovind S , MD
Dharapak Chai , MD
Dhawan Raman , MD
DiCaprio Matthew R
DiChristina Daniel G , MD
Dick Harold M , MD
Dickson James R , MD
DiFelice Gregory Scott , MD
DiGiovanni Benedict F , MD
Digiovanni Joe , MD
DiGiovanni Louis A , MD
DiMaio Frank MD
Dimarco David V MD
Dineen Patrick J MD
Dines David M
Dipreta John A
DiStefano Richard J , MD
Divaris Nicholas , MD
Diwan Laxmidhar
Dixon David J
Dobson Chauncey H MD
Dodard Ingrid M Md
Dolan William A MD
Dolin Michael Glen , MD
Dollinger Beth M. , MD
Domb Benjamin , MD
Dombovy Mary L Md
Dominico Carlo Md
Donadt Robert B , MD
Douglas Donald P
Dowd Andrew J. , MD
Dowling Thomas
Downs Daniel M Md
Doyle Shevaun
Drazic Robert DO
Drinkwater Christopher Md
Drucker David A.
Dryer Joseph W.
Dubrow Eric N.
Duca Robert
Dugan Dirk H Md
Durant Christopher S , MD
Durso Janet A
Dutch William M Jr MD
Dutkowsky Joseph P , MD
Eagan Thomas S MD
East 72nd St Ortho Sp
Eckhardt Wayne A
Edelson Charles W , MD
Edelstein S. Leonard , MD
Egol Kenneth A MD
Ehrlich Randall V , MD
Eisman Michael H MD
El-Dakkak Mohammed S
Elfenbein Joseph C , MD
Elia Michael E , MD
Elkowitz Stuart J , MD
Elliott Andrew J
Ellison David W
Ellstein Jerry
Elmira Orthopaedic Assoc
Elting James J , MD
Emmanuel Jacquelin , MD
Eneman Jay W PC
Enker Paul MD
Episalla Charles
Ergas Enrique PC
Erlanger Steven M , MD
Errico Michael J , MD
Errico Thomas MD
Eswar Sounder MD PC
Etkind Irving M , MD
Everett Clifford MD
Excelsior Orthopaedics
Fabian Dennis F.
Facibene William Anthony , MD
Faierman Eial
Falcone Joseph MD,DO
Farcy Jean-Pierre
Farmer James C.
Fatti John F , MD
Fauser Douglas J , MD
Fay Colleen M
Fay Joseph
Fayyazi Amir H , MD
Fealy Stephen
Feder John M
Federowicz Daniel MD
Federowicz Stephen
Fein Lawrence H , MD
Feldman Andrew J.
Feldman David MD
Feldman Hal D , MD
Feldman Robert H
Feliccia Joseph MD
Fernandez-Madrid Ivan J.
Ferrick Michael Reed , MD
Ferriter Pierce J MD
Fetto Joseph
Fietti Vincent G
Figgie Mark P
Fineberg Marc S , MD
Finger Alexander S , MD
Finger Lakes Orthopedic Surgery PC
Fink Gary MD
Finkbeiner Gregory Scott , MD
Finkel Noah
Fisch Robert , MD
Fish Steven B Md
Fisher Carol S MD
Fisher David M Md Pc
Fitzgerald James P MD
Flatow Evan L.
Fleiss David J.
Flemister Samuel Md
Fletcher Frederick J
Flik Kyle R
Flink Elisheva H , MD
Flynn Mary Irene I.
Fochios Dean Thomas , MD
Fond Jason MD
Fontanetta A Philip , MD
Forese Laura L , MD, MPH
Foster Lawrence G MD
Fracchia Michael J , MD
Fragner Paul D , MD
Fragomen Austin T.
Frazier Daveed D
Fredrickson Bruce E , MD
Freedman Peter
Freeman Barbara J , MD
Freeman Eric MD
Freeman Richard
Frelinghuysen, Peter MD
Frendo Christopher D , DO
Friedman Alexander W MD
Friedman David
Friedman Shep J , MD
Frumkin Michael Md
Fuchs Marc D , MD
Furlong James II
Futterman Bennett A , MD
Galeno John A MD
Galli, Jr., Louis
Gallina Jessica B.
Garden City Orthopedics
Garner Steven C , MD
Garroway Robert
Gazzaniga David , MD
Geldwert, Josef
Geller David S , MD
Geller Jeffrey A.
Genesee Ortho & Sports Medicine
Genesee Ortho & Hand Surgery Assoc
Genesee Regional Ortho & Sps Med
Genesee Valley Ortho Association
Gerber, Bradley
Ghillani Richard , MD
Giannaris Theodore , MD
Gibson Mark Douglas , MD
Gidumal Ramesh H. MD
Gilbert Marvin S PC
Gilbert Richard MD
Gingras Martin B MD
Giovinazzo Joseph Jerome , MD
Girardi Federico P
Gladstone James N. MD
Glashow Jonathan L.
Glass Kenneth Saul , MD
Glassman Jonathan Daniel , MD
Glens Falls Hospital
Glickel Steven Z. MD
Gloger Barry S , MD
Glovinazzo Joseph J.
Glubo, Les
Godfried David H , MD
Goh Kipling B MD
Goldblatt John MD
Goldman Arnold , MD
Goldmark George M
Goldmark Harry
Goldstein Jeffrey A.
Goldstein Mitchell MD
Goldstein Robert S MD
Goldstock Leonard
Gonya Gary A , MD
Gonzalez David MD
Gonzalez Della Valle A
Goodman Steven M.D.
Goodwin Charles B. , MD
Gorczyca John T , MD
Gorczynski Christopher Todd , MD
Gordon Brian M MD
Goriganti Mahender R MD
Gorski Jerrold
Gowan, Ivan D. MD
Grad Joel Barry , MD
Graham David R , MD
Gramercy Park Sports Medicine
Gramercy Surgical Center
Grant Michael T , MD
Graziosa Albert , MD
Greater Rochester Orthopaedics
Green Daniel W
Green Peter W.
Green Steven M.
Greene Bruce L MD
Greenky Brett B MD
Greenky Seth S MD
Greisberg Justin
Grelsamer Ronald P , MD
Griffin-Hansraj Marcia D
Grimm David C MD
Grose Andrew W , MD
Gross Jonathan Md
Grossman Mark G
Grossman Robert
Guellich Frank George , MD
Guidarelli Anthony F , MD
Gundel Jeffrey C.
Gundy Edward MD
Gunther Andrew G Md
Gupta Salil MD
Gurtowski James P , MD
Guttman Jeffrey N , MD
Haar Orthopedic Institute
Haar Robert D.
Haas Andrew L , MD
Haas Steven B
Haher Thomas R
Haig Scott V , MD
Hale James J , MD
Halpenny John S , MD
Hamill Christopher Lawrence , MD
Hamilton Medical Services
Hamilton Orthopedics & Sports Med
Hamilton William G.
Handago John P MD PC
Handelsman John Ellis , MD
Hannafin Jo A , MD, PhD
Hansen Thomas E , MD
Hansraj Kenneth K
Hanypsiak Bryan T.
Haque Izhar U , MD
Haralabatos Susan S , MD
Harding Nicholas R , MD
Harley Brian James , MD
Harris Maury
Harrison Leonard R Jr MD
Hart Patricia
Harwin Steven F
Hausman Michael R
Hawthorne Joan
Hayman Michael R
Healey John H.
Healy, William
Hecht Andrew C.
Hecht Robert MD FAAPMR
Hedderman Robert J Md
Hedrych Gideon
Helbig Frederic E.
Helfet David L.
Helou N Pierre , MD
Hendler Robert Charles , MD
Henken Herbert
Henley Deborah A.
Henline Donald Md
Henry James E DO
Henshaw Ross D , MD
Hepner Roy A , MD
Hershman Elliott B.
Hershon Stuart J MD PC
Hertz Arnold MD
Herzog John C , DO
Higgins Michael DO
Hindes Richard
Hobeika Paul
Hochwald Neal
Hoffman Walter D MD
Hogrefe Kenneth A MD
Hoisington Samuel A MD
Holder Jonathan L , MD
Hootnick David R MD
Horn Christopher V , MD
Hospital for Joint Diseases
Hospital For Special Surgery
Hospodar Paul MD
Hostin Emmanuel , MD
Hotchkiss Robert N.
Hoy Richard K
Hsu David
Huang Howard H Md
Huang Russel C.
Hubbard Christopher E.
Hubbell John Dandrea , MD
Huckell Cameron B
Huckell Graham R MD
Hudak Frank M , MD
Hudson Valley Bone & Joint Surgeons
Hudson Valley Orthopedic
Humphrey Lynne MD
Hurley Christopher M
Hurst Lawrence C Md
Hutchins Alan S DC
Hwang Ki , MD
Hyman Barry S. , MD
Hyman Joshua E.
Iannotti, Sandra MD
Ilan Doron
Ilizarov Svetlana
Illman Arnold M MD
Inglis Allan E. Jr.
Insall Scott Kelly Institute
Inserra Salvatore , MD
Insler Harvey Philip , MD
Inst for Limb Lengthening & Recon Orthopaedic Surgery PC
Interlakes Orthopaedics & Surger
Inzerillo V Christopher , MD
Ioia John V , MD, PhD
Island Musculoskeletal Care
Island Sports Medicine
Israel Robert M , MD
Israelski Ronald
Ithaca Orthopaedic Group PC
Izant Timothy H , MD
Jabbur Muir T MD
Jackman Kenneth , MD
Jackson William Rpac
Jacobs Steven Md
Jacobson Eric
Jaffe Fredrick MD
Jaffe William L MD
Jaworsky Wolfgang
Jayaram Nadubeethi , MD
Jazrawi Laith M
Jean Kalache
Jeffrey Knoble Dr
JNR Sports Medicine PC
Joint Reconstruction Orthopedics
Jones Carri A
Jones Edward C.
Jones Jeffrey A , MD
Jones Paul G , MD
Jordan Charles E , MD
Joseph David , MD
Juliano John S , MD
Jupiter Barry D MD
Kaempffe Frederick A MD
Kahanowicz Zwi
Kahler Jeffrey L MD
Kalman Charles Steven , MD
Kamalian Michael MD
Kamell William M , MD
Kamhi Edouard
Kammerman David E MD
Kandel Stuart N , MD
Kang Lana
Kang Michael , MD
Kaplan Jeffrey S.
Karas Evan H , MD
Kashyap Satish
Kasoff Samuel S MD
Kassapidis Elias
Kastenbaum Donald Mark
Katchis Stuart D.
Kates Stephen L , MD
Katonah Medical Group
Katsigiorgis Gus , DO
Katz Danielle , MD
Katz Howard V.
Katz Michael J MD
Katz Richard L MD
Katzman Barry M
Kaufman Stewart A Md PC
Kavanaugh John
Keefer Eric , MD
Kelly Anne M.
Kelly Bryan T.
Kelly Michael A , MD
Kenan Samuel
Kennedy John G.
Kenny Charles H MD
Kercull Robert George , MD
Kerner Paul J
Kerr Douglas R MD
Keschner Mitchell Dr MD
Khabie Victor MD
Khanuja Ajit S MD
Khuri Suheil
Kiernan Howard A Jr.
Kieserman Michael MD
Killian John C Facs
Kim Allis C , MD
Kim Kenneth K Md
Kim Kyung I MD
Kim Myung Hyo Md
Kim Sun J , MD
Kim Yong H.
King Steven MD
King William L
Kings Highway Orthopedic Associates PC - MD
Kingsway Orthopedic Corporation
Kipnis James M MD
Kirby Edward J FACS
Kircher Mark T , MD
Kirkpatrick Douglas P , MD
Kirschenbaum Ira H , MD
Kleeman Barry C , MD
Klein Bruce P MD
Klein Jeffrey D.
Kleinman Paul Dr MD
Kleinman Yehuda , MD
Klibanoff John E , MD
Klien Harvey MD
Kling Richard O , MD
Klinger, Clarence L.
Klion Mark J MD
Klotz Michael Md
Kneifel Thomas W , MD
Kochersperger Albert B Md Pc
Koenig Jan A , MD
Kokx Bryan D MD
Kolker Dov , MD
Korn Jonathan A.
Kottmeier Stephen , MD
Koval Kenneth MD
Kowalski Joseph M , MD
Krackow Kenneth A , MD
Kramer Mark MD
Krause Norman M
Kraushaar Barry S Md
Krauss Eugene S , MD
Krinick Ronald M.
Krishnamurthy Shanker , MD
Kristensen Alfred E MD
Krosser Barry , MD
Kryger Sanford MD
Kubiak Erik , MD
Kubik Richard
Kuflik Paul L
Kulick Roy G , MD
Kullick Stephen A.
Kulsakdinun Chaiyaporn , MD
Kummer Fredrick J , PhD
Kunze Wilfried Md
Kupersmith Lee MD
Kurtz Neil J.
Kusior Lawrence J MD
Kutanovski Milan S MD
Kwock William C Md
Kwon Young W , MD, PhD
L I Sports Medicine Associates
Labiak John J , MD
LaBudde Jackson K , MD
Lackey William J , Jr MD
Lager Sean , MD
Lai, Katherine
Lajam Claudette Malvina , MD
Lake Placid Sports Medicine
Lake Placid Sports Medicine Pllc
Lakeshore Orthopedic Group Pc
Lakeside Memorial Hospital
Lamont Justin G MD
Landfried Matthew J MD
Lane Joseph M.
Lane Lewis B.
Langan Peter R , MD
Lango Silvester
Lanighan Kevin W MD
Lapoint Paul DO
Larkin Thomas G , MD
LaRosa Joseph M , MD
Lasda Norman A , MD
Laskin Richard S
Lasser Steven D Md
Lastihenos Michael , MD
Lattimore Orthopaedics PC
Lattuga Sebastian , MD
Lazar, Paul
Lee Edward Won , MD
Lee Francis Y.
Lee Steven J.
Lee Steven K
Lefebvre Andre Raymond , MD
Leit Michael Edward , MD
Lemley Frederick R , MD
Lenoach, Phillip
Lenox Hill Hospital Orthopedics
Lent David E , MD
Lenzo Salvatore
Leone Anthony Michael , MD
Leppard III John J , MD
Lesniewski Peter , MD
Lester, Benisse
Leupold Robert G MD
Levin Howard A MD
Levin Nachum MD
Levin Paul , MD
Levine David S.
Levine Harlan B , MD
Levine Judith J , MD
Levine William N
Levitz Craig
Levy I Martin , MD
Levy Roger N
Levy, Howard J.
Lewis Richard A , MD
Lewis Ronald
Lewish Gregory D Md
Lieberg Olaf U MD
Lieberman Gregory
Lieberman Lester
Liebman Irving
Liebowitz Stanley , MD
Lifeso Robert M , MD
Light Ronald
Light Ronald A , MD
Lim Jimmy Uy , MD
L'Insalata John C , MD
l'Insalata John MD
Lippe Robert Jeffrey , MD
Little Falls Hospital - Orthopedics
Little Jr Robert , MD
Liu Eugene J MD
Lodolce James Md
Lombardi Louis J.
Lombardo Thomas A Jr - MD
Long Island Bone & Joint - Port Jefferson
Long Island Head Injury Association
Long Island Jewish Medical Center
Long Island Spine & Orthopedics PC
Long Island Sports Medicine Associates
Lonner, Baron S.
Loona Ravi , MD
Lopez Joseph I MD
Loreti, Ivano
Lorich Dean G.
Loshigian, Michael
Loveys Luke S , MD
Lozman Jeffrey MD
Lubliner Jerry A.
Lucas Tyler S MD
Luke S Loveys Md
Luks Howard J , MD
Lustrin Irving
Luzi Frank MD
Lyden John P.
Macaulay William B.
Maccabee, Robert
MacGillivray John D.
Macko Debra, DC
Macy Neil J , MD
Maddalo Anthony V MD
Madison Avenue Orthopaedic Associates
Magill Richard M , MD
Mahon William A , MD
Main, William K.
Mallen Jonathan M.D.
Maloney Michael D MD
Mandel Joel E Md PC
Manes Harvey MD PC
Mango Enrico S , MD
Mango Thamas
Manhattan Orthopaedics
Manhattan Orthopedic & Sports Medicine Group PC
Mani Vijay John , MD
Mann Ronald L MD
Manning Reginald E , MD
Mannino Joseph Andrew , MD
Mannor Dana A.
Manoff Eric M , MD
Manouel Mehran , MD
Manspeizer Sheldon Orthopaedic Surgeon
Mantica Robert Md
Marano Henry MD
Marcus Andrew DO
Marcus Stephen H MD
Mark James B MD
Mark Lance J
Markinson, Bryan
Marotta Joseph J Md
Marquardt John D Md
Marson Blake Mitchell , MD
Martin Eric L MD
Martin Laura DO
Martin Linda Ann , MD
Martinko Amelia M Md
Marwin Scott E , MD
Marx Robert G.
Marzec James L , MD
Marzo John M MD
Mason Paul J
Massena Memorial Hospital
Matusz David
Maurer Stephen MD
Mauri Thomas M MD
Maxian Tina , MD
Mayman David J.
Maynard Michael J.
McCance Sean
McCann Peter D.
McClure Michael , MD
McGinley Brian J , MD
McGrath Brian E , MD
McGrath Timothy V , MD
McHugh Nancy E MD
McIntyre Louis F.
McKenzie William D
McLaughlin John A Md
McLaurin Toni M
McMahon Mark S.
McMahon Patrick V , MD
Meadowlands Orthorpaedics
Medici Mark D , MD
Medley Caleb F. Jr.
Meeks Raymond J Md
Meere Patrick
Mehta Banshi MD
Meinhard Bruce P , MD
Meisler, Kenneth
Meislin Robert MD
Melfi Renee S
Melone Charles P.
Menche David S.
Mendoza Francis X.
Menezes Placido A , MD
Mermelstein Laurence
Merola A John MD
Merola Andrew
Merrihew Robert
Messenger, Philip
Metro Orthopedic
Meyer Jeffrey M.
Meyer Robert Willse , MD
Meyerson Robert I.
Mian Shahid W.
Michaels Robert
Michalko Karl Md - Ofc
Michelsen Christopher B.
Mid Manhattan Medical PC
Mid-Hudson Medical Group
Mieth Mark S Md
Milea Anthony Jr
Militano Ulises , MD
Miller Andrew Robert , MD
Miller David T MD
Miller Irwin , MD
Miller Paul J MD
Miller Richard J , MD
Miller Russell Lowell , MD
Mills Edward L , MD
Minkowitz Barbara MD
Mirels Hilton MD
Mirza Ather , MD
Mishkin Miller Forman MD PC
Mitamura John Akio , MD
Mitchell Micheal J
Mitten David J , MD
Miyasaka Kenji Carl , MD
Mohrmann Mark J MD
Molinari Robert W , MD
Monaco Liberatore P Md Pc
Monaghan Viola Md
Monsanto Enrique H.
Montalbano Gregory MD
Montas Fred
Montero Carlos F , MD
Montgomery Kenneth D.
Moon Ki-Ho MD
Moore James A , MD
Moorthi David Md
Moretz J Alfred MD
Morgan Daniel Jones , MD
Moriarty Robert V
Morris Carol D.
Morrison John E MD
Moscato John A MD
Moscowitz Richard W Dr
Moskovich Ronald MD
Mostafavi Hamid MD
Moucha Calin Stefan , MD
Moulton Andrew , MD
Mount Kisco Medical Group PC
Mountain Health Center
Mow Van C , PhD
Moy Owen J , MD
Mroczek Kenneth J.
Muhlrad Jeffrey S.
Mullaney Kevin J
Mulligan Stephane , MD
Murphy Daniel J MD
Murray David G , MD
Murray Michael T.
Musculoskeletal Medicine P C
Mutty Richard J Md PC
Nachamie Benjamin A
Naidoo Rajen
Nanavati Vipul , MD
Nancollas Michael P
Nason Lisa
Nassau Orthopedic Surgeons
Nassau Suffolk Orthopedic Assocs
Nathan Jay MD
Nelson Jr John Martin , MD
Nenno II Donald J , MD
Nercessian Ohannes A.
Nestor Bryan J.
Neubardt Seth L , MD
Neuman David T.
Neurological Surgery PC
Neuwirth Michael G , MD
Neuwirth Michael MD
New City Orthopedic Group PC
New Milford Orthopedic Associates, P.C.
New York Medical College
New York Orthopedic Hospital Assoc
New York Spine Institute
New York Spine Surgery & Rehab
New York University
Newman John C , MD
Niagara Orthopedic Associates Pc
Nichols David P MD
Nicholson James , MD
Nicolas Elias M Md
Niles Michael A MD
NISMAT Orthopedic Associates
Nisonson Barton
Nolan Robert S , MD
North Country Orthopaedic Group PC
North Country Orthopaedic Group PP
North Country Sports Medicine
North Jersey Orthopaedic Institute
North Medical Ortho & Rehabilitation
North Shore Orthopedic & Spinal Surgery
Northeast Orthopaedics
Northeast Orthopaedics -Albany
Northeast Orthopedics & Rehabilitation
Northern Westchester Orthopedic Assoc
Northfork Orthopaedic
Northtowns Orthopedics Pc
Northtowns Orthopedics Pc
Nour Mohamed Khalafalla , MD
Noy Ron , MD
Noyes Memorial Hospital
Null William L MD
Nunez Louis D MD PC
NY Hand & Orthopedic Surgery
NY Hand & Orthopedic Surgery
NYCONN Orthopaedic and Rehab
Obedian Richard S
O'Brien Stephen J.
O'Connor Daniel R.
O'Connor William W , MD
O'Donnell John L , MD
Oh Chong , MD
Oh Young Don , MD
O'Keefe Regis J , MD
O'Leary Patrick F.
Oliveto Frank D , MD
Olsewski John M , MD
O'Malley Martin J.
Orangetown Orthopedic Associates
Orcutt Daniel R , MD
Ordway Craig B MD PC
Orhopaedic Associates of New York
Orlin & Cohen Orthopedic Assoc LLP
Orlin Harvey MD
Ort Paul J.
Ortega Kenneth , DO
Orthopaedic & Neurosurgery Specialists
Orthopaedic & Wellness Center
Orthopaedic Associates Central New York
Orthopaedic Associates of Manhasset PC
Orthopaedic Associates Of NY
Orthopaedic Associates Of Rochester Pc
Orthopaedic Associates of Saratoga
Orthopaedic Association of Great Neck
Orthopaedic Care Of LI PC
Orthopaedic Medicine of Park Slope
Orthopaedic Surgical Consultant PC
Orthopaedic Surgical Consultant, P.C.
Orthopedic & Sports Associates
Orthopedic Arts Building
Orthopedic Associates
Orthopedic Associates
Orthopedic Associates Of 65 Penn Ave
Orthopedic Associates of Dutchess County
Orthopedic Associates of Long Island
Orthopedic Associates Of NY
Orthopedic Association of Great Neck
Orthopedic Specialist of NY LLC
Orthopedic Specialties of Hudson Valley
Orthopedic Spine Care Of Long Island
Orthopedic Surgery & Sports Medicine
Orthopedic Surgery SUNY
Orthopedics & Sports Medicine, PC
Orthpaedic Surgeons of LI Associates
Ortiz Gerald J , MD
Orton Teresa Fnp
Ostempowski Michael J
Otero Kristina L Md
Otten Joseph V
Ouweleen Kevin M MD
Ovid Primary Care Center Pa
Owens Jonathan D , MD
Packer, Allen
Padgett Douglas E.
Pae Robert
Page W Jeffery MD
Pagenkopf Eric L , MD
Paksima Nader , DO
Palmer Andrew Koloseus , MD
Palmer Kenneth D.
Palmeri Michael , MD
Palomino Kathryn , MD
Panaro Nicholas R MD
Panio Michael
Panos Spyros Nikolaos , MD
Parentis Michael A , MD
Pario Michael MD
Paris Samuel MD
Parisi Debra
Parisi Ralph MD
Park Avenue Ctr for Reconstrive Jt Surg
Park Avenue Sports Meicine & Rehab
Park Avenue Trauma Associates
Park Ridge Hospital
Park Ridge Hospital
Parker John F Md
Parker Richard Lee , MD
Parks Michael L
Parkside Sports Medicine Service
Parkway Medical & Rehabilitation P C
Parsons Bradford O.
Partal George N , MD
Parvataneni Hari
Passick Jeffrey M MD
Patalino David , MD
Patel MR
Patel Rajeev Md -
Patel Rakesh , MD
Patel Sachin , MD
Patel Shashi D MD
Paterson Paul D
Paul Seth B MD
Paulsen Carl A MD
Pavlov Helene , MD - Radiology HSS
Payackapan Wittaya , MD
Pearle Andrew D.
Peartree Paul K , MD
Peck Bradley K MD
Peckham Arthur C Jr Md
Pedersen Henrik Bo , MD
Pellicci Paul M.
Pemberton James Paul , MD
Pena Arturo , MD
Penna James , MD
Peralo Charles
Pereira David MD
Peretz Andrew M MD
Performance Sports Medicine & Rehab
Peris Marshal D , MD
Perkins Richard B MD
Perrier Luc , MD
Peters Lance E
Petraco Douglas M MD
Pflum Francis A.
Phelan Daniel T
Phillips Donna P.
Phillips Geoffrey I , MD
Phillips Matthew J , MD
Pianka George
Pidoriano Arthur J Jr MD
Pierz Joseph John , MD
Pietropaoli Marc P Md
Pitman Mark MD
Plancher Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine
Plattsburgh Health Center
Plotka, Steven
Pochatko David MD
Pokorny George R , MD
Polatsch Daniel B
Popovitz Leon E.
Popowitz Richard MD
Portland Orthopaedic Associates LLC
Positano, Rock G.
Posner Martin A.
Posnick Steven J MD
Post-Trauma Medical Services PC
Potter Hollis , MD - HSS Radiology
Potts Jill K MD
Powell Edward N Md
Powers James C MD
Premier Orthopaedics and Sports Med
Price Andrew E.
Price Eric M M.D.
Princeton Orthopaedic Associates, PA
Pruzansky Mark E
Puopolo Steven M.
Pupparo Frank , MD
Putcha Sury
Putterman Eric A MD
Puzas J Edward , PhD
Quade Ralph , MD
Queler Seth , MD
Quinn Brian O M
Quinn David E , MD
Quinton Margaret A FNP
Rachlin Edward S.
Radnay Craig S , MD
Radomisli Timothny
Rafiy Philip MD
Raggio Cathleen L.
Ragonesi David L MD
Ramapo Orthopedic Associates PC
Ranawat Amar
Ranawat, Chitranjan
Randall John E Md
Raphael Irving G , MD
Raphael Sports Medicine Institute
Rashid Rola H Md
Raskin Keith B.
Rasquinha Vijay J
Ratzan Sanford A , MD
Rauschenbach Kenneth K DO
Ravich Steven J MD
Rawlins Bernard A.
Razi Afshin E.
Re Louis Peter Jr, MD
Rechtine Glenn R , II MD
Red Creek Orthopaedics
Reddy Kumar S.
Reddy Surendranath K , MD
Redmon Maria MD
Reilly John P.
Reinhardt Pamela A , MD
Reis Norman I
Reish Timothy G.
Remec Peter Tomaz , MD
Remer Stuart MD
Renzoni Steven A , MD
Repicci John A MD
Resnick Michael MD
Rettig Michael E.
Reznick Steven M , MD
Rho Walter A MD
Ricciardelli Charles A , MD
Ricciardi Nicholas M MD
Rich Daniel S , MD
Richard Seldes, MD
Richards John C MD
Richman Jonathan Asa , MD
Richmond Jeffrey H , MD
Richmond Orthopaedic Assoc.
Riegler Hubert F Md
Rigolosi Luke
Ristic Sasha MD
Ritter Christopher , MD
Ritter Richard Adam , MD
Rivertown Orthopaedics
Rizzo Peter F MD
Roach Stephanie S , MD
Robbins Herman
Robbins Philip
Robert Bauer MD
Roberts Matthew M.
Robinson Michael MD
Robinson Peter S Md
Robinson Stephen C MD
Rochester Community Orthopedics
Rockland Orthopedics & Sports Med
Rodeo Scott A.
Rodriguez, Jose A.
Rogachefsky Richard A MD
Rohrbacher Bernhard , MD
Rokito Andrew S. MD
Rokito Steven E MD
Romanowski Cindy MD
Romanowski Marcus R , MD
Romeo Louis Charles , MD
Ronchetti Peter J , MD
Roofeh Jahan Shah
Root Leon
Rosa Road Orthopedic Associates
Rosas Kevin , MD
Rose Donald J
Rose Howard A.
Rose Louis C
Rosen Andrew
Rosen Jeffrey MD
Rosen Michael Dr MD PC
Rosenstadt Benjamin E
Rosenthal Ronald E MD
Rosenwasser Melvin P.
Rosier Randy N , MD, PhD
Ross Bruce MD
Ross Hank , MD
Roth Neil S.
Rottenberg, Fabienne
Rouse Lucien M MD
Rovner Aron D MD
Rowe Germaine B.
Roye Benjamin D.
Roye David P.
Rozbruch Jacob D.
Rozbruch Robert S.
Rubery Paul T Md -
Rubin Cheryl
Rubinshteyn Igor , MD
Rubinstein Yair , MD
Ruggiero Vincent
Ruotolo Charles J , MD
Russinoff Scott L , MD
Rycyna Stephen D
Sadler Robert I , MD
Sadrieh Jalal , MD
Saha Subrata , PhD
Sahler Carl P MD
Salcone Joseph
Salvati Eduardo A.
Sama Andrew A.
Sampson Steven P MD
Sandhu Harvinder S.
Sands Andrew K.
Santilli Mario D MD
Sasson Victor MD
Saugy John A , MD
Saunders Richard MD
Savino Richard , MD
Scarpinato Dorothy F MD
Scarsdale Orthopaedic Associates
Scerpella Patrick R
Scerpella Tamara A , MD
Schefer Alan Jay , MD
Scheiber Marc Md Phd
Scheinzeit Ronald S MD
Schell William D , MD
Scheman, Sandford C., MD
Schenectady Regional Ortho Assoc
Schenk Laurence U MD
Scher David M.
Schlehr Frank
Schlesinger Iris E , MD
Schmidt Steven (director at NJOI)
Schneider James Michael , MD
Schneider, Karen
Schrank Philip
Schulman Lawrence , MD
Schumacher Michael
Schuyler Hospital
Schwach Paul P , MD
Schwartz Arnold
Schwartz Evan G.
Schwartz Jeffrey M.
Schwartz Mark A , MD
Schwartz Michael Craig , MD
Schwartzberg Steven B.
Schwarzbard Itchak , MD
Schweitzer Jack MD
Schweppe Michael W MD
Scilaris Thomas A MD
Sclafani Steven , MD
Scott Claude
Scott Kevin L , MD
Scott Robert W MD
Scott W Norman , MD
Scuderi Giles R , MD
Scuderi Matthew , MD
Sculco Thomas P.
Seaport Orthopaedic Associates
Seaway Orthopedics Pc
Seebacher J Robert MD
Segreto Frank , MD
Seideman Bruce A , MD
Seigel Harvey L , MD
Selby Ronald M.
Seldman Ernest D , MD
Selig, David
Sellig Robert G , MD
Semble Richard D
Senat Eric MD
Seneviratne Aruna
Sequeira Denzil A L
Seslowe Kenneth E.
Setter Kevin , MD
Seybold Eric A
Sgaglione Nicholas A , MD
Shah Alpesh D , MD
Shankman Gregory MD
Shapiro Jeffrey
Shapiro Michael M.D.
Sharan Alok D , MD
Sharkey John J , MD
Shebairo Raymond Alan , MD
Shein David M , MD
Shelter Rock Orthopedic Group
Shelton Peter D
Shen Wen MD
Sherman Mark F , MD
Sherman Orrin H.
Sherry Herbert S
Sheskier Steven
Shields Peter
Shim Nak K Md
Shimkus John W MD
Shlau John S.
Short Walter H , MD
Shubin Stein Beth E
Shuman Perry T MD
Shuren Neal H , MD
Siegel Harvey L MD
Siegrist Stephanie MD
Silber Jeff MD Dc
Silver George E , Jr MD
Silver Harris N , MD
Silver Jonathan Jacob , MD
Silverberg Scott MD
Silverman Marc M MD
Simmons Edward D MD
Simmons Ortho & Spine Assoc.
Simon Jordan A
Simon Robert MD
Simon Sheldon R.
Simoncic Jay S , MD
Simone Joseph J DO
Simonsen Steven Andrew , MD
Simonson Barry G MD
Simpson Jr Robert B , MD
Sirota Stephen C MD FAAPMR
Sirota Stephen DO
Skilbred Arne L Md
Slaten Warren K
Slavin James A Md
Sloboda John F , MD
Slough James A
Small Eric
Small Robert D , MD
Small Steven , MD
Smallman Thomas V - MD
Smith James A , MD
Smith Joseph A , MD
Smith Neal , MD
Smith W James MD
Smith William J Md Pc
Smolinski Robert J , MD
Snyder Arlen K
Sobel Mark
Sohn Kyu Won , MD
Soifer Todd B , MD
Soliman Ezzat M MD
Solomon Ronald
Solomos Nicole A.
Somers Ortho Surg & Spts Med
Sonstein Wj PC
Soren Stanley
Sotudeh Shariar PC
South Island Orthopedic Group PC
South Nassau Orthopedic Surgery
South Shore Orthopedic Assoc
Southampton Orthopedic Group
Soyer Adam D MD
Spak Thaddeus J
Speach David P Md
Special Spine Institute
Spector David B , MD ?
Spencer Eric , MD
Spielfogel, William
Spine Center
Spira Irvin A MD
Spivak Jeffrey MD
Splain Shepard H , DO
Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation
Sports Medicine Center
Spring John M MD
Sproul Jack T , MD
Stamer David T MD
Starace Louis MD
Staten Island Ortho & Spt Med
Stefanich Raymond J , MD
Stegemann Philip M , MD
Stein Drew A
Stein Joseph I MD
Stein Peter D MD
Stein Todd , MD
Stenclik Mark J
Stephen Mark E MD
Stephens Bradford A Md Pc
Stern Richard E
Stewart Andrew M , MD
Stewart Mark G Md
Stoeckl Andrew C
Stony Brook Dept of Ortho
Stracher Michael A , MD
Stram Richard Allan , MD
Strauch Robert J.
Strauss Elton
Strickland Sabrina
Striker James E , MD
Strong Memorial Hospital
Strongwater Allan M
Struan Coleman MD
Struhl Steven
Stube Keith C , MD
Stuchin Steven A.
Styles Stuart T MD
Su Edwin P
Suarez Joseph A.
Suesserman David DC
Sugalski Matthew
Sullivan John P Senior Md
Sullivan Thomas J Md
Sultan Leon , MD
Sultan Peter G , MD
Sun Mike Han-te , MD
Sun Yan-Qun , MD
Supinski Robert MD
Sveilich Norman D.O.
Swanson Randall Lynn , MD
Swedan Nadya MD
Sygman Steven Dc
Symanowicz Donald Bernard , MD
Syracuse Orthopedic
Syracuse Orthopedic Specialists
Szarzanowicz Thaddeuse E MD
Tabershaw Richard J , MD
Taddonio Rudolph F , MD
Tanner Edward C MD PC
Tarek H. Mardam-Bey
Tebor Gary Md - Ofc
Tehrany Armin M. MD, DABOS
Teixeira Kathi F Md
Tejwani Nirmal C MD
Tenuta Joachim , MD
Tepler Melvin , MD
Teplitz Glenn , MD
Tesoriero Jack J DC
Testa N Noel , MD
Tetro A Marc
The Arthritis Center Of NY
The Center for Reconstructive Joint Surgery
The Center for Sports Medicine
The Orthopedic Center at St Francis Hosp
The Spine Center & Sport Physical Therapy
Thompson Arthur M , MD
Thompson William O
Throgs Neck Multi Care Inc
Ticker Jonathan B , MD
Tier Orthopedic Associates PC
Tigges Russell G MD
Tindel, Nathaniel L., MD
Tischler Henry M.
Tobin Alandra M Md
Toledano Baruch PC
Toledano Jacob M PC
Tomaino Matthew M MD
Tompkins B Kurt DC
Toriello Edward A.
Total Orthopedics & Sports Medicine
Touliopoulos Steven
Toussaint Jon T Pc
Trapp Kevin , MD
Trovato Dante Anthony , MD
Tucci James
Tucker David Theodore , MD
Tuckman David
Turtel Andrew
Twin Tier Orthopedic & Hand Surgery
Tyorkin Max , MD
Tzimas Nicholas
Uh Benjamin S , MD
Uhl Richard , MD
Uhorchak John M , MD
Ulin Richard I.
Ungerer Robert M Md
Unis Douglas B.
Unis George L
Unis William A , MD
United Medical Asso- Ortho
University Hand Center
University Orthopaedic Services
University Orthopaedics - Nassau Univ
University Orthopaedics PC
University Place Orthopaedics
University Sports Medicine
Urban William P , MD
Urs ND Krishne
VA Hudson Valley
Van Bosse Harold J P , MD
Van Eenenaam D Peter Md
Van Gorder Thomas R MD
Vanderwalde Alan , MD
Varriale Peter Leo , MD
Vella I Michael , MD
Verde Robert W MD
Vesey, Kevin G. MD
Victoriano Virgilio C MD
Villarica Proceso
Vitale Aldo M , MD
Vitale Michael
Vizzone Jerald P. D.O.
Voellmicke Kurt V , MD
Volk C Philip , MD
Voloshin Ilya , MD
Wadhwa Ram Parkash , MD
Wainberg Michael Md
Walker Ronald J , MD
Wallach David M , MD
Waller John F.
Walsh Raymond B , MD
Wang Edward D , MD
Ward M Stanton , MD
Warren Russell F.
Warwick Valley Orthopedic Surgery P C
Wasiczko Robert J - MD
Wasyliw Orest M MD
Watkins Frank B MD
Watnik Neil
Wayne Regional Orthopaedics
Webster Jr Dwight Albert , MD
Weg Oskar , MD
Weidenbaum Mark , MD
Weiland Andrew J.
Weinberger Stuart Md
Weiner Bradley
Weiner Lon S.
Weinfeld Steven
Weinstein Richard N , MD
Weisenfeld, Lori
Weiss David S
Weiss Oscar R - MD
Weiss, Richard A. MD
Weissberg David J
Weissman Jeffrey I
Wellwood Orthopedics Sports & Rehab Ctr
Wert Sanford R , MD
Wertlieb, Gerald S. MD
Westchester County Medical Center
Westchester Medical Group
Westchester Orthopaedic Institute
Westchester Orthopedic Associates
Westrich Geoffrey H MD
Westside Orthopedic Group PC
Whalen John
Whalen Richard MD
Wheeler Dale R , MD
Whitbeck M Gordon Jr MD
White Bradley L , MD
White Jr James J , MD
White Plains Health Care Associates
White Plains Hospital Center
Wickiewicz Thomas L.
Wickline Andrew
Widmann Roger F.
Wiener Bradley D , MD
Wierzbieniec Paul H MD
Wiese Michael B , MD
Wiesner Lawrence DO
Wild Daniel R MD
Wilen Daniel
Williams Gary A MD
Williams Riley J. III
Williamsville Orthopedic Surgery P C
Wilson Arnold , MD
Wilson Karl MD
Wilson Mark V MD
Wilson Orthopaedics PLLC
Wilson Philip D
Wind William , MD
Windsor Russell E.
Winiarsky Raz , MD
Winterkorn Orthopedic Appliance Co
Winthrop Orthopaedic Associates
Withington Richard L Md
Wittig James C.
Wnorowski Daniel C
WNY Sports Care
Wolf Alan P MD
Wolfe Scott W.
Wolinsky Phillip MD
Wong Helen MD
Wood Rory D MD
Woodhaven Medical Care
Wopperer James M , MD
Wormer Thomas A MD
Wright Kevin , MD
Wu, Karen
Wulff Warren E MD
Wyoming Valley Orthopedic Llc
Wysell Maryanne C Md
Xethalis John L.
Yang Edward C
Yang Steven S.
Yasgur David J , MD
Yerys Paul
Yormak Jeffrey MD
Youm Thomas , MD
Young Don Oh MD
Young Lancelot James BG , MD
Youssef Odet E MD
Yuan Hansen A , MD
Yun Jean S.
Zahn Michael G , MD
Zambetti George
Zaret David
Zaretsky Jay R
Zaretsky Steven D
Zelicof Steven B MD
Zelko Russell R
Zenetos Panagiotis MD
Ziets Robert J MD
Zikria Bashir , MD
Zitman Eric
Zitner David MD
Ziv Israel , MD
Zmurko Matthew G MD
Zogby Richard G , MD
Zolan Stephen G , MD
Zuckerman Joseph D.
Sports Medicine
North Shore/LIJ Health System, North Shore of Forest Hills, The New Parkway Hospital,
New York Hospital Of Queens
76-55 Austin Street
Forest Hills, NY 11375
Phone: (718) 897-2228
Fax: (718) 897-2251
Additional Information: Office conversant in Spanish, Russian, Hebrew, and Farsi.
Total Joint Replacement
Madison Avenue Orthopaedic Associates, PC.
NYU - Hospital for Joint Diseases
1245 Madison Avenue
41-61 Kissena Blvd.
New York, NY 10128
Flushing, New York 11355
Phone: (212) 427-3986
Phone: (718) 353-7900
Fax: (212) 996-5949
Fax: (718) 353-9126
Orthopedics and Sports Medicine
Good Samaritan Hospital (Suffern, NY) & Nyack Hospital (Nyack, NY)
2 Perlman Drive, Suite 204
Spring Valley, NY 10977
Phone: (845) 425-0555
Fax: (845) 426-6126
Sports Medicine, Shoulder, Knee & Elbow Surgery
Hospital for Special Surgery
535 East 71th Street
333 Earle Ovington Blvd, Ste 106 176-60 Union Turnpike
New York, NY 10021
Uniondale, NY 11553

Fresh Meadows, NY 11366
Phone: (212) 606-1447
Phone: (516) 222-8881
Phone: (718) 591-7090
Fax: (212) 772-1062
Fax: (212) 772-1062
Fax: (212) 772-1062
Additional Information: Orthopedic surgeon for NY Knicks Basketball;

Consultant to St. John's University Sports Teams, Major League Baseball, NBPA &

Retired Players Association, West Indies Cricket Association.

BOS Board Certified. Member of AMA, NMA, NY County Medical Association and

Greater Harlem Chamber of Commerce.
Scoliosis and Spine Surgery
Huntington Hospital, St. Catherine's of Sienna, North Shore Hospital Plainview,
New Island Hospital
1895 Walt Whitman Road
Melville, NY 11747
Phone: (631) 847-0200
Fax: (631) 847-3525
Sports Medicine, Joint Replacement, General Orthopedics
Syracuse Orthopedic Specialists, PC
St. Joseph's Hospital & Health Center; Specialists One Day Surgery Center
5100 West Taft Road
4115 Medical Center Drive
Liverpool, NY 13088 Fayetteville, NY 13066
Phone: (315) 452-2120 Phone: (315) 329-7600
Fax: (315) 452-2118 Fax: (315) 329-7608
Adult Reconstruction Orthopaedics
Glens Falls, Saratoga Springs Hospital
Bannon & Gundel Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine
543 Bay Road
Queensbury, NY 12804
Phone: (518) 761-2663
Fax: (518) 761-6831
Orthopaedic Shoulder, Elbow, and Hand Surgery
St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital Center
CV Starr Hand Surgery Center
1000 Tenth Avenue, 3rd Floor
New York, NY 10019
Phone: (212) 523-7590
Fax: (212) 523-7592
Additional Information: Affiliated with Fordham University Athletics and New York

Philharmonic Orchestra as team/treating physician.

Fellowship trained in both shoulder/elbow and hand surgery.
Sports Medicine, Joint Replacement, Spine Surgery
Hackensack University Medical Center
Premier Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine
ManhattanCliffside ParkParamus
33 Park Ave, Suite 1D
663 Palisades Avenue
Bergen Regional Medical Center
New York, NY 10016
Cliffside Park, NJ 07010 230 Ridgewood Avenue
Phone: (201) 833-9500
Phone: (201) 943-9100
Paramus, NJ 07652
Fax: (201) 862-0095

Phone: (201) 967-5500
Union CityPassaicBloomfield
3196 Kennedy Blvd, 3rd Fl. 350 Boulevard
1255 Broad Street
Union City, NJ 07087
Passaic, NJ 07055
Bloomfield, NJ 07003
Phone: (201) 770-1600
Phone: (973) 472-1200
Phone: (973) 842-2100
Sports Medicine & General Orthopaedics
Community Hospital at Dobbs Ferry & Nyack Hospital
Rivertown Orthopaedics
1053 Saw Mill River Road
90 North Highland Avenue
Ardsley, NY 10502
Nyack, NY 10960
Phone: (914) 693-2057
Phone: (845) 358-8005
Fax: (914) 693-1630
Fax: (845) 358-5619
Additional Information: Office is conversant in Italian, Spanish, and Korean.
Orthopaedic Surgery
NY·CONN Orthopaedic & Rehabilitation Specialists, PLLC
Northern Westchester Hospital, Putnam Hospital Center
657 East Main Street
667 Stoneleigh Avenue
Mount Kisco, NY 10549
Carmel, NY 10512
Phone: (914) 666-5550
Phone: (845) 279-5550
Fax: (914) 241-4206
Fax: (845) 279-3490
Spine Surgery
Manhattan Orthopaedics, P.C.
130 East 77th Street, 7th Floor
New York, NY 10021
Phone: (212) 744-8114
Fax: (212) 472-5624
Arthroscopic Surgery, Total Joint Replacement, Spine
A.L. Lee Memorial Hospital, Oswego Hospital
522 South Fourth Street, Suite 1200
Fulton, NY 13069
Phone: (315) 598-5040
Fax: (315) 598-8267
Bleifeld, Charles J., MD, FAAOS, FACS
Hip & Knee Surgery
North Shore Orthopedic Surgery and Sports Medicine
St. Catherine of Siena
48 Route 25A, Suite 106
Smithtown, New York 11787
Phone: (631) 863-1007
Fax: (631) 862-3668
Joint Replacement
Syracuse Orthopedic Specialists, PC
Community General Hospital; Specialists One Day Surgery Center
5000 West Seneca Turnpike 5719 Widewaters Parkway
Syracuse , NY 13215 Syracuse, NY 13214
Phone: (315) 492-3636 Phone: (315) 251-3100
Fax: (315) 492-8787 Fax: (315) 449-9923
General Orthopaeidcs & Spine
Madison Avenue Orthopaedic Associates, PC.
145 East 32nd Street, 4th Fl. 41-61 Kissena Blvd.
New York, NY 10016
Flushing, NY 11355
Phone: (212) 427-3986
Phone: (718) 353-7900
Fax: (212) 996-5949
Fax: (718) 353-9126
Mount Sinai Medical Center
159 East 74th Street
New York, NY 10021
Phone: (212) 734-2646
Fax: (212) 288-1524
Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery
Millard Fillmore Gates Circle Hospital
BuffaloOrchard Park
3 Gates Circle

200 Sterling Park
Buffalo, NY 14209

Orchard Park, NY 14127
Phone: (716) 887-4040

Phone: (716) 887-4040
Fax: (716) 887-5090

Fax: (716) 887-5090
Additional Information: Surgical and non-surgical treatment of hand and upper extremity problems.
Somers Orthopaedic Surgery & Sports Medicine Group, PLLC
Putnam Hospital Center, Northern Westchester Hospital Center, NYU-Hospital For Joint Diseases
Putnam County 

Orange County
664 Stoneleigh Avenue
2 Victory Court

Suite 300
Newburgh, NY 12550
Carmel, NY 10512
Phone: (845) 565-1454
Phone: (845) 278-8400
Fax: (845) 565-9803
Additional Information: Office conversant in Spanish
Total Joint Replacement
Phelps Memorial Hospital
Hudson Valley Bone and Joint Surgeons
24 Saw Mill River Road
819 Yonkers Avenue
Hawthorne, NY 10532
Yonkers, NY 10704
Phone: (914) 631-7777
Phone: (914) 375-7777
Fax: (914) 631-0920
Additional Information: Image guided anterior approach total hip replacement,

Minimally invasive hip and knee replacement,

Revision total joint replacement, and Partial joint replacement.
Foot and Ankle Surgery & General Orthopedics
White Plains Hospital Center
Bone & Joint Associates, LLP
7 Reservoir Road
North White Plains, NY 10603
Phone: (914) 684-0300
Fax: (914) 684-9783
Additional Information: Member of the American Medical Association,

American Board of Orthopaedic Surgeons,

American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society,

The Medical Society of the State of New York, and

The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
Caldwell, Samuel S., MD
Orthopedic Surgery & Sports Medicine
Saratoga Hospital & Glens Falls Hospital
19 West Avenue, Suite 102
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
Phone: (518) 584-0295
Fax: (518) 584-0296
Additional Information: Fellowship in Sports Medicine.
Orthopaedic and Hand Surgery
Erie County Medical Center, Catholic Health System
Excelsior Orthopaedics, LLP

Orchard ParkNiagara Falls
3925 Sheridan Drive
3055 Southwestern Blvd
Witmer Medical Park
Amherst, NY 14226
Suite 100

1 Colomba Driver #1
Phone: (716) 250-9999 Orchard Park, NY 14127
Niagara Falls, NY 14305

Phone: (716) 674-0040
Phone: (716) 297-7233
Additional Information: Upper extremity fracture care;

Trauma and arthritic reconstruction of the hand, wrist and elbow;

Arthroscopy of the wrist, shoulder and elbow.
Joint Replacement
Syracuse Orthopedic Specialists, PC
Community General Hospital; Specialists One Day Surgery Center
5700 West Genesee Street
Phone: (315) 487-4876
Fax: (315) 484-9609
Spine Surgery
Park Ridge Hospital, Rochester General Hospital
Greater Rochester Orthopaedics, PC
30 Hagen Drive, Suite 220
2621 Culver Road
Rochester, NY 14625
Rochester, NY 14607
Phone: (585) 295-5476
Phone: (585) 295-5476
Fax: (585) 248-2112
Fax: (585) 248-2112
Email: contact office through web site
Hip & Knee Replacement Surgery
Mount Sinai Medical Center
Manhattan Orthopedic & Sports Medicine Group
1065 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10128
Phone: (212) 289-0700
Fax: (212) 289-0171
Additional Information: Arthritis reconstruction and geriatric fracture care.
Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery
St. Lukes-Roosevely Hospital
CV Starr Hand Surgery center
1000 10th Avenue, Third Floor
New York, NY 10019
Phone: (212) 523-7590
Fax: (212) 523-7592
Additional Information: Upper extremity fractures,

Team physician of Fordham University
Sports Medicine
Phelps Memorial Hospital
Hudson Valley Bone and Joint Surgeons
24 Saw Mill River Road
819 Yonkers Avenue
Hawthorne, NY 10532
Yonkers, NY 10704
Phone: (914) 631-7777
Phone: (914) 375-7777
Fax: (914) 631-0920
Additional Information: Arthroscopic rotator cuff repair, shoulder instability stabilization,

Complex knee reconstruction.
Sports Medicine & Reconstructive Shoulder Surgery
NY·CONN Orthopaedic & Rehabilitation Specialists, PLLC
Greenwich Hospital, Stamford Hospital, Montefiore Medical Center
31 Strawberry Hill Avenue
230 Westchester Avenue
Stamford, CT 06902
West Harrison, NY 10604
Phone: (203) 325-8888
Phone: (914) 684-6113
Fax: (203) 359-2344
Fax: (914) 684-2740
Orthopedic Surgery and Hand Surgery
Mohawk Valley Orthopedics, P.C.
St. Mary's Hospital, Amsterdam Memorial Hospital
5010 State Highway 30, Suite 205
Amsterdam, NY 12010
Phone: (518) 842-2663
Fax: (518) 842-4861
Multi-Specialty Group
North Shore Plainview, North Shore Syosset, Glen Cove Hospital, New Island Hospital
651 Old Country Road Suite 200
Plainview, NY 11803
Phone (516) 681-8822
Fax: (516) 681-3332
Additional Information: Sports medicine, Knees and shoulders, Hand and wrist specialist,

Total knee and hip replacement joint specialist
Somers Orthopaedic Surgery & Sports Medicine Group, PLLC
Putnam Hospital Center, Northern Westchester Hospital Center, NYU-Hospital For Joint Diseases
Putnam County 

Orange County
664 Stoneleigh Avenue
2 Victory Court

Suite 300
Newburgh, NY 12550
Carmel, NY 10512
Phone: (845) 565-1454
Phone: (845) 278-8400
Fax: (845) 565-9803
Additional Information: Office conversant in Spanish
General Orthopedics
Rochester Community Orthopaedics, LLP
10 Hagen Drive, Suite 20
Rochester, NY 14625
Phone: (585) 218-9651
Fax: (585) 267-4037
Joint Replacement
Syracuse Orthopedic Specialists, PC
Community General Hospital; Specialists One Day Surgery Center
5719 Widewaters Parkway
Syracuse, NY 13214
Phone:(315) 251-3100
Fax: (315) 449-9923
Sports Medicine
Mount Sinai Medical Center
Manhattan Orthopedic & Sports Medicine Group
1065 Park Avenue

27-31 Crescent Street
New York, NY 10128

Long Island City, NY 11102
Phone: (212) 289-0700
Phone: (718) 204-0548
Fax: (212) 289-0171
Fax: (718) 932-8154
Additional Information: Sports medicine and arthroscopic surgery.
Community Orthopedics, P.C.
Multi-Specialty Group
Community General Syracuse N.Y
4900 Broad Road, Suite 3E
Syracuse, NY 13215
Phone: (315) 492-5864
Fax: (315) 492 5285
Sports Medicine, Shoulder Surgery, & Fracture Care
Syracuse Orthopedic Specialists, PC
Community General Hospital; Specialists One Day Surgery Center
5000 West Seneca Turnpike 5719 Widewaters Parkway
Syracuse , NY 13215 Syracuse, NY 13214
Phone: (315) 492-3636 Phone: (315) 251-3100
Fax: (315) 492-8787 Fax: (315) 449-9923
Sports Medicine, Shoulder & Knee
The Hospital for Special Surgery
525 East 71st Street, 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10021
Phone: (212) 606-1636
Fax: (212) 774-2605
Shoulder Surgery, Sports Medicine, Joint Replacement
Hospital For Special Surgery
535 E. 70 St

143 Sound Beach Avenue
New York, NY 10021

Old Greenwich, CT 06870
Phone: (212) 606-1966
Phone: (203) 698-3233
Additional Information: Arthroscopy, Rotator cuff disorders, Shoulder dislocations,

Shoulder replacement surgery.
Total Joint Replacement
Lenox Hill Hospital
Insall Scott Kelly Institute
210 East 64th Street, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10021
Phone: (212) 434-4420
Fax: (212) 434-4404
Additional Information: Team physician for the New York Knicks.

Head team physician for Arena League City Hawks and XFL Hitmen.
Orthopedic and Sports Medicine
Beth Israel Medical Center, Community Hospital at Dobbs Ferry, White Plains Hospital
Westchester Medical Group
YonkersWhite Plains
1915-25 Central Park Avenue
210 Westchester Avenue
Yonkers, NY 10710
White Plains, NY 10604
Phone: (914) 961-3437
Phone: (914) 682-6540
Fax: (914) 961-3589
Fax: (914) 682-6541
Additional Information: Orthopedics and Sports Medicine.

Specializing in arthroscopic surgery of the knee and shoulder.

Emergency appointments available.
Sports Medicine
Keller Army Hospital
900 Washington Road
West Point, NY 10996
Phone: (845) 938-4821
Fax: (845) 938-6806
Spine Surgery
Hospital For Joint Diseases/NYU, Mercy Medical Center, and Winthrop University Hospital
New York Spine Institute
Garden City:Manhattan:

Suffolk County:
1101 Stewart Avenue
530 First Avenue, Suite 8U
One Corporate Drive
Garden City NY 11530
New York, NY 10016
Bohemia, NY 11716
Phone: (516) 357-8777
Phone: (212) 213-5470
Phone: (631) 218-7616
Fax: (516) 357-0087
Fax: (212) 263-6096
Fax: (631) 589-8507
Diwan, Laxmidhar, M.D.
Orthopedic Surgery
North Shore University Hospital-Forest Hills; St John's Catholic Medical Center;
and Mt. Sinai Western Queens
Queens Arthroscopy & Sports Medicine
62-54 97th Place, Suite 2-H
Rego Park, NY 11374
Phone: (718) 271-7700
Foot and Ankle Orthopedics
Elmira Orthopaedic Associates, P.C.
100 John Roemmelt Drive, Sutie 102
Horseheads, NY 14845
Phone: (607)795-1666
Fax: (607)796-0839
Hand & Upper Extremity Surgery
NY·CONN Orthopaedic & Rehabilitation Specialists, PLLC
Stamford Hospital, Montefiore Medical Center
31 Strawberry Hill Avenue
230 Westchester Avenue 
Stamford, CT 06902
West Harrison, NY 10604 
Phone: (203) 325-8888
Phone: (914) 684-6113
Fax: (203) 359-2344
Fax: (914) 684-2740
Joint Replacement, Ceramic Hip Replacement, Hip Resurfacing,
Arthroscopic Surgery, Management of Cerebral Palsy
St. Charles Hospital, John T. Mather Memorial Hospital
East Setauket

Wadding River
6 Technology Drive

6144 Route 25A
East Setauket, NY 11733
East Setauket, NY 11733
Phone: (631) 689-6698
Phone: (631) 929-3100
Joint Replacement & Hand Surgery
Nathan Littauer Hospital, St. Mary's Hospital
Orthopaedic & Wellness Center
215 County Highway 128
Gloversville, NY 12078
Phone: (518) 773-7306
Fax: (518) 773-8511
Additional Information: Our office also provides physical therapy, orthotic services,

bone density testing, and neurology testing.
Hand & Upper Extremity Surgery
NY·CONN Orthopaedic & Rehabilitation Specialists, PLLC
Montefiore Medical Center, Northern Westchester Hospital,
New York Westchester Square Medical Center
1500 Astor Avenue
Suite 1E
Bronx, NY 10469
Phone: (718) 652-0003
Fax: (718) 652-0815
Somers Orthopaedic Surgery & Sports Medicine Group, PLLC
Putnam Hospital Center, Northern Westchester Hospital Center
Putnam County 

Orange CountyWestchester County
664 Stoneleigh Avenue
2 Victory Court

400 East Main Street
Suite 300

Newburgh, NY 12550
Suite 1W
Carmel, NY 10512
Phone: (845) 565-1454
Mount Kisco, NY 10549
Phone: (845) 278-8400
Fax: (845) 565-9803
Phone: (914) 242-8343
Fax: (845) 278-4321

Fax: (914) 242-8345
Additional Information: Office conversant in Spanish
Foot and Ankle Orthopaedic Surgery
Hospital for Special Surgery, NY Presbyterian
523 E 72nd St., 5th Floor
New York, NY 10021
Phone: (212) 606-1579
Fax: (212) 744-5086
Additional Information: Sports Injuries and Arthroscopy of the Foot and Ankle,

Minimally Invasive Achilles Tendon Repair,Tendon Reconstructions and Repairs,

Bunions and Toe Deformities, Arthritis of the Foot and Ankle
Multi-Specialty Group
Erie County Medical Center, Catholic Health System

Orchard ParkNiagara Falls
3925 Sheridan Drive
3055 Southwestern Blvd
Witmer Medical Park
Amherst, NY 14226
Suite 100

1 Colomba Driver #1
Phone: (716) 250-9999 Orchard Park, NY 14127
Niagara Falls, NY 14305

Phone: (716) 674-0040
Phone: (716) 297-7233
Hand & Upper Extremity Surgery
Syracuse Orthopedic Specialists, PC
Crouse Hospital; Specialists One Day Surgery Center
5719 Widewaters Parkway
Syracuse, NY 13214
Phone:(315) 251-3100
Fax: (315) 449-9923
Somers Orthopaedic Surgery & Sports Medicine Group, PLLC
Putnam Hospital Center, Northern Westchester Hospital Center, NYU-Hospital For Joint Diseases
Putnam County 

Orange County
664 Stoneleigh Avenue
2 Victory Court

Suite 300

Newburgh, NY 12550
Carmel, NY 10512
Phone: (845) 565-1454
Phone: (845) 278-8400
Fax: (845) 565-9803
Additional Information: Office conversant in Spanish
Sports Medicine
University Place Orthopaedics
St. Vincent’s Medical Center
95 University Place, 8th Floor
New York, NY 10003
Phone: (212) 604-1340
Fax: (212) 604-1338
Additional Information: Head team physician for New York Rangers,

Head team physician for Paris Basketball Racing Division 1.
Feldman, David S., M.D.
Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery
NYU Medical Center and The Hospital for Joint Diseases
67 Irving Place North, 8th Floor
New York, NY 10003
Phone: (212) 533-5310
Fax: (212) 533-5345
Additional Information: Scoliosis, Deformity correction, Limb lengthening, Joint preservation
Fisch, Robert, M.D., F.A.A.O.S.
Orthopedic Surgeon
South Nassau Communities Hospital
2280 Grand Avenue, Suite 201A
Baldwin, NY 11510
Phone: (516) 255-0600
Fax: (516) 378-1606 
Additional Information: Treats all adult and pediatric patients,

Additionally performs computerized total knee and hip replacement surgery.
Orthopedics and Sports Medicine
Advanced Orthopedics & Sports Medicine, PLLC
Good Samaritan Hospital (Suffern, NY) & Nyack Hospital (Nyack, NY)
2 Perlman Drive, Suite 204
Spring Valley, NY 10977
Phone: (845) 425-0555
Fax: (845) 426-6126
Somers Orthopaedic Surgery & Sports Medicine Group, PLLC
Putnam Hospital Center, Northern Westchester Hospital Center, NYU-Hospital For Joint Diseases
Putnam County 

Orange County
664 Stoneleigh Avenue
2 Victory Court

Suite 300

Newburgh, NY 12550
Carmel, NY 10512
Phone: (845) 565-1454
Phone: (845) 278-8400
Fax: (845) 565-9803
Additional Information: Office conversant in Spanish
Limb Reconstruction, Deformity Correction, Surgery of the Shoulder & Knee
Hospital for Special Surgery, NY Hospital Queens
HSS Institute for Limb Lengthening & Reconstruction
535 East 70th Street
New York, NY 10021
Phone: (212) 606-1550
Fax: (212) 606-1558
Hand & Wrist Surgery
White Plains Hospital Center
Bone & Joint Associates, LLP
7 Reservoir Road
North White Plains, NY 10603
Phone: (914) 684-0300
Fax: (914) 684-9783
Additional Information: Clinical Instructor, Yale University School of Medicine.
Medical Consultant, NY Rangers
Spine Surgery
Lenox Hill Hospital & Mount Sinai Medical Center
Spine Associates
1155 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10128
Phone: (212) 360-6500
Fax: (212) 360-6535
Scoliosis and Spine Surgery
Huntington Hospital, St. Catherine's of Sienna, North Shore Hospital Plainview,
New Island Hospital
1895 Walt Whitman Road
Melville, NY 11747
Phone: (631) 847-0200
Fax: (631) 847-3525
Minimally Invasive Hip & Knee replacement,
Partial Knee replacement, and Revision Joint Replacement
New York Presbyterian - Columbia University
New York Orthopaedic Hospital
622 West 168th Street, PH 1147
New York, NY 10032
Phone: (212) 305-1120
Fax: (212) 305-4024
Spine Surgery
University Orthopaedic Associates
An Affiliate of SUNY Downstate Medical Center
Dept. of Orthopaedic Surgery & Rehabilitation Medicine
Univ. Hospital of Brooklyn
U.O.A. Park Slope
Long Island College Hospital
470 Clarkson Avenue 33 Prospect Park West
339 Hicks Street
Suite ALL 1—460 Brooklyn, NY 11215
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Brooklyn, NY 11203
Phone: (718) 270-2045
Fax: (718) 270-3312
Additional Information: Specializing in minimally invasive spine procedures, degenerative diseases

of the back and neck, traumatic spinal injuries of the back and neck.

Translation available for over 100 languages
Hip & Knee Replacement Surgery
Mount Sinai Medical Center
Manhattan Orthopedic & Sports Medicine Group
1065 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10128
Phone: (212) 289-0700
Fax: (212) 289-0171
Additional Information: Orthopedic manifestation of hematologic disorders and fracture care.
Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery
Mount Sinai Medical Center
Manhattan Orthopedic & Sports Medicine Group
1065 Park Avenue

27-31 Crescent Street
New York, NY 10128

Long Island City, NY 11102
Phone: (212) 289-0700
Phone: (718) 204-0548
Fax: (212) 289-0171
Fax: (718) 932-8154
Additional Information: Reconstruction and treatment of fractures and soft tissue injuries.
Gladstone, James N., M.D.
Sports Medicine, Shoulder and Knee Arthroscopy, Cartilage Regeneration
Mount Sinai Medical Center
5 East 98th Street, 9th Floor
New York, NY 10029
Phone: (212) 241-1645
Fax: (212) 427-0208
Additional information: Conversant in French
Sports Medicine, Shoulder, Knee Arthroscopic Surgery
Mount Sinai Medical Center
159 East 74th Street
New York, NY 10021
Phone: (212) 794-5096
Fax: (212) 570-1507
Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery
St. Luke's Roosevelt Hospital Center
C.V. Starr Hand Surgery Center
1000 Tenth Avenue
New York, NY 10019
Phone: (212) 523-7590
Additional Information: Arthritis reconstruction, trauma, nerve compression
Goldmark, Harry, M.D.
General Orthopedics, Sports Medicine
Nyack Hospital
Briarcliff Orthopedics
160 North State Road
Briarcliff Manor, NY, 10510
Phone: (914) 941-7200
Fax: (914) 762-1843
General Orthopaedics & Knees
Madison Avenue Orthopaedic Associates, PC.
145 East 32nd Street, 4th Fl. 41-61 Kissena Blvd.
New York, NY 10016
Flushing, NY 11355
Phone: (212) 427-3986
Phone: (718) 353-7900
Fax: (212) 996-5949
Fax: (718) 353-9126
Orthopaedic Spine and Sports Medicine
Hospital for Special Surgery, New York Hospital, North Shore University, Hospital at Glen Cove
New York Physicians, LLP
635 Madison Avenue, Seventh Floor
New York, NY 10022
Phone: (212) 317-4600
Fax: (212) 759-1685
Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery
Hospital for Special Surgery
535 East 70th Street
143 Sound Beach Avenue
New York, NY 10021
Old Greenwich, CT 06870
Phone: (212) 606-1631 Phone: (212) 606-1631
Fax: (212) 774-2776
Fax: (212) 774-2776
Joint Replacement
Syracuse Orthopedic Specialists, PC
St. Joseph's Hospital & Health Center; Specialists One Day Surgery Center
5100 West Taft Road
4115 Medical Center Drive
Liverpool, NY 13088 Fayetteville, NY 13066
Phone: (315) 452-2120 Phone: (315) 329-7600
Fax: (315) 452-2118 Fax: (315) 329-7608
Joint Replacement
Syracuse Orthopedic Specialists, PC
St. Joseph's Hospital & Health Center; Specialists One Day Surgery Center
5100 West Taft Road
4115 Medical Center Drive
Liverpool, NY 13088 Fayetteville, NY 13066
Phone: (315) 452-2120 Phone: (315) 329-7600
Fax: (315) 452-2118 Fax: (315) 329-7608
Foot & Ankle Surgery; Trauma
New York-Presbyterian Hospital
622 West 168th Street
PH 11th Floor
New York, NY 10032
Phone: (212) 305-5604
Fax: (212) 305-4024
Sports Medicine
Additional Information: Professionally associated with the professional wrestlers of the WWE.
Gupta, Salil, M.D.
Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery
University Place Orthopaedics
NYU-Hospital for Joint Diseases, St. Vincent's,
Forest Hills Hospital(North Shore-LIJ), New York Methodist Hospital
95 University Place, 8th Floor
69-67 108th Street
New York, NY 10003
Forest Hills, NY 11375
Phone: (212) 400-6200
Phone: (212) 400-6200
Fax: (212) 604-1379
Fax: (212) 604-1379
Additional information: Clinical Assistant Professor NYU School of Medicine,

Department of Orthopaedic Surgery.

Specializes in arthritis, reconstruction, trauma, nerve entrapment,
Lenox Hill Hospital & Beth Israel South
62 East 88th Street
134-21 Maple Avenue
New York, NY 10128
Flushing, NY 11355
Phone: (212) 876-7000
Phone: (718) 393-7070
Fax: (845) 876-3200
Fax: (718) 493-0110
Additional Information: Spanish and Russian Speaking Staff
Shoulders, Elbows, Wrists, Hips, Knees, Foot and Ankle
HAAR Orthopedics and Sports Medicine
Lenox Hill Hospital & Beth Israel South
62 East 88th Street
134-21 Maple Avenue
New York, NY 10128
Flushing, NY 11355
Phone: (212) 876-7000
Phone: (718) 393-7070
Fax: (845) 876-3200
Fax: (718) 493-0110
Additional Information: Spanish and Russian Speaking Staff.
Spine Surgery
Syracuse Orthopedic Specialists, PC
St. Joseph's Hospital & Health Center; Specialists One Day Surgery Center
5719 Widewaters Parkway
Syracuse, NY 13214
Phone:(315) 251-3100
Fax: (315) 449-9923
Halpenny, John S., M.D.
20 Elm Street Suite 6
Hornell, NY 14843
Phone: (607) 324-3295
Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery
Millard Fillmore Gates Circle Hospital
3 Gates Circle

115 Flint Road
Buffalo, NY 14209

Williamsville, NY 14221
Phone: (716) 887-4040

Phone: (716) 887-4040
Fax: (716) 887-5090

Fax: (716) 887-5090
Orchard Park

Niagara Falls
200 Sterling Park

6934 Williams Road, Suite 600
Orchard Park, NY 14127
Niagara Falls, NY 14304
Phone: (716) 887-4040
Phone: (716) 887-4040
Fax: (716) 887-5090
Fax: (716) 887-5090
Additional Information: Surgical and non-surgical treatment of hand and upper extremity problems.
Hand Surgery
Mount Sinai Medical Center
5 East 98th Street, 9th Floor
New York, NY 10029
Phone : 212-241-8892
Spine Surgery & Minimaly Invasive Spine Surgery
Mount Sinai Medical Center
5 East 98th Street, 9th Floor
New York, NY 10029
Phone: (212) 241-8892
Fax: (212) 423-0827
Additional Information: Spine Surgical Consultant for New York Jets, New York Islanders,

Hofstra Univeristy, and Molloy College. Cervical and Lumbar Spine

Disorders, Cervical Disc Surgery, Lumbar Disk Surgery,

Minimally Invasive Surgery, Spinal Fusion, Motion preservation.
Orthopaedic Trauma, Complex Fractures, Unhealed Fractures, Pelvic & Acetabular Fractures,
and Polytrauma
Hospital for Special Surgery, New York Presbyterian Hospital
New York Orthopaedic Trauma Service (NYOTS)
535 East 70th Street
New York, NY 10021
Phone: (212) 606-1888
Fax: (212) 628-4473
Additional Information: Polytrauma patients with orthopaedic injuries, Fractures in older populations,

Fractures related to osteoporosis/insufficiency fractures, Fractures around a prosthetic joint,

Stress fractures, Fractures in athletes, Joint preserving techniques following severe joint injuries,

Fractures that did not heal with previous treatment, Procedures to correct bony alignment, Limb

lengthening, Minimally invasive surgery, Pathologic fractures, and many other conditions.

Contact us with any questions.
Sports Medicine - Knee arthroscopy & reconstruction
Manhattan Orthopaedics, P.C.
130 East 77th Street, 7th Floor
New York, NY 10021
Phone: (212) 744-8114
Fax: (212) 472-5624
North Shore University Hospital, St. Lukes Roosevelt, Columbia Presbyterian
333 East Shore Road, Suite 101 16 East 60th Street
Manhasset, NY 11030 New York, NY 10021
Phone: (516) 466-3351
Phone: (212) 935-0464
Fax: (516) 466-3358
Fax: (516) 466-3358
Additional Information: Orthopedic Surgery, Arthroscopic Surgery, & Sports Medicine.

Team physician to the New York Yankees.
Spine Surgery
Hospital for Special Surgery, New York Weill Cornell Medical Center
523 East 70th Street
New York, NY 10021
Phone: (212) 606-1634
Fax: (212) 774-7130
Additional Information: Minimally invasive spine surger. Spinal stenosis. Disc herniation. Scoliosis.
Iannotti, Sandra MD, FAAOS
Orthopedic & Sports Medicine
North Shore Orthopedic Surgery and Sports Medicine
St. Catherine of Siena
48 Route 25A, Suite 106
Smithtown, New York 11787
Phone: (631) 863-1007
Fax: (631) 862-3668
North Shore Hospital, Winthrop Hospital, South Nassau Hospital
81 N. Broadway
Hicksville, NY 11801
Phone: 516-933-4350
Fax: 516-933-4352
Multi-Specialty Group
Lenox Hill Hospital, Franklin Hospital
210 East 64th Street, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10021
Phone: (212) 434-4310
Fax: (212) 434-4404
Joint Replacement
Syracuse Orthopedic Specialists, PC
Crouse Hospital; Specialists One Day Surgery Center
5719 Widewaters Parkway
Syracuse, NY 13214
Phone:(315) 251-3100
Fax: (315) 449-9923
Board certified Orthopaedic Surgeon
Charles E. Jordan MD PC
751 Pre-Emption Road, Suite 1
Geneva, New York 14456
Phone: (315) 789-2849
Fax: (315) 789-2866
Additional Information: Independent Orthopaedic Medical Examinations
Total Joint Replacement, General Orthopedics
Lenox Hill Hospital, Franklin Hospital
Insall Scott Kelly Institute
210 East 64th Street, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10021
Phone: (212) 434-4420
Fax: (212) 434-4404
Sports Medicine
Lenox Hill Hospital
Insall Scott Kelly Institute
210 East 64th Street, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10021
Phone: (212) 434-4420
Fax: (212) 434-4404
Additional Information: Specializes in sports-related injuries to the hip, knee, shoulder, and elbow

with a particular interest in the throwing athlete.
Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery
Millard Fillmore Gates Circle Hospital
BuffaloOrchard Park
3 Gates Circle

200 Sterling Park
Buffalo, NY 14209

Orchard Park, NY 14127
Phone: (716) 887-4040

Phone: (716) 887-4040
Fax: (716) 887-5090

Fax: (716) 887-5090
Additional Information: Surgical and non-surgical treatment of hand and upper extremity problems.
Oncology / Orthopedic Oncologic Reconstruction
New York University Medical Center
317 East 34th Street
New York, NY 10016
Phone : 212-684-5511
Foot and Ankle Surgery
Hospital for Special Surgery
523 East 72nd Street, Suite 514
New York, NY 10021
Phone: (212) 606-1104
Fax: (212) 717-1016
Additional Information: Special Interests: Osteochondral injuries of the foot and ankle;

Arthroscopy of the small and large joints; Sports injuries including fractures and

soft tissue injuries of the foot and ankle; Posterior tibial tendon reconstruction;

Ankle Instability.
Somers Orthopaedic Surgery & Sports Medicine Group, PLLC
Putnam Hospital Center, Northern Westchester Hospital Center, NYU-Hospital For Joint Diseases
Putnam County 

Orange CountyWestchester County
664 Stoneleigh Avenue
2 Victory Court

400 East Main Street
Suite 300

Newburgh, NY 12550
Suite 1W
Carmel, NY 10512
Phone: (845) 565-1454
Mount Kisco, NY 10549
Phone: (845) 278-8400
Fax: (845) 565-9803
Phone: (914) 242-8343
Fax: (845) 278-4321

Fax: (914) 242-8345
Additional Information: Office conversant in Spanish
Khanuja, Ajit S., M.D.
Orthopedic and Hand Surgery
Seton Health and Samaritan
1444 Massachusetts Avenue, Suite 203
Troy, NY 12180
Phone: (518) 271-8300
Fax: (518) 271-1427
Spine Surgery
Madison Avenue Orthopaedic Associates, PC.
NYU - Hospital for Joint Diseases
1245 Madison Avenue
41-61 Kissena Blvd.
New York, NY 10128
Flushing, New York 11355
Phone: (212) 427-3986
Phone: (718) 353-7900
Fax: (212) 996-5949
Fax: (718) 353-9126
Orthopedic Surgery, Sports Medicine, & Independent Medical Examinations
Glens Falls Hospital
25 Willowbrook Road, Suite 2
Queensbury, NY 12804
Phone: (518) 793-9156
Fax: (518) 793-6591
Orthopedic Surgery, Sports Medicine, & Independent Medical Examinations
Glens Falls Hospital
25 Willowbrook Road, Suite 2
Queensbury, NY 12804
Phone: (518) 793-9156
Fax: (518) 793-6591
Sports Medicine
Mount Sinai Hospital
Manhattan Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Group
1065 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10128
Phone: (212) 289-0700
Fax: (212) 289-0171
Additional Information: Arthroscopic surgery of the knee and shoulder
Koenig, Jan A., M.D.
Adult Reconstructive Surgery of the Hip and Knee
Mercy Medical Center, Winthrop University Hospital
Orthopaedic Excellence of Long Island, P.C.
2000 N. Village Avenue, Suite 306
Rockville Centre, NY 11570
Phone: (516) 678-2232
Fax: (516) 678-8405
Kramer, Mark M., MD
Total Joint Replacement & Sports Medicine
St. John's, Our Lady of Mercy, Mount Vernon
Cohen & Kramer, MD, PC
One Pondfield Road
Bronxville, NY 10708
Phone: (914) 337-5956
Fax: (914) 337-6055
Additional Information: Office conversant in Spanish.
Sports Medicine
77 Nelson Street, Suite 120
Auburn, NY 13021
Phone: (315) 252-7559
Fax: (607) 257-0156
Orthopedics and Sports Medicine
Advanced Orthopedics & Sports Medicine, PLLC
Good Samaritan Hospital (Suffern, NY) & Nyack Hospital (Nyack, NY)
2 Perlman Drive, Suite 204
Spring Valley, NY 10977
Phone: (845) 425-0555
Fax: (845) 426-6126
Orthopaedic Surgery - Shoulder & Elbow
NYU Hospital for Joint Diseases
301 East 17th Street
New York, NY 10003
Phone: (212) 598-6355
A Better Foot Care Group
Abatemarco Audrey Dr
Abramow Steven P DPM
Academy Food and Ankle Associates of Greatr NW YRK
Accurate Foot Care
Adler Footcare of Greater New York
Advance Podiatry Associates
Advanced Foot Care Associates
Affiliated Foot Group
Altman Scott Dr Podiatrist
Amazing Feet Podiatry Pc
Ambulatory Medical-Foot Care
Antman Marc Dr
Antonetz Theodore Dpm
Appel Beth Dpm
Ashman McDonald C Dpm
Associated Foot & Ankle Specialists LLC
Astoria Advance Footcare
Auricchio John
Baptist Mazel Dpm
Bar-David Tzvi Dpm
Barkatullah Zia S Dpm Podiatrist
Barkoff Matthew Dr Podiatrist
Battagliola Hank
Battery Park City Podiatry
Bell Ira
Bennett Stephen DPM
Bernstein Stuart M Podiatrist
Betschart, Paul J. DPM
Blakeman Inna Dr Pdtrst
Board Certified Footcare Group
Brandoff Craig Podiatrist
Brookman Frederick R Dr Podiatrist
Brummer John Md
Brunetti Michael DPM
Capa Camille DPM
Carnegie Hall Area Podiatry Ofc
Cavaliere Raymond G Dpm
Center For Podiatric Care & Sports Medicine
Chauhan Pushpa DPM
Chelsea Foot Care Center
Chin Danny DPM
China Town Foot Clinic
Christopher J Ferguson Dpm Mid Is Podtry Asscts Pc
City Foot Care Dpm
CL Foot Reflextology
Cohen Greg
Cohen Larry Dr DPM
Connors John DPM
Conservative Footcare
Cosmopolitan Foot Care
D'Amico Joseph C Dr
Dauber Stanley Dpm Pc
Davi D
David David Inc
David Dixon
Davison Glenn A DPM
Delauro Thomas M
Delmonte Rick J DPM
Denicola Michael J
Deutsch William Dpm
Dimichino Ben
Dixon David
Downtown Podiatry
Dr Jimmy Seese Kim
Dr. Adam Resnikoff
Dr. Brian J. Schultz, Podiatrist/Foot Surgeon
Dr.Adam Resnikoff
Drucker Paul Dpm
Drucker Paul Dr
Drucker Paul Podiatrist
Drummer F Rubenstein S
Duggan Joseph
Eackloff Laura Dpm
East Side Podiatric Medical Care
East Village Foot Care Center
Eastside Professional Assoc
Eichen Joseph
Estrada-Gonzalez Luz Dpm
Evans Gary S Dr Podiatrist
Falcone Jeffrey DPM
Farber Alan M Dr Podiatrist
Feet For Life
Feinman Lewis M Dr Podiatrist
Ficke Henry E Podiatrist
Firshein Daniel B Dr
Foot And Foot Inc
Foot Care Podiatry
Foot Clinics Of New York
Fox Joseph Podiatrist
Frankel Richard Pc & Associates Dpm
Freidman Howard E DPM
Freistat Naomi I Dpm
Friendly Doctor Inc
Fulton Street Chiropractic
Fung-Schwartz, Jennifer
Galli Louis C Dpm
Geldwert Josef J Dpm Facfs
Geller Daniel
Gershman Arnold Dr
Gewirtz Jeffrey B Dpm
Gittleman Marc Podiatrist
Glasser Jeffrey
Glubo Les Dr
Golden M & T Trading Inc
Goldenberg & Summers
Goldenberg Melvyn S Podiatrist
Goldman Thomas Dr
Goldring Samuel N Dpm
Goldstein Israel
Goldstein Jeffery A Md
Goldstein Richard J DPM
Gramercy Park Foot & Ankle Medical Center
Gramercy Park Foot Care Center
Grand Central Foot Care
Grand Central Podiatry
Great Neck Podiatry Associates
Green Sanford M
Greenberg Paul M DPM
Greenblatt Gregg
Greene Sherri
Grossman J Dr Podiatrist
Guarino Anthony DPM
Hans Roger A Podiatrist
Harris John C Dr Podiatrist
Hausen Scott
Hausman Lionel G DPM
Hazan Martin Dr
Herstik Ivan G Dpm
Hoang Hao
Hochman Stephanie Dpm
Hoorfar Jaleh Dr Podiatrist
Institute Beaute
Isaacson Ernest Dpm
Ivanovs Ray
Jacobs William Dr Podiatrist
Janson Kristin Podiatrist
Jaworsky Wolfgang
Johansson Karin DPM
Johnston Vanda Dr
Joshi Jignasa
Jurcisin John
Kamen Stewart Dr Podiatrist
Kaplan & Leblang Drs
Karman Pamela
Katz Harvey Dr
Kavanagh Elisa M Dpm
Kim Hannah Dpm
Kitton Stuart E Dr Podiatrist
Klapper Stanley Dr
Klein & Khoobyar Dpm Pc
Klein David E Podiatrist
Klein Stanley Jay DPM
Korponay James Dr Podiatrist
Kushner Richard M DPM
L & S Podiatry
Landi Donna T Podiatrist
Landman Moser Foot Care
Landman Steven Dpm Pc
Lans Allan Dr
Larchmont Manor Family Foot Care
Lashley Bruce DPM
Lautin Everett MD
Lazar Paul Dpm
Lebensfeld Kirk Dr Podiatrist
Lee Zung Dr Podiatrist
Leff Jerome B DMD
Levi Ernest S
Levine Peter Dpm
Levine Russ DPM
Liang Jian Q Dpm
Liswood Fred E Podiatrist
Lo Chester C Dr Dpm Pc
Louis Howard DPM
Lubell Kenneth Dr
Lurie Scott R DPM
Maccabee Robert C DPM
Madison Avenue Foot Care
Maiden Lane Podiatry Pc
Mancuso John E DPM
Mandel Marilyn Dr Podiatrist
Manhattan East Footcare
Manhattan Foot & Ankle Care, P.C.
Manhattan Footcare
Manhattan Home Podiatric
Manhattan Podiatry
Manhattan Podiatry Associates P C
Marc Seth-Jon Schumann Associate
Markinson Bryan C DPM
Matta Diana Dpm
Meisler Kenneth Dr
Menna Steve DPM
Messenger Philip Dr
Metropolitan Foot Group
Metropolitan Foot Health Center
Michael Thompson Inc
Midtown 57th Street Foot & Ankle Specialists
Mietler John P
Milidantri James Dr
Mitchell Kenneth J Md
Mogul Stuart J Dr
Morreale Edward Dpm
Moser Marc Dr Podiatrist
Moskowitz Kenneth
Murray Hill Foot Clinic
Murray Hill Foot Surgical Center
Murray Hill Podiatric Associates
Napoli Angelo Podiatrist
Nau Edgard DPM
Neil Zweibel
Nevers Harry M Dpm
New York City Podiatrist - Manhattan Footcare
New York College of Podiatric Medicine
New York Foot Group
New York Foot Medicine & Surgery Pc
New York Podiatric Association
New York Podiatry Clinic
New York State Podiatric Medical Association
Novella Thomas M Dpm
NY Footcare Pc
Office Calls Podiatry
Oringer Gary D
Pace George DPM
Park East Podiatry
Path Medical Of Ny
Paul Bernstein
Penny Thomas Podiatrist
Perel Elliot
Petti Michael J Dr Podiatrist
Pie Alegre En Calle 181 Llamenos A
Plaza Foot Care PC
Plotka Steven D Dr
Podiatry House Call Service Pry MDCL Srgcl Assct
Podiatry Medical-Surgical Associates
Podiatry Michael Enicola
Pogensky Bernard
Porter Jacqueline Dr
Positano Rock G Dpm
Price David Podiatrist
Price Susan Inc
Progressive Foot Care Associates
Quinn Brian P Dpm
Rauchwerger Orna Dpm
Rich Thomas
Richardson John J Dr Podiatrist
Richter David Dr Podiatrist
Rizzo V J Dr
Roberts Elizabeth H DPM
Robins Howard
Rocco V Dpm
Rock Gregg D
Rosas Howard Dpm
Rosen Alan Dr
Rosen Paul Dds
Rosenbaum Arthur Podiatrist
Rosenberg Herman Dr Podiatrist
Rosenblatt Edwin J DPM
Rosenblum Arthur MD
Rosenstein Bernard Dpm Pc
Rosenzweig David P DPM
Rossman David L Dpm
Roth Martin L
Rottenberg Fabienne Dpm
Rubenstein Scott
Ruppert Yorkville Footcare Center
Salkin David Dc
Sandler Scott
Schaffer, Schonholz & Drossman, LLP
Schlesinger William
Schumacher Michael Podiatrist
Schumann Norman S DPM MD PC
Seema Ramcharitar Amante
Selig David
Sellitto Rocco Dr
Seward Podiatry
Shapiro Marcus
Shavelson Dennis Dpm
Shavelson-Piccora Podiatrists
Sherman Gary J DPM
Shindler Steven B DPM
Shulman Alan Podiatrist
Silver Karen Dpm
Silverstein Alan B Dr
Singer Robert H
Slater Lawrence D M P
Soika Irene DPM
Specker Robert W
Spellman Dean
Spielfogel William Dr Podiatrist
Spilken Terry L Dr
Spivack Joel L MD
Splendid Cleaners
Springer Keith
Steinberg Richard DPM
Stern Eric F DPM
Strassman David Podiatrist
Strauss Harvey Dpm Pc
Sunnyside Family Footcare
Sunrise Foot Care
Sutton Place Podiatry Associates
The Foot Doctor
The Moyer Group Inc
Torres Jamie R Dpm
Total Medical Footcare Group
Tower Podiatry P.c
Trahan Russell F
Tsim Cristina DPM
Universal Podiatry
Upper Manhattan East Foot Care Inc
Velasco Debora Dpm
Village Footcare
Volpe Russell G
Wasserman Benjamin Dr Podiatrist
Weber Gerald Podiatrists
Weintraub George Dpm
Weintraub Jorge Dpm
Weisenfeld Lori Dr Podiatrist
Weiss Glenn B Podiatrist
Werter Ronald Dr
West Alan L Podiatrist
West Village Podiatry Associates
White Josh Dpm Cped
Whitman Philip L Podiatrist
Whitney Harold H Podiatrist
Wilmer Morris Dpm
Wolf Edwin W Podiatrist
Wolf Frank DPM
Wolfson Jeffrey G Dr
Wolfson Samuel
Xin Zheng Lic Ac
Yorkville Foot & Back
Youner Johanna Dr Podiatrist
Young Simon PC
Youngewirth Elizabeth DPM
Yu Song Dr
Zaghi Ramin Dpm Pc
Zagon Alan H Dgn Dr
Zaiff Howard Dr
Zboinski John L Dpm
Zisa John J Dr
Zung Le Dpm
Steve Abraham, DPM
Ivan P. Abrahamson, DPM
Hal Abrahamson, DPM
Steven Paul Abramow, DPM
John Addino, DPM
Robert S. Adelman, DPM
Jeffrey L. Adler, DPM
Joan C. Adler, DPM
Karen Marie Aglietti, DPM
Stephen L. Alchermes, DPM
Maryanne Alongi, DPM
Scott Altman, DPM
Warren Altwerger, DPM
Richard A. Altwerger, DPM
Susan Amico, DPM
Joseph M. Anain, Jr., DPM
Theodore Antonetz, DPM
Ioanis Arapidis, DPM
Krista A. Archer, DPM
David B. Arkin, DPM
Frank R. Aronica, DPM
Mark J. Aronson, DPM
Carlo S. Asaro, DPM
Joseph L. Assini, DPM
Gregg Keith Atlas, DPM
Paul Brian Atlas, DPM
Wayne R. Axman, DPM
Steven B. Axt, DPM
Jerome E. Bagner, DPM
Michael Bahlatzis, DPM
Shimone Bain, DPM
Henry M. Balboa, DPM
Robert P. Baldauf, DPM
Tzvi Bar-David, DPM
Brian D. Baraban, DPM
Thomas Barbaro, DPM
Lloyd A. Bardfeld, DPM
Michael D. Barkin, DPM
Steven L. Barkoff, DPM
Matthew W. Barkoff, DPM
Thomas K. Barlis, DPM
Donna Marie Barrese, DPM
Kathleen Barrett-Guarino, DPM
Howard Baskin, DPM
Elliot L. Bass, DPM
Fara Bass, DPM
Jack Bastow, DPM
Susheel Bathla, DPM
Chad A. Batzing, DPM
Paul H. Baumgarten, DPM
Debbie P. Bautista, DPM
Frank R. Bayerbach, DPM
Justin C. Beabes, DPM
Jack S. Becker, DPM
Paul Israel Belitz, DPM
Burt L. Bell, DPM
Richard A. Belli, DPM
Marc L. Bendeth, DPM
Stephen J. Bennett, DPM
Nicolas R. Benoit, DPM
Gordon J. Berg, DPM
Gregory J. Bergamo, DPM
Sondra K. Berger, DPM
Gerald J. Bergman, DPM
Richard C. Berkowitz, DPM
Jill Mandi Berkowitz-Berliner, DPM
Kim J. Berlin, DPM
Richard Alan Berliner, DPM
Alan N. Berman, DPM
Harvey M. Bernstein, DPM
Brent H. Bernstein, DPM
Stuart M. Bernstein, DPM
Ira Stuart Bernstein, DPM
Paul J. Betschart, DPM
Ishali R. Bhatia, DPM
Bhaskar Bhattacharyya, DPM
Alan S. Biener, DPM
Bob S. Biller, DPM
Mary Ann Bilotti, DPM
Andrew J. Birch, DPM
Gregory M. Birch, DPM
Stuart C. Birnbaum, DPM
Howard M. Blank, DPM
Neil Gene Blatt, DPM
Bruce N. Block, DPM
Barry H. Block, DPM, JD
Wayne B. Bloom, DPM
Wayne J. Bodamer, DPM
Stefan Bojsiuk, DPM
Edward J. Bonavilla, DPM
Elina Bover, DPM
Myron C. Boxer, DPM
Marilyn S. Boyuka, DPM
Maria A. Branca, DPM
Mitchell J. Breidbart, DPM
Debra Breitman, DPM
Marc A. Brenner, DPM
Hillary B. Brenner, DPM
Evan G. Breth, DPM
James E. Broderick, DPM
Christopher K. Bromley, DPM
Steven D. Brook, DPM
John J. Brummer, DPM
Michael J. Brunetti, DPM
Linda A. Bubbers, DPM
Joseph Albert Buenahora, DPM
William F. Buffone, DPM
Joseph S. Burke, DPM
Edward A. Buro, DPM
James C. Burruano, DPM
David Burstein, DPM
John L. Burzotta, DPM
Brian Butler, DPM
Marva Butters, DPM
Frederick D. Buxbaum, DPM
Francis X. Caimano, DPM
Daniel J. Caiola, DPM
Peter W. Calabrese, DPM
Robert J. Califano, DPM
Domenick A. Calise, DPM
Glenn W. Callahan, DPM
Suzi Campanaro, DPM
Craig John Campbell, DPM
Andrew Campbell, DPM
Douglas Edward Campbell, DPM
Nicholas J. Campion, DPM
Alan J. Cantor, DPM
Camille J. Capa, DPM
Loreto Capogna, DPM
John Joseph Caponigro, DPM
Louis R. Cappa, DPM
John Cappa, DPM
Russell R. Caprioli, DPM
Enrico Caprioni, DPM
Joseph L. Carbone, DPM
Michael P. Carioscia, DPM
Lawrence S. Carlton, DPM
Janet Carney, DPM
Jeffrey M. Carrel, DPM
Michael Cassano, DPM
Robert J. Castelli, DPM
Michelle A. Castiello, DPM
Dominic Joseph Catanese, DPM
Raymond G. Cavaliere, DPM
Joseph W. Cavuoto, DPM
Puneet S. Chahal, DPM
David V. Chazan, DPM
Tracey Allison Che, DPM
Jean T. Chen-Vitulli, DPM
Angela K. Cheng, DPM
Tung W. Cheng, DPM
Stephen Barry Chernick, DPM
Andrew S. Chernow, DPM
Hiram Chirel, DPM
Mohammed Salin Chowdhury, DPM
Brian N. Christiansen, DPM
Gerald V. Ciccarello, DPM
Ethan J. Ciment, DPM
Jordan Michael Ciner, DPM
Joseph A. Cione, DPM
Greg E. Cohen, DPM
Rory S. Cohen, DPM
Randy E. Cohen, DPM
Iris E. Cohn, DPM
Jay A. Comassar, DPM
Nancy Ann Condro, DPM
Robert M. Conenello, DPM
Fiona G. Connolly, DPM
Gus A. Constantouris, DPM
Michael A. Conway, DPM
Kenneth E. Coombs, DPM
Mitchell A. Cooperman, DPM
Steven J. Cornell, DPM
Michael Costantino, DPM
Thomas E. Couch, Jr., DPM
Charles F. Coyle, Jr., DPM
Brooke V. Crowley, DPM
Timothy A. Culliton, DPM
Phillip C. Culliton, DPM
Peter Cutler, DPM
Maryann D'Amara-Gochman, DPM
Theodore A. D'Amato, DPM
Edward L. D'Amico, DPM
Joseph C. D'Amico, DPM
Janis R. D'Angelo, DPM
Nicholas A. D'Angelo, DPM
Jeffrey Dacher, DPM
Bill W. Dalosis, DPM
Pamela L. Daly, DPM
Vanessa M. Darmochwal, DPM
Michael R. Dattero, DPM
Stanley E. Dauber, DPM
David M. Davidson, DPM
Daniel Davies, DPM
Gregory F. Davies, DPM
Thomas Davies, DPM
Pamela L. Dayton, DPM
James R. De Meo, DPM
Robert L. DeCarlo, DPM
John J. Decicco, DPM
Jeyce DeClue, DPM
Roy R. DeFrancis, DPM
James A. DeFrancisco, DPM
Thomas M. DeLauro, DPM
Michael P. DellaCorte, DPM
Joseph A. Dellolio, DPM
Rick J. Delmonte, DPM
James J. DeLorenzo, DPM
Rui DeMelo, DPM
Spero E. Demoleas, DPM
Lester N. Dennis, DPM
Pasquale M. DeSanto, DPM
Frank P. DeSio, DPM
George M. DeVito, DPM
Joaquin Diaz, Jr., DPM
Robert C. DiCaprio, DPM
Douglas J. Dickson, DPM
John R. DiMarinis, DPM
Robert Dimiceli, DPM
Ben R. Dimichino, DPM
Nadya E. Dimitrov, DPM
James P. DiNovis, DPM
Howard Dinowitz, DPM
Joseph G. DiPrima, DPM
Dino DiTrolio, DPM
Raymond DiVasto, DPM
David B. Dixon, DPM
Kathleen M. Dodsworth, DPM
Richard S. Donela, DPM
Joseph P. Donnery, DPM
John Cornelius Donovan, DPM
John J. Doolan, DPM
Leonard Drayzen, DPM
Yelena Dreyzina, DPM
Paul Drucker, DPM
Dawn K. Dryden, DPM
Kristina Dugandzic, DPM
Jay L. Duhl, DPM
Deanna E. Duran, DPM
Mark C. Durkin, DPM
William Michael Dutch, Jr., DPM
Peter Q. Dyner, DPM
Paul Eric Eckstein, DPM
Freddie L. Edelman, DPM
Michael Charles Edelstein, DPM
George D. Emmons, DPM
Robert D. Engel, DPM
Geoffrey C. Epstein, DPM
Steven B. Epstein, DPM
Albert C. Esposito, DPM
Anthony Joseph Esposito, DPM
Sathiya Eswarathasan, DPM
Vincent Evangelista, DPM
Gary S. Evans, DPM
Denise G. Everette, DPM
Keith Factor, DPM
Ovidio Joseph Falcone, DPM
Jeffrey Joseph Falcone, DPM
Brian Andrew Fallon, DPM
Ross L. Fanara, DPM
Brian E. Fanno, DPM
Gary J. Farbstein, DPM
Patricia B. Farragher, DPM
James W. Farrell, DPM
Dennis Fassman, DPM
Donald S. Feldman, DPM
Christopher J. Ferguson, DPM
Raymond Gerard Ferguson, Jr., DPM
Cynthia S. Ferrelli, DPM
Steven E. Fessel, DPM
Joseph S. Ficchi, DPM
Barry A. Fields, DPM
Dawn O. Figlo, DPM
Robert M. Fine, DPM
Edward Finger, DPM
Dominic Fiorenza, DPM
Douglas P. Fiorillo, DPM
Daniel B. Firshein, DPM
Bruce Fischer, DPM
Eddie Fischman, DPM
Jeffrey Fishman, DPM
Phillip David Forman, DPM
Joseph S. Fox, DPM
Howard R. Fox, DPM
Corey Fox, DPM
Richard H. Frankel, DPM
Sandro Frasca, DPM
Beth Renee Freeling, DPM
Ronald M. Freeling, DPM
Naomi I. Freistat, DPM
Mark B. Friedman, DPM
Howard E. Friedman, DPM
Edward Fryman, DPM
David Bruce Fuchs, DPM
Jennifer Nathalie Fung-Schwartz, DPM
Gerard J. Furst, DPM
Joseph Paul Gabryszewski, DPM
Louis C. Galli, DPM
Afshin Ganjian, DPM
Robert B. Garbus, DPM
Gary Garbus, DPM
Sandra P. Garcia-Santamaria, DPM
James G. Gardiner, DPM
Gail F. Garofalo, DPM
Mark C. Gasparini, DPM
Scott C. Gawlik, DPM
Josef J. Geldwert, DPM
Joel L. Gellen, DPM
Parker Miles Gennett, DPM
Richard Gensheimer, DPM
Leonard S. Gerber, DPM
Arnold Gershman, DPM
Joseph Gervasio, DPM
Jeffrey B. Gewirtz, DPM
Philip A. Giammarino, DPM
Michael Giannone, DPM
Lewis G. Giglia, DPM
Robert Gilfert, DPM
Errol L. Gindi, DPM
Marc D. Ginsburg, DPM
Michael Giordano, DPM
Richard S. Giordano, DPM
Renato J. Giorgini, DPM
Tara L. Giorgini, DPM
Daniel Girardi, DPM
Jeffrey E. Glaser, DPM
Jerome B. Glassmith, DPM
Les J. Glubo, DPM
Ronald S. Gmerek, DPM
James Goetz, DPM
Emilio A. Goez, DPM
Ellen L. Golden, DPM
Seth L. Golden, DPM
Samuel N. Goldring, DPM
Richard J. Goldstein, DPM
Stanley Goldstein, DPM
Kenneth T. Goldstein, DPM
Neil Golombeck, DPM
Cary M. Golub, DPM
Warren J. Goodman, DPM
David J. Gordon, DPM
Enid Goris, DPM
Robert J. Gottlieb, DPM
Vincent Gramuglia, DPM
Daniel Grapel, DPM
Mitchell Greenbaum, DPM
Bruce Greenbaum, DPM
Paul M. Greenberg, DPM
Alan Jeffrey Greenberg, DPM
Gregg M. Greenblatt, DPM
Lance I. Greiff, DPM
Patrick Grippo, DPM
Patrick J. Grisafi, DPM
Marc A. Grosack, DPM
Murray Grossman, DPM
Myles Grossman, DPM
Melvyn Grovit, DPM
Michael Gruttadauria, DPM
Anthony C. Guarino, DPM
Arthur Gudeon, DPM
David Gutierrez, DPM
Aaron J. Gutman, DPM
Mark Gventer, DPM
Melvin Z. Haber, DPM
John Gregory Haight, DPM
Fay P. Halpern, DPM
James Robert Hanna, DPM
Roger Hans, DPM
William M. Hansen, DPM
Esther Hansen, DPM
Michael I. Hanzly, DPM
Thomas Hassenfratz, DPM
Joseph E. Hatef, DPM
Lionel G. Hausman, DPM
David P. Heller, DPM
Scott E. Herbert, DPM
Daniel G. Herbowy, DPM
Craig Herman, DPM
Kenneth Joseph Hernandez, DPM
Dennis M. Hershey, DPM
Ivan Herstik, DPM
Zeev Hertz, DPM
Arnold Marc Hertz, DPM
John J. Hickey, DPM
David E. High, DPM
Peter J. Hirschhorn, DPM
Hao Ton Hoang, DPM
Mark P. Hobaica, DPM
Charles F. Hobaica, DPM
Pamela S. Hoffman, DPM
James F. Hogan, DPM
Joseph T. Hogan, DPM
William A. Holley, DPM
Jaleh E. Hoorfar, DPM
Jamie George Hopkins, DPM
Kevin R. Hopson, DPM
Lawrence P. Horl, DPM
Mitchell Horowitz, DPM
Jeffrey R. Horowitz, DPM
Harold A. Horowitz, DPM
Neal P. Houslanger, DPM
Marc J. Hudes, DPM
Mark Hupart, DPM
John P. Hurley, DPM
Jennifer Hutton, DPM
Anthony R. Iorio, DPM
Robert A. Irwin, DPM
Ernest L. Isaacson, DPM
Calvin A. Isralow, DPM
Zevi W. Isseroff, DPM
Ilana Itenberg, DPM
Michael A. Izzo, DPM
Louis D. Jablin, DPM
Louis W. Jacobs, DPM
Lawrence S. Jacowitz, DPM
Marc Stephen Jaffe, DPM
Wolfgang J. Jaworsky, DPM
Daniel Jeran, DPM
Richard Eaton Jones, DPM
Robyn Joseph, DPM
David A. Joseph, DPM
Kevin T. Jules, DPM
John J. Jurcisin, DPM
Jeffrey P. Kadlecik, DPM
Bryan B. Kagan, DPM
Craig Adam Kaiser, DPM
Robert K. Kalmar, DPM
Stewart M. Kamen, DPM
Alvin J. Kanegis, DPM
Mervyn R. Kaplan, DPM
Arthur Jay Kaplan, DPM
Jeffrey A. Kaplan, DPM
Eric M. Kaplan, DPM
Nicholas F. Karoutsos, DPM
June G. Kasminoff, DPM
Jeffrey C. Kass, DPM
Matthew Kassnove, DPM
Harvey L. Katz, DPM
Michael Katz, DPM
Aleksandr Katz, DPM
Corinne Kauderer, DPM
Sean L. Kaufman, DPM
Elisa M. Kavanagh, DPM
Daniel Keating, DPM
Sean E. Keating, DPM
Michael Charles Keller, DPM
Brent Thomas Kempf, DPM
Adam Jon Keslonsky, DPM
Paul A. Kesselman, DPM
Howard N. Kessler, DPM
David Kim, DPM
Stuart E. Kitton, DPM
Adam B. Klein, DPM
Jonathan Michael Klein, DPM
Michael Klein, DPM
Larry Klein, DPM
Jeffrey Klirsfeld, DPM
Jeffrey M. Knobel, DPM
Irwin M. Kofsky, DPM
Mitchell A. Kohan, DPM
Arlene Frances Kohn, DPM
Bryan R. Kolber, DPM
John Joseph Kolberg, DPM
Edward J. Kormylo, DPM
James S. Korponay, DPM
Norbert B. Kosinski, DPM
K. Michael Krajick, DPM
Lynda R. Kreitzer, DPM
Darline K. Kulhan, DPM
Praveen Kumrah, DPM
William A. Lafferty, DPM
Francisco G. Lago, DPM
Katherine M. Lai, DPM
Sandra Laity, DPM
Joseph F. Lalia, DPM
Timothy Gary Lam, DPM
David P. Lambarski, DPM
Todd W. Lamster, DPM
Laurence D. Landau, DPM
Steven Landman, DPM
Mark J. Landsman, DPM
Karen A. Langone, DPM
Sabine E. Larosiliere, DPM
Bruce W. Lashley, DPM
Oleg Latvinsky, DPM
Paul A. Lazar, DPM
Alicia T. Lazzara-Heller, DPM
Allan D. Lee, DPM
Jerome B. Leff, DPM
Stewart I. Leibert, DPM
Mark Lentini, DPM
James P. Lentini, DPM
Stuart B. Leon, DPM
Barbara A. Leon, DPM
James S. Leonard, DPM
Frank Louis Lepore, DPM
Barry S. Lerner, DPM
Steven D. Lerner, DPM
Stanley Leshen, DPM
Todd A. Levenstien, DPM
Ernest S. Levi, DPM
Jay G. Levine, DPM
Suzanne M. Levine, DPM
Stanley Levine, DPM
Debra Levine, DPM
Mark M. Levine, DPM
Leonard Levitan, DPM
Steven J. Levitz, DPM
Brian K. Levy, DPM
Paul J. Levy, DPM
Shauna M. Lewis, DPM
Paul J. Liswood, DPM
Douglas W. Livingston, DPM
Michael Livingston, DPM
Leon B. Livingston, DPM
Chester C. Lo, DPM
Robert M. Locastro, DPM
Mary B. Lodge, DPM
Charles M. Lombardi, DPM
Daniel C. Longo, DPM
Richard E. Loninger, DPM
Steven N. Lopiano, DPM
Michael H. Loshigian, DPM
Susan G. Love, DPM
Jeffrey Lucido, DPM
Lori A. Lundberg, DPM
Scott R. Lurie, DPM
Svetlana Luvish, DPM
Kathleen M. Lynch, DPM
Brian P. Lynn, DPM
Robert Craig Maccabee, DPM
Louis R. MacDonald, DPM
Paul J. Maglione, DPM
David Mahgerefteh, DPM
Walter H. Majak, DPM
Peter J. Mancuso, DPM
John E. Mancuso, DPM
Behrooz Mandanipour, DPM
Joel M. Mandelman, DPM
Debra Beth Manheim, DPM
Joseph A. Manzi, DPM
Kenneth March, DPM
Nicholas A. Marchese, DPM
Jonathan H. Margolin, DPM
Lee Markowitz, DPM
Victor S. Marks, DPM
Stephen N. Marshall, DPM
Bernard Francis Martin, DPM
Jillian Elaine Marville, DPM
John C. Marzano, DPM
Farhan N. Masani, DPM
Anthony H. Mascioli, DPM
Daniel D. Mathews, DPM
Frederick L. Matthews, DPM
Lillian Matthews, DPM
Steven H. Mazer, DPM
Jody P. McAleer, DPM
Michael McAuley, DPM
Robert O. McCabe, DPM
Owen J. McCrudden, DPM
Martin McGrath, DPM
Sean Bryan McGuinness, DPM
Douglas James McKay, DPM
Bruce J. McLaughlin, DPM
Edward F. McLaughlin, DPM
James E. McNerney, Jr., DPM
William J. McShane, DPM
Nicholas Megdanis, DPM
Ernest G. Megdanis, DPM
Kenneth R. Meisler, DPM
Vincent D. Meliso, DPM
Gary D. Menachem, DPM
Steve Menna, DPM
Paul Merkel, DPM
Michael Merletti, DPM
Theodore F. Merletti, DPM
Henry P. Merletti, DPM
John A. Merlino, DPM
Phyllis Nancy Merlino, DPM
Jay Mermelstein, DPM
Steven Mermelstein, DPM
Philip S. Messenger, DPM
Alan M. Meyerberg, DPM
Robert A. Miele, DPM
James Milidantri, DPM
Martin G. Miller, DPM
John P. Miller, DPM
Jeffrey M. Miller, DPM
Vicki J. Miller-Savard, DPM
Christopher M. Minacapilli, DPM
Alexander J. Miraglia, DPM
Marzena Mleczko, DPM
Keith A. Mobilia, DPM
Raymond J. Mollica, DPM
Harry Moloff, DPM
Russell J. Mongiovi, DPM
Richard M. Montag, DPM
Mario Montoni, DPM
Charles Morelli, DPM
Alan Morris, DPM
Marc S. Moser, DPM
Steven E. Moskowitz, DPM
Nancy L. Moskowitz, DPM
Jeffrey S. Muroff, DPM
Elizabeth S. Murphy, DPM
Albert Musella, DPM
Joseph E. Naas, DPM
Lawrence Namm, DPM
Michael A. Napoli, DPM
Paul C. Nasca, DPM
Edgard Nau, DPM
David E. Negron, DPM
Vadim Nekritin, DPM
Gregory B. Nellis, DPM
Alan J. Newmark, DPM
Patricia Nicholas, DPM
Shari L. Nichols, DPM
Joel Lawrence Nichols, DPM
James Fitzgerald Noel, DPM
Thomas M. Novella, DPM
Richard D. Nuccio, DPM
David N. Nussbaum, DPM
Ann Christine Nylund, DPM
John M. O'Hanlon, DPM
David X. O'Mara, DPM
Carrie Zehr O'Neill, DPM
Daniel Ogwo, DPM
Anthony D. Olivieri, DPM
Roy Konrad Olsen, DPM
John Joseph Oricchio, DPM
Gary D. Oringer, DPM
Christopher A. Orlando, DPM
Robert M. Oropall, DPM
Anthony L. Orsini, DPM
Bettricia A. Otto, DPM
John F. Pace, DPM
George N. Pace, DPM
Scott M. Pace, DPM
Adriana M. Pace, DPM
Vincent D. Pacella, DPM
Allen Packer, DPM
Lincoln E. Page, DPM
Felix R. Palmeri, DPM
Philip M. Palmeri, DPM
Maurice A. Palucci, DPM
Tejas R. Pandya, DPM
Philip M. Papa, DPM
Robert Parajon, DPM
Ruthann Parise, DPM
Daniel S. Park, DPM
Jeffrey A. Parker, DPM
Charles J. Passet, DPM
Arthur L. Passik, DPM
Mital B. Patel, DPM
Michael Paulmeno, DPM
Samuel B. Pearlstein, DPM
Bruce A. Peckage, DPM
Robert B. Peel, DPM
Howard A. Penn, DPM
Michael C. Percenti, DPM
David Michael Perelstein, DPM
Walter Hernan Perez, DPM
Frank B. Perillo, DPM
Joseph T. Perillo, DPM
Joseph K. Perillo, DPM
Michael Perlstein, DPM
John V. Pesello, DPM
Eric Peters, DPM
Natalia O. Peters, DPM
Christine M. Peterson, DPM
Donald T. Peterson, DPM
Robert C. Philips, DPM
Michael C. Piccarelli, DPM
Robert N. Piccora, DPM
Thomas Pieklo, DPM
William S. Pierce, DPM
Massimo Pietrantoni, DPM
Michael A. Pliskin, DPM
Carla Jean Porter, DPM
Rock G. Positano, DPM
Mark Post, DPM
Harold D. Poster, DPM
Sanford Clay Proner, DPM
Jay M. Purvin, DPM
Kathleen M. Pyatak-Hugar, DPM
Kerry Eileen Quinn, DPM
Brian P. Quinn, DPM
Glenn S. Quittell, DPM
Payman Rabiei, DPM
Paul Rabito, DPM
Bruce Louis Radler, DPM
Samuel B. Rameas, DPM
Lenny Ramirez, DPM
Robert D. Rampino, DPM
Sherry M. Ransom, DPM
Simon Raskin, DPM
Stephen B. Ravitz, DPM
Marjorie Ravitz, DPM
Brian M. Reade, DPM
Guy A. Reale, DPM
Jerome E. Reeves, DPM
Howard J. Reifer, DPM
Andrew R. Resler, DPM
Cindy D. Resnick, DPM
Martin M. Resnick, DPM
Susan M. Rice, DPM
Drew A. Richman, DPM
Paul S. Richman, DPM
Tara S. Richman, DPM
Frank T. Rinaldi, DPM
Douglas A. Ring, DPM
Howard W. Ritchlin, DPM
Peter Riznyk, DPM
Vito J. Rizzo, DPM
David G. Robbins, DPM
Gregg D. Rock, DPM
Bruce M. Rodin, DPM
Shannon Roesch, DPM
Roberto M. Romaine, DPM
Constance Romano, DPM
Jennifer M. Romeyk, DPM
Paul Rosen, DPM
Barry J. Rosen, DPM
Jay R. Rosenberg, DPM
Herman Rosenberg, DPM
Edwin J. Rosenblatt, DPM
Sean D. Rosenblum, DPM
Stewart L. Rosensky, DPM
Bernard Rosenstein, DPM
Elliott Rosensweet, DPM
David P. Rosenzweig, DPM
Christopher Ross, DPM
Deborah Sue Ross, DPM
Robin C. Ross, DPM
David L. Rossman, DPM
Tomasz Rostkowski, DPM
Fabienne Rottenberg, DPM
Todd Rotwein, DPM
Chad R. Rounds, DPM
James B. Roush, DPM
Nancy G. Rozran, DPM
Ralph Rubino, DPM
Robert J. Rudewicz, DPM
Bruce Rudin, DPM
Samuel F. Ruggiero, DPM
Frank D. Russo, DPM
Robert A. Russo, DPM
Michael Rynn, DPM
Manoj Sadhnani, DPM
Alan J. Sandler, DPM
David J. Sands, DPM
Lawrence A. Santi, DPM
Anthony Sanzone, DPM
Gary S. Saphire, DPM
Gerard C. Saponara, DPM
William J. Sarchino, DPM
Stacey A. Sarmiento, DPM
Myles M. Savitt, DPM
Richard L. Sawicki, DPM
David Mark Scheiner, DPM
Martin R. Scherr, DPM
Mark M. Schilansky, DPM
John J. Schilling, DPM
Suzanne M. Schimenti, DPM
David J. Schlam, DPM
Jeffrey K. Schleger, DPM
Michael A. Schmierer, DPM
Herbert C. Schmirer, DPM
Eileen Schnaue-Constantouris, DPM
Barry J. Schoenberg, DPM
Steven A. Scholl, DPM
Michael A. Schumacher, DPM
Norman S. Schumann, DPM
Caren Schumer, DPM
Lauren Alyssa Schwartz, DPM
Joseph A. Sciandra, DPM
Richard L. Scott, DPM
Aniello Scotti, Jr., DPM
Louis Scotti, DPM
Michael Scotto, DPM
Floyd W. Sears, DPM
Joyce M. Senick, DPM
Lisa O. Shah, DPM
Richard M. Shankman, DPM
Andrew Shapiro, DPM
Howard R. Shapiro, DPM
Aditi J. Shastri, DPM
Dennis Shavelson, DPM
Timothy Sheahan, DPM
David Z. Shechter, DPM
Stuart B. Shechter, DPM
Alan M. Sheinman, DPM
Paul Z. Sheremeta, DPM
Gary Sherman, DPM
Steven B. Shindler, DPM
Allen M. Shuman, DPM
Aaron J. Siebeneck, DPM
Claudia Siegel, DPM
Mitchell J. Siegel, DPM
Audra R. Siegel, DPM
Alison D. Silhanek, DPM
Larry Mark Silver, DPM
Lawrence M. Silverberg, DPM
Mario G. Silvestri, DPM
Robert H. Simmonds, DPM
Lewis J. Sims, DPM
Robert H. Singer, DPM
Pearce Sloan, DPM
Peter Smith, DPM
Daniel T. Smith, DPM
Arden Smith, DPM
Mary Ellen Smoolca, DPM
Pedro Smukler, DPM
Robert S. Snyder, DPM
Ronald L. Soave, DPM
Irene I. Soika, DPM
Dorene Soo-Hoo, DPM
Robert W. Specker, DPM
Donald Spector, DPM
Dean S. Spellman, DPM
William Spielfogel, DPM
Harlan B. Spindler, DPM
Frank A. Spinosa, DPM
Joel L. Spivack, DPM
David B. Stamm, DPM
Karen Ann Stanley, DPM
Jefferey H. Stark, DPM
Robert A. Stein, DPM
Mitchell L. Steinberg, DPM
Joseph G. Steiner, DPM
Arthur N. Steinhart, DPM
Mark M. Stempler, DPM
Berdj Stepanian, DPM
Leon Stepensky, DPM
Stuart M. Stern, DPM
Sharone Stern, DPM
Todd R. Stewart, DPM
Kendall B. Stewart, DPM
Gary F. Stones, DPM
Harvey Strauss, DPM
Emilia Strogov, DPM
Joseph C. Stuto, DPM
Jonathan Sumber, DPM
Florence G. Summers, DPM
Jacqueline M. Sutera, DPM
Alan J. Tabb, DPM
James H. Tachibana, DPM
Louis J. Tallo, DPM
Joseph S. Tamburrino, DPM
James P. Tardi, DPM
Gideon Tarrash, DPM
Ira M. Tartack, DPM
Matthew J. Tavroff, DPM
Daniel E. Tellem, DPM
Gina A. Teresi, DPM
Michael G. Thompson, DPM
Thomas J. Thurber, DPM
Charles M. Thurber, DPM
Nicholas Tiberia, DPM
Tracey G. Toback, DPM
Clifford Jay Toback, DPM
Jeffrey A. Todd, DPM
Jaime R. Torres, DPM
George C. Trachtenberg, DPM
Russell F. Trahan, DPM
Michael J. Trepal, DPM
John R. Trinidad, DPM
Maryann Zoe Trivlis, DPM
Spyros Tsoumpariotis, DPM
John Tsouris, DPM
Andrew J. Tubiolo, DPM
Anthony T. Tuccio, DPM
Mark J. Tuccio, DPM
Douglas F. Tumen, DPM
Michael L. Tumen, DPM
John E. Turano, DPM
Angelo Turturro, DPM
Elliot T. Udell, DPM
Leslie M. Unger, DPM
Bonnie Vader, DPM
John S. Valente, DPM
D. Joel Valentini, DPM
Angela Varlotta, DPM
George Vasiliadis, DPM
Alina Vasilyeva-Rozinger, DPM
Jude Samuel Violante, DPM
John B. Viscovich, DPM
Melinda E. Viscusi, DPM
Ronald J. Volino, DPM
David Paul Vona, DPM
Victoria Ann Vovchik, DPM
Samuel M. Waiss, DPM
Marc M. Waldman, DPM
Eric G. Walter, DPM
Patricia Warski, DPM
Bruce E. Waxman, DPM
John J. Weber, Jr., DPM
Elizabeth Jane Weber-Levi, DPM
Wilbur Weinberger, DPM
Glenn D. Weinfeld, DPM
Darren J. Weinheimer, DPM
Debra Dale Weinstock, DPM
Mark R. Weinstock, DPM
Elizabeth C. Weintraub, DPM
Aaron Weisbrot, DPM
Lori S. Weisenfeld, DPM
Joseph J. Weisenfeld, DPM
Glenn B. Weiss, DPM
Mark H. Wells, DPM
Ronald M. Werter, DPM
Jason T. White, DPM
Scott E. Whitman, DPM
Scott M. Whitney, DPM
Clifford R. Wigdor, DPM
Andrew S. Wilantewicz, DPM
Debra Jean Williams, DPM
Dennis G. Winiecki, DPM
Darren A. Winkler, DPM
Wayne Lester Winston, DPM
Eugene H. Winter, DPM
Michael L. Wodka, DPM
Edwin W. Wolf, DPM
Charles J. Wolff, DPM
Jeffrey G. Wolfson, DPM
Howard M. Wolhandler, DPM
Peter D. Wolstein, DPM
Lewis Wolstein, DPM
Robert T. Woltman, DPM
Jennifer F. Wool, DPM
Susan Marie Wright, DPM
Johanna Shira Youner, DPM
Wendy R. Young, DPM
Simon Young, DPM
Song Ki Yu, DPM
Sau Ping Yu, DPM
Ramin Zaghi, DPM
Roy L. Zagon, DPM
Howard Zaiff, DPM
Robert Zane, DPM
Bruce A. Zappia, DPM
John L. Zboinski, DPM
Jian Zhang, DPM
John J. Zisa, DPM
Robert D. Zucker, DPM